
***15.08.2012. PEC statement - PEC condemns all attacks against media in Syria (Arabic below)

Geneva, August 15 (PEC) -- The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls on all warring parties in Syria to protect the lives of journalists and to spare them from attacks and kidnapping, and calls for the immediate release of all abducted journalists. According to the PEC data base, at least 25 journalists were killed since January in Syria. Syria has become as dangerous for media workers as Iraq during the period between 2003 to 2006.
The PEC condemns all attacks against Syrian and foreign journalists either by government or anti-government forces. Recent attacks shows that the conflict has further deteriorated in a civil war of a number of parties with many uncontrolled factions and a new phenomenon: kidnapping. 

Ali Abbas, head of the Interior in the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), was assassinated at his home last Saturday.

Pan-Arab satellite news channel Al-Arabiya television said that Bara'a Yusuf al-Bushi, a Syrian national and army defector who worked with the station and several other international news organizations, was killed in a bomb attack while covering a story in al-Tal.

The PEC is also gravely concerned by the fate of a Syrian TV news crew kidnapped while covering clashes between the Syrian army and armed groups in the suburbs of Damascus. Reporter Yarah Saleh, cameraman Abboud Tabarah, his assistant Hatem Abu Yehiah and driver Housam Imad were accompanying an army unit when armed men attacked the army vehicle and kidnapped the crew.

Media installations are civilian buildings and must not be attacked, said the PEC. Last week a bomb exploded in the Syrian state television building and lead to the injury of several employees.

Al Alam representative in Homs and another journalist in the city of Aleppo were also kidnapped in recent days.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), and the Islamist group al-Nosra which claimed to have kidnapped him, the state TV presenter Mohammad Sayeed who was abducted from his Damascus home on 19 July, had been killed.

At least 8 foreign journalists were wounded in Aleppo when witnessing the fighting in the city last month.

Ongoing tragic events in Syria take place ahead of contacts in the UN General Assembly in New York and at the Human Rights Council in Geneva to find ways and means to improve the protection of journalists in dangerous situations.

The PEC expresses it's hope that those efforts will unfold quickly in concrete steps to protect journalists.

The perpetrators of the ongoing attacks must not go unpunished.

more info on our page: PRESS

حملة الشارة تدين الاعتداءات ضد الصحفيين في سوريا

جنيف ١٥ اغسطس (حملة الشارة) -- طالبت حملة الشارة الدولية لحماية الصحفي و مقرها جنيف كل الأطراف المتحاربة في سوريا بوقف الاعتداءات ضد الصحفيين و عدم التعرض لهم في هجمات تؤدي الى اختطافهم و تطالب بالإفراج الفوري عن كافة المختطفين من الصحفيين.

و طبقاً لمراقبة الحملة للأحداث الدموية في سوريا فان ٢٥ صحفيا و صحفية قد قتلوا في سوريا منذ يناير. فأصبحت سوريا من اكثر المناطق خطورة للعمل الصحفي بما يشبه الوضع الخطر في العراق في الفترة من ٢٠٠٣ إلى ٢٠٠٦.

و قالت الحملة الدولية، في بيانها اليوم، أنها تدين كل الهجمات ضد كل الصحفيين بما فيهم الصحفيين الأجانب. و اظهرت الهجمات الاخيرة ضد الصحفيين أن النزاع يتجه إلى حرب أهلية من قبل اطراف تقاوم النظام الحالي في سوريا.

من بين الأعداد الكبيرة من الضحايا من الصحفيين الحكوميين و غير الحكوميين فقد قتل مسئول كبير في وكالة الأنباء السورية (سانا) يوم السبت الماضي في منزله.

و قتل اخر يعمل مع قناة العربية في انفجار قنبلة، و اختفى فريق التليفزيون السوري الذي خلال تغطية أحداث القتال في ضواحي دمشق.

و تطالب الحملة الدولية بعدم تعريض المنشئات الإعلامية و الصحفية للقصف بعدما انفجرت قنبلة في مبنى التليفزيون السوري و أدى ذلك الى إصابة العديد من الاشخاص.

و طبقا للأنباء الواردة فقد تم اختطاف ممثل العالم في حمص و صحفي اخر في حلب و تمت عمليتي الاختطاف من منزلهما.

و ذكرت الجهة التي أعلنت مسؤوليتها عن الاختطاف -جماعة النصرة- ان مذيع التليفزيون السوري محمد سعيد الذي اختطف من منزله في دمشق يوم ١٩ يوليو، قد قتل.

كما أصيب ثمانية من الصحفيين الأجانب و هم يغطون أحداث القتال في حلب في الشهر الماضي.

و تأتي هذه الاحداث الدموية في سوريا قبيل اتصالات تجري على صعيد الجمعية العامة في نيويورك في مطلع شهر سبتمبر القادم و في مجلس حقوق الانسان من اجل توفير حماية افضل للصحفيين في الحالات الخطرة.

و تعرب الحملة الدولية عن أملها في ان تسفر هذه الجهود عن خطوات ملموسة قريبا لحماية الصحفيين .

اكدت الحملة الدولية أن التدابير الدولية المقبلة لحماية الصحفيين يجب أن تنص على أن مرتكبي هذه الجرائم ضد الصحفيين يجب ألا يفلتوا من المحاكمة و العقاب. (النهاية). 


The egyptian journalist here at the iconic Libyan activist Omar al-Mokhtar’s memorial in Libya while covering the 2011 uprising in the country. Shaimaa Adel was detained two weeks in Khartoum while covering the unrest in Sudan.

Cairo (PEC, July 16) The President of the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) Hedayat Abdelnabi praised the efforts of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi that led to the release of the detained Egyptian journalist Shaimaa Adel in Khartoum, Sudan.

She added in a press statement today delivered in Cairo that the decision of the President to escort Shaimaa to Cairo on board of the presidential airliner underlines the president’s respect for the media and its role, also his respect for the Egyptians.

By so doing, Abdelnabi said he placed Shaimaa in the same category of leading members of the Egyptian state.

The safe return of Shaimaa with the President of Egypt, she said, opens a new chapter in relations between the media and the state placing the media in its well-deserved place.

She also praised the silent and effective diplomacy played by the Chair of the Syndicate of journalists Mamdouh El Wali who worked in silence without responding to critics. 

Egyptian journalist Shaimaa Adel, freed from a Sudan jail earlier Monday, arrived in Addis Ababa the same morning, and was received by President Mohamed Morsi, and took breakfast with him, chatting amicably during the meeting.

The freed journalist arrived in Ethiopia aboard a private jet which took her from Khartoum in the Sudan, after Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir decided to release her following talks yesterday with President Mohamed Morsi on the sidelines of the African summit.

Sudanese and foreign journalists targeted

Adel covered the protests that erupted in the Arab World, first for Al-Masry Al-Youm then for Al-Watan newspaper.

She was arrested for covering the wave of protests which started in Sudan last month. The protests which had started on June 16 in Khartoum University were sparked by the austerity measures announced by the government.

They then spread over the next few days to other parts of the country and the demands grew to reach calls for the ouster of General Omar Hassan Al-Bashir who has been ruling the country since 1989.

The protests were met with a violent security crackdown which targeted Sudanese and foreign journalists.

The arrest of Egyptian journalist Shaimaa Adel in Sudan makes her the second Egyptian journalist to be arrested while covering the most recent wave of protests in the country.

Last June, Salma Al-Wardany, who worked for Bloomberg news service, was also arrested in Sudan. After her release, she was deported from Sudan.


FYI, on the occasion of the General debate on Item 8 of the HRC agenda - Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action – Austria made a statement on behalf of a cross-regional group of 57 States in which they strongly condemned all human rights violations against journalists and stressed that more needs to be done to prevent future human rights violations against journalists. The 56 highlighted the need for swift and independent investigations in accordance with international standards into any allegations of violations. Although they asserted that, at this moment, there is no need for the development of new standards or mechanisms, they affirmed their commitment for the strengthening of the existing ones. This initiative, which follows the PEC statements made at the 19th session and the 20th session of the HRC, offers an opportunity to keep the issue of the protection of journalists on the table of the Human Rights Council (PEC)

Statement delivered by the Austrian Ambassador to the UN:

Item 8 – General Debate

Joint Statement on the Safety of Journalists

"Md. President,

I have the honor to address the Human Rights Council on behalf of:

Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Maldives, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay

Md. President,

Journalists play a special role in society as providers of information on matters of public interest. To preserve the important role of journalists is in the interest of the society as a whole. To guarantee their safety is inextricably linked to the universal, inalienable right to freedom of expression and press freedom. Measures to limit the freedom of expression and press freedom can only be taken in strict accordance with human rights instruments.

Journalists are entitled to the same rights as any other person. Nevertheless, the exercise of their work often puts them at specific risk of intimidation, legal and physical harassment and violence. This requires our attention. We strongly condemn all human rights violations against journalists. We welcome, in this respect, the specific focus taken by two Special Rapporteurs in their reports to this Council session on the issue of safety of journalists.

Each state needs to ensure a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without any interference. This applies in conflict as well as in times of peace. At the same time, this should not be interpreted as imposing any disproportionate burden on the authorities. There is a growing threat to the safety of journalists posed by non-state actors, such as terrorist groups and criminal organizations.

Md. President,

Impunity for those responsible for human rights violations against journalists constitutes one of the biggest obstacles to the safety of journalists. There need to be swift and independent investigations in accordance with international standards into any allegations of violations. Perpetrators must be held accountable. Ending impunity would be a very effective measure to guarantee the safety of journalists in the long term. There are valuable best practices from different countries and regions on how to better address the issue of impunity. There is also an important role of the UN human rights mechanisms to provide technical support and assistance to end impunity.

More needs to be done to prevent future human rights violations against journalists. The sharing of best practices and lessons learned on the safety of journalists, taking into account lessons learned in the area of Human Rights Defenders, as well as training and awareness-raising for security services and journalists themselves can contribute to prevent future violations. At the international level there is a need to ensure better coordination and cooperation. Important work is already being undertaken by UNESCO and the OHCHR, as well as the ICRC in this respect. In addition, existing professional standards and ethics developed by journalists are designed to guide them in their work. To take a gender-based approach is important in the context of the safety of journalists.

Md. President,

In conclusion, we believe that the Human Rights Council has to play an important role in the context of ensuring the safety of journalists. There is at this moment no need for the development of new standards. We have to ensure better implementation of existing ones. There is also no need for new mechanisms. Existing ones have to be strengthened. We are committed to work towards this end.

I thank you!"

***03.07.2012. PEC PRESS RELEASE. PEC reports an increase of 33 percent in the number of journalists killed in 6 months (English, French, Spanish and Arabic versions below)

(For the list of casualties, see our page TICKING CLOCK)

PEC reports an increase of 33 percent in the number of journalists killed in 6 months

Geneva, 2 July 2012 (PEC)
– According to the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) report 72 journalists were killed from January to end of June 2012 in 21 countries. This figure represents a 33 percent increase in the number of journalists killed as compared to the same period in 2011.

This increase is clearly linked to the intensification of internal conflicts. Countries witnessing conflicts are ahead:
Syria with a tally of 20 journalists killed during the reporting period followed by Mexico 8, Somalia 6 and Pakistan 6.

PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen noted that the problem of access to reporting has increased since the beginning of the year. In Syria, he added, the authorities have managed to block the world from knowing the unfolding events and the massive violations of human rights and humanitarian with independent testimonies on the ground.
If this continues, said Lempen, the year 2012 will witness a record high in the number of journalists killed.

The PEC, he said, joins all calls to put an end to the current violence in Syria.

PEC President Hedayat Abdelnabi noted that the road ahead is that for the rule of law which will allow that perpetrators of crimes against journalists will be brought to trial.

In Sudan an Egyptian woman journalist was detained and then released while covering the unrest there, Abdelnabi said that such conduct from authorities in place urges that countries in constitutional transition in the crescent of the Arab Spring include clauses in their new constitution to defend women in dangerous professions against sexual harassment or assault.
According to the PEC,
Brazil ranks 5th as a country of extreme danger for media coverage where 6 journalists were killed, Honduras follows (4), Philippines (4), Nigeria (3), Bolivia (2) and India (2). One journalist was killed in each of the following countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Colombia, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Nepal, Uganda, Panama and Thailand.

Latin America concentrated the biggest number of casualties (23), then the Middle East (22), Asia (17) and Africa (10)

In comparison 54 journalists were killed in the first 6 months of 2011 and 107 during the course of last year.
The PEC is gratified for the publication of two reports in June concerning the global problem for the protection of journalists, one presented by the UN Special Rapporteur for Summary Executions, Christof Heyns, and the other by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression frank La Rue, both presented to the Human Rights Council.

The Geneva based NOG, PEC, calls upon the Human rights Council to implement the recommendations of both reports.

Hausse de 33% du nombre de journalistes tués en six mois

Genève, 2 juillet 2012 (PEC)
Le nombre de journalistes tués a augmenté de près de 33% au cours des six premiers mois de 2012, par rapport à la même période de 2011. Depuis janvier, 72 journalistes ont été tués dans 21 pays, selon le bilan semestriel de la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC).

Cette augmentation est clairement liée à l’intensification de conflits internes. Quatre pays qui connaissent une période de conflit concentrent plus de la moitié des victimes: la Syrie vient en tête avec 20 journalistes professionnels et non professionnels tués en six mois, devant le
Mexique (8), la Somalie (6) et le Pakistan (6).

"Le problème de l'accès des médias aux zones de conflit s'est posé à nouveau de manière aigue depuis le début de l'année. En Syrie, les autorités ont tout fait pour empêcher que le monde extérieur soit directement témoin des violations massives du droit humanitaire et des droits de l'homme", a affirmé le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

"Si cette tendance se poursuit, l'année 2012 battra un nouveau record dramatique", a-t-il ajouté. La PEC joint sa voix à tous ceux qui exigent un arrêt immédiat des violences en Syrie.

La présidente de la PEC Hedayat Abdelnabi a appelé au respect de l'Etat de droit et au jugement des responsables des crimes commis contre les journalistes.

Dénonçant le fait qu'au Soudan une journaliste égyptienne ait été détenue, puis libérée lors de la couverture de manifestations dans ce pays, Abdelnabi a affirmé que de tels agissements de la part des autorités doivent pousser les pays en transition dans le cadre du "Printemps arabe" à introduire des dispositions dans leur constitution
sur la défense des femmes contre les attaques de nature sexuelle.

Au 5e rang des pays les plus dangereux se trouve le
Brésil (6 tués), devant le Honduras (4) et les Philippines (4). Suit le Nigéria avec 3 tués, la Bolivie (2) et l'Inde (2).

Un journaliste a été tué dans chacun des pays suivants:
Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Colombie, Haïti, Indonésie, Irak, Népal, Ouganda, Panama et Thaïlande.

Par région, l'Amérique latine arrive en tête avec 23 victimes, devant le Moyen-Orient (22), l'Asie (17) et l'Afrique (10).

Comparativement, selon les mêmes critères, 54 journalistes avaient été tués au cours des six premiers mois de 2011, et 107 sur toute l'année.

La PEC se félicite de la publication en juin par l'ONU de deux rapports sur la protection des journalistes, l'un du rapporteur pour les exécutions sommaires Christof Heyns et l'autre du rapporteur sur la liberté d'expression Frank La Rue. L'ONG appelle le Conseil des droits de l'homme à suivre leurs recommandations. 

PEC denuncia un incremento de 33 por ciento de periodistas asesinados en seis meses
Ginebra, 2 de julio del 2012 (PEC)
– Según el reporte de Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) 72 periodistas fueron asesinados de enero a junio 2012 in 21 países. Este dato representa un incremento del 33 por ciento del número de periodistas víctimas comparado con el mismo período del 2011.

Este aumento es claramente el resultado de la intensificación de los conflictos internos.
Países en conflicto son los que lideran la lista en el lapso indicado:
Siria con 20 periodistas asesinados, seguido de México con 8, Somalia 6 y Pakistán también con 6.
El Secretario General de PEC Blaise Lempen señala que el problema de acceso a la información ha empeorado desde principios de año. En Siria, las autoridades han llegado a bloquear los acontecimientos y la información a todo el mundo, sobre las violaciones masivas de derechos humanos reportados por testimonios independientes en el terreno.
Si la situación persiste, añadió Lampen, el año 2012 verá un record sin precedentes en el número de periodistas asesinados. Dijo además, que PEC se unía al llamado para poner fin a la violencia en Siria.
La Presidenta de PEC Hedayat Abdelnabi señaló que el camino a seguir es el prescrito en la norma internacional, para llevar a los asesinos de periodistas ante la justicia.
En Sudán, una periodista egipcia fue detenida por cuvrir eventos relacionados con la crisis de ese país. Abdelnabi dijo además, que esa conducta de las autoridades urge a que los países en transición política en el contexto de la "primavera árabe", incluyan cláusulas en sus nuevas constituciones para defender a mujeres en profesiones sensibles contra abusos sexuales y asaltos. 

De acuerdo con PEC,
Brasil ocupa el quinto lugar como país peligroso para profesionales de medias, con seis periodistas asesinados, Honduras 4, Filipinas 4, Nigeria 3, Bolivia 2, e India 2. Un periodista fue víctima fatal en cada uno de los siguientes países: Afganistán, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Colombia, Haití, Indonesia, Irak, Nepal, Uganda, Panamá, y Tailandia.
Latinoamérica concentra el mayor número de víctimas, 23, luego está Oriente Medio con 22, Asia con 17 y Africa 10.
En comparación, 54 periodistas fueron asesinados en los primeros 6 meses del 2011 y 107 a lo largo de todo ese año.
PEC saluda la publicación de dos reportes en junio concerniendo el problema global sobre la protección de periodistas; uno presentado por el Reportero Especial de las Naciones Unidas para ejecuciones sumarias, Christof Heyns, y el otro, por el Reportero Especial de Naciones Unidas sobre libertad de expresión Frank La Rue, los dos presentados antes el Consejo de Derechos Humanos.
PEC, ONG radicada en Ginebra, hace un llamado al Consejo de Derechos Humanos para implementar las recomendaciones de los dos reportes. 

تقرير حملة الشارة: ارتفاع عدد القتلى بين الصحفيين بنسبة 33 بالمائة في ستة أشهر

جنيف 2 يوليو (حملة الشارة) – اعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية أن 72 صحفياً و صحفية قد قتلوا في الأشهر الستة الماضية بزيادة 33 بالمائة عن نفس الفترة من العام الماضي.

و قالت الحملة، في تقريرها الربع سنوي الصادر اليوم، أن ارتفاع عدد القتلى يعود إلى حدة النزاعات الداخلية المسلحة، و سوريا التي تشهد نزاعاً شرساً تأتي في المقدمة بمقتل 20 من الصحفيين تليها المكسيك 8 و الصومال 6 و باكستان 6.

و صرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن عملية التغطية الإعلامية قد ازدادت صعوبة في كل النزاعات ففي سوريا على سبيل المثال قامت السلطات السورية بفصل الأحداث عن العالم الخارجي لتغطية الانتهاكات الجسيمة لحقوق الإنسان و القانون الإنساني الدولي. 

و أضاف ليمبان أنه أذا استمر الحال على ما هو عليه فإن هذه السنة سوف تشهد رقماً غير مسبوق في عدد الصحفيين القتلى، مشيراً إلى أن حملة الشارة تضم صوتها إلى الآخرين الذين ينادون بوقف نزيف الدم في سوريا. 

قالت رئيسة حملة الشارة الدولية هدايت عبد النبي أن التحدي أمامنا هو سيادة القانون حتى يمكن تقديم مرتكبي هذه الجرائم ضد الصحفيين إلى العدالة.

و طالبت الدول التي تمر بمرحلة انتقالية نحو كتابة دساتير جديدة في اطار التحول الكبير بسبب ثورات الربيع العربي أن يعملوا على حماية المرأة الصحفية حين تقوم بعملها في مناطق خطره أو في مناطق التوتر الداخلي كما حدث مؤخراً باعتقال صحفية مصرية في أحداث السودان. 

طبقاً لحملة الشارة الدولية فإن البرازيل تأتي في المرتبة الخامسة من حيث خطورة العمل الصحفي بمقتل 6 صحفيين، ثم هندوراس 4، الفلبين 4، نيجيريا 3، بوليفيا 2، و الهند 2.

و قتل صحفي واحد في كل من أفغانستان، البحرين، بنجلاديش، كولومبيا، هايتي، إندونيسيا، العراق، نيبال، أوغندا، بنما، و تايلاند.

تركزت الأرقام الكبرى من الضحايا في أمريكا اللاتينية بمقتل 23 ثم الشرق الأوسط 22، فآسيا 17، فإفريقيا 10. 

و بالمقارنة قتل في العام الماضي 54 صحفياً و صحفية في الأشهر الستة الأولى من العام و 107 بنهاية 2011.

و أعربت حملة الشارة عن رضائها بالتقريرين اللذين قدما إلى مجلس حقوق الإنسان من قبل المقرر الخاص للقتل العشوائي كريستوف هاينز و الأخر للمقرر الخاص حول حرية الرأي و التعبير فرانك لارو و كلاهما يطالبان بتوفير حماية أكبر للصحفيين.

 و من ثم تطالب حملة الشارة مجلس حقوق الإنسان بأخذ التقريرين مأخذ الجد بتطبيق التوصيات الواردة في كل منهما.

لمزيد من التفاصيل حول قائمة الضحايا من الصحفيين قم بزيارة موقع الحملة

***03.07.2012. Human Rights Council. 20th session. Item 8. PEC oral statement delivered by the PEC UN Representative Gianfranco Fattorini 

General Assembly
Human Rights Council
20th session

Item 8 - Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

General debate

Madame President,

The World Conference on Human Rights while recommending that priority be given to national and international action to promote democracy, development and human rights, it suggested that a special emphasis should be given to measures, among others, to assist in the strengthening of a pluralistic civil society, the promotion of freedom of expression and to the real and effective participation of the people in the decision-making processes (par. 66 – 67).

Of course, the traditional and new media play an essential role in the dissemination of a pluralistic perception of the reality those giving the possibility of a critical understanding of the events that occur and the challenges the society has to face. This role becomes even more important when a country goes through a troubled period which may lead to internal strife or civil war. An even more important role is played by media during a conflict.

The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action encouraged the increased involvement of the media, for whom freedom and protection should be guaranteed (par. 39).

We note that the issue here is not to defend a concept, the World Conference called for the physical protection of a specific group of persons working, professionally or not, in a clearly defined activity.

In this context, the PEC does not consider useful to engage in the definition of a new concept like “crime against democracy” which will undoubtedly embark the international community in a never ending philosophical dispute.

The PEC believes that the international community should take the adequate measures to effectively and universally guarantee the freedom and protection of all media workers, professional and non professional, provided they respect some professional principles, like those contained in the Charter of Munich of 1971.

I thank you, Madame President.

3rd July 2012

FYI, Charter of Munich:

Declaration of the journalists' duties and rights


The right to information, to freedom of expression and criticism is one of the fundamental rights of all human beings. This right of the public to know the facts and opinions derives from the entire duties and rights of the journalists. The journalists' responsibility towards the public opinion is superior to all other responsibilities, in particular towards their employers and the public authorities.
The informative mission necessarily contains the limits which the journalists impose upon themselves spontaneously. Thus the object of the declaration of the duties is hereby formulated.
These duties can only be respected throughout the journalistic profession if the practical conditions of independence and professional dignity are realized. Thus is the purpose of the declaration of rights which follows.

Declaration of duties

The essential duties of the journalists in the research, writing and commentary of events are:

[1] the respect of the truth, whatever the consequences maybe for himself or herself, within what is allowed to be known by the public following the law;

[2] the defense of the freedom of information, of commentary and of critique;

[3] to only publish information from a known origin or if necessary to join the required reservations; to not remove essential information and to not alter the texts and documents;

[4] to not use unfair methods to obtain information, photos and documents;

[5] to require respect of individuals´ privacy

[6] to modify any information published that is shown to be incorrect

[7] to maintain the professional discretion and not reveal the source of information obtained confidentially;

[8] to forbid oneself of plagiarism, slander, libel, unfounded accusations as well as from receiving any form of advantages due to the publication or suppression of information;

[9] never to confuse the profession of journalist with that of the publicist or propagandist; never to accept direct or indirect orders from advertisers;

[10] to refuse whatever pressure and to only accept editorial directives from the persons in charge of the editing;

All journalists worthy of practicing must make it their duty to strictly follow the principles listed above; recognizing the current laws in force in each country, the journalist, in terms of professional honor, only accepts the jurisdiction of his pairs, with the exception of any governmental interference or other.

Declaration of rights

[1] The journalists claim the free access to all sources of information and the right to inquire freely upon all facts which conditions the public sphere. The secret of public or private affairs can in no case be opposed to the journalist with the occasional exception by virtue of clearly expressed grounds.

[2] The journalist has the right to refuse all subordination which is contrary to the general strategy of his company, following the way this strategy is determined in writing in his work contract, as well as any subordination which is not clearly implicated within this general strategy.
[3] The journalist can not be forced to accomplish a professional act or to express an opinion which is contrary to his convictions or his conscience.

[4] The editorial team must be informed of all the important decisions which, by nature, could affect the company’s organization.
The editorial team must be consulted before any definite decision should be taken related to the composition of the editorial office: recruitment, redundancy, transfer and promotion of a journalist.

[5] Considering his function and responsibilities, the journalist has the right not only to benefit from the collective convention, but also to a personal contract which guarantees his material and moral security as well as an income in relation to his social role and sufficient to guarantee his economic independence.

***28.06.2012. Oral Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) at the 20th session of the Human Rights Council

General Assembly
Human Rights Council
20th session

Item 4 -   Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention
General debate

Madame President,

The PEC statistics of professional or non-professional journalists killed in 2012 as of today show that, with 72 victims, there is an increase of almost 50% compared to the number identified last year for the same period. Journalists are particularly targeted in Brazil (6), Mexico (8), Pakistan (6) and Somalia (6), but, of course, Syria is the place where journalists have paid the highest price in terms of lost lives, with 20 victims out of the total 72.

The last abject attack on journalists took place yesterday at the headquarters of the pro-government Syrian TV station Al-Ikhbariya where seven employees were killed, while others were kidnapped.

While welcoming the pledge of the Syrian government to ensure freedom of movement throughout the country and the fact that the Syrian authorities gave visas to 114 journalists, the PEC firmly condemn the intentional and targeted attacks on journalists from any part to the conflict. PEC also deplores the lack of protection offered to the media workers by the Syrian authorities, at least when working in their headquarters.

The PEC is also deeply concerned by the arbitrary arrests and detention, physical attacks and raids of the journalists’ offices by the security personnel of Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and the de-facto authorities in Gaza, as described by Mr. La Rue in his report

As stated by Mr. Heyns
[2], journalists deserve special concern because the social role they play is so important and an attack on a journalist represents an assault on the foundations of the human rights project and on informed society as a whole. That’s why the Press Emblem Campaign calls on the Council’s members to take a strong and effective initiative for the protection of journalists.

I thank you, Madame President.

28th June 2012

 A/HRC/20/17/Add.2 – par. 66[2] A/HRC20/22 – par. 2

***19.06.2012. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes 2 major UN reports on protection of journalists delivered at the Human Rights Council: Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns and Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Frank La Rue

From left to right: Christof Heyns, Frank La Rue, Austrian Ambassador Christian Strohal, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic, UNESCO Chief of Section Sylvie Coudray working together for better protection of journalists in Geneva, Palais des Nations, 20 June 2012, 20th session of the Human Rights Council (photo PEC) - see press reports on our page PRESS 

Read below the statement delivered by the PEC at the Human Rights Council

Report of Christof Heyns:

United Nations A/HRC/20/22
General Assembly
Human Rights Council
Twentieth session
Agenda item 3

Summary: Journalists, who play a crucial role in ensuring a society that takes informed decisions, are killed at an alarming rate by State and non-State actors. Others are intimidated into self-censorship. In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions investigates the mechanisms that are in place to provide greater protection to the right to life of journalists.
The most immediate problem does not lie with gaps in the international legal framework. The challenge is rather to ensure that the established international framework is fully used, and that its norms are reflected in domestic laws and practices.
The approach should be to elevate the killing of journalists from the local level to the national and international levels. The Special Rapporteur proposes measures aimed at ensuring greater accountability and identifies underutilized entry points at all levels that can be used by journalists at risk.

for English: www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session20/A-HRC-20-22_en.pdf

for Spanish: www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session20/A.HRC.20.22.SPA.pdf

for Arabic: www.ohchr.org/Documents/HRBodies/HRCouncil/RegularSession/Session20/A.HRC.20.22.ARA.pdf

Report of Frank La Rue:

United Nations A/HRC/20/17
General Assembly
Human Rights Council
Twentieth session
Agenda item 3

Summary: The present report builds on the previous work of the Special Rapporteur regarding the issue of the protection of journalists and media freedom, and focuses particularly on situations outside of armed conflict. A brief introduction is set out in Chapter I, noting that the majority of human rights violations against journalists take place outside of armed conflict situations. Chapter II provides a brief account of the main activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur, including communications sent, participation in events, press releases issued and country visits undertaken and requested by the Special Rapporteur. Chapter III examines the challenges faced by journalists in carrying out their work, in particular when covering street protests and demonstrations or reporting on politically sensitive issues, such as human rights violations, environmental issues, corruption, organized crime, drug trafficking, public crises and emergencies. Particular challenges faced by journalists and media organizations when carrying out their work via the Internet is also highlighted. The increasing use of criminal laws to suppress media freedom is also examined, as well as the continuing problem of impunity. Emphasizing that the problem in ensuring the protection of journalists worldwide lies not in the lack of international standards, but in the inability or unwillingness of Governments to take effective measures, the report examines the issue of impunity and ways in which some States have attempted to combat this phenomenon. Chapter IV draws conclusions and provides relevant recommendations for different stakeholders, including States, United Nations agencies, regional actors and civil society.

link for the report in english:

21 June 2012


GENEVA (21 June 2012) – Two United Nations Special Rapporteurs joined forces today to urge world governments, the international community, and journalists and media organisations to act decisively on the protection of
the right to life of journalists and media freedom. “Attacks against journalists are attacks against democracy,” they stressed.

In two reports to the UN Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, Frank La Rue, and the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns, pointed out that there is an unacceptably high number of attacks against journalists and others disseminating news, ranging from arbitrary arrests, torture and killings, to sexual violence against female journalists.

Mr. La Rue made a particular reference in his report to “the continuing repression of journalists and media freedom worldwide, aimed at suppressing information deemed ‘inconvenient’, and increasing restrictions placed on journalists who disseminate information through the Internet.”

“States continue to utilize criminal laws on defamation, national security and counterterrorism to suppress dissent and criticism, including on Government policies, human rights violations and allegations of corruption,” said the Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression. “Such ‘judicial harassment’ generates a climate of fear and encourages

“While the death or the plight of foreign journalists in armed conflict situations frequently attracts the attention of the international community,” he added, “it is the local journalists who face daily risks and violations on their rights in situations that have not reach the threshold of armed conflict, but may be characterized by violence,
lawlessness and/or repression.”

The Special Rapporteur on summary executions underscored that impunity is “a major, if not the main, cause” of the high number of journalists killed every year. “The countries where the highest numbers of journalists are
killed are also, almost without exception, those with the highest levels of impunity,” Mr. Heyns said.

“It is hard to imagine a world without journalists. Without their work, humanity would be reduced to silence, and yet a large number are killed every year with almost total impunity,” he stressed, noting that journalists are among the persons who receive the most death threats.

“While the current international legal framework provides the required normative protection of journalists, the main challenge lies in its full implementation and application of international norms in domestic law and practices,” Mr. Heyns noted.

In their reports, the two human rights experts offer specific recommendations to governments and the international community, as well as journalists and media organisations for the prevention of recurrent killings and death threats. Their recommendations deal with material, legal, and policing measures of protection, ranging from public
condemnation of attacks against journalists, support for press freedom by high-level State officials and greater accountability to fight impunity.


General Assembly
Human Rights Council
20th session

Gianfranco Fattorini (photo), PEC Representative at the United Nations, commends both UN Rapporteurs for their report. The PEC welcomes the recommendation contained in paragraph 124 of Mr. Heyns’ report where he invites States and relevant United Nations bodies and agencies, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to explore the need for a specific United Nations instrument, for example a declaration, on the safety of journalists. The PEC welcomes a new momentum regarding the issue of protection of journalists at the international level. 

Item 3 -    Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social
and cultural rights, including the right to development

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression (A/HRC/20/17)

Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions (A/HRC/20/22) 

"Madame President,

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) commends Mr. La Rue and Mr. Heyns for their reports. We found particularly significant that the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions has chosen as a thematic subject of his annual report the protection of the right to life of journalists.

The timely publication of the report of Mr. Heyns allowed the PEC to submit to the attention of the Council a detailed analysis of the Special Rapporteur’s thoughts, which is published in document NGO/45.

Mr. Heyns touches in his report one of the most sensitive issues, namely: the definition of journalists. He refers to the one contained in the recommendation no. R (2000) 7 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe which the PEC considers as a valuable one when it is complemented by some fundamental elements defining the profession’s rights and duties like those contained in the Münich Charter of 1971.

The PEC also welcomes the recommendation contained in paragraph 124 of Mr. Heyns’ report where he suggests to explore the need for a specific UN instrument: “The Special Rapporteur invites States and relevant United Nations bodies and agencies, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, to explore the need for a specific United Nations instrument, for example a declaration, on the safety of journalists that would emphasize the recognized obligations of States with regard to the protection of the right to life and safety of journalists…”

Indeed the PEC shares the main concerns expressed by both Special Rapporteurs, notably when it comes to the psychological or physical threat on journalists. In fact, the biggest challenge when one wants to ensure the protection of journalists is impunity. Of course, the primary responsibility of protecting journalists, fully investigating each case and prosecuting those responsible lies with States, on the other hand, the root causes of impunity is due to lack of political will of the same States, which can have different reasons and take many forms as rightly pointed out by Mr. La Rue.

In order to combat impunity, one needs to rely on a mechanism ensuring accountability. In reality, none of the existing mechanisms for the protection of the right to life of journalists can be considered, neither satisfactory, nor universal. Most of the mechanisms presented in the reports have no judicial character at all and therefore can only be seen as good practices. The existing mechanisms at regional or sub-regional levels do not have the means to conduct immediate and independent investigations, this precluding them to effectively combat impunity.

The PEC believes that journalists should be allowed to cover any event without being targeted by any participant in an internal or international conflict. Acknowledging that 90% of the cases of murder of journalists are not investigated, the PEC firmly believes that there is a gap in the international legal framework and that a new set of international binding rules has to be adopted and implemented by a specific mechanism in order to ensure accountability on this very subject.

I thank you, Madame President".

19th June 2012


The threat on journalists’ life: how to combat impunity?

         I.           Introduction

As of 31 May 2012, according to Press Emblem Campaign records, 65 journalists have been killed in 2012. This figure is to be compared with the 44 registered for the same period in 2011: an increase of almost 50%.

In fact the phenomenon has attracted the attention of several observers and regional and international organizations and, more recently, UN mechanisms have been led to address the issue of the safety of journalists.

Press Emblem Campaign commends the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summery or arbitrary executions, Mr. Christof Heyns, for the overview he offers in his well documented report (A/HRC/20/22), which fundamentally leave to everyone the choice to see the glass half full or half empty.

Knowing that less than 10% of the cases of murder of journalists in the world have been investigated during the last fifteen years and that only in very few cases the responsible have been brought to justice and condemned, the logical inference that can be drawn is that impunity is the main, if not the only, reason of the high and growing number of journalists killed every year.

Impunity can effectively be fought only when the rule of law prevails.

While a number of principles and norms, either at the national or international level, impose to each State the obligation to ensure an effective prevention and accountability, the facts show that these obligations are far from being fulfilled.

In reality, everybody considers that journalists deserve special concern because of the very important social role they play, and a large number of dignitaries and international bodies have publicly condemned the threat on and the killings of journalists but it must be admitted that, at the moment, there is a lack of political will to acquire the instruments needed to fill the existing gap in order to prevent such crimes and combat the impunity that prevails.

      II.           Existing mechanisms

Considering that less than 5% of the cases of murder of journalists in the world have been solved and the responsible convicted, one cannot assert that the domestic legal systems grant security to journalists and can efficiently combat impunity.

National Human Rights Institutions could play a significant role in the prevention component if they are given the necessary means, but they don’t have the capacity to effectively combat impunity.

Some regional institutions have adopted a number of resolutions and decisions; some have even developed a particular human rights justice system that has already issued valuable judgments. However, those mechanisms are not, by definition, universal and therefore cannot be seen as satisfactory, but they certainly should be considered as good practice.

International Humanitarian Law provides protection to journalists, as a civilian, but offers a very little space for combating impunity, considering that it only covers internal or international conflicts and one has to access to the International Criminal Court in order to obtain an investigation into the case.

UNESCO plays a vital role with respect of freedom of expression, which implicitly reinforces the journalists’ safety, nevertheless a mechanism based on the voluntary basis of the State cannot be considered as an efficient instrument in combating impunity.

The fact that UN Treaty bodies, notably the Human Rights Committee, have addressed the issue of the security of journalists is a very valuable step; unfortunately, they do not have the necessary means to effectively combat impunity.

The involvement of several special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council in the issue is also a very valuable step, at the same time it is obvious that, by nature, the area covered by every single thematic mandate is far too great to be able to focus constantly on the security and the killings of journalists.

The Universal Periodic Review could also play a very significant role in the prevention area when the members of the Working Group put forward specific recommendations in the field of safety of journalists and protection of their right to life, unfortunately it has no means in combating impunity.

     III.           Conclusion and recommendations

While a wide range of national and international obligations and bodies can play, solely or in conjunction, a very important role in the prevention of the threat journalists have to face, there is no international specific mechanism ensuring that impunity will not prevail.

Press Emblem Campaign is firmly convinced that there is a fundamental need for an international binding instrument for the protection of journalists.

In a shorter term, Press Emblem Campaign recommends to the Human Right Council to consider the establishment of a specific thematic special procedure for the protection of journalists.

***12.06.2012. INVITATION. Protection of Journalists: UN and regional approaches for better protection- 20 June 2012, 13:00 – 15:00 - Geneva, Palais des Nations, Room XXIII

Many journalists today around the world are subject to violence and intimidation in the course of their duties. The protection of journalists is a fundamental pillar of the universal, inalienable right to freedom of expression and press freedom. The protection of their role in society, as providers of information, is in the public interest.

Against this background, a panel of UN and regional experts will aim at leading an open dialogue on how to ensure a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without interference. A specific focus will be taken on best practices, in particularly regional experiences, in the area of protection of journalists and the fight against impunity.

Mr. Frank La Rue - United Nations Special Rapporteur on the protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression

Mr. Christof Heyns - United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions

Ms. Dunja Mijatovi - Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Ms. Sylvie Coudray - Chief of Section for Freedom of Expression, Division for Freedom of Expression, Democracy and Peace, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Video message by Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Organization of American
States (OAS)- Ms. Catalina Botero, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression

The side event will be moderated by H.E. Ambassador Christian Strohal –Permanent Representative of Austria to the UN in Geneva.

***04.06.2012. PEC AWARD - PRIX PEC. The PEC award 2012 for the protection of journalists goes to Syrian militants informing the world on the continuing blood bath in Syria since the beginning of the uprising to honor their work and relentless efforts while risking their lives, physical liquidation, imprisonment and torture // Le prix 2012 pour la protection des journalistes de la PEC est décerné aux militants syriens qui informent le monde extérieur des violences dans leur pays avec courage et persévérance au risque de leur vie, de l'emprisonnement et de la torture (Read press releases and speeches clicking left on our special page PEC AWARD)

From left to right: Blaise Lempen (PEC Secretary-General), Dr Tawfik Chamaa (President, Syrian Democrats) and Hedayat Abdelnabi (PEC President) for the PEC Award 2012 ceremony at the Swiss Press Club, Geneva (photo keystone) - have a look on our page PRESS for press reports

***01.06.2012. SYRIA. PEC statement at the Human Rights Council - 19th Special Session - The deteriorating human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic and the recent killings in El-Houleh - oral statement of the PEC representative Gianfranco Fattorini 

General Assembly
Human Rights Council
19th Special Session

The deteriorating human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic
and the recent killings in El-Houlehth Special session

Madame President,

We had already the opportunity to denounce before the Council the monopoly the State has exercised for
decades over the Syrian media, in particular the press, and the repression exerted against its more recalcitrant
members and thus creating a system of self-censorship within the profession.

We would like here to underline that the presence of independent national and international reporters from the
media would certainly result in useful information and is always the highest guarantee for everybody to have a
more accurate picture of the events. In fact, while UN observers and journalists were able to visit immediately
El-Houleh and report on the consequences of the crimes committed last Friday, there are very likely several
others crimes, mass killings and mass graves about which, for now, nobody has been able to investigate.

Once again PEC deeply regrets that the Syrian authorities does not grant immediate access to the country to
foreign journalist wanting to carry out an assignment on the country's territory, in violation of international
standards subscribed to by the Syrian Arab Republic.

We would like also to draw the attention of the Council’s members on the fact that, as of today, in 2012, 11
journalists have lost their lives in carrying out their duty and nearly 30 since the violence began in March 2011
if one includes the "Citizen Journalists" and "bloggers": no investigation has been opened yet.

Finally, PEC is concerned about the seven employees of the Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of
Expression who were summoned to stand on trial at a military court charged with “possessing prohibited
materials with the intent to disseminate them”. We wish to inform you that next Monday, 4
hold his annual reward ceremony at 3PM at the Geneva Press Club and that Syrian militants informing the
world will be rewarded. Everyone is most welcome to attend the ceremony, which will be followed by a
testimony of Dr. Tawfik Chamaa, President of the Syrian Democrats, who will testify on the situation of the
opposition movement in the country and give his opinion on the implementation of the Kofi Annan peace plan
and the prospects for resolving the crisis.

I thank you Madame President.
1st June 2012


Le Club suisse de la Presse - Geneva Press Club,
en collaboration avec la PEC
a le plaisir d’inviter les journalistes suisses et étrangers et ses membres
une conférence de presse sur le thème
Syrie:  la répression bat son plein
Dr Tawfik Chamaa
Président des Démocrates syriens
Blaise Lempen
Secrétaire général de la PEC

Lundi 4 juin 2012 à 15h.

Grande salle de conférence du sous-sol
« La Pastorale » Route de Ferney 106, Genève
(Bus 5 - Direction :
Aéroport- Arrêt : Intercontinental)
La violence bat son plein en Syrie. Plus de 12'000 personnes ont été tuées dans les affrontements entre le gouvernement et l'opposition depuis mars 2011 et des centaines d'opposants sont en prison et pour certains torturés. Parmi eux, des militants qui ont courageusement informé le monde extérieur du déroulement de la répression.

A l'occasion de la remise du prix annuel pour la protection des journalistes décerné par la PEC, le président des Démocrates syriens le Dr Tawfik Chamaa témoignera de la situation des opposants dans le pays et donnera son opinion sur l'application du plan de paix de Kofi Annan et les perspectives de règlement de la crise.

La PEC décerne chaque année son prix à une organisation ou à un individu ayant contribué à renforcer la liberté de la presse. Cette année, l'ONG basée à Genève a décidé de récompenser les militants syriens qui informent du déroulement des événements en Syrie, au risque de leur vie, dont le Centre pour les médias et la liberté d'expression de Mazen Darwich, emprisonné depuis le 16 février. Au moins 11 journalistes ont été tués depuis le début de l'année en Syrie et près de 30 depuis le début des violences en mars 2011 si l'on inclut les "citizen journalists" et "bloggers". 

The Press Emblem Campaign has the honor to invite you at the ceremony of the 2012 PEC Award

Club Suisse de la presse / Geneva Press Club
« La Pastorale » Route de Ferney 106, Genève
(in front of the Intercontinental Hotel)

Monday 4th June 2012 (3 PM)

This year, the PEC has decided to reward the Syrian activists, including the Center for Media and freedom of expression of Mazen Darwish (held since February 16) who inform everybody on the development of events in Syria, risking their lives. At least 11 journalists have been killed since the beginning of the year in Syria and nearly 30 since the violence began in March 2011 if one includes the "Citizen Journalists" and "bloggers".

On the occasion of the PEC annual award ceremony for the protection of journalists, Dr. Tawfik Chamaa, President of the Syrian Democrats will illustrate the position of the opposition movement in the country and give his opinion on the implementation of the Kofi Annan peace plan and the prospects for resolving the crisis.

***02.05.2012. PEC statement - World Press Freedom Day 2012 - PEC on World Press Freedom Day calls for the release of Mazen Darwish and his colleagues in Syria 

(French and Spanish below after English)

GENEVA, 2 May (PEC) – On World Press Freedom Day the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls upon the Syrian authorities to release Mazen Darwish, Director of the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression and his colleagues. 

The PEC calls upon the international community to mobilize a united move for the liberation of all opinion detainees in Syria.

The Geneva based NGO reminds all parties that the Kofi Annan plan approved by the UN Security Council states unfettered access to information in Syria. The UN Security Council has a duty to put in place the resolution which was adopted unanimously. 

Mazen Darwish and his male colleagues Hussein Ghrer; Abd Rahman Al Hamada; Hani Zateni; and Mansour Al Omarie, are still detained since February. According to the Syrian Journalists Union, Mazen Darwish, held in solitary confinement, is suffering from a worsening health condition, after being tortured.

In addition women staff at the Center Yara Bader; Razan Ghazzoui; Sanaa Meshn; Ayham Ghazzoul; Joan Ferso; and Bassam Al Ahmad have been summoned in front of the judge of the military justice in Damascus as of 22 April 2012, according to the article No. 148 code of Military Justice, a misdemeanor of "having an illegal recordings with a view to distributing banned publications" and they have been transferred to Adraa prison. They were charged of having illegal recordings with a view to inciting demonstrations.

Information released by the Syrian Center says that Ghazzoul; Joan Ferson; and Bassam Alahmad stayed 33 days at Al Mezzah air intelligence security branch, and then they have been transferred to the Fourth Division of the military until yesterday as of 21 April 2012, since this division turned to be a detention center.   

On the other hand, there are no information on the current conditions of the center head and founder Mazen Darwish; and his colleague Hussein Ghrer; Abd Rahman Al Hamada; Hani Zateni; and Mansour Al Omarie, as they are still detained at the air security branch of Mezzah.

The SCM, which enjoys UN ECOSOC consultative status since 2011, played a key role in getting out information about daily developments in Syria at a moment where journalists are virtually banned from the country. The arrest, detention and prosecution of SCM staff members appear to be aimed at stifling any dissent voice. 

Syria remains from the beginning of this year the most dangerous country for media work with at least 10 media workers killed.

Deterioration in Latin America

In addition, the PEC continues to condemn the deterioration in Latin America.

Ahead of World Press Freedom Day, the PEC condemns strongly new killings of journalists in Latin America: the apparent slaying on Saturday of a correspondent for Proceso newsmagazine Regina Martinez who often wrote about drug trafficking in the Veracruz state capital, Xalapa (
Mexico) and last week the killing of Decio Sa, O Estado do Maranhao/Blog do Decio, à Sao Luis de Maranhao, in Brazil on 24 April.

The killing of the 6th Brazilian journalist makes Brazil the second most dangerous country for media work.

The PEC calls for the immediate release of French journalist Romeo Langlois kidnapped Sunday in

According to the PEC figures from the beginning of this year 45 journalists were killed, an increase of near 50% in 4 months compared to the same period last year. 

The PEC calls for the immediate relase of French journalist Romeo Langlois (35) (photo) kidnapped Sunday in Colombia. Colombia's largest rebel group, the Farc, is holding the French journalist. In a telephone call to journalists on Wednesday, a woman claiming to be a Farc member said the rebels were holding Romeo Langlois as a prisoner of war. Read on PRESS and OTHER NEWS for details

A l'occasion de la Journée de la liberté de la presse, la PEC demande la libération de Mazen Darwish et de ses collègues en Syrie.

Genève, 2 mai (PEC) A l'occasion de la Journée de la liberté de la presse, la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) demande aux autorités syriennes de libérer Mazen Darwish, directeur du Centre syrien pour les medias et la liberté d'expression, et ses collègues.

La PEC appelle toute la communauté internationale à se mobiliser pour obtenir la libération de toutes les personnes détenues en raison de leurs opinions en Syrie.

L'ONG basée à Genève rappelle que le plan de Kofi Annan, accepté par le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, prévoit un accès sans entraves à l'information en Syrie. Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU doit faire appliquer les résolutions qu'il a adoptées à l'unanimité, a affirmé la PEC.

Mazen Darwish et ses collègues masculins Hussein Ghrer, Abd Rahman Al Hamada, Hani Zateni et Mansour Al Omarie sont toujours détenus depuis le 16 février. Selon l'Union des journalistes syriens, l'état de santé de Mazen Darwish, détenu en isolement, se détériore, après qu'il ait été torturé.

De plus, le personnel féminin du Centre, Yara BAder, Razan Ghazzoui, Sanaa Meshn, Ayham Ghazzoul, Joan Ferso et Bassan Al Ahmad ont été convoqués par la justice militaire à Damas le 22 avril pour infraction à l'article 149 du code pénal militaire et "possession illégale de documents dans le but de distribuer des publications interdites". Elles ont été transférées à la prison centrale d'Adra à Damas.

Ayham Ghazzoul, Joan Ferson et Bassam Alamad ont été détenus 33 jours dans les locaux des services de renseignements de l'armée de l'air à Al Mezzah avant d'être transférés le 21 avril au sein de la IVe division transformée en centre de détention.

Il n'y a pas d'information récente sur les conditions de détention du directeur et fondateur du Centre Mazen Darwish et ses collègues Hussein Ghrer, Abd Rahman Al Hamada, Hani Zateni, Mansour Al Omarie, détenus par les services de l'armée de l'air à Mezzah.

Le Centre, doté du statut consultatif auprès de l'ONU depuis 2011, a joué un rôle clé en informant sur les violences quotidiennes en Syrie à un moment où les journalistes sont virtuellement interdits de séjour dans le pays. L'arrestation, la détention et les poursuites à l'encontre des membres du Centre apparaissent destinées à faire taire toute voix dissidente.

La Syrie est le pays le plus dangereux pour les journalistes depuis le début de l'année, avec au moins 10 employés des medias tués en 4 mois.

Détérioration en Amérique latine

En même temps, la PEC dénonce la détérioration de la situation en Amérique latine. La PEC y condamne fermement les récents assassinats de journalistes, celui samedi dernier de la correspondante de Proceso Regina Martinez à Xalapa, capitale de l'Etat de Veracruz au Mexique et le 24 avril, le meurtre de Decio Sa, à Sao Luis de Maranhao, au

Decio Sa est le 6e journaliste tué au
Brésil depuis janvier, ce qui en fait le 2e pays le plus dangereux. La PEC appelle aussi à la libération immédiate du journaliste français Romeo Langlois kidnappé dimanche en Colombie.

Selon les chiffres de la PEC, depuis le début de 2012, 45 journalistes ont été tués dans le monde, une augmentation de près de 50% en quatre mois comparée à la même période de l'an passé. 

En ocasión del Día de la libertad de la prensa, la PEC pide la liberación de Mazen Darwish y sus colegas en Siria.

Ginebra, mayo 2 (PEC) En ocasión del Día de la libertad de la prensa, la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC) requiere de las autoridades sirias la liberación de Mazen Darwish, director del Centro sirio para los medios y para la libertad de expresión, así como de sus colegas.

La PEC hace un llamamiento a toda la comunidad internacional para que se movilice a fin de lograr la liberación de todas las personas detenidas en Siria por causa de sus opiniones.

La ONG –basada en Ginebra- recuerda que el plan de Kofi Annan, aceptado por el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU , prevé un acceso sin obstáculos a la información en Siria. El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU debe hacer que se apliquen las resoluciones que ha adoptado por unanimidad, ha afirmado la PEC.

Mazen Darwish y sus colegas Hussein Ghrer, Abd Rahman Al Hamada, Hani Zateni y Mansour Al Omarie siguen detenidos desde el 16 de febrero. Según la Unión de periodistas sirios, el estado de salud de Mazen Darwish, detenido bajo aislamiento, se deteriora, después de haber sido torturado.

Además, el personal femenino del mencionado Centro sirio, Yara Bader, Razan Ghazzoui, Sanaa Meshn, Ayham Ghazzoul, Joan Ferso y Bassan Al Ahmad, han sido convocadas por la justicia militar en Damasco el 22 de abril por infracción del artículo 149 del Código penal militar y « posesión ilegal de documentos con el objetivo de distribuir publicaciones prohibidas ». Las seis han sido transferidas a la prisión central de Adra, en Damasco.

Ayham Ghazzoul, Joan Ferson y Bassam Alamad estuvieron detenidas durante 33 días en las instalaciones de los servicios de información del Ejército del aire en Al Mezzah, antes de ser trasladadas, el último 21 de abril, al seno de IV división transformada en centro de detención.

No se cuenta con información reciente sobre las condiciones de detención del director y fundador del Centro, Mazen Darwish, y sus colegas Hussein Gher, Abd Rahman Al Hamada, Hani Zateni y Mansour Al Omarie, detenidos por los servicios del Ejército del aire en Mezzah.

Ese Centro –que goza del estatuto consultivo ante la ONU desde 2011- ha desempeñado un papel clave en informar sobre la violencia diaria en Siria, en un momento en el cual los periodistas están virtualmente prohibidos permanecer en el país. El arresto, la detención y la persecución contra los miembros del Centro parecen destinadas a hacer callar toda expresión disidente.

Siria es el país de mayor peligro para los periodistas desde el inicio de este año, en el que al menos 10 empleados de los medias han sido asesinados en tan sólo estos cuatro meses.

Deterioro en América Latina

La PEC ha denunciado también el deterioro de la situación en Latinoamérica. La PEC condena firmemente los recientes asesinatos de periodistas en esa región, en particular el acaecido el sábado último de Regina Martínez, corresponsal de la revista Proceso en Xalapa, capital del Estado de Veracruz en
México, y la muerte de Decio Sa, en Sao Luis de Maranhao, en el Brasil.

Decio Sa es el sexto periodista asesinado en Brasil desde enero pasado, lo que convierte a este país en el segundo en peligrosidad, después de Siria. La PEC ha hecho además un llamamiento para que se libere de inmediato al periodista francés Romeo Langlois, secuestrado el domingo pasado en

De acuerdo con las cifras de la PEC, desde el inicio del 2012, 45 periodistas han sido asesinados en todo el mundo, lo que significa un aumento de casi el 50 por ciento en cuatro meses, comparados con el mismo periodo del año precedente.

***26.04.2012. PEC statement - Nigeria: PEC condemns the attacks against media offices (Read on page PRESS for details)

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns strongly the attacks in the capital of Nigeria Abuja and in Kaduna against the offices of the newspaper ThisDay.

The PEC renews its call to all parties to keep media installations out of reach for opposition groups, warring parties and state actors. The Geneva based NGO with UN special consultative status calls upon the Nigerian government to find the perpetrators and bring them to trial.

According to various news reports, bombs targeting the offices of a major Nigerian newspaper have gone off in the capital Abuja and the northern city of Kaduna. Emergency officials say at least six people were killed in the twin attacks.

A spokesman for the Nigerian Red Cross said a suicide bomber crashed through the front gates of the This Day office in Abuja in an explosive-laden vehicle and hit the newspaper's reception area.

The chairman of the This Day editorial board Olusogen Adeniyi told reporters at least three people were killed in the blast.

"The suicide bomber came in a jeep and rammed a vehicle into the gate," Olusogen said."Two of our security men died, and the obviously suicide bomber died too."

Government officials say they are trying to get the wounded to hospital. The number of injured is not known.

Three people were also reportedly killed when an explosion rocked the paper's office in the strife-ridden northern city of Kaduna. The bombing in Kaduna struck a building housing offices for ThisDay, The Moment and The Daily Sun newspapers, witnesses said.

The newspaper This Day is known for its support of current President Goodluck Jonathan, a primary target for the Islamist Boko Haram movement. The radical group has been held responsible for some 900 deaths over the past two years.

Three journalists have previously been killed in Nigeria since the beginning of the year. According to PEC figures, 43 journalists have been killed since January around the world, an increase of 50% compared to the same period of 2011.

***02.04.2012. PEC PRESS RELEASE - Number of Journalists killed increased by 50 percent

(French, Spanish and Arabic after English) (see also on pages PRESS and OTHER NEWS)

Number of Journalists killed increased by 50 percent

Geneva 2 April (PEC) -- According to the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) the number of journalists killed in the first three months has increased by 50 percent if compared with the same period in 2011. The total number of journalists killed this year so far amounts to 31 of which 9 were killed in Syria alone. The tally for the first three months of 2011 amounted to 21 journalists killed.

« This is an alarming trend. The safety of journalists has deteriorated since the beginning of the year. The heavy toll in Syria makes the country at the forefront of the most dangerous places for journalists », said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

Five foreign journalists and another 4 local journalists were killed in Syria since January 2012. Since March 2011, the conflict in Syria resulted in the killing of 11 media professionals. In addition there is no news about the fate of two Turkish journalists Adem Özköse and Hamit Coskun who disappeared two weeks ago.

According to activists, the Syrian government is trying to systematically arrest the “citizen journalists” across the country and to neutralize all those who document the brute force. PEC is in particular very concerned by the detention of Ali Mahmoud Othman and Marzen Darwish believed being subjected to torture.

Restrictions on media coverage by the Syrian authorities and attacks against media have led to the prolonged suffering of the Syrian people. If events were unfolded on a daily basis on TV screens of civilians massacred, pressure on governments could have led to the end of the conflict instead of it's appalling continuation. 

Lempen added that if the ongoing violence is not put to an end then it is possible that there would be a repeat of the Iraqi scenario at large.

The PEC reminds international community that the peace plan put forward by the UN-Arab League special envoy Kofi Annan, and accepted in principle by Syria, calls to ensure freedom of movement and unhindered access for journalists.

PEC President Hedayat Abdelnabi stressed that states cannot in conflict zones apply their own practices over a wide spectrum of victims, there are binding convention in international law that should regulate conflicts in all circumstances and at all times including the distinction between combatants and civilians and freedom of information and expression. Abdelnabi called for binding guidelines in conflict zones including access, protection, and physical integrity of journalists.

Brazil, Somalia

In the first three months of 2012,
Brazil comes second in line with 5 journalists killed, followed by Somalia with three killed, while two journalists were killed in each of the following countries: India, Bolivia and Nigeria.

One journalist was killed in the following countries: Afghanistan, Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand.

Similar to last year Latin America heads the regions of danger for journalists followed by the Middle East. In the first three months of last year 21 journalists were killed and for the whole year 107. As for 2010, according to the PEC figures based on several sources, 110 journalists were killed.

Hausse de 50% du nombre de journalistes tués

Genève, 2 avril (PEC) Le nombre de journalistes tués au cours des trois premiers mois de l'année a augmenté de 50% par rapport à la même période de l'an dernier, a affirmé lundi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). Depuis janvier, 31 journalistes ont été tués, dont neuf en Syrie. L'an dernier, 21 journalistes avaient été tués pendant la même période de trois mois.

"Cette évolution est inquiétante. La situation s'est détériorée depuis le début de cette année, avant tout à cause de la crise en Syrie. Avec neuf journalistes tués en trois mois, ce pays est devenu le plus dangereux au monde pour les employés des médias", a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

Cinq journalistes étrangers et quatre locaux ont été tués depuis janvier en Syrie. Depuis un an, le conflit en Syrie a coûté la vie à 11 professionnels de l'information. De plus, le sort de deux journalistes turcs Adem Özköse and Hamit Coskun est incertain, plus de deux semaines après leur disparition en Syrie.

Selon des militants, le gouvernement syrien cherche à arrêter systématiquement les « journalistes citoyens » et à neutraliser tous ceux qui informent sur les violences et l’usage brutal de la force. La PEC est en particulier très préoccupée par l’arrestation de Ali Mahmoud Othman et de Marzen Darwich qui auraient été torturés.

Les restrictions imposées par les autorités syriennes et les attaques contre les medias contribuent à prolonger la souffrance de tous les Syriens. Si l'opinion pouvait voir sur son écran de télévision chaque jour des images en direct des massacres de civils, la pression sur les dirigeants politiques serait beaucoup plus forte et le conflit serait peut-être déjà terminé au lieu de traîner en longueur de manière épouvantable.

"S'il n'est pas mis fin aux violences en Syrie, un scénario à l'irakienne se profile à l'horizon", a averti Lempen. La PEC souligne que le plan de paix de l'envoyé spécial de l'ONU et de la Ligue arabe Kofi Annan, accepté en principe par les autorités de Damas, prévoit la liberté de mouvement et un accès libre des journalistes à l'ensemble du territoire syrien.

La présidente de la PEC Hedayat Abdelnabi a affirmé que les Etats ne sont pas libres d'agir dans les contextes de conflit, mais sont tenus de respecter leurs obligations internationales, en toutes circonstances et en tout temps, dont la distinction entre combattants et civils et le respect de la liberté d'expression et du droit à l'information.

Abdelnabi a appelé la communauté internationale à élaborer des directives contraignantes dans les zones de conflit, dont des dispositions sur l'accès, la protection, l'intégrité physique des journalistes.

Brésil, Somalie

L'évolution depuis le début de l'année est aussi inquiétante au
Brésil, où l'assassinat de cinq journalistes a été recensé. Vient ensuite un autre pays en conflit, la Somalie, avec trois tués. Deux journalistes ont également été tués dans chacun de ces pays: Inde, Bolivie et Nigéria.

En outre, un journaliste a été tué dans les pays suivants:
Afghanistan, Colombie, Haïti, Honduras, Mexique, Pakistan, Philippines, Thaïlande.

Comme l'an dernier, par région, l'Amérique latine est en tête du nombre de victimes, devant le Moyen-orient.

Comparativement, au cours des trois premiers mois de 2011, 21 journalistes avaient été tués. Pour toute l'année 2011, 107 journalistes ont été tués contre 110 en 2010, selon les chiffres de la PEC basés sur plusieurs sources.

Aumenta en 50% el número de periodistas muertos

Ginebra 2 de abril (PEC). El número de periodistas muertos en el primer trimestre del 2012 a aumentado en un 50% en relación al mismo período del 2011, segun reporto la Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). Desde enero, 31 periodistas han sido asesinados, de los cuales nueve en Siria. El año pasado, 21 periodistas fueron asesinados en el mismo lapso.

« Este contexto refleja una tendencia muy preocupante. La seguridad de los periodistas se ha deteriorado desde principios del 2012, sobre todo, acausa de la crisis en Siria, que con nueve periodistas asesinados en tan solo tres meses, se ha constituido en el país más peligroso del mundo para los profesionales de la comunicación », dejo sentado el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

Cinco periodistas extranjeros y cuatro locales han sido muertos violentamente desde enero en Siria, y durante un año, el conflicto ha costado la vida de onze periodistas. Además, despues de dos semanas de su desaparición, la suerte de dos periodistas turcos Adem Özköse and Hamit Coskun es aún incierta.

La PEC esta especialmente preocupado por le detencion de Ali Mahmoud Othman y Marzen Darwich presuntamente torturado.

« Las restricciones impuestas por el Gobierno Sirio y los ataques contra el periodismo contribuyen a prolongar el sufrimiento de todo el pueblo sirio. Si la opinión mundial pudiera mirar, día a día, en directo sobre sus pantallas de televisión las imágenes de masacres de civiles, la presión sobre los dirigentes políticos sería mucho más fuerte y tal vez el conflicto habría ya terminado en lugar de dejarla durar tanto tiempo », acoto el Secretario General de la PEC.

« Si no se pone fin a la violencia en Siria, un escenario a la irakiana se perfila en el orizonte », advirtió.

La PEC recuerda a la Comunidad Internacional que el plan de paz promovido por Kofi Annan, enviado especial de la Liga Arabe y la ONU, y en principio aceptado por Siria, dispone el libre e irestricto acceso para el periodismo.

De su parte, la presidenta de la PEC, Hedayat Abdelnabi, afirmó que los Estados no eran libres de ejercer violencia contra sus ciudadanos, sino que debían respetar sus obligaciones internationales, bajo cualquier circunstancia y en todoento, y por lo tanto, la distinción entre combatientes y civiles, y el respeto a la libertad de expresión y al derecho de información.

Abdelnabi apela a la Comunidad Internacional para la elaboración de directivas con fuerza vinculane en las zonas de conflicto, en las que debe incluirse disposiciones sobre el acceso, proteccion e integridad física para el trabajo de periodistas profesionales.

Brasil y Somalia

La evolucion desde principios de año es también preocupante en
Brasil, donde se constata ya el asesinato de cinco periodistas. Así como en Somalia, otro pas en conflicto, donde tres periodistas han sido víctimas de muerte violenta. Igualmente, en India, Pakistan y Nigeria, dos periodistas, por país, han sido asesinados.

Además, un periodista por país ha sido asesinado en
Afganistán, Colombia, Haití, Honduras, México, Filipinas y en Tailandia.

Como el año pasado, por regiõn, América Latina está a la cabeza por cantidad de
víctimas, incluso antes que Oriente Medio.

Comparativamente, en el transcurso del primer trimestre del 2011, 21 periodistas fueron asesinados, y 107 en todo el año. Mientras que un total de 110 cayeron asesinados en 2010, según cifras de la PEC, basadas en diferentes fuentes.

الزيادة 50 بالمائة في مقتل الصحفيين

جنيف-القاهرة 2 إبريل –بيك- أعلنت اليوم الحملة الدولية لشارة حماية الصحفي و مقرها جنيف أن مقارنة بالأشهر الثلاثة الأولى من السنة الماضية فإن عدد الصحفيين الذين قتلوا من يناير إلى مارس 2012 قد زاد بنسبة 50 بالمائة إذ قتل حتى الآن 31 صحفياً هذا العام من بينهم 9 في سوريا، بينما قتل في نفس الفترة من العام الماضي 21 صحفياً.

صرح سكرتير عام حملة الشارة الدولية بليز ليمبان أن عدد القتلى المرتفع في سوريا من الصحفيين يجعل سوريا في مقدمة الدول الخطرة للعمل الصحفي فقد قتل 5 صحفيين أجانب و 4 سوريين منذ يناير 2012، في حينن أدى النزاع في سوريا إلى مقتل 11 من أبناء المهنة خلال سنة و اختفاء صحفيين تركيين لا يعرف أحداً مصيرهما. 

و اضاف ليمبان أن القيود التي تفرضها السلطات السورية على التغطية الصحفية قد أدت إلى استمرار معاناة الشعب السوري و أنه لو أن الأحداث قد رصدت إعلامياً لكان ذلك قد أدى إلى الضغط على السلطات السورية و ربما كان من الممكن أن يؤدي إلى وضع حد للعمليات العسكرية.

و حذر من أنه لو لم يتم وضع حد للعنف القائم في سوريا فربما يتحول المشهد السوري إلى سيناريو العراق.

أوضحت رئيسة حملة الشارة الدولية هدايت عبد النبي أن الحكومات ليست حرة في تطبيق قواعد العمل في مواجهة الإعلام لأن هناك مواثيق دولية قامت الحكومات بالتوقيع عليها و هي ملزمة لاحترام حرية الرأي و التعبير و منها المادة 19 من الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان.

طالبت عبد النبي بمواد قانونية تضمن للصحفيين في مناطق النزاع من حرية تغطية الأحداث و الحماية لعملهم و إيجاد ممرات صحفية آمنة لضمان سلامة الصحفيين مشيرة إلى أن هذا النداء قد تكرر من قبل الحملة أكثر من مرة لمجلس حقوق الإنسان لاتخاذ خطوات عملية في هذا الشأن.

في سياق تقرير الحملة، ذكرت المجتمع الصحفي، بخطة مبعوث الأمم المتحدة و جامعة الدول العربية كوفي أنان للسلام في سوريا و التي تتضمن مطالبة بتوفير الحرية للعمل الصحفي دون عوائق في تغطية الأحداث. 

يشير تقرير الحملة إلى أن البرازيل تأتي في المرتبة الثانية بعد سوريا بمقتل 5 صحفيين، ثم الصومال بمقتل 3 صحفيين، فالهند و بوليفيا و نيجيريا حيث قتل صحفيين في كل من هذه الدول الثلاث. كما قتل صحفي في كل من أفغانستان و كولومبيا و هايتي و هندوراس و المكسيك و باكستان و الفلبين و تايلاند. كحال العام الماضي جاءت امريكا اللاتينية في مقدمة الأماكن الخطرة تعقبها منطقة الشرق الأوسط. لمزيد من المعلومات 

***23.03.2012. SYRIA. PEC PRESS RELEASE - PEC welcomes Human Rights Council resolution condemning killing of journalists in Syria

Geneva, March 23 (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes strongly the adoption at the Human Rights Council of resolution A/HRC/19/L.38 on Syria presented by Denmark (on behalf of EU) and supported by a large number of countries representing all regions of the world. The resolution was adopted by 41 votes in favor, 3 against (Russia, China, Cuba) and 2 abstentions.

The PEC calls for its immediate implementation on the ground. The NGO based in Geneva believes that this resolution on the situation of human rights in Syria and what it entails concerning dangerous threats against journalists is a step forward towards setting important grounds for media work and better protection in conflict zones and dangerous situations.

 PEC is gratified by the growing attention given by UN Member States to the serious problem of safety of journalists and the renewed will of some States to support at the United Nations and at the next sessions of the Human Rights Council initiatives that lead to more legal international protection for journalists, including a UN Declaration on protection of journalists in dangerous situations.

Seven journalists covering the upheaval in Syria were killed during the past year. Others whose fate remains unknown like the two Turkish journalists who disappeared last week. The fate of Mazen Darwish and his colleagues from the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom remain unknown. Other militants who placed videos on You-tube on the conflict in Syria were killed. What follows is a nightmare of testimony on massacre and torture from Syrian refugees arriving in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.

Since the beginning of 2012, globally 26 journalists were killed in the line of duty, a 50% increase compared to the same period of 2011, according to PEC figures.

PEC is pleased to note that the resolution adopted today by the HRC

2. Condemns in the strongest terms: (a) The sharply escalating widespread, systematic and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms perpetrated by the Syrian authorities, such as arbitrary executions, excessive use of force and the killing and persecution of protesters, refugees, human rights defenders
and journalists, including recent deaths of Syrian and foreign journalists, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, torture and ill-treatment, including of adolescents and children;

11. Demands that the Syrian authorities: ... (b)
Put an immediate end to all attacks against journalists, fully respect freedom of expression in line with international obligations, allow independent and international media to operate in the Syrian Arab Republic without restrictions, harassment, intimidation or risk to life, and ensure adequate protection for journalists;

13. Demands that the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, in accordance with the Plan of Action of the League of Arab States and its decisions of 22 January and 12 February 2012, without delay: (...)

Allow full and unhindered access and movement for all relevant institutions of the League of Arab States and Arab and international media in all parts of the Syrian Arab Republic to determine the truth about the situation on the ground and monitor the incidents taking place;

The PEC recalls resolution S-9/1 (of the HRC special session after the war in Gaza) which calls for “Free access of media to areas of conflict through media corridors” which read the nature of military conflicts and dangerous security situation has placed very severe restrictions on the ability of international and local journalists to report freely and hence decides that during military conflicts the right of journalists to safe media corridors must guaranteed by the parties to the conflict, to provide unfettered and free media access and coverage of conflicts.

The PEC also recalls HRC resolution S-2/1 (of the special session on the war in Lebanon) which flagged the serious concern of the Human Rights Council over the targeting of the communication and media networks in Lebanon in 2006. It recalls finally the first panel organized by the HRC on the protection of journalists in June 2010.

The horror of the war in Syria against the Syrian population and attacks against journalists, bloggers and communication networks call upon members of the Human Rights Council to develop further concrete steps as guidelines for warring parties governmental or non-governmental when dealing with media coverage and access to information in dangerous zones. 


General Assembly
Human Rights Council
19th session

Item 4 -   Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention

General debate

Madame President,

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply concerned that Chinese officials have announced the closure to foreigners of the “Tibet Autonomous Region” from February 20 to March 31, 2012 as well as the close off of Tibetan areas in Sichuan and Qinghai provinces that have seen protests, crackdown and self-immolations: a low intense conflict.

As reported by the official Tibet Daily newspaper
[1], the Chief of the Chinese Communist Party in Tibet affirmed that "Mobile phones, Internet and other measures for the management of new media need to be fully implemented to maintain the public's interests and national security."

In this regard, Foreign Correspondents' Club of China (FCCC)
[2] has alerted about a massive security cordon in an attempt to prevent journalists from entering Tibetan areas in Western Sichuan Province where major unrest – including killings– has been reported. The FCCC considers this a clear violation of China’s regulations governing foreign reporters, which allow them to travel freely and to interview anyone prepared to be interviewed. FCCC adds that correspondents attempting to travel to the region in question have faced major obstacles, including detention by the police and roadblocks at which they have been stopped and turned back by officials who have forcibly escorted them back to Chengdu. One team reported that their car was suspiciously rammed by another vehicle. Reporters have been followed, questioned for hours, asked to write confessions and had their material confiscated.

SkyNews’ Holly Williams reported: “Dominated by Kirti Monastery, a sprawling complex that houses several hundred Buddhist monks, Aba has now been swamped by Chinese paramilitary police… After leaving Aba the Sky News crew was detained by police who forcibly searched bags and deleted files from an audio recording device. They temporarily confiscated a computer and camera, threatened to revoke Chinese visas and then followed the car for 300 kilometers.

On 22 February 2012, NPR’s Louisa Lim rep
orted that the day “marks the traditional Tibetan New Year, but many Tibetans won't be celebrating. They'll be mourning the almost two-dozen people who set themselves on fire in the past year as a protest against Chinese rule. Eyewitnesses say the town of Aba, site of many of the self-immolations, resembles a Chinese military camp, with soldiers and riot police every few feet.”[4]

Madame President,

The PEC emphasizes the merit of the few journalists that have taken the risk of secretly reaching some Tibetan areas to report to the world of the low intense conflict situation about which China claims normalcy.

The PEC urges the Chinese authorities to provide free access to foreign journalists to Tibetan areas as such a guarantee will allow the international community to judge the situation with reports from as many as possible different observers.

This situation shows, once again, the necessity to have an international binding set of rules insuring to journalists a free and safe access to conflict zones.

I thank you, Madame President.

14th March 2012

[2] http://www.fccchina.org
[3] http://news.sky.com/home/world-news/article/16183059
[4] http://www.npr.org/2012/02/22/147256506/on-tibetan-plateau-a-sense-of-constant-surveillance

FYI, right of reply of China after the PEC statement during the general debate on item 4 at the Human Rights Council:

The Representative of China at the United Nations, speaking in a right of reply, "rejected the statement made by Press Emblem Campaign. This statement was a wanton distortion of facts. China welcomed journalists to come to China and cover news. China had always facilitated journalists’ stay. China had recently created regulations concerning the work of foreign journalists in China with the sprit of reform, openness and progress. China hoped that journalists could abide by the law, respect the ethics of journalism and report on China in a fair, objective way" (UN summary for the press, not an official record)

***13.03.2012. SYRIA - Report of the commission of inquiry - PEC STATEMENT delivered by the PEC Representative Gianfranco Fattorini at the Human Rights Council

General Assembly
Human Rights Council
19th session

Item 4 -   Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention

Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

Madame President,

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) wishes to draw the attention of the Council on the extremely harsh conditions under which journalists and media workers must fulfill their mission in the Syrian Arab Republic. We wish also to underline that only a wide range of testimonies can give to everyone the possibility to have a picture which is the nearest to the reality.

The PEC deeply regrets the continued and severe restrictions on the freedom of expression and information on the local media actors as reported by the Commission of inquiry
[1], as well as the restrictions imposed on the access and the movements of foreign journalists and the monitor of their contacts[2]. We also deeply regret the adoption of new restricting laws by the Syrian authorities.

The PEC condemns any interference, pressure on or attempts to control the work of journalists, being this done by the governmental authorities or the anti-governmental forces.

The PEC wishes to remember that, as of today, 7 journalists have lost their lives in carrying out their duty during the increasingly violent and militarized internal unrest in the Syrian Arab Republic. We strongly condemn the use of technological means to locate and attempt on the physical integrity of journalists.

With due respect, we wish to draw the attention on the fact that, even if there is no agreement on a
international juridical definition of journalist, it may be confusing to define any blogger as “citizen
journalist”; in the absence of a definition, there are still diplomas which certify a specific academic

The PEC believes that journalists, due to the very particular mission they have, should be allowed to cover any event without being targeted by any participant to an internal or international conflict. A particular set of rules has to be adopted and implemented in order to ensure accountability on this very particular subject.

I thank you, Madame President.

12th March 2012

 A/HRC/19/69 – par. 52[2] ibid – par. 56

***09.03.2012. PRESS EMBLEM CAMPAIGN STATEMENT AT THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL ON PROTECTION OF JOURNALISTS - General debate Item 3 - Statement delivered by the PEC Representative to the United Nations Gianfranco Fattorini

General Assembly
Human Rights Council
19th session

The PEC has noted with great interest the report presented by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders and really appreciates the fact that she has undertaken to analyze the risks and challenges faced by journalists and media workers.
With 21 media workers killed in 2012 as of end of February, we observe an increase of 50% compared to the 13 killed in the same period last year.
While sharing most of the concerns expressed by Mrs Sekaggya, particularly concerning attacks that States and non-State actors bear at the work and physical integrity of journalists, the PEC would like to highlight some key issues.
First of all, it may be difficult, if not dangerous, to distinguish between journalists and media workers active on or defending human rights and any other journalist and media workers, should the latter be entitled to enjoy a weaker protection.
More fundamentally, it seems to us inappropriate to classify journalists and media workers in the category of human rights defenders, simply because the task, the goal and the target are not the same.
In reality, journalists and media workers play a very special role in seeking and disseminating of information, notably in dangerous situations.
As recommended by the International Conference to Protect Journalists held in Doha (Qatar) last January
[1], the international community should:
Ø develop new tools to bind all States to acknowledge and accept a standing obligation to provide particular safeguards and protection for journalists beyond the provisions of UN Security Council resolution reminding States of their obligations to give journalists protection in peacetime as in war and
Ø expand the current legal provisions beyond the obligation to protect journalists against attacks on their life, and include forced disappearances and kidnapping (by state or private actors), arbitrary arrest, intimidation, deportation/refusal of entry, confiscation/ damage to property, and new forms of violence.


Document A/HRC/19/NGO/90 - Written statement submtted to the Human Rights Council by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC)

According to the figures registered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), 107 journalists have been killed during the current year in 39 countries -- around 2 every week. The revolutions of the Arab Spring resulted in at least 20 journalists killed.

The year 2011 was particularly dangerous for media work because of the coverage of the uprisings in many Arab countries. In addition to the killing of more than 20 journalists during the Arab Spring, more than 100 others were attacked, intimidated, arrested and wounded in countries of the region, including Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.

For the second year in a row, Mexico has been the most dangerous country for media work with 12 journalists killed. The raging war between the army and the drug cartels in the north explains this heavy toll in Mexico. The casualties could be higher if figures were known for journalists who were victims of enforced disappearances.

Again for the second year in a row, Pakistan comes in second with 11 journalists killed, the majority of whom were killed on the border with Afghanistan.

Iraq is tied for third place with Libya with 7 journalists killed during the Libyan armed conflict. In these 4 countries are concentrated more than one third (37) of all casualties.

Next come the Philippines with 6 killed, Brazil (6) and Honduras (6), then Yemen with 5 killed followed by Somalia (4), Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Peru, and Russia with 3 each.

Two journalists died in Bahrain, 2 in Thailand. One was killed in each of the following countries: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, China, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Gaza (OPT), Guatemala, Haiti, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Uganda, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Sierra Leone, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Vietnam.

Latin America the most dangerous region

By region, Latin America leads with 35 killed in one year. In addition to the killing of journalists, threats and attacks against media and their representatives have increased. Press freedom is threatened in many Latin American countries by government tactics to obtain control of information and to discredit, intimidate and prosecute journalists, all of which leads to self-censorship. Asia (excluding the Middle East) is the second most dangerous region with 30 killed, then the Middle East and North Africa with 28 killed. In Africa (excluding North Africa) 9 journalists were killed, in Europe 4 (3 in Russia and 1 in Ukraine).

One year after the beginning of the Arab Spring in Tunisia, improvements are very slow in the field and remnants of the past still prevail in curbing freedom of expression. When people express themselves through social media and internet and flood into the streets in peaceful demonstrations, they are faced with the brutal use of force. One year later, the security apparatus is still using the tactics of the past and hunting down journalists. A real strategy against impunity and for respect for the rule of law should be immediately conducted.

 Women journalists in particular paid the highest price when attacked sexually both in Libya and Egypt.

Intentionally targeted

Two thirds of the journalists killed, that is some 70 of the total, were intentionally targeted, especially in Latin America. Others were accidentally killed during demonstrations, in fights, in suicide bombings or in mine explosions. There are half a dozen cases worldwide where the causes leading to the death of journalists are still unclear.

More than two third (68) of the fallen journalists were killed in countries experiencing armed conflict, popular uprisings, repression, terrorism and crime. Others were killed in countries where peace prevailed.

Bad start in 2012

Until the end of January, 10 journalists were killed worldwide. Two in Syria and Nigeria and one in each of the following countries: Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Somalia and Thailand.

Some progress

In view of this serious situation, the PEC applauds the governments and international organizations for their growing awareness that the journalism profession faces growing dangers in totally novel situations.

A number of countries have launched initiatives for the protection of journalists, and a number of conferences have been organized to this effect, notably that of UNESCO in Paris in September and one in Vienna organized by the Austrian government in November.

In the Amman - Dead Sea forum organized by the Centre for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ), a resounding call echoed throughout the forum for an Arab convention for the protection of journalists, which would draw on the current document circulated as the PEC's December 2007 draft Convention on the protection of journalists.

International Conference to Protect Journalists in dangerous situations

The Conference took place on 22-23 January 2012 in Doha (Qatar), under the auspices of the National Human Rights Committee of the Kingdom of Qatar.

The Outcome document of the International Conference declares:

·      that although the United Nations and its agencies have a wide range of tools and instruments which can address the issue of safety, scores of journalists and media workers continue to be killed every year while carrying out their professional responsibilities. Many of such abuses are not investigated and remain unpunished and

·      that renewed and urgent action is necessary to press for robust implementation to the existing mechanisms and procedures by increasing the effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement of the current instruments.

The International Conference recommends:

To the United Nations and it agencies

·      Implement forthwith their latest plan of action agreed at their Paris Autumn (2011) conference and enhance their working with specialised non-governmental organisations dedicated to the safety of journalists and media worker.

·      Develop new tools to bind all states to acknowledge and accept a standing obligation to provide particular safeguards and protection for journalists beyond the provisions of UN Security Council resolution reminding states of their obligations to give journalists protection in peacetime as in war.

1.    Adopt ambitious reforms to its mechanisms and procedures such as through regional security organizations, expanding the mandates of Special Rapporteurs and concerned UN bodies, organizing emergency alerts and missions, considering intrusive inspections and mandatory sanctions– developing or renewing existing systems, developing further monitoring and peer review processes and work towards an ultimate goal setting up an international treaty so that countries can collectively adopt a set of radical new measures to afford credible protection to journalists.

2.    Expand the current legal provisions beyond the obligation to protect journalists against attacks on their life, and include forced disappearances and kidnapping (by state or private actors), arbitrary arrest, intimidation, deportation/refusal of entry, confiscation/ damage to property, and new forms of violence experienced by journalists during the 2011 Arab spring, and further develop human rights council resolutions S-2/1 and S-9/1 concerning the attacks on media installations and allowing access as well as safe media corridors in conflict zones.

3.    Asking the Human Rights Council to appoint a special rapporteur on the protection of journalists, requesting the High Commissioner for Human Rights (HCHR) to create a unit to follow up media cases.

To governments

1.    Respect the letter and spirit of all international instruments they signed up to, of the binding and non-binding resolutions, covenants and declarations of the United Nations.

2.    Include an assessment of other country’s record when granting aid and other development assistance. International development institutions, such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, should also scrutinize a country’s record on violence journalists when assessing the granting of aid and other assistance.

3.    Strengthen national laws including criminal laws and overhaul justice system to end impunity and to provide judicial and legislative assistance to prevent serious violations of international humanitarian laws including the targeting of journalists.

4.    Agree that families of killed journalists have a right to compensation directly or through media institutions and establish a solidarity fund for the victims.

To news organizations

1.    Acknowledge their duty of care for all their journalists, in particular news gatherers, staff or freelance and their responsibility to provide safety training and equipment for dangerous situations in peace time as in war.

2.    Arrange trauma counselling through specialized organizations.

3.    Negotiate at all time with journalists and their representatives all issues of safety in news coverage, including safety protocols, medical care, life insurance, financial compensation, equality to provide those social guarantees to all, including freelancers.

4.    Increase awareness and knowledge of legal international agreements and conventions as well as regional ones.

5.    Include awareness of all aspects of the region under coverage in any training.

6.    Include special training for women in view of the attacks such as sexual harassment and the spate of other violent attacks directly targeted at women.

To journalists

 1.    Develop of culture of being responsible for their own safety and seek out training before travelling to conflict zones.

2.    Develop a culture of solidarity, in particular a duty of care towards each other.

3.    Be ready at all time to help record any incidents of attacks to provide evidence to cases of violence.

4.    Develop an understanding of how the military works and be ready how to handle them.

***01.03.2012. SYRIA.  The Press Emblem Campaign PEC welcomes the adoption of the resolution today by the Human Rights Council on the escalating grave human rights violations and deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, applauds the 37 countries that have voted for it. (Read PEC statement at the HRC below) (see also on pages PRESS and OTHER NEWS)

The resolution adopted today is a step forward against the impunity of regimes when they attack and kill journalists and human rights defenders for no solid reason but to silence the truth and to silence those who are who are witnesses of gross human rights violations, said the PEC. The PEC calls upon the Human Rights Council to attend to it's pioneering role as the world body to defend human rights to move several steps forward and find ways and means to bring the perpetrators of the crimes against Syrian and foreign journalists as well as human rights defenders to justice. 


General Assembly
Human Rights Council
19th session

Urgent debate on the human rights and humanitarian situation in the Syrian Arab Republic

Madame President,

PEC welcomes as very timely the Special Debate organized today by the Council. The situation in the Syrian Arab Republic has seriously deteriorated since the beginning of the year concerning the access of media and safety of journalists. Five journalists have been killed in Syria since the beginning of 2012: our French colleague Gilles Jacquier died during a press journey organized with the consent of the Syrian authorities. The Syrian military on the spot have not prevented such a tragic event; on the contrary it seems that they have voluntarily exposed journalists to the shelling.

The killing of two Western journalists last week in a building which they used as a press center is a matter that needs attention and condemnation from the Council in line with its previous resolutions requesting an end to attacks on media installations and calling for allowing access as well as safe media corridors for journalists in conflict zones. PEC welcomes the evacuation of some media workers, but is still deeply concerned about others injured who cannot leave the country and wishes to pay tribute to the civilians who are helping them, some of them having been killed.

Syrian authorities must give free access to all media workers, to protect them during their mission of information on their territory and not to attack media installations.

This month Syrian journalist and human rights campaigner Mazen Darwish and all his colleagues at the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression were arrested.

The PEC joins international calls for freeing Mr. Darwish and seven of his men colleagues. Women colleagues from the Center including Yara Badr were freed.

The case of Syria is a vivid example of multiple violations of freedom of the press which requires urgent action from the Council.

A week ago and after decades of media oppression, Syrian journalists inside Syria and in exile have gathered to announce the establishment of The Syrian Journalists Association (SJA), headquartered in Damascus. The PEC welcomes the establishment of free and independent Syrian Journalists Association and declares its full support for its struggle and mission.

The PEC welcomes the announcement of the SJA that it will embrace the diversity of Syrian society and equal opportunities to Syrian journalists from different ethnicities to write and reports news in their ethnic language such as Arabic, Kurdish, Assyrian, Turkmen, and others.

PEC calls the Human Rights Council:

Ø to condemn in the strongest terms the killing of journalists;

Ø to ask for an international commission of enquiry to investigate and clarify circumstances in which the criminal acts were committed against foreign journalists in Syria

Ø to request the Syrian Arab Republic to allow the urgent and safe evacuation of the journalists severely injured;

Ø to request the Syrian Arab Republic to allow international media to enter the country and to accomplish their mission without being targeted by governmental forces.

I thank you Madame President.

1st March 2012 - Statement delievered by the PEC Representative to the UN Gianfranco Fattorini

***29.02.2011. Statement delivered at the Human Rights Council by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) on the occasion of the "Panel discussion on the promotion and protection of freedom of expression on the internet" (English after French)

Assemblée générale
Conseil des droits de l’homme
19ème session

Réunion-débat sur la liberté d’expression sur internet (rés. 18/113)

Madame la Présidente,

Presse Emblème Campagne félicite le Conseil des droits de l'homme pour avoir organisé ce premier panel sur la liberté d'expression sur internet. Elle félicite également le rapporteur spécial de l'ONU Frank La Rue pour son rapport sur l'accès à internet (A/66/290).

La PEC voudrait contribuer au débat en évoquant un point particulier à cette problématique dans la perspective de l'accès à l'information dans les zones de conflit.
D'une part, la PEC constate que l'internet permet de suppléer aux difficultés réelles des journalistes professionnels de se rendre sur les lieux d'un conflit. En effet, ces derniers mois, les personnels des médias ont payé un lourd tribut en accomplissant leur travail dans des pays secoués par des affrontements violents comme l'Egypte, la Libye, la Syrie, le Yémen, ou encore le Mexique. 

Lorsque l'accès des personnels des medias dans certains lieux devient excessivement risqué, internet permet de recevoir des informations de sources diverses locales suppléant ainsi à l’absence d’envoyés depuis le siège. Les événements qui se sont déroulés en Tunisie, en Egypte et en Libye ont amplement démontré l'importance de ce flux d'informations.
D'autre part, de nombreux pays ont fermé leurs portes aux journalistes étrangers, de la Syrie à la Birmanie, de la Chine (Région du Tibet) à l'Iran et à la Corée du Nord. Internet devient alors le seul moyen de communication pour les populations avec l'extérieur et la PEC ne peut que se féliciter du rôle primordial que l’internet joue pour assurer la liberté d’expression.
En même temps, la PEC constate des attaques de plus fréquentes de la part de régimes répressifs au réseau, que ce soit à travers les serveurs, les connexions, le filtrage des contenus, les cyber-attaques, des mesures de surveillance policières ou l'élimination physique des bloggeurs.
Ces mesures sont parfois efficaces à court terme, mais un pays moderne ne peut pas interrompre durablement ses réseaux internet sans se couper du monde et nuire gravement à son économie, car restreindre les libertés sur l’internet, c'est dans tous les cas se condamner à la régression économique et au sous-développement. L'accès à l’internet est désormais un élément fondamental de la liberté d'information.

La PEC souhaite que le Conseil des droits de l'homme intègre cet aspect de la liberté d'information dans un futur projet de résolution ainsi que dans la Convention internationale sur la protection des journalistes qu'elle a proposé à l'attention de la communauté internationale. Les bloggeurs sont aussi des informateurs et, à ce titre, ils doivent pouvoir jouir d’une protection renforcée.

Je vous remercie, Madame la Présidente.

(Déclaration prononcée par Gianfranco Fattorini, Représentant de la PEC à l'ONU)

General Assembly
Human Rights Council
19th Session

Panel Discussion on Freedom of Expression and Internet (Resolution 18/113)

Madame Chair,

The Press Emblem Campaign congratulates the Human Rights Council on organizing this first panel discussion on freedom of expression and Internet. It also congratulates the U.N. Special Rapporteur for his report
on access to Internet (A/66/290).
The Press Emblem Campaign would like to contribute to the discussion by evoking a point particular to this problem.
On the one hand, the Press Emblem Campaign notes that Internet has made it possible to compensate for the very real difficulties of professional journalists in getting to conflict zones. In fact, media personnel have
paid a heavy tribute in carrying out their work in countries afflicted by violent confrontations, such as Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Mexico.
When access by media personnel in certain places becomes excessively risky, Internet makes it possible to receive information from diverse local sources, thus compensating for the absence of envoys from
headquarters. The events that took place in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have amply demonstrated the importance of this flow of information.

On the other hand, many countries have closed their doors to foreign journalists, including Syria, Burma, the Tibet region of China, Iran and North Korea. In such cases, Internet has become the only means of
communication between the population and the outside, and the Press Emblem Campaign can only express its satisfaction at the primary role that Internet has played in assuring freedom of expression.
At the same time, the Press Emblem Campaign notes ever more frequent attacks on the network by repressive regimes, be they to the servers, the connections, the filtering of content, cyber attacks, police surveillance
measures or the physical elimination of bloggers.
These measures are often effective in the short run, but a modern country cannot permanently interrupt its Internet network without curring itself off from the world and seriously harming its economy. Limiting freedom on Internet, in any event, leads to economic regression and under-development. Access to Internet is now a fundamental element of freedom of information.

The Press Emblem Campaign would like the Human Rights Council to integrate this aspect of freedom of information into a future draft resolution as well as into the International Convention on the Protection of Journalists that the PEC has proposed to the international community. Bloggers are also informers and, for this reason, should enjoy reinforced protection.

I thank you, Madame Chair
29 February 2012


The Human Rights Council today held a panel discussion on the promotion and protection of freedom of expression on the internet.

Opening the panel discussion, Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said that the internet had become an indispensable tool for people to receive information and to become providers of information by offering a global and public online space where people could share their views and opinions, exchange ideas and make their voices and demands heard. As a result of those unique characteristics, the internet had transformed human rights movements as States could no longer exercise control by claiming monopoly over information. This had resulted in a backlash effect and intensified attempts to unduly restrict access to online content or the internet as such.

Riz Khan of Al Jazeera, acting as moderator of the panel, said that this panel was unique because it was the first time that the issue of internet freedom was being discussed comprehensively in the context of human
rights. He noted the global context in which this debate was occurring and how the power of social media and the impact of citizen journalism during the Arab Spring had changed the role of the media industry.

Carl Bildt, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, speaking as a panellist, said there was a need to protect human rights on the on-line world and internet freedom had become critical for the future protection
of freedom and human rights around the world.

Frank La Rue, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, speaking as a panellist, said that new standards on human rights were not needed because human rights principles and doctrines applied off line and on line and whether through oral, written or any other form of expression the same basic freedom of expression principles would apply.

Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director of the Association for Progressive Communications, speaking as a panellist, said there were important social and cultural rights that the internet could support,
especially in the area of education and using technology to promote and expand access to rights.

Carlos Afonso, Executive Director of the Centre of Research, Studies and Learning, NUEPF, Brazil, said Brazil was trying at the moment to approve a civil rights framework for the internet that incorporated rights to
privacy and access which could be in conflict with other laws.

William Echikson, Head of Free Expression, External Relations, Communications and Public Affairs for Google, said that the major challenge today was how to maintain freedom on the internet when currently 40 countries sanctioned the internet, up considerably from a few years ago.

Hesti Armiwulan, Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission of Indonesia, said that financial constraints limited the right to access the internet and efforts should be made to reduce the cost of access.

In the discussion, speakers said that there should be no restriction on the flow of information on the internet, except when international human rights laws were threatened. A draft resolution and a convention for the
protection of journalists were needed to protect bloggers. Speakers were concerned that States were filtering and blocking access to the internet to unduly limit freedom of expression. Questions were asked about what
measures could be taken so that international cooperation could improve the infrastructure in developing countries, while reconciling issues like child pornography with freedom of expression? It was important to bridge the digital divide, but quality, access, utility and relevance of content should be equally ensured.

Speaking in the discussion were the Netherlands, Estonia, Cuba, Norway, Germany, Turkey, China, Guatemala, Peru, Indonesia, Egypt, the United States, Uruguay, Honduras, Switzerland, Thailand, Ecuador, the European
Union, Chile, Algeria, Council of Europe, India, Canada, Finland, Japan, Azerbaijan, and Morocco. Press Emblem Campaign, Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions, Human Rights House Foundation, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, and Internet Society also took the floor.

more info on: www.ohchr.org

***22.02.2012. PEC STATEMENT. PEC strongly condemns killing of two journalists in Syria and launches an urgent appeal to the Human Rights Council (en français ci-dessous)

American journalist Marie Colvin, left, and freelance French photojournalist Remi Ochlik were killed by shellfire Wednesday in the city of Homs. Two other journalists were injured photoreporter Paul Conroy (UK) and French journalist Edith Bouvier (Le Figaro). PEC pays tribute to their immense courage.

Geneva, 22 February (PEC) - The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns in the strongest possible manner the killing of two foreign journalists in Syria today, Marie Colvin from the US and French photographer Remi Ochlik.

The two journalists were killed in a building used by foreign journalists as a media center in the district of Baba Amer in Homs during continuous and indiscriminate bombardments by the Syrian army.

Four other journalists were killed in Syria since the beginning of the violence in March 2011, among them two since the beginning of this year Gilles Jacquier in January and Mazhar Tayyara in February. Last year, 107 journalists were killed in the line of duty.

The PEC calls upon the Human Rights Council at its next session which starts on Monday 27 February to adopt a strong resolution that would remind States of their international obligations and ensure better protection for journalists in dangerous zones.

The PEC also calls upon the Council and the United Nations to take urgent concrete steps towards the implementation of the recommendations of the International Conference for the Protection of Journalists in dangerous situations which took place in January in Doha (Qatar).

The PEC pays tribute to the immense courage of the journalists killed and injured in Homs. This is a desperately sad reminder of the risks that journalists take to inform the world of what is happening and the dreadful bloodshed in Syria.

The Syrian authorities have the obligation to give access to media, to protect journalists working on their territory and not to attack media installations, stressed the PEC.

Ochlik, 29, born in France, covered conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, elections in Haiti, the uprisings in Egypt and Libya. His work has appeared in Le Monde, Paris Match, Time magazine and the Wall Street Journal.

Colvin, from Oyster Bay, N.Y., was in her mid-50s, and a veteran foreign correspondent for Britain's Sunday Times for the past two decades. She was instantly recognizable for an eye patch worn after being injured covering conflicts in Sri Lanka in 2001.

La PEC condamne le meurtre de deux journalistes en Syrie et lance un appel urgent au Conseil des droits de l'homme

Genève, 22 février 2012 (PEC) - La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) est consternée par la mort de deux journalistes mercredi en Syrie. Elle condamne de la manière la plus ferme le meurtre de la journaliste américaine Marie Colvin et du photographe français Rémi Ochlik à Homs.

Les deux journalistes sont morts dans le bombardement par les forces gouvernementales syriennes de la maison où ils travaillaient dans le quartier de Baba Amr, à Homs. La ville de Homs est pilonnée de manière indiscriminée depuis trois semaines par les forces du régime syrien.

Quatre autres journalistes sont morts en Syrie depuis le début des violences, dont deux depuis le début de l'année, le Français Gilles Jacquier le 11 janvier et le Syrien Mazhar Tayyara le 4 février, ce qui porte à six le bilan des victimes dans ce pays. L'an dernier, 107 journalistes sont morts dans l'exercice de leur fonction.

La PEC appelle instamment les membres du Conseil des droits de l'homme à adopter une résolution destinée à renforcer la protection des journalistes dans les zones dangereuses lors de leur prochaine session qui commence lundi à Genève.

Elle demande à l’ONU de mettre rapidement en œuvre les recommandations de la conférence internationale organisée en janvier à Doha (Qatar) sur la protection des journalistes dans les zones dangereuses.

La PEC rend hommage à l'immense courage des journalistes tués et blessés à Homs. C'est un triste rappel des risques pris par les journalistes pour informer l'opinion mondiale de l'évolution du conflit et du terrible bain de sang en cours en Syrie. Les autorités syriennes ont le devoir de donner accès aux medias, de protéger les journalistes qui travaillent sur leur territoire et de ne pas attaquer les installations des medias, a affirmé la PEC.

Marie Colvin, âgée d'une cinquantaine d'années, était grand reporter depuis 20 ans pour l'hebdomadaire britannique Sunday Times. Très expérimentée, elle avait couvert de nombreuses zones de guerre. Elle avait perdu un oeil en couvrant le conflit au Sri Lanka en 2001.

Rémi Ochlik, né en 1983, était photographe à l'agence IP3 Press, basée à Paris. Ses photos ont été publiées par Paris-Match, Time magazine, le Monde et le Wall Street Journal. Il avait couvert les conflits en RDC, les élections en Haïti, les soulèvements en Egypte et en Libye.

***23.01.2012. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the recommendations of the International Conference on the Protection of Journalists in Dangerous Situations (Doha, Qatar, 22 and 23 January) as a historic milestone and an important step forward to enhance the protection of media employees in conflict zones and other dangerous situations.

Recommendations of the Conference, Programme of work, PEC press release, PEC contribution (English, Arabic, French) below. Click also left on page PRESS for PRESS REPORTS on the conference

From left: Blaise Lempen, Secretary General, Press Emblem Campaign; Celso Schroder, President, Latin American Federation of Journalists; Dr Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Chairman, Doha National Human Rights Committee, and Jim Boumelha, President, International Federation of Journalists at a press conference after the closing of International Conference for Protection of Journalists in Dangerous Situations on Monday 23 January at the Ritz-Carlton Doha (Qatar). (photo The Peninsula)

Recommendations of the International Conference to Protect Journalists in dangerous situations

We, representatives of media, human rights and freedom of expression groups and international, regional and national organizations of journalists meeting at the International Conference to protect Journalists held in Doha, Qatar on 22-23 January 2012, organized by the Qatari National Committee for Human Rights (QNCHR)

Recalling all recommendations, covenants, declarations and resolutions promulgated or endorsed by international organizations such as the UN and the Geneva Conventions

Noting all the global initiatives put forth by international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) concerned with the protection of journalists

Recognizing the importance of media in increasing awareness of the violations of international humanitarian law and human rights

Believing that media and human rights organizations have a responsibility to help put an end to impunity by systematically publicizing crimes against journalists, investigating when necessary all violations and ensuring that perpetrators as well as failure of government to act are exposed

Calling on all organizations representing journalists and NGOs concerned with the safety of journalists to work together in the broadest campaign to ensure great safety of journalists and bring an end to impunity

Following the review of the conference of the current status of the media in dangerous situations and referring to protective measures provided by international law, discussing the idea of a draft convention for the protection of journalists in conflict zones and other dangerous situations


- that although the United Nations and its agencies have a wide range of tools and instruments which can address the issue of safety, scores of journalists and media workers continue to be killed every year while carrying out their professional responsibilities. Many of such abuses are not investigated and remain unpunished.

- that renewed and urgent action is necessary to press for robust implementation to the existing mechanisms and procedures by increasing the effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement of the current instruments

This Conference therefore recommends:

- To the United Nations and its agencies

1. Implement forthwith their latest plan of action agreed at their Paris Autumn conference and enhance their working with specialized non-governmental organizations dedicated to the safety of journalists and
media worker
2. Develop new tools to bind all States to acknowledge and accept a standing obligation to provide particular safeguards and protection for journalists beyond the provisions of UN Security Council resolution reminding States of their obligations to give journalists protection in peacetime as in war
3. Adopt ambitious reforms to its mechanisms and procedures such as through regional security organizations, expanding the mandates of Special Rapporteurs and concerned UN bodies, organizing emergency alerts and
missions, considering intrusive inspections and mandatory sanctions –
developing or renewing existing systems, developing further monitoring and peer review processes and work towards an ultimate goal setting up an international treaty so that countries can collectively adopt a set of radical new measures to afford credible protection to journalists
4. Expand the current legal provisions beyond the obligation to protect journalists against attacks on thier life, and include forced disappearances and kidnapping (by state or private actors), arbitrary arrest, intimidation, deportation/refusal of entry, confiscation/damage to property and new forms of violence experienced by journalists during the 2011 Arab Spring, and further develop Human Rights Council resolutions S-2/1 and S-9/1 concerning the attacks on media installations and allowing access as well as safe media corridors in conflict zones
5. Asking the Human Rights Council to appoint a special rapporteur on the protection of journalists, requesting the High Commissionner for Human Rights (HCHR) to create a unit to follow up media cases.

 - To governments

1. Respect the letter and spirit of all international instruments they signed up to, of the binding and non-binding resolutions, covenants and declarations of the United Nations
2. Include an assessment of other country's record when granting aid and other development assistance. International development institutions,
surch as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, should also scrutinize a country's record on violence journalists when assessing the granting of aid and other assistance
3. Strengthen national laws including criminal laws and overhaul justice system to end impunity and to provide judicial and legislative assistance to prevent serious violations of international humanitarian laws including the targeting of journalists
4. Agree that families of killed journalists have a right to compensation directly or through media institutions and establish a solidarity fund for the victims.

 - To news organizations

1. Acknowledge their duty of care for all their journalists, in particular news gatherers, staff or freelance and their responsibility to provide hostile environment safety training and equipment for dangerous situations in peacetime as in war
2. Arrange trauma counseling through specialized organizations
3. Negotiate at all time with journalists and their representatives all issues of safety in news coverage, including safety protocols, medical care, life insurance, equality to provide those social guarantees to all, including freelancers
4. Increase awareness and knowledge of legal international agreements and conventions as well as regional ones
5. Include awareness of all aspects of the region under coverage in any training
6. Include special training for women in view of the attacks such as sexual harassment and the spate of other violent attacks directly targeted at women

- To Journalists

1. Develop a culture of being responsible for their own safety and seek out training before traveling to conflict zones
2. Develop a culture of solidarity, in particular a duty of care towards each other
3. Be ready at all time to help record any incidents of attacks to provide evidence to cases of violence
4. Develop an understanding of how military works and be ready how to handle them.


As a first step, the participants to the Doha conference agree to:

1. Place the issue of the safety and protection of journalists whenever possible on the agenda of international and regional institutions and conferences
2. Work towards a new meeting to be attend by all stakeholders including governments to further discuss and develop the current recommendations after one year
3. Agree to disseminate the current recommendations and to organize press conferences to publicize them
4. Call upon the Qatarai NCHR to create a working group involving all stakeholders to follow up the adopted recommendations.

Participants agree to transmit these recommendations to the President of the General Assembly for adoption by the General Assembly. This would be done by a presentation made by a delegation led by the NCHR and comprising International Federation of Journalists, The Press Emblem Campaign, Federacion de periodistas de America Latina y Caribe, Federation of African Journalists, Federation of the Arab Journalists, National Union of Journalists of the Philippines.

Participants recommend that all working papers and reports of workshops are considered as official documents of the Doha international conference.

Finally, participants express their appreciation and thanks to the NCHR for its efforts to organize the Doha conference and call upon it to continue its work with other concerned parties to implement the adopted recommendations.

Doha, 23.01.2012

The International Conference on The Protection of Journalists in Dangerous situations
Ritz-Carlton, Doha

**** Programme ****

Day (1) 22/01/2012
08:00-09:00 Registration of participants 

***First Session***

09:00 – 10:00 Opening Session.
 Documentary by Al-Jazeera
�    Speech by HE Dr. Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-kuwari, Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage .
�    Speech by Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al-Marri; NHRC Chairman
�    Speech by Sheikh Ahmed Bin Jassim Al Thani; Al-Jazeera Network Director General
�    Speech by Mr. Blaise Lempen; The Press Emblem Campaign Secretary General

10:30- 10:00 *** Break ***

*** Second Session ***

10:30-11:30 Session Chairperson; Dr. Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri Chairman of National Human Rights committee
First Contribution: A workpaper on the conditions of journalists' professional missions in dangerous territories.
�    By the International Federation of Journalists.

Second Contribution: A workpaper on Journalist on dangerous assignments: protection under international humanitarian law and the ICRC' s hotline.
�    Presented by The International Committee of Red Cross

Third Contribution: A workpaper on the draft international convention specific to the protection of journalists in conflict zones and other violent areas.
�    Presented By The Press Emblem Campaign

Fourth Contribution: A workpaper on Building International Consensus on the Safety of Journalists: an Interagency Perspective. 
�    By the UNESCO.

Fifth Contribution: A workpaper on ability building in the area of journalists' safety standards.
�    By Doha Centre for Media Freedom. 

11:30-13:30 Discussion
13:30-15:30 * Lunch * 

*** Workshops***
15:30-18:00 First Workshop: Concerning the type of protection for journalists and the identification Emblem (as a tool of protection and identification) 

Second Workshop: Concerning ways to develop efficient mechanisms for international protection of journalists 

Third Workshop: Capacity building on safety standards for journalists 

Fourth Workshop:  Developing a campaign plan to mobilize support for the adoption of the conference's recommendations. 

18:00 End of Day (1)
Meeting of Drafting Committee ::: 4 Rapporteurs + Rapporteur General 
20:30 Dinner Fontaine courtyad

Day (2) 23/01/2012

09:00-10:00 Session Chairperson: Rapporteur General
Reading workshops' reports : 4 Rapporteurs
10:00-11:30 Discussion 
11:30-12:00 Break 11:30 – 12:00

***Closing Session***
12:00-13:30 Session Chairperson: NHRC Chairman Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al- Marri.
Reading the closing report and recommendations (Rapporteur General )
End of Activities. 

13:30-14:00 Press conference

From left: Blaise Lempen, Secretary-General of the Press Emblem Campaign; Dr Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Chairman of NHRC; H E Dr Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari, the Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage; and Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim Al Thani, Director-General of Aljazeera Network, during the opening session of the Conference on Sunday January 22 (photo The Peninsula).

Opening session. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) Statement by PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen

Mr Minister,
Mr Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission,
Mr Director General of Al-Jazeera,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Colleagues,

Last year, 107 journalists were killed in the exercise of their professional functions. The uprisings in several Arab countries alone were responsible for 23 victims among media employees in one year. Since the first of January, seven journalists have paid with their life their mission of providing information. Many others were injured, arrested.
It is time to stop this worrying trend.
We warmly salute the initiative taken by Qatar to organize this meeting in order to allow us to exchange views on the ways to remedy this unacceptable situation.
Impunity is a major problem. We must, unfortunately, note that, invarious circumstances, existing law is neither enforced nor unadapted. The nature of conflicts has evolved, the technics of communication also. The number of stakeholders in the field has also increased. How can we oblige all governments to respect their obligations? How can we guarantee access of the media to conflict zones while reducing the risks?
Respect for press freedom means not only public information but also the impartial denunciation of human rights violations.
Over the past several years, journalists' associations throughout the world, several NGOs as well as international organizations and certain governments have become aware of the problem. Several meetings have made it possible to analyse the seriousness of the situation and to study its causes. We must now move beyond verbal condemnations and envisage concrete measures.
Based in Geneva, with the UN consultative status, the Press Emblem Campaign is honored to be able to contribute to a solution of this serious problem in concert will all parties concerned.
This Doha meeting can and must mark a historic step in advancing, concretely, towards a more effective protection of journalists in conflict zones and in other dangers areas.
We thank the Qatar authorities for giving us, all of us, this occasion to talk together, and we hope that, at the end of our discussions, we shall be able to launch, in Doha, a process that will reinforce the safety of journalists in conflict zones both international and internal. Many lives have been sacrificed, more than 500 these past five years. This sort of crime can no longer be tolerated by the international community.
We must act. With your support, we are persuaded that we can move forward along this difficult road and give governments the clear indications needed to guarantee a safer environment for the independent and indispensable work of the media in conflict zones.

French Version

Monsieur le ministre,
Monsieur le président de la Commission nationale des droits de l'homme,
Monsieur le directeur général d'Al-Jazeera,
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Chers collègues,

L'an dernier, 107 journalistes ont été tués dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions. Les soulèvements dans plusieurs pays arabes ont fait à eux seuls 23 victimes parmi les employés des médias en un an. Depuis le 1er janvier, 7 journalistes ont déjà payé de leur vie leur mission d'information. Beaucoup d'autres ont été agressés, blessés et certains sont actuellement détenus.
Il est temps d'agir pour non seulement dénoncer, mais arrêter cette évolution très inquiétante.
Nous saluons chaleureusement l'initiative prise par le Qatar d'organiser cette réunion afin de nous permettre d'échanger nos vues sur les moyens de remédier à cette situation inacceptable.
L'impunité est un problème majeur. Nous devons malheureusement constater que, dans différentes circonstances, le droit existant n'est pas appliqué ou inadapté. La nature des conflits a évolué, Les techniques de communication aussi. Le nombre d'acteurs sur le terrain a augmenté. Comment faire en sorte que tous les gouvernements respectent leurs obligations ? Comment garantir l'accès des medias aux zones de conflit en réduisant les risques ?
Du respect de la liberté de la presse dépend non seulement l'information du public, mais aussi la dénonciation impartiale des violations des droits de l'homme.
Depuis quelques années, les associations de journalistes dans le monde, plusieurs ONG ainsi que des organisations internationales et certains gouvernements ont pris conscience du problème. Plusieurs réunions ont permis d'analyser la gravité de la situation et d'en étudier les causes. Il faut maintenant dépasser les seules condamnations verbales et envisager des mesures concrètes.
Basée à Genève, accréditée auprès de l'ONU, la Press Emblem Campaign est très honorée de pouvoir contribuer à une solution de ce grave problème avec toutes les parties concernées.
La réunion de Doha peut et doit marquer une étape historique pour avancer concrètement vers une protection plus efficace des journalistes dans les zones de conflit et autres zones dangereuses.
Nous remercions les autorités du Qatar de nous donner, à tous, cette occasion de débattre ensemble et nous espérons qu'au terme de nos discussions, nous pourrons lancer à Doha un processus qui renforcera la sécurité des journalistes dans les zones de conflit international et interne.
Beaucoup de vies ont été sacrifiées, plus de 500 ces cinq dernières années. Ce genre de crimes ne doit plus être toléré par la communauté internationale. Nous devons agir. Avec votre soutien, nous sommes persuadés que nous pourrons progresser sur ce chemin difficile et donner aux gouvernements des indications claires pour garantir un environnement plus sûr au travail indépendant et indispensable des medias dans les régions en conflit.

PEC President Hedayat Abdel Nabi (right) speaks at the plenary session of the Doha International Conference next to IFJ President, ICRC Rep Dorothea Krimitsas, NCHR's Chairman, Jan Keulen Director of the Doha Center for Media Freedom (DCMF) and UNESCO Representative (photo PEC)

PEC press release - PEC welcomes recommendations of Doha conference

Doha/Geneva, Jan 23 (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign PEC welcomes today the recommendations of the International Conference on the Protection of Journalists in Dangerous Situations (Doha, Qatar, 22 and 23 January) as an historical milestone and an important step forward to enhance the protection of media employees.

"We adopted a new agenda in Doha to enhance the protection of journalists and we launched a new process. It is a great achievement", said PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen at the closing press conference. "We decided concrete measures to bring awareness to the heavy toll paid by journalists and to reach a better implementation of international humanitarian law and human rights", he added. 

In addition the PEC warmly welcomes statements made by Qatari officials in support of a new convention to protect journalists in dangerous zones, said PEC President Hedayat Abdel Nabi. At the plenary session and during the workshops, many participants, including journalists' associations, supported a proposal for a new international convention to protect journalists.

PEC President Hedayat Abdel Nabi, PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen and PEC Vice-President Mohamed Cherif attended the conference. PEC Secretary General opened the conference next to Dr Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Chairman of NHRC; H E Dr Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari, the Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage; and Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim Al Thani, Director-General of Aljazeera Network.

The Doha Conference adopted by consensus a 5 pages Declaration with a broad range of recommendations after two days of meeting with around 150 delegates (NGOs, journalists' associations, human rights experts, representatives of international organizations) coming from more than 40 countries. The recommendations
are addressed to the United Nations and its agencies, to governments, to news organizations and to journalists.
PEC welcomes the recommendations of the conference that highlight that scores of journalists and media workers continue to be killed every year while carrying out their professional responsibilities. Many of such abuses are not investigated and remain unpunished. According to the Doha Declaration, renewed and urgent action is necessary to press for robust implementation to the existing mechanisms and procedures by increasing the effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement of the current instruments.

The Doha Declaration calls for developing new tools to bind all States to acknowledge and accept a standing obligation to provide particular safeguards and protection for journalists beyond the provisions of UN Security Council resolution 1738 reminding States of their obligations to give journalists protection as civilians
in situations of conflict.

It recommends to adopt ambitious reforms to United Nations mechanisms and procedures such as through regional security organizations, expanding the mandates of Special Rapporteurs and concerned UN bodies,
organizing emergency alerts and missions, considering intrusive inspections and mandatory sanctions, developing or renewing existing systems, developing further monitoring and peer review processes and work towards an ultimate goal setting up an international treaty so that countries can collectively adopt a set of radical new measures to afford credible protection to journalists.

The Doha Declaration recommends to expand the current legal provisions beyond the obligation to protect journalists against attacks on their life, and include forced disappearances and kidnapping (by state or private actors), arbitrary arrest, intimidation, deportation/refusal of entry, confiscation/ damage to
property, and new forms of violence experienced by journalists during the 2011 Arab spring, and further develop Human Rights Council resolutions S-2/1 and S-9/1 concerning the attacks on media installations and allowing access as well as safe media corridors in conflict zones.

It requests the Human Rights Council to appoint a special rapporteur on the protection of journalists and the High Commissioner of Human Rights (HCHR) to create a unit to follow up media cases. It requests news organizations and journalists to do more safety training.

Participants agreed to transmit these recommendations to the President of the General Assembly for discussion at the UN General Assembly. This would be done by a delegation led by the Qatari national human rights commission and comprising International Federation of Journalists, The Press Emblem Campain, Federacion de periodistas de America Latina y Caribe, Federation of African Journalists, Federation of the Arab Journalists, National Union of Journalists of the Philippines.

Participants agreed also to work towards a new meeting to be attended by all stakeholders including governments to further discuss and develop the recommendations after one year.

On Sunday, Qatari minister of culture, art and heritage Dr Hamad Bin Abdelaziz Al Kuwari told the opening session that the global cause to protect journalists did not receive the necessary attention from many countries despite efforts to develop a new international convention to protect journalists.

Aljazeera network Director General Ahmed Bin Jassim Al Thani said that the scope of aggression against
freedom of the media and access to information calls for developing a new international convention for the protection of media in dangerous zones.

Chairman of the Qatari national human rights committee Doctor Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri said the current situation of the order to protect journalists needs further development taking into account that the
current criteria of international law were crafted 50 years ago, when at that time the media was limited in reaching the whole globe as well as conflicts were different. (END)


Doha Conference on the Protection of Journalists in Dangerous Situations, 22-23 January 2012

Presentation of the draft international convention specific to the protection of journalists in conflict zones and other violent areas. Blaise Lempen, Secretary General of the PEC

Does the current law that is in effect sufficiently protect journalists? This is the question that the organizers of this conference have asked me to answer.

First of all, it is important to state that existing law protects journalists. The question is whether this protection is sufficient and effective.

Existing law protects journalists as it protects any other human being. It is forbidden to kill, to injure, a person except in legitimate defense. This prohibition is found already in the Bible and in the Coran. National
legislation in force in all the countries of the world contain binding provisions to this effect, just as do the international treaties of the United Nations.

Regarding international humanitarian law, the Geneva Conventions have a specific article regarding the protection of journalists in conflict zones that affirms that journalists benefit from the same protection as
civilians (Article 79 of Protocol 1).

The Facts

Is this enough? Let us examine the facts. This legal protection has not prevented the killing of an average of two journalists every week over the past five years – nearly 550 in five years. Thus, somewhere, something is
seriously wrong. In more than two thirds of the cases, these journalists died in conflict zones or during violent political unrest. For the remaining third, a case can be made for isolated events related to criminal activities in otherwise peaceful regions. Last year, en 2011, at least 20 journalists were killed covering the "Arab Spring" in Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Syria and Tunisia.

One can reasonably conclude that existing law is not effective enough to protect journalists in areas of conflict and violent unrest.

Why? Because in many circumstances, existing law is not observed. There are no effective enforcement mechanisms.

At the international level, there is no legislation dealing specifically and in detail with the protection of journalists in dangerous areas. There are international conventions on the rights of the child, of women, of the
handicapped, of migrants, of sailors, for example. None, however, on the activities of the media. The profession of journalist nonetheless comports duties and rights different from those of other professions. In the Geneva
Conventions, medical personnel benefit from extensive and specific protection in many articles. There is no such provision for journalists.

They have a mission to accomplish, that of providing independent information, of bearing witness, in particular to human rights violations, a mission useful to all society. By the very nature of their work, they
are exposed to substantial risks: rather than fleeing combat or violence, they must approach it in order to be able to tell what is happening as neutrally and impartially as possible.

Non-Solution Solutions

The Americans found two sorts of solutions, first during the Gulf War then during the invasion of Iraq. During the Gulf War, in 1991, journalists were simply excluded from combat zones, and the only information available
was given out by the Pentagon at a high-security military base. It was orchestrated information, unverifiable in any impartial way. Simultaneously, a few rare journalists relayed the Saddam Hussein’s propaganda from the hotel in Baghdad where they were holed up. More recently, journalists did the same thing from a hotel in Tripoli during the last months of the Muammar Gadhafi regime.

During the invasion of Iraq, in 2003, the Americans embedded journalists in their military units. The incorporation of journalists into such military units is a frequent practice, for example today in Afghanistan.
This practice is highly contested by the media: journalists effectively lose their independence. They can be considered an enemy by the adversary, which can result in their losing all legal protection. Using an armed
escort for journalists is sometimes the only possible solution – but it is very dangerous, since journalists can then be taken for combatants.

There is a third possibility, often practiced: clandestine work. A journalist enters a country or region without declaring her/his identity, without official approval, sometimes using local informers. These experiences have often finished badly with hostage taking (numerous in Iraq, for example), arrests and ill treatment (several recently in Libya), expulsions (for example in Syria last year), or even reprisals against the local informers. The "local informers" or "free-lancers" hired by the international media that cannot go into the field themselves are, in this respect, greatly at risk.

These solutions are non-solutions. There is a huge problem of access, of security in areas of combat and violent unrest. Training can be improved to minimize risks. Certain measures are useful, such as traveling in
groups and wearing bullet-proof vests. But it is also essential to improve observance of existing law.


One of the first things to do in the framework of the drafting of a convention would be to define what one is talking about. Here, we come to two important points: the evolution of the media and the evolution of the
nature of conflicts.

First, the evolution of the media. The number of information providers has increased. This is related to the rise of the social networks. Are bloggers who create their own blogs journalists? Are citizens who witness
an act of violence and tweet their own information journalists? Is the NGO militant creating an internet site a journalist? They all do important information work, but they are not professional journalists accredited by
a recognized medium. The United Nations, for example, will not accredit as journalists bloggers or internet site web managers. It is a very delicate problem still under discussion. Generally, one must distinguish between
freedom of expression and press freedom.

The second problem in definition is the protection of journalists in areas of conflict or danger. What would be the area of applicability of the future convention? What is a conflict zone? According to the Geneva
Conventions, it is an area of armed conflict, domestic or international. There can, however, be violence without armed conflict strictly speaking, for example during the uprisings that broke out in several Arab countries
last year – or in Latin America in the struggle between the drug cartels and the authorities. Journalists face grave dangers in this sort of situation. The future convention should cover this sort of conflict by
complementing the protection offered by the Geneva Conventions. There is also a great number of extended conflicts that are not overt conflicts but that create high risk areas such as Iraq today and the Russian Caucasus.
There are also terrorist situations that expose media representatives to high risks. Such situations would also have to be included in the area of applicability of the convention, as well as non-state actors.


After the indispensable work of definition and the recall of existing law, the convention should provide for mechanisms of concrete application. These provisions should concern obligations in training, access and
identification, complaints, investigations, compensation and reparation, legal action against and conviction of those responsible and follow up.

The Geneva Conventions do not cover investigations. The ICRC never investigates. In fact, nearly 90% of the crimes committed against journalists are not followed up by legal action nor do they they result in
identifying and convicting those really guilty. This problem of impunity is very serious. It encourages others to commit such crimes.

Why this impunity? There are many reasons: for example, the crimes targeting journalists are sometime ordered at a very high level, thus police and judicial investigations are thwarted. Soldiers who have knowingly or by negligence killed journalists in a war zone are protected by their chain of command or else claim that they did not know that the victim was a journalist – a frequently heard argument. Or those behind the killings are not identified because the local authorities, police or judicial, are non-existent or corrupt.

When the investigation mechanisms on the national level are not effective, there must be investigations on the international level. When local justice does not do its work, cannot do its work, when the territory on
which the crime took place is under the control of an armed group or a rogue state or plunged in anarchy, the international community must take over. The convention could thus institute appropriate mechanisms, for
example an international commission of inquiry that the states parties to the convention would be committed to working with. The affected individual or medium would have to be allowed access to it. It is also important to
allow for compensation and reparation, either to the families or to the media. The convention could institutionalize a solidarity fund.


The problem of identification of journalists must also be discussed. Every journalist must currently prove his/her identity by means of a press card and/or an accreditation letter from a medium. In dangerous areas,
journalists decide whether to identify themselves by a visible emblem in such a way as to show that they are not combatants but media representatives. Such emblems are more often than not cobbled together in
an artisanal manner, and there is an infinite variety of them on all continents. The purpose of the convention should be to create a uniform emblem internationally recognized that journalists could use, as now, when
the situation requires it. It is important to clarify that this emblem would never be compulsory and that the choice of wearing it would be incumbent upon the journalist or the journalist's medium. An internationally recognized emblem would have a more binding legal force for the parties recognizing it in the convention. The PEC has proposed an emblem: an orange disc with the work PRESS in black letters.

The convention should, moreover, reaffirm the necessity for signatory governments to give access to journalists in all circumstances. This is far from being the case at present.

Finally, the convention should create follow-up mechanisms. One can imagine the setting up of an international commission of experts, a body for the implementation of the treaty, and an organization dealing with the
subject, a sort of ICRC of journalists, capable of defending and rescuing media employees in difficulty in all circumstances and of intervening with the competent authorities, or a specialized service within the United
Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. For the time being, the follow-up to all this is done primarily by NGOs that have a high capacity for analysis, alert, sensitizing, but no binding authority
regarding any states or judicial instances. 

The PEC has drafted a preliminary convention which is on its website. This text, proposed for adoption by governments, can serve as a starting point and can be changed, improved, with the agreement of all concerned parties.

It is impossible for me to go into all the details here. However, the members of the PEC, nearly 40 journalist associations throughout the world, are certain of one thing: it is imperative to begin the work of
drafting a convention on the protection of journalists in areas of conflict and violent unrest, with a view to its being adopted as soon as possible. Waiting will not resolve the problem. We encourage as many
countries as possible to join this project and work for its success.

Thank you for your attention.

مؤتمر الدوحة حول حماية الصحفيين في المناطق الخطيرة 22-23 يناير 2012

PEC Vice-President and Swissinfo Representative Mohamed Cherif at the International Conference for Protection of Journalists in Dangerous Zones in Doha (photo pec)

ورقة عمل حول مشروع معاهدة دولية خاصة بحماية الصحفيين في مناطق النزاعات وباقي مناطق الاضطرابات. من تقديم السيد بليز لامبن، الأمين العام للحملة الدولية لشارة حماية الصحفي، جنيف سويسرا.

هل القوانين السارية المفعول بها ما يكفي لحماية الصحفيين؟ هذا هو السؤال الذي طلب مني المنظمون تقديم إجابة عنه.

من المهم في البداية القول بأن القوانين السارية المفعول تقدم حماية للصحفيين. ولكن السؤال المطروح هو هل هذه الحماية كافية وفعالة؟.

فالقوانين الحالية تقدم حماية للصحفيين شأنهم في ذلك كباقي البشر. إذ هناك تحريم لقتل إنسان او إصابته بجراح خارج نطاق الدفاع عن النفس. وهذا التحريم ورد في البداية في الإنجيل والقرآن. وكل القوانين الوطنية السارية المفعول في الدول تحتوي على نصوص ملزمة بهذا الخصوص، ونفس الشيء نجده في المواثيق الدولية والمعاهدات الأممية.

وعلى مستوى القانون الانساني الدولي، تحتوي معاهدات جنيف على بند يهتم خصيصا بحماية الصحفيين في مناطق الصراعات، والذي ينص على أن الصحفيين يتمتعون بنفس الحماية التي يتمتع بها باقي المدنيين( البند 79 من البروتوكول الاضافي الأول).


هل هذا كاف؟ اسمحوا لي بأن نلقي معا نظرة على الواقع: هذه الحماية القانونية لم تسمح بتجنب أن نشاهد خلال السنوات الخمس الأخيرة، مقتل صحفيين بمعدل اثنين كل أسبوع. أي حوالي 550 في غضون خمسة أعوام. وهذا ما يعني أن هناك خللا في مكان ما.

وأن ثلثا هذا العدد من الصحفيين سقط في مناطق صراعات مسلحة أو في مناطق اضطرابات عنف سياسي. أما بالنسبة للثلث المتبقي، فقد يتعلق الأمر بحالات متفرقة مردها الى نشاطات إجرامية تقع في مناطق لا تعرف اضطرابات. ففي السنة الماضية 2011، قُتل 20 صحفيا على الأقل أثناء تغطيتهم للأحداث التي لها علاقة ب"الربيع العربي"، في ليبيا ، واليمن، ومصر، وسوريا وتونس.

ويمكن أن نستخلص من ذلك بكل منطقية، بأن القوانين السارية المفعول، ليست فعالة بما يسمح بحماية الصحفيين في مناطق الصراعات المسلحة او الاضطرابات العنيفة.

لماذا؟ لأن القوانين السارية المفعول لا يتم احترامها في ظروف عديدة، ولأن هناك افتقارا لآليات تطبيق فعالة وقادرة على فرض هذا الاحترام.

لا يوجد أي نص قانوني على المستوى الدولي، يهتم خصيصا وبالتفصيل بحماية الصحفيين في المناطق الخطيرة. إذ هناك معاهدات دولية حول حقوق الطفل، والمرأة، والأشخاص ذوي العاهات، والمهاجرين، والبحارة على سبيل المثال. ولكن لا توجد أية معاهدة تعنى بنشاطات العاملين في وسائل الإعلام، على الرغم من كون مهنة الصحفي تحتوى على واجبات وحقوق تختلف عن باقي المهن الأخرى. وفي معاهدات جنيف يستفيد عمال الاغاثة الطبية بحماية واسعة مفصلة في العديد من البنود، بينما لا يوجد أي من ذلك بالنسبة للصحفيين.

فالصحفيون يتولون مهمة الإعلام بطريقة مستقلة، وتقديم شهادتهم، بالأخص فيما يتعلق بانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان، وهي مهمة لفائدة المجتمع بأكمله. وهم بحكم مهنتهم هذه معرضون لأخطار جسيمة: فهم على العكس، ليسوا مطالبين بمغادرة مناطق القتال والعنف، بل الاقتراب أكثر من مكان وقوعها لنقل ما يقع بطريقة محايدة وغير منحازة.

حلول ليست بحلول على الإطلاق

لقد وجد الأمريكيون نوعين من الحلول أثناء حربي الخليج الأولى والثانية. فقد تم أثناء حرب الخليج الأولى ما بين عامي 1990-1991 اقصاء الصحفيين ببساطة من مناطق الصراع، وأن المعلومات الوحيدة التي كانت متاحة هي التي تصدر عن وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية ( البنتاغون) في قاعدة عسكرية محصنة. ويتعلق الأمر في هذه الحالة بطريقة إعلام موجهة، لا يمكن التأكد من صحتها بطريقة مستقلة. وفي نفس الوقت كان هناك بعض الصحفيين القليلين المحصنين في فندق في بغداد، و الذين كانوا ينقلون الدعاية التي كان يروجها صدام حسين. ونفس الشيء تكرر مؤخرا في أحد فنادق طرابلس أثناء الأشهر الأخيرة من نظام معمر القذافي.

وأثناء حرب الخليج الثانية في عام 2003، أقدم الأمريكيون على إدخال مفهوم (EMBEDDED) الصحفيين المدمجين في وحداتهم العسكرية. وهناك لجوء أكثر فأكثر الى إدماج الصحفيين في الوحدات العسكرية، مثلما هو الحال اليوم في افغانستان. لكن هناك معارضة قوية لمثل هذا التصرف من قبل وسائل الإعلام: لأن الصحفي يفقد في هذه الحالة استقلاليته ويمكن اعتباره عدوا من قبل الطرف الثاني، الأمر الذي يفقده أية حماية قانونية. وهناك إمكانية مرافقة الصحفيين من قبل مسلحين كحل وحيد، ولكن حتى هذا الحل يعتبر خطيرا للغاية، نظرا لإمكانية اعتبار الصحفي مقاتلا.

وهناك حل ثالث كثيرا ما يلجأ إليه الصحفيون: وهو القيام بالتغطية الصحفية بطريقة سرية. بحيث يتسلل الصحفي الى بلد او الى منطقة بدون الافصاح عن هويته، وبدون الحصول على ترخيص من السلطات، وباستخدام مخبرين محليين في بعض الأحيان. ولكن مثل هذه التجارب كثيرا ما انتهت بطريقة غير جيدة: كالتعرض للاختطاف( كثير منها وقع في العراق على سبيل المثال)، او التعرض للاعتقال وسوء المعاملة( العديد من الحالات في ليبيا مؤخرا)، او التعرض للطرد (مثلما وقع في سوريا العام الماضي)، أو تعريض المخبرين المحليين لمضايقات. وهؤلاء المخبرون المحليون او "الصحفيون المستقلون" الذين توظفهم وسائل الاعلام التي لا تستطيع التواجد في عين المكان، هم الذين يعرضون انفسهم أكثر للخطر.

وهذه الحلول المقترحة ليست بحلول بالمرة، نظرا لكون أن هناك عراقيل كثيرة لدخول الصحفيين وتأمين حياتهم في مناطق الصراعات والاضطرابات العنيفة. وهناك إمكانية لتحسين طريقة تكوين هذا الطرف أو ذاك للحد من الأخطار. مثل السفر في مجموعات ، أو ارتداء سترات واقعية من الرصاص، ولكن ما هو أهم هو تحسين احترام القوانين السارية المفعول.

تحديد المفهوم

الخطوة الأولى التي يجب القيام بها في إطار تحضير معاهدة، هو تحديد مفهوم ما نتحدث عنه بدقة. وهنا يجب أن نتطرق لنقطتين هامتين: تطور الساحة الإعلامية من جهة ، وتطور طبيعة الصراعات المسلحة من جهة أخرى.

فيما يتعلق بتطور الساحة الإعلامية، هناك تكاثر لعدد الشركاء في العملية الإعلامية. وهناك ضرورة لفتح النقاش بهذا الخصوص بعد التطور الكبير الذي عرفته وسائل الاتصال والشبكات الاجتماعية. فالمدون الذي يفتح مدونة على شبكة الإنترنت هل يمكن اعتباره صحفيا أم لا؟ والمواطن الذي يكون شاهد عيان لحادث عنف وينقله على موقعه في تويتر هل هو صحفي؟ والناشط في منظمة غير حكومية الذي يفتح موقعا لمنظمته على الانترنت هل يمكن اعتباره صحفيا أيضا؟ هؤلاء جميعا يقومون بعمل إخباري هام، ولكنهم ليسوا صحفيين محترفين معتمدين من قبل وسيلة إعلامية معترف بها. فالأمم المتحدة على سبيل المثال لا تعتمد لا المدونين او المسؤولين عن مواقع على الإنترنت بصفة صحفيين. وهذا موضوع دقيق في مناقشته ، إذ يتطلب الأمر عموما تفريقا بين حرية التعبير وحرية الصحافة.


المشكلة الثانية في عملية تحديد المفاهيم، تكمن في كوننا نتحدث عن حماية الصحفيين في مناطق الصراعات المسلحة او المناطق الخطيرة. وهنا يجب تحديد نطاق تطبيق المعاهدة المقبلة؟ وتحديد ما المقصود بمنطقة الصراع ؟ من منظور معاهدات جنيف هناك منطقة صراع مسلح إما دولية او داخلية. ولكن بالإمكان أن تكون هناك مناطق عنف حتى بدون وجود صراع بمفهوم الصراع المسلح كالتي وقعت في العديد من الدول العربية أثناء انتفاضات الربيع العربي في العام الماضي، أو ما يحدث في أمريكا اللاتينية من مواجهات بين السلطات وكارتيلات المخدرات. وهي حالات يواجه فيها الصحفيون مخاطر كبرى. لذى على المعاهدة الجديدة أن تشمل مثل هذه الصراعات، وأن تكمل التغطية التي توفرها معاهدات جنيف. وهناك العديد من الحالات التي تعرف فيها الصراعات تمديدا لنشاطاتها دون اعتبارها صراعات مفتوحة، لكنها تبقى محفوفة بالمخاطر: ويعتبر العراق من هذه الحالات اليوم، شأنه في ذلك شأن منطقة القوقاز في روسيا. كما أن هناك حالات إرهاب تعرض وسائل الإعلام لمخاطر كبرى. وهو ما يتطلب إدماج هذه الصراعات في المعاهدة الجديدة وإدماج العناصر غير الحكومية المشاركة في الصراعات المسلحة.

الافلات من العقاب

بعد هذا العمل الضروري في مجال تحديد المفاهيم، وبعد التذكير بالقوانين السارية المفعول، يجب على المعاهدة القادمة أن تحدد آليات تطبيق عملية. وهذه الإجراءات يجب أن تشمل ضرورة توفير التكوين، وإمكانية الوصول الى مكان الحادث والتعرف على هوية الأطراف، والحق في التحقيق وفي تقديم الشكوى، والحق في تقديم التعويض عن الأضرار، والحق في المتابعة القانونية وفي إدانة المسئولين عن ذلك، والحق في متابعة الملف.

فمعاهدات جنيف لا تشتمل على أية آليات للتحقيق. كما أن اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر لا تقوم بأية تحقيقات. وأن حوالي 90% من الجرائم المرتكبة ضد الصحفيين لا تتعرض لمتابعة قضائية، ولا تتوصل الى تحديد لهوية مرتكبي تلك الجرائم او الى إدانتهم. ومسالة الافلات من العقاب هذه تعتبر خطيرة للغاية، لأنها تشجع آخرين على مواصلة ارتكاب تلك الجرائم. والسؤال المطروح: لماذا هذا الإفلات من العقاب؟

هناك عدة أسباب لذلك: أولا كون أوامر عمليات استهداف الصحفيين، في بعض الأحيان، تصدر عن جهات رفيعة المستوى، وبالتالي يصبح التحقيق فيها متعذرا على السلطات البوليسية والقضائية. فالجنود الذين قتلوا عن قصد او خطأ صحفيين في مناطق قتال، يتلقون تغطية من قياداتهم او يزعمون بأنهم لم يكونوا يعرفون أن الضحية صحفي، وهي مزاعم كثيرا ما سمعناها. أو أن مرتكبي عمليات القتل لا يتم التعرف عليهم نظرا لكون السلطات المحلية لا تملك قوات شرطة أو قضاء، أو أنها يمكن ارتشاؤها.

فعندما تكون آليات التحقيق على المستوي الوطني غير ناجعة، يجب القيام بتحقيق دولي. وعندما لا تقوم العدالة المحلية بعملها، أو أنها تكون في وضعية لا تسمح لها بذلك، أو عندما تكون المنطقة التي وقع فيها الحادث تحت سيطرة مجموعة مسلحة، أو تحت سلطة دولة مارقة، او تعمها الفوضى، يجب أن تتولى المجموعة الدولية ذلك. لذا يمكن للمعاهدة الجديدة أن تقر مثل هذه الآليات، كتحديد لجنة تحقيق دولية تلزم الدول الموقعة على المعاهدة بالتعاون معها. ويجب أن يتمتع الشخص المتضرر او وسيلة الإعلام المتضررة بحق رفع شكوى أمام هذه اللجنة. كما يجب تحديد تعويضات سواء بالنسبة لعائلة الضحية، او لوسيلة الإعلام التي كانت تشغل الضحية. كما أن بإمكان المعاهدة أن تقر إنشاء صندوق تضامن.

شارة مميزة

هناك ضرورة أيضا لمناقشة موضوع تحديد شارة مميزة للصحفي. إذ هناك ضرورة بالنسبة لكل صحفي في أن يثبت هويته كصحفي عن طريق بطاقة صحفية او عبر رسالة اعتماد من وسيلة الإعلام التي يشتغل فيها. لكن الصحفيين عندما يتواجدون في مناطق خطيرة، يلجئون إضافة الى ذلك الى استعمال شارة واضحة للعيان وذلك لتوضيح بأنهم صحفيون وليسوا مقاتلين. وهم في تصميمهم لتلك الشارة يلجئون بطريقة عشوائية الى تصميم عدد لا متناهي من هذه الشارات التي تختلف باختلاف القارات. لذلك على المعاهدة الجديدة ان تحدد شارة موحدة ومعترف بها دوليا ، يمكن للصحفيين ان يستخدموها عند الضرورة مثلما هو الحال اليوم. ويجب التوضيح بأن هذه الشارة يجب ألا تكون إجبارية وأن استخدامها يبقى من اختيار الصحفي او وسيلة الإعلام التي تشغله. لأن استخدام شارة معترف بها دوليا يكون مدعوما قانونيا بالتزام الدول الموقعة على المعاهدة. وقد قدمت الحملة الدولية لشارة حماية الصحفي نموذجا للشارة يتمثل في دائرة برتقالية اللون وبداخلها عبارة "PRESS " باللون الأسود.

كما أن على المعاهدة الجديدة ان تؤكد ضرورة افساح المجال أمام الصحفيين في كل الظروف، من قبل الدول الموقعة. وهو ما لا يتوفر اليوم.

و على المعاهدة تحديد آليات متابعة، كالتفكير في إقامة لجنة خبراء دوليين، ولجنة تطبيق بنود المعاهدة، أو لجنة متخصصة، تكون على شكل اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر ومتخصصة في قضايا الصحفيين ، وبإمكانها الدفاع عنهم وتقديم الدعم لموظفي وسائل الإعلام عند تعرضهم للمشاكل وفي كل الظروف، والتي بإمكانها التدخل لدى السلطات المعنية، أو إقامة مصلحة متخصصة بالصحفيين لدى مكتب المفوضة السامية لحقوق الإنسان.

إن متابعة هذا الموضوع في الوقت الحالي يتم فقط عبر منظمات غير حكومية لديها قدرة على التحليل ، والإنذار، والتحسيس، ولكن ليست لديها أية سلطة ملزمة سواء تجاه الدول او أمام القضاء.

وقد قامت الحملة الدولية لشارة حماية الصحفي بتحديد معالم مشروع معاهدة موجود على موقعها على الإنترنت. وبالإمكان اتخاذ هذا النص المقترح على الدول كأرضية يمكن تحسينها وتنقيحها بمشاركة جميع الأطراف المعنية.

وقد يصعب التطرق لكل التفاصيل الخاصة بموضوع حماية الصحفيين في هذا الظرف الزمني المخصص لي هنا، لكن الأمر المؤكد منه في الحملة الدولية لشارة حماية الصحفي التي تضم حوالي 40 جمعية صحفية في العالم، هو أنه يجب الشروع في اشغال تحديد معالم معاهدة لحماية الصحفيين في مناطق الصراعات او الاضطرابات العنيفة، بغرض المصادقة عليها في أقرب وقت. وإن أي انتظار سوف لن يعمل على حل المشكل. أملنا في أن ينضم أكبر عدد من الدول في هذا المشروع وأن يسهم في إثرائه.

شكرا على حسن المتابعة والإصغاء.

Conférence de Doha sur la protection des journalistes dans les zones dangereuses - 22-23 janvier 2012 - Exposé sur le projet de convention internationale spécifique à la protection des journalistes dans les zones de conflit et autres zones de violences. Blaise Lempen, secrétaire général de la PEC.

Le droit en vigueur protège-t-il suffisamment les journalistes ? Telle est la question à laquelle les organisateurs de la conférence m'ont demandé de répondre.

Il est d'abord important de dire que le droit existant protège les journalistes. La question et de savoir si cette protection est suffisante et efficace.

Le droit existant protège les journalistes comme tout autre être humain: il est interdit de tuer, de blesser une personne, en dehors de la légitime défense. L'interdiction de tuer se trouve déjà dans la Bible et le Coran. Toutes les législations nationales en vigueur dans les Etats comportent des clauses contraignantes à cet effet, de même que sur le plan international les traités de l'ONU.

En droit international humanitaire, les Conventions de Genève comportent un article spécifique à la protection des journalistes dans les zones de conflit qui affirme que les journalistes bénéficient de la même protection que tous les civils (article 79 du protocole 1).

Les faits

Est-ce suffisant ? Observons les faits: cette protection juridique n'a pas évité que ces cinq dernières années, deux journalistes en moyenne soient tués chaque semaine, près de 550 en cinq ans. Il y a donc quelque part une faille.

Pour plus des deux tiers, ces journalistes sont morts dans des zones de conflit ou lors de troubles politiques violents. Pour le tiers restant, il peut s'agir de cas isolés relevant d'activités criminelles dans des régions en paix. L'an dernier, en 2011, au moins 20 journalistes ont été tués en couvrant les événements liés au "printemps arabe", en Libye, au Yémen, en Egypte, en Syrie et en Tunisie.

On peut raisonnablement en conclure que le droit existant n'est pas assez efficace pour protéger les journalistes dans les zones de conflit et de troubles violents.

Pourquoi ? Parce que le droit en vigueur n'est pas respecté dans diverses circonstances. Des mécanismes d'application efficaces, capables de le faire respecter, font défaut.

Il n'existe aucun texte sur le plan international qui traite spécifiquement et de manière détaillée de la protection des journalistes dans les zones dangereuses. Il y a des Conventions internationales sur les droits des enfants, des femmes, des handicapés, des migrants, des marins par exemple. Aucune concernant l'activité des medias. La profession de journaliste comporte pourtant des devoirs et des droits différents d'autres professions. Dans les Conventions de Genève, le personnel médical bénéficie d'une protection étendue et précisée dans de très nombreux articles. Rien de tel pour les journalistes.

Ils ont une mission à accomplir, celle d'informer de manière indépendante, de témoigner, en particulier des violations des droits de l'homme, une mission utile à la société tout entière. De par la nature de leur travail, ils sont exposés à des risques considérables: ils ne doivent pas fuir les combats ou les violences, mais au contraire s'en approcher pour raconter ce qui se passe de manière neutre et impartiale.

Des solutions qui n'en sont pas

Les Américains ont trouvé deux types de solution lors des deux guerres du Golfe. Lors de la première guerre du Golfe, en 1990-1991, les journalistes avaient tout simplement été écartés des zones de combat et la seule information disponible était donnée par le Pentagone dans une base militaire retranchée. Il s'agissait d'une information dirigée, non contrôlable de manière impartiale. Simultanément, de rares journalistes répercutaient la propagande de Saddam Hussein coincés dans un hôtel de Bagdad. Comme plus récemment des journalises l'ont fait dans un hôtel de Tripoli pour les derniers mois du régime de Mouammar Kadhafi.

Lors de la seconde guerre du Golfe, en 2003, les Américains avaient incorporé (embedded) les journalistes dans leurs unités militaires. L'incorporation des journalistes parmi les militaires est fréquemment pratiquée, par exemple encore aujourd'hui en Afghanistan. Cette pratique est très contestée parmi les medias: le journaliste perd en effet son indépendance. Il peut être considéré comme un ennemi par le camp opposé, ce qui peut lui enlever toute protection juridique. La solution d'une escorte armée pour les journalistes est parfois la seule possible - mais elle est très dangereuse, puisque le journaliste peut alors être assimilé à un combattant.

Il existe une troisième possibilité, souvent pratiquée: celle de la clandestinité. Un journaliste s'introduit dans un pays ou une région sans déclarer son identité, sans l'accord des autorités, en utilisant parfois des informateurs locaux. Ces expériences se sont souvent mal terminées: prises d'otages (nombreuses en Irak, par exemple), arrestations et mauvais traitements (plusieurs exemples récents en Libye), expulsions (par exemple, de Syrie l'an dernier), ou bien représailles contre les informateurs locaux. Les dits "informateurs locaux" ou "free-lance" engagés par les medias internationaux qui ne peuvent pas se rendre sur place sont à cet égard très exposés.

Ces solutions n'en sont pas. Il y a un grand problème d'accès, de sécurité dans les zones de combat et de troubles violents. On peut améliorer la formation des uns et des autres pour minimiser les risques. Certaines précautions, comme de voyager en groupe, de revêtir des gilets pare-balle, sont utiles. Mais il est aussi essentiel d'améliorer le respect du droit existant.


Une des premières choses à faire dans le cadre de l'élaboration d'une convention serait de définir de quoi on parle. Et là nous abordons deux points importants, celui de l'évolution du paysage médiatique et celui de l'évolution de la nature des conflits.

D'abord, l'évolution des medias. Le nombre d'acteurs de l'information s'est accru. Il y a là un sujet à discuter à la suite de l'explosion des communications et des réseaux sociaux. Le blogeur qui crée son blog est-il ou non un journaliste ? Le citoyen témoin d'un acte de violence qui twitte son info est-il un journaliste ? Le militant d'une ONG qui crée son site internet est-il un journaliste ? Ils font un travail important d'information, mais ce ne sont pas des journalistes professionnels accrédités par un media reconnu. Les Nations Unies, par exemple, n'accréditent pas comme journalistes les blogueurs ou responsables de sites internet. C'est un problème très délicat à discuter. De manière générale, il faut faire la distinction entre liberté d'expression et la liberté de la presse.

Deuxième problème de définition. Nous parlons ici de la protection des journalistes dans les zones de conflit ou zones dangereuses. Quel serait le champ d'application de la future Convention ? Qu'est-ce qu'une zone de conflit ? Au sens des Conventions de Genève, une zone de conflit armé, international et interne. Il peut cependant y avoir des violences sans conflit armé proprement dit, par exemple lors des soulèvements qui ont éclaté dans plusieurs pays arabes l'an dernier - ou bien en Amérique latine dans la lutte entre les autorités et les cartels de la drogue. Les journalistes affrontent dans ce type de situation de très grands dangers. La future Convention devrait couvrir ce type de conflit, en complétant ainsi la protection offerte par les Conventions de Genève. Il existe en outre un grand nombre de conflits prolongés, qui ne sont plus des conflits ouverts, mais sont encore des zones à risques: l'Irak aujourd'hui, le Caucase en Russie, par exemple. Il existe aussi des situations de terrorisme, qui exposent les medias à des risques élevés. Il faudrait inclure ce type de situations, et les acteurs non étatiques, dans le champ d'application de la Convention.


Après le travail indispensable de définition, et le rappel du droit en vigueur, la Convention devrait élaborer des mécanismes d'application concrets. Ces dispositions devraient concerner des obligations en matière de formation, d'accès et d'identification, de plainte et d'enquête, d'indemnisation et de réparation, de poursuite et de condamnation des responsables et enfin de suivi.

Les Conventions de Genève ne comportent pas de mécanismes d'enquête. Le CICR ne fait jamais d'enquête. Or, près de 90% des crimes commis contre les journalistes ne sont pas poursuivis ou n'aboutissent pas à identifier et condamner les vrais coupables. Ce problème d'impunité est très grave. Car il encourage d'autres à commettre de tels crimes. Pourquoi cette situation d'impunité ? Il y a de nombreuses raisons: par exemple, les crimes visant des journalistes sont parfois commandités à très haut niveau et donc les investigations poolicières et judiciaires bloquées. Les soldats qui ont tué sciemment ou par mégarde des journalistes dans une zone de guerre sont protégés par leur chaîne de commandement ou bien affirment qu'ils ne savaient pas que la victime était un journaliste - un argument fréquemment entendu. Ou bien encore les auteurs des assassinats ne sont pas identifiés parce que les autorités locales, de police et judiciaires, sont inexistantes ou corrompues.

Lorsque les mécanismes d'enquête sur le plan national ne sont pas efficaces, il faut des enquêtes sur le plan international. Lorsque la justice locale ne fait pas son travail, n'est pas en mesure de fonctionner, que le territoire sur lequel le crime a eu lieu est sous le contrôle d'un groupe armé ou d'un Etat voyou ou plongé dans l'anarchie, il faut que la communauté internationale prenne le relais. La Convention pourrait donc instituer de tels mécanismes, par exemple une commission internationale d'enquête avec laquelle les Etats signataires de la Convention s'engageraient à collaborer. Il faudrait que l'individu ou le media lésé puisse les saisir. Il est important aussi de prévoir des indemnisations et des réparations, soit pour les familles, soit pour les medias. La Convention pourrait institutionnaliser un fonds de solidarité.


Le problème de l'identification des journalistes doit être aussi discuté. Tout journaliste doit actuellement prouver son identité par une carte de presse ou/et une lettre d'accréditation d'un media. Dans les zones dangereuses, les journalistes décident en outre de s'identifier par un emblème visible à l'extérieur de manière à signaler qu'ils ne sont pas des combattants, mais appartiennent à la presse. Ils fabriquent le plus souvent cet emblème de manière artisanale et il en existe une variété infinie sur tous les continents. Le but de la Convention devrait être de créer un emblème uniforme reconnu internationalement, que les journalistes pourraient utiliser, comme actuellement, lorsque la situation l'exige. Il est important de préciser que cet emblème ne serait jamais obligatoire et que le choix de le porter reviendrait uniquement au journaliste ou à son media. Un emblème reconnu internationalement aurait une force juridique plus contraignante pour les parties le reconnaissant dans la convention. La PEC a fait une proposition d'emblème, un disque orange avec le mot PRESS en lettres noires.

La Convention devrait en outre réaffirmer la nécessité pour les gouvernements signataires de donner accès aux journalistes en toutes circonstances. C'est loin d'être le cas actuellement.

Enfin, la convention devrait créer des mécanismes de suivi. On peut imaginer la création d'une commission internationale d'experts, celle d'un organe de mise en oeuvre du traité, ou encore celle d'une organisation compétente en la matière, un CICR des journalistes, capable de défendre et de porter secours aux employés des medias en difficulté en toutes circonstances et d'intervenir auprès des autorités compétentes, ou encore un service spécialisé au sein du Haut Commissariat aux droits de l'homme. Pour l'instant, le suivi de cette problématique est assuré avant tout par des ONG qui ont une capacité d'analyse, d'alerte, de sensibilisation, mais pas d'autorité contraignante vis-à-vis des Etats ni de pouvoir judiciaire.

La PEC a rédigé un avant-projet de convention qui se trouve sur son site web. Ce texte, proposé pour adoption par les gouvernements, peut servir de point de départ et peut être modifié, amélioré avec le concours de toutes les parties concernées.

Il m'est impossible de rentrer dans tous les détails ici. Mais les membres de la PEC, près de 40 associations de journalistes dans le monde, ont une certitude: il faut commencer les travaux d'élaboration d'une Convention sur la protection des journalistes en zones de conflit et de troubles violents, en vue d'une adoption la plus rapide possible. Attendre ne résoudra pas le problème. Nous souhaitons que le plus grand nombre d'Etats se rallient à ce projet et y collaborent.

Merci de votre attention.

***11.01.2012. Journaliste français tué en Syrie: la PEC consternée (English, Arabic and Spanish below)

Genève (PEC), 11 janvier - La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) est consternée par la mort, ce mercredi, d'un journaliste de la télévision française France 2 Gilles Jacquier (photo) en Syrie et condamne cet attentat dans les termes les plus vifs. Le journaliste se trouvait avec d'autres confrères en reportage à Homs, dans le centre de la Syrie.

Selon un photographe sur place, un obus est tombé sur le groupe de journalistes. Il y a eu également plusieurs blessés dans le groupe de journalistes étrangers, qui se trouvait à Homs dans le cadre d'un
voyage autorisé par les autorités syriennes. Gilles Jacquier était un journaliste très expérimenté qui avait travaillé depuis 1991 notamment en Irak, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Israël et l'an dernier en Côte d'Ivoire et Libye.

La PEC demande l'ouverture d'une enquête indépendante par le Haut Commissariat de l'ONU aux droits de l'homme pour déterminer l'origine des tirs, identifier et poursuivre les responsables.

Le journaliste français est le premier journaliste occidental tué en Syrie depuis le début de la révolte contre le régime le 15 mars. Trois autres journalistes de nationalité syrienne ont été tués en Syrie depuis le
début des troubles. "Les autorités de Damas doivent non seulement assurer l'accès des journalistes indépendants à leur territoire, mais assurer leur sécurité", a affirmé la PEC.

Ce nouvel attentat démontre encore une fois la nécessité pour la communauté internationale de prendre d'urgence des mesures supplémentaires afin de renforcer la sécurité des journalistes dans les zones de conflit, a affirmé la PEC. La PEC exprime sa profonde sympathie aux familles des journalistes tués et blessés en Syrie qui paient, elles aussi, un prix très élevé.

Au total, 23 journalistes ont été tués en un an à l'occasion du "printemps arabe" (Tunisie, Egypte, Libye, Yémen, Bahreïn et Syrie) et 107 journalistes sont morts dans l'exercice de leur métier l'an dernier, rappelle la PEC.

Gilles Jacquier, grand reporter témoin des conflits des 20 dernières années

PARIS (AFP) Kosovo, Afghanistan, Algérie, révolutions arabes, Gilles Jacquier, grand reporter de France 2 tué mercredi à Homs, a couvert la plupart des conflits des 20 dernières années et obtenu le prix Albert Londres pour des reportages lors de la seconde Intifada.

"J'ai horreur de la guerre mais sur ces terrains, je peux faire de vraies rencontres. Le plus souvent les gens sont eux-mêmes, très sincères face à une caméra et on ne peut rester insensible à leur souffrance", racontait le journaliste dans une interview.

"Moi, j'aime surtout filmer les gens au plus près de l'action, avec leurs émotions et sans voyeurisme", ajoutait-il.

Né le 25 octobre 1968, ce passionné d'images depuis sa plus tendre enfance, démarre sa carrière comme journaliste reporter d'images (JRI) dans une chaîne locale à Annecy en 1989, TV HUIT Mt Blanc.

Deux ans plus tard, il entre à France télévisions et rejoint la rédaction nationale de France 3 en 1994.

Il sillonne le monde, couvre les Jeux olympiques d'hiver de Lillehammer, de Nagano, le Festival de Cannes, les élections en Afrique du Sud.

Mais surtout, caméra sur l'épaule, Jacquier couvre tous les conflits depuis les années 1990, à commencer par celui du Kosovo. Suivront la République démocratique du Congo (ex-Zaïre), l'Algérie, la Côte d'Ivoire, Haïti, l'Irak, Israël, la Palestine, jusqu'aux révolutions arabes.

Jacquier dit avoir vu la "mort à grande échelle, avec des trous béants et des dizaines de cadavres arrivant sur des brancards et jetés là toutes les heures".

Il est particulièrement bouleversé par les massacres en Algérie dans les années 1990 et dans la jungle de Kisangani au Zaïre, avant la chute de Mobutu en 1997.

En 2003, Jacquier obtient le prestigieux prix Albert Londres avec Bertrand Coq, autre grand reporter, pour sa couverture durant la deuxième Intifada.

"Gilles était un excellent reporter de guerre, il n'avait peur de rien, avait un côté casse-cou mais ne prenait jamais de risques inconsidérés", témoigne Bertrand Coq, interrogé par l'AFP.

Lors des reportages à Naplouse, Jaquier est blessé. "Une balle avait pénétré par le côté de son gilet pare-balles et l'avait touché à la clavicule. La balle avait été extraite par un médecin suisse à l'hôpital de Naplouse", se rappelle Bertrand Coq.

Féru de sport, ancien champion de descente à ski, le grand reporter "mettait dans son travail tout l'acharnement, tout le talent et toute la motivation d'un grand sportif. Il ne rentrait jamais sans les images. Jamais", souligne Bertrand Coq.

"Gilles était un des meilleurs de France 2, un homme hors norme, on est tous sous le choc, il va beaucoup, beaucoup nous manquer", a déclaré Thierry Thuillier, directeur de l'information du groupe France Télévisions.


PEC saddened by the death of Gilles Jacquier

Geneva (PEC) – 11 January 2012- The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is deeply saddened by the death of French TV journalist of France 2 Gilles Jacquier, who was killed in Syria by a bomb blast in Homs.

The PEC condemns the killing of Gilles Jacquier in the strongest possible manner.

According to a cameraman the blast fell over many journalists. Mostly foreign journalists were covering the Syrian uprising and the visit was organized by the Syrian authorities.

Gilles Jacquier was an experienced journalist who worked in several war zones since 1991: Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Israel, Ivory Coast and Libya.

The PEC calls for an independent enquiry by the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to locate the firing of the blast, those responsible and to bring them to justice.

The French TV journalist is the first Western journalist killed since the beginning of the people’s uprising in Syria as of 15 March 2011.

Three other Syrian journalists were killed since the beginning of the uprising and the PEC calls upon the Syrian authorities not only to ensure access for media but to provide the necessary actions for their protection.

The Geneva based NGO; with special UN consultative status calls upon the international community to take up the necessary additional measures for the protection of journalists in conflict zones.

The PEC expresses its deep sympathy with the families of journalists killed or wounded in Syria, who they themselves like the journalists pay a very high price.

23 journalistes so far were killed during the current Arab uprising, in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bharain and Syria.

107 journalists were killed in 2011 while exercising their profession. 

حملة الشارة الدولية ادين مقتل
الصحفي الفرنسي جيل جاكيه

جنيف-القاهرة (حملة الشارة) – 12 يناير 2012- دانت اليوم حملة الشارة الدولية لحماية الصحفي بأقصى الكلمات مقتل صحفي فرانس 2 الفرنسي جيل جاكيه حينما سقطت عليه و زملائه قذيفة و هم يقومون بتغطية لمسيرة مؤيدة في "منطقة الزهراء- حي عكرمة" في مدينة حمص.

يذكر أن السلطات السورية كانت المنظمة لهذه الزيارة.

و كان الصحفي الفرنسي من أصحاب الخبرة في تغطية الحروب أذ قام بتغطية العراق و افغانستان و كوسوفو و إسرائيل.

و طالبت حملة الشارة الدولية بتحقيق مستقل من قبل مكتب مفوضة حقوق الانسان لتحديد مكان اطلاق القذيفة و ملاحقة من اطلقها و تقديمه للمحاكمة.

و الصحفي الفرنسي المقتول هو أول صحفي غربي يقتل في سوريا في حين قتل من قبله 3 من الصحفيين السوريين منذ بداية انتفاضة الشعب السوري في 15 مارس الماضي.

و حملت الحملة الدولية الحكومة السورية المسئولية في توفير التغطية للصحفيين للأحداث و في حمايتهم.

و طالبت المجتمع الدولي باتخاذ خطوات عاجلة و ضرورية من أجل حماية الصحفيين في مناطق النزاع المسلح.

و اعربت حملة الشارة عن عميق تعازيها لأسر القتلى من الصحفيين في سوريا و أيضاً الجرحى منهم لأنهم يدفعون ثمنا باهظاً في فقدان أحبائهم.

يذكر ان 23 من الصحفيين قتلوا أثناء انتفاضة الربيع العربي في تونس و مصر و ليبيا و اليمن و البحرين و سوريا.

و تذكر حملة الشارة أن 107 من الصحفيين قتلوا في 2011 و هم يؤدون عملهم.

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء الاطلاع على موقع الشارة 

SIRIA : La PEC consternada por asesinato de periodista francés

Ginebra, 11 ene (PEC) La Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC*) está consternada por la muerte, este miércoles, del periodista Gilles Jacquier, de la televisión francesa France 2, en Siria y condena este atentando en los términos más enérgicos. El periodista se encontraba junto a otros colegas realizando un reportaje en Homs, en el centro del país.

Según un fotógrafo que se hallaba en el lugar, un obús cayó sobre el grupo de periodistas. Hubo también varios heridos en el grupo de periodistas extranjeros, que se encontraban en Homs como parte de un viaje autorizado por las autoridades sirias. Gilles Jacquier era un periodista experimentado que había trabajado desde 1991 en Irak, Afganistán, Kosovo e Israel, fundamentalmente.

La PEC demanda la apertura de una investigación independiente por parte del Alto Comisariado de la ONU para los derechos humanos, a fin de determinar el origen de los tiros, identificar a los responsables y llevarlos ante la justicia.

El periodista francés es el primer periodista occidental muerto en Siria desde el inicio de la revuelta contra el régimen, el pasado 15 de marzo. Tres otros periodistas de nacionalidad siria resultaron muertos en Siria desde que comenzaron los disturbios. “Las autoridades de Damasco deben no sólo asegurar el acceso de los periodistas independientes a su territorio, sino garantizar la seguridad de los mismos”, ha afirmado la PEC.

Este nuevo atentado demuestra una vez más la necesidad de que la comunidad internacional adopte urgentemente medidas adicionales a fin de reforzar la seguridad de los periodistas en zonas de conflicto, ha reiterado la PEC.  La Campaña Emblema de Prensa expresa sus condolencias a los familiares de los periodistas muertos o heridos en Siria que pagan, ellas también, un precio muy alto.

En total, 23 periodistas han sido asesinados en un año en la “primavera árabe” (Túnez, Egipto, Libia, Yemen, Bahrein y Siria) y 107 periodistas perdieron la vida en el ejercicio de su profesión en el transcurso del pasado año.

(*) Siglas en inglés.


En América Latina no importa el país, no importa el gobierno, no importa la ideología de los Estados, el periodismo independiente y el derecho de la sociedad a la información se encuentran a fuego cruzado entre la
agresión física de unos grupos, y las amenazas y acoso psicológico de otros, en una atmósfera de impunidad y corrupción sin límites.
Actualmente, el problema para los comunicadores independientes es crítico in extremis porque el ejercicio de la violencia contra ellos va acompañada de otros agravantes como amenazas de muerte, atentados terroristas a
instalaciones, ataques a familiares y la imposición de autocensura a los medios para acallar la voz de la sociedad representada en el periodismo.
Latinoamérica lleva el triste liderazgo a nivel global, de violencia y muerte ejercida contra los profesionales de la comunicación independiente.
Según el Ticking Clock de Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), en América Latina, al menos 35 periodistas han sido asesinados sólo en 2011, lo que representa un 33% de un total de 107, las evidencias colectadas por PEC
muestran inequívocamente que cada vez son más los países implicados donde la violencia se inflinge directamente contra periodistas de parte de diferentes actores.
Por países, han sido asesinados: 12 en México, 6 en Honduras, 6 en Brasil, 3 en Perú, 1 en: Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Haití, Panamá, R. Dominicana, El Salvador y Venezuela. 1 Lo que muestra a Centro América,
con 23 asesinatos, como la región más crítica para el periodismo, siendo México con el 11.5% el que lleva la bandera de sangre contra profesionales y medios a nivel global. Efectivamente, la intensidad de la violencia en
México da cuenta, desde el 2008, que un periodista (+) muere o desaparece cada mes (con una frecuencia de 1.13). Chihuahua, Guerrero y Tamaulipas son las regiones más inseguras para los periodistas, donde se comete el 50% de los atentados, mientras que Michoacán es la región con mayor número de desapariciones de periodistas. A este fenómeno de muertes violentas de comunicadores, hay que adjuntar situaciones de amenazas y desapariciones y exilios.
18 DESAPARICIONES FORZADAS. Se han reportado 18 periodistas desaparecidos en México desde el 2003, de los cuales 4 han sido encontrados muertos, de acuerdo a la agencia latinoamericana de información AMENAZAS DE MUERTE.
Al menos, 34 periodistas han sido amenazados de muerte en América Latina: 7 en Honduras; 5 en Colombia; 3 en Perú; 3 en Argentina; 3 en Venezuela; 2 en Ecuador; 2 en Haití y uno en: República Dominicana, Brasil, Argentina, Bolivia y Paraguay. Notando que en la práctica, las muertes de periodistas van precedidas de amenazas, por lo que muchos periodistas se han exiliado.
EXILIADOS DE: Venezuela, G. Zuloaga, R. Poleo y P. Poleo. Nicaragua, S. Gonzáles; México, A. Hernández y Rosa Pérez; Ecuador, E. Palacio y Mary Luz Avendaño.
En la práctica, las amenazas de muerte a los periodistas son mucho más numerosas de lo que pueden recoger las estadísticas, ya que por ejemplo, las Networks del narco-terror se extienden fácilmente desde México hacia
pequeños pueblos en el interior del resto de países centroamericanos, donde constantemente, medios como radio y televisión son amenazados y atacados.

Las muertes, amenazas y desapariciones no son los únicos fenómenos que se producen en Latinoamérica, la realidad muestra que se están desarrollando otros tipos de violencia contra la labor del periodismo independiente.
Analizamos por país esta perspectiva:
MEXICO. AGRESIONES : el 49.03 % de agresiones durante el 2010 y 2011 fueron cometidas por autoridades públicas. Las agresiones pueden ser físicas y verbales, individuales y colectivas contra comunicadores
independientes. SECUESTROS: 4 secuestros en el 2011 donde no se pidió dinero de rescate sino difusión de videos. La Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos ha detectado en e último decenio, más de 600 casos de
quejas por violaciones, sin contar extorsiones, amenazas, secuestros, que provienen tanto del crimen como del aparato estatal. VIOLENCIA CONTRAFAMILIARES: En este período uno de los hechos de mayor impacto
ocurrió el 20 de junio 2011, en Veracruz, cuando fue asesinado Miguel Ángel López Velasco, columnista del periódico Notiver, junto con su hijo Misael López, y su esposa Agustina Solana. VIOLENCIA SIMBOLICA: El 2 de
julio, un grupo de sujetos desconocidos arrojó los cadáveres de dos hombres decapitados a las instalaciones de los periódicos Noroeste y El Debate del puerto de Mazatlán. Dos chicas estudiantes ejecutadas por sus
denuncias sobre narcotráfico en las redes sociales, M- Macías encontrada con su cuerpo desmembrado y su cabeza juto a un teclado y ratón de computadora. 11 ATAQUES A INSTALACIONES: según Artículo 19 se han
perpetrado dos a Vanguardia y uno a: Televisa Piedras Negras; El Norte Suplemento; Radiorama; Canal 9 Multimedios; El Sur; El Sol de Chilpancingo; El Debate; El Noroeste; El Siglo de Torreón.Notando que la
violencia tiene aspectos de guerra, por ejemplo, en mayo 2011 fueron atacadas con granadas a fragmentación las oficinas del periódico La Vanguardia. Cinco reporteros de ese medio decidieron abandonar la ciudad
ante la falta de garantías para su protección.
HONDURAS. Existe evidencia irrefutable de 28 casos de atentados a la prensa en el 2011, remarcables sobre todo por la violencia extrema contra el ejercicio del periodismo IMPUNIDAD ESCANDALOSA: 17 periodistas han sido asesinados en los últimos 20 meses y ningún caso se ha investigado.
AMENAZAS E INTIMIDACIONES: realizadas contra periodistas y editores (y familiares) de: El Heraldo, La Tribuna, Televicentro, Radio Globo, y Globo TV. El problema de las amenazas a periodistas es de tal grado, que ha
debido intervenir la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos con medidas cautelares, en los casos de Aguilar y Gadalmez, por ejemplo.
ATENTADOS: Gabriel Alvarez, hijo de una pareja de periodistas recibió amenazas de muerte.El 23 de mayo Manuel Acosta Medina sufrió un atentado en la ciudad de Tegucigalpa, recibió cuatro impactos de bala y sobrevivió gracias a una oportuna intervención médica. DENEGACION DE JUSTICIA: El 8 de octubre, la empresa Teleunsa interpuso recursos legales ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia por la confiscación del Canal 8. Asimismo, el grupo denunció denegación de justicia en los casos de interferencia de las frecuencias de sus otros dos canales de televisión de parte de un operador privado y de la no inclusión de los mismos de parte de un operador de cable a pesar que la ley los obliga a ello.
BRASIL. 33 AGRESIONES: seis asesinatos, dos intentos de asesinato, dos detenciones, ocho casos de agresión física, seis casos de censura judicial y tres abusos de poder. 3 confiscaciones de equipos. 3 acusaciones de
desacato con multas. SENSURA JUDICIAL: Hace dos años y medio se impuso judicialmente una cessura al diario O Estado de Sao Paulo y al grupo Estado. Un fallo dictado por el juez de apelaciones Dacio Vieira, del
Tribunal de Justicia del Distrito Federal y Territorios, prohibió la publicación por el diario O Estado de S. Paulo, o cualquier otro medio suscrito a los servicios editoriales del grupo O Estado, de informes que contengan información resultante de archivos obtenidos por la Policía Federal de Maranhão sobre supuestas irregularidades de parte del empresario Fernando Sarney, hijo de José Sarney, presidente del Senado y ex presidente de la República, so pena de incurrir en una multa de R $ 150,000 por “cada acto de violación de esta orden judicial”.
COLOMBIA. ATENTADOS: Rodríguez periodista radial, salió ileso de un atentado a bala por su labor periodística. G. Guillén, robo disco duro de 1000 gigas y computador con información sensible. ACCIONES JUDICIALES: en
la actualidad, es muy preocupante la prescripción jurídica de crímenes contra periodistas y el uso de acciones civiles como la tutela y la acción popular, para demandar información sobre reportes judiciales que publican
los medios, a los que la policía entrega datos. Medios demandados por este hecho: El Tiempo, El País, El Colombiano y el Meridiano de Córdoba. Un fallo condenando a Luis González director del Cundinamarca Democrática, 20 meses de prisión y pago de veinte salarios mínimos mensuales, por delito de injuria y calumnia agravada.
VENEZUELA. AGRESIONES: L a libertad de expresión bajo fuego del Estado en un 81%. 113 agresiones directas contra la prensa y 34 radios embargadas. Tres periodistas y la directora de Control Ciudadano R. San Miguel
declarados como ¡objetivo militar!. CONDENAS JUDICIALES: siete procesos contra Globovisión, y por la cobertura de una crisis carcelaria que dejó unos 30 muertos, detienen a su directora, y condena al pago millonario de
2.16 millones de dólares. MECANISMOS DE SENSURA INDIRECTA: abuso de la publicidad oficial para castigar a los supuestos opositores y premiar a los obedientes; se abren procesos intimidatorios sin fundamentos; se
utilizan dineros del Estado para comprar medios independientes. Según el Consejo Nacional de Periodistas sección Zulia, la empresa Zuvisión dejó en la calle a mas de 50 trabajadores cuando tuvo que cerrar, comprado luego por grupos del gobierno igual que Tele N. Descalificación de la oposición con hackers y por Internet. CLAUSURA DE MEDIOS: 32 radios las concesiones fueron clausuradas. Cierre de canal de televisión en Pedraza y cierre de Zuvisión. ATAQUE A INSTALACIONES Y EQUIPOS: canal Anzátegui TV, robo de equipos técnicos del control máster. Canal de TV Vive de Maracaibo atacado a balazos hiriendo a dos periodistas.
PERU. ACOSO Y ACUSACIONES CONTRA LA JUSTICIA: 5 acusaciones, querellas judiciales y condenas contra periodistas por opinar sobre corrupción. 7 casos de periodistas obligados a renunciar a su trabajo por presiones,
censura y amenazas. Condena a tres años de pena privativa de la libertad efectiva y multa al periodista Garay Ramírez por 3500 S/.
GUATEMALA. INTIMIDACIONES: aunque registra en el 2011 un periodista asesinado, las amenazas son incalculables en los pequeños pueblos. Por ejemplo, el director de El Periódico denunció que grupos dedicados al
narcotráfico intentan sobornar a funcionarios y jueces para ser procesado y así acallar sus investigaciones periodísticas.
ARGENTINA. SECUESTROS: 2 en Argentina por cubrir denuncias sobre tráfico humano. ADJUDICACION INDISCRIMINADA DE PUBLICIDAD: según el informe 2011 de la sociedad interamericana de prensa, hasta un 44% de la publicidad destinada al sector, le ha sido adjudicada a un medio dócil al gobierno.
De las adjudicaciones a televisión, un 48% se otorgó a un canal de tercera categoría en audiencia, mientras que un 0,5% al de primera categoría (…).
ATAQUE DIRECTO AL PERIODISMO INDEPENDIENTE: a través de la declaración de interés público de la producción, comercialización y distribución del papel periódico y contenidos, concesión de licencias e instalación de sanciones a medios audiovisuales.
HAITI. DESPIDOS: 5 periodistas despedidos de la Haïti TNH presuntamente, por su postura política contra el presidente. ATAQUE A INSTALACIONES: Incendiada estación de radio comunitaria Tét Ansanm Karis. ACUSADOS Y DETENIDOS: Ernst Joseph y Wolf Duralph de radio Prévention.
CHILE : en los últimos 2 años, Más de 700 han perdido su trabajo en los últimos dos años según la red Bitacoras, así: unos 200 de Canal 13; unos 350 de Copesa; 67 de RedTV; 120 de El Mercurio; 30 de Iberoamericana. 500 periodistas están en cesantía según CIAP-FELAP.
ECUADOR. PROCESOS JUDICIALES: contra 3 directivos y 1 editor de El Universo, tres años de prisión y 40 millones de dólares a favor del presidente Correa. 1 periodista Walter Vite, sentenciado por injurias y
encarcelado y 500 mil dólares. 4 periodistas y 1 director de El Diario demandados penalmente y pago de un millón 500 mil dólares, por publicar noticias de corrupción. ENCARCELADOS: 1 bloguero y 1 camarógrafo.
QUERELLAS: administrativas en contra 1 diario (Hoy), 1 Canal (Ecuavisa) y 5 denuncias contra la revista vistazo. 2 autores C. Zurita y J. Calderón por libro “El Gran Hermano”. Procesados por la administración Correa y pago de 10 millones de dólares. Los 2anteriores tienen: 4 demandas de secretarios del gobierno, piden cinco años de prisión..2 a Franco de El Universo, prisión y 3 000 dólares, y en segunda denuncia pago de 10 millones de dólares. La Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones notificó a 7 estaciones de radio con procesos judiciales por haberse enlazado sin autorización el día de la independencia 10 de Agosto. Fotoperiodista S. DÍaz detenido. Un actor Alberto Cajamarca planteó contra presentadores de canal RTS, demanda indemnización de 40 millones del canal y 10 millones de una reportera y 5 millones por cada uno de los 3 presentadores total 65 millones. AGRESIONES : 1 Peter Tavra, ataque a su vivienda y captura. Ataque a bala a las instalaciones de El Diario de Manta. En Chone, una amenaza de muerte. Eduardo Benítez de Telecosta herido a bala en un brazo. Aquiles Arismendi de La Voz, disparos contra su vehículo junto a su familia y amenaza de muerte. Elena Rodríguez de Telesur pateada en el suelo con traumatismo craneal y amenazada de muerte (Fuente: CIDH).
Un total de 19 medios de comunicación entre periódicos, canales de televisión y otros, han pasado a manos del gobierno. en 2010,hubo 151 agresiones a comunicadores y 156 en el 2011 (Fuente: Fundamedios). En
total los periodistas en Ecuador han sido demandados entre el 2010 y 2011 al pago de más de 127 millones de dólares.
Una propuesta del ejecutivo de reforma al Código Penal dedicada a los periodistas establece 3 años de prisión a la injuria contra una autoridad.
Se introduce una figura penal de responsabilidad de un contenido difundido por un medio de comunicación a los directivos de la empresa que no da a las autoridades el nombre de la persona que hizo la noticia.
CONCLUSIONES: El periodismo se encuentra a fuego cruzado de cuerpos de seguridad del Estado y de grupos armados ilegales, los asesinatos y agresiones a periodistas se presentan en países de tendencia derechista e
izquierdista. Si en la época de la guerra fría el enemigo de los gobiernos eran los ejércitos revolucionarios, actualmente, se está instrumentalizando al periodismo independiente como al nuevo enemigo
interno. En Latinoamérica, cada vez hay más países en los que más medios pasan a manos del Estado, el objetivo es construir una estructura mediática para oficial a la que los gobiernos no tienen que rendir
cuentas. Asesinatos, atentados, amenazas, juicios, agresión a familiares, encarcelamientos e indemnizaciones millonarias han impuesto una censura estratégica que yugula la libre opinión y atenta contra el derecho de la
sociedad a la información. Este macabro contexto en el que se instrumentaliza al miedo está ayudando a que se instale, definitiva y firmemente, la autocensura.

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