
26.12.2021. Afghanistan most dangerous country for scribes in 2021 - Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) expresses serious concern over the negative development to Afghan media

By PEC’s south Asia representative Nava Thakuria

Geneva: As the year 2021 sets to finish its cycle, Afghanistan emerges as the most dangerous country for scribes with 12 journo-casualties, followed by Mexico (10 dead), Pakistan (7), and India (6). The south Asian nation also lost at least 10 media workers to the Covid-19 complications till date, said Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body.

Since the Taliban take over the country in August, it also witnessed the collapse of over 150 print media outlets following new
restrictions and many opted for online news services. Thousands of professional journalists lost their jobs and many left their country for safer places to practice journalism. Afghan women journalists have to face the worst situation as they are restricted from various outdoor activities.

Financial crisis is looming large over the Afghan media as the newspapers lost readership and commercial advertisement revenues drastically in the last four months. Almost half of the media outlets including radio and televisions in Kabul had closed down their operations leaving thousands of media workers jobless that put them in acute crisis with no or little hope of revival.

“PEC expresses serious concern over the negative development to Afghan media. Lately a young reporter (Javid Yousufi) was stabbed in Kabul by the miscreants. Other localities like Balk, Takhar and Kunduz also witnessed physical attacks on journalists in the last few days. The regime in Kabul must protect the journalists as they are doing their duties,” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

He also appreciated the management of TOLO news, the country’s first recognized news channel presenting news in Dari and Pashto languages since August 2010, for continuing to engage female reporter-news anchors defying the Taliban restrictions. Speaking to PEC’s south Asia representative Nava Thakuria, an Afghan lady reporter expressed optimism that other media outlets would also follow the same principle of not bowing down to the Taliban regime.

16.12.2021. MYANMAR. Burmese photojournalist dies in military custody, PEC deplores

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South-East Asia Representative

Geneva: Freelance photojournalist Ko Soe Naing died lately under the Myanmar military custody and thus the young scribe becomes the first media-victims in the country (also known as Burma or Brahmadesh) after the 1 February 2021 military coup that deposed the democratically elected Aung San Suu Kyi led government in Naypietaw.

Naing, who used to contribute for various media outlets of the south-east Asian country, was arrested from Yangon while he was
covering an anti-junta demonstration on 10 December (Human Rights Day) in the former capital of Myanmar. Later he was sent to a military interrogation centre, where he died probably on 14 December. Naing left behind his wife, a minor son and other relatives.

“Unconfirmed reports suggest that nearly 90 Burmese citizens died during interrogation since the coup day. With the ground input, we claim that Ko Soe Naing is the first media worker died in Myanmar military custody since 1 February. We reiterate our demand to Myanmar leader Min Aung Hlaing for releasing all prisoners including the journalists,” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

Speaking to Nava Thakuria, PEC’s south-east Asia representative, a Yangon (formerly Rangoon)-based journalist informed that the Burmese photojournalist was initially trained as a graphic designer and later he started taking photographs of various anti-military demonstrations.

In some occasions, his photographs were also used by a number of outside agencies, which gave Naing instant visibility inside the

Ethnic Shan journalists jailed in Myanmar, PEC deplores sentences

Geneva: Three ethnic Shan journalists along with a civilian were imprisoned for three years recently by a military court in Myanmar for
spreading misinformation about the regime in Naypyidaw. Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, deplores the
sentences and urges the military junta to respect the freedom of press.

Editor Nann Nann Tai (also known as Nann Nway Nway Hlaing), publisher Ko Tin Aung Kyaw and female reporter Nan Win Yi of Kanbawza Tai News
along with Ko Sai Sithu, who were detained by the security forces from Hopong locality of Shan State on 24 March, continued to be in
Nyaungshwe prison and incidentally the verdict came on Human Rights Day.

Quoting Ko Zay Tai, chief editor of the independent news portal with the focus on Shan State, The Irrawaddy reported that the junta forces
detained Ko Sai Sithu just as a hostage. Moreover, the military personnel claim that he is also a professional reporter. Since the 1
February military coup, the south-east Asian nation continues to witness unrelented harassment of media workers.

“Journalism must not be identified as a crime and they should be allowed to perform their duties by the military rulers of Myanmar. We
urge the Min Aung Hlaing led military regime to sanction an unconditional release of all imprisoned media workers,” said Blaise
Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

Various organizations of Myanmar (also known as Burma) claim that over 1,300 people have been killed by the security forces since the coup
deposing Aung San Suu Kyi’s democratically elected government. More than 10,000 anti-junta demonstrators were arrested from various parts
of the country, where over 120 media persons also faced detention and among them 25 are still behind bars.

A few days back, video journalist Ma Hmu Yadanar Khet Moh Moh Tun and photojournalist Ko Kaung Sett Lin sustained serious injuries during an
anti-junta protest march in Yangon as it was rammed by a military vehicle. Speaking to Nava Thakuria, PEC’s south-east Asia representative, a Yangon-based journalist informed that both of them are now recovering in the hospital, however they still remain under detention.

09.12.2021. PEC annual report. Afghanistan and Mexico most dangerous countries in 2021 for journalists -

French, Spanish and Arabic after English - List of victims on our page Casualties

Geneva, December 9, 2021 (PEC) Afghanistan and Mexico are the most dangerous countries for media work this year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in its annual report in Geneva on Thursday in view of Human Rights Day. Since January, 77 media workers have been killed in 28 countries around the world.

Afghanistan leads with 12 assassinations, ahead of Mexico where 10 journalists were killed. Among the most dangerous countries are Pakistan (7), India (6), the Philippines (4), Yemen (4), and Democratic Republic of Congo (3).

Two deaths were recorded in Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina-Faso, Colombia, as well as in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia and Turkey.

Finally, one victim has been identified in the following countries: Ecuador, Gaza, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Lebanon, Netherlands, Syria, and United States of America.

Improvement in Latin America

By region, Asia, with 40 dead (+7), is ahead of Latin America 17 (-10), Africa 14 (+5), Europe 5 (+2) and North America 1 (+1).

“The number of journalists killed decreased by 8% compared to the same period of last year, a slight improvement. Improvement has taken place in Latin America outside of Mexico, deterioration is observed in Africa and Europe. Mexico and Afghanistan are among the most dangerous countries for journalists for many years, but the rise in Africa is particularly worrying”, commented PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen.

In Europe, the targeted killings of 3 journalists, in Greece, Georgia and the Netherlands is a very sad development. In Burma (Myanmar) after the coup and in Afghanistan after the departure of the NATO troops, press freedom has registered a very serious setback.

Of the 77 journalists murdered, 29 were in war zones (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, DRC, Ethiopia, Gaza, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen). Terrorist groups were responsible of at least 20 murders (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen), an increase compared to previous years.

The PEC strongly condemns these attacks and calls for those responsible for these crimes to be brought to justice.

Over the last 5 years, Mexico has recorded the highest victims (66), ahead of Afghanistan (53), then India (40), Pakistan (35), Syria (29), the Philippines (22), Iraq (18), Yemen (17), and Somalia (16).

In ten years, from 2012 to 2021, 1150 journalists were killed, or 115 per year, 2.2 per week, according to figures from the PEC.

One positive development, says PEC President Hedayat Abdel Nabi is that the awareness across the globe has become more widespread due to the impressive engagement of media colleagues spreading the message of media protection and the safety of journalists as well as press freedom.

More than 1900 journalists have also died from Covid-19 since March 2020, among them at least 1300 since January this year. The PEC will make a special report at a later stage.

The PEC lists all killed media workers, whether or not their deaths are related to their professional activity. It is indeed difficult to prove that a crime takes place connected to the work of a journalist without independent and comprehensive investigations which are often lacking.

L’Afghanistan et le Mexique pays les plus dangereux pour les journalistes en 2021

Genève, 9 Décembre 2021 (PEC) L’Afghanistan et le Mexique ont été les pays les plus dagereux pour les journalistes cette année, a indiqué jeudi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) dans son rapport annuel en vue de la Journée des droits de l'Homme. Depuis janvier, 77 travailleurs des médias ont été tués dans 28 pays.

L’Afghanistan a recensé le plus de victimes, avec 12 tués, devant le Mexique où 10 journalistes ont été assassinés. Parmi les pays les plus dangereux viennent ensuite le Pakistan (7 tués), l’Inde (6), les Philippines (4), le Yemen (4), et la République démocratique du Congo (3).

Deux journalistes ont été tués en Azerbaïdjan, au Bangladesh, au Brésil, au Burkina Faso, en Colombie ainsi qu’en Ethiopie, au Kenya, au Nigeria, en Somalie et en Turquie.

Une victime a été recensée dans les pays suivants: Equateur, Etats-Unis d’Amérique, Gaza, Géorgie, Ghana, Grèce, Guatemala, Haïti, Liban, Pays-Bas, Syrie.

Amélioration en Amérique latine

Par région du monde, l’Asie est en tête avec 40 victimes (+7), devant l’Amérique latine 17 (-10), l’Afrique 14 (+5), l’Europe 5 (+2) et l’Amérique du Nord 1 (+1).

“Le nombre de journalistes tués a diminué de 8% par rapport à la même période de l’an dernier, une légère amélioration. Une amélioration a eu lieu en Amérique latine en dehors du Mexique, par contre une détérioration est observée en Afrique et en Europe. Le Mexique et l’Afghanistan sont parmi les pays les plus dangereux depuis plusieurs années, mais l’augmentation en Afrique est particulièrement inquiétante”, a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

En Europe, les assassinats ciblés de trois journalistes, en Grèce, en Géorgie et aux Pays-Bas est un développement affligeant. En Birmanie (Myanmar) après le coup d’Etat militaire et en Afghanistan après le départ des troupes de l’OTAN, la liberté de la presse a enregistré un très grave revers.

Sur les 77 journalistes tués, 29 l’ont été dans des zones de guerre (Afghanistan, Azerbaïdjan, Burkina Faso, Ethiopie, Gaza, République démocratique du Congo, Somalie, Syrie et Yemen). Des groupes terroristes ont été responsables d’au moins 20 assassinats (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Somalie, Yemen), en hausse par rapport aux années précédentes.

La PEC condamne fermement ces attaques et demande à ce que leurs responsables soient poursuivis et traduits en justice pour leurs crimes.

Sur les cinq dernières années, le Mexique a enregistré le plus grand nombre de victimes (66), devant l’Afghanistan (53), l’Inde (40), le Pakistan (35), la Syrie (29), les Philippines (22), l’Irak (18), le Yemen (17) et la Somalie (16).

En dix ans, de 2012 à 2021, 1150 journalistes ont été tués, ou 115 par année, soit 2,2 par semaine, selon les chiffres de la PEC.

Un développement positif, a souligné la présidente de la PEC Hedayat Abdel Nabi, est que la sensibilisation au problème s’est accrue autour du globe grâce à l’engagement impressionnant de professionnels des médias qui ont partagé le message de la protection des journalistes et de la liberté de la presse.

Plus de 1900 journalistes ont par ailleurs succombé au virus du Covid-19 depuis le début de la pandémie en mars 2020, dont 1300 depuis le début de cette année. La PEC fera un rapport spécial à un stade ultérieur.

La PEC recense tous les travailleurs des médias tués, que leur mort soit liée ou non à leur activité profesionnelle. Il est en effet difficile de prouver qu’un crime a eu lieu en raison du travail d’un journaliste sans des enquêtes complètes et indépendantes qui manquent le plus souvent.

Afganistán y México, los países más peligrosos para los periodistas en 2021

Ginebra, 9 de diciembre (PEC).- Afganistán y México son los países más peligrosos para el trabajo de los medios de comunicación este año, según ha declarado la Campaña del Emblema de la Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) en su informe anual, presentado el jueves en Ginebra en vista del Dia de los Derechos Humanos. Desde enero de 2021, 77 trabajadores de los medios de comunicación han sido asesinados en 28 países del mundo.

Afganistán está a la cabeza, con 12 asesinatos, por delante de México, donde murieron 10 periodistas. Entre los países más peligrosos están Pakistán (7), India (6), Yemen (4), Filipinas (4) y República Democrática del Congo (3 asesinados).

Se registraron dos asesinatos en Azerbaiyán, Bangladesh, Brasil, Burkina-Faso y Colombia, así como en Etiopía, Kenia, Nigeria, Somalia y Turquía.

Por último, se ha identificado una víctima en los siguientes países: Ecuador, Gaza, Georgia, Ghana, Grecia, Guatemala, Haití, Líbano, Países Bajos, Siria y Estados Unidos de América.

Mejora en América Latina

Por regiones, Asia, con 40 muertos (+7), está por delante de América Latina 17 (-10), África 14 (+5), Europa 5 (+2) y América del Norte 1 (+1).

"El número de periodistas asesinados ha disminuido un 8% con respecto al mismo periodo del año pasado, lo que supone una ligera mejora. Esta se ha producido en América Latina, fuera de México ; y el deterioro se observa en África y Europa. México y Afganistán figuran, desde hace años, entre los países más peligrosos para los periodistas, pero el aumento en África es especialmente preocupante", ha comentado el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

En Europa, el asesinato selectivo de tres periodistas, en Grecia, Georgia y Holanda, es un hecho muy triste. En Birmania, tras el golpe de Estado, y en Afganistán, tras la salida de las tropas de la OTAN, la libertad de prensa ha registrado un gravísimo retroceso.

De los 77 periodistas asesinados, 29 lo fueron en zonas de guerra (Afganistán, Azerbaiyán, Burkina Faso, RDC, Etiopía, Gaza, Somalia, Siria y Yemen). Los grupos terroristas fueron responsables de al menos 20 asesinatos (Afganistán, Burkina Faso, Pakistán, Somalia y Yemen), lo que supone un aumento con respecto a años anteriores.

El PEC condena enérgicamente estos ataques y pide que los responsables de estos crímenes sean llevados ante la justicia.

En los últimos 5 años, México es el país que más víctimas ha registrado (66), por delante de Afganistán (53), después de India (40), Pakistán (35), Siria (29), Filipinas (22), Irak (18), Yemen (17) y Somalia (16).

En diez años, de 2012 a 2021, fueron asesinados 1,150 periodistas, es decir, 115 por año ; 2,2 por semana, según las cifras de la PEC.

Según la Presidenta de la PEC, Hedayat Abdel Nabi, un hecho positivo es que la concientización en todo el mundo se ha extendido gracias al compromiso impresionante de los colegas de los medios de comunicación para difundir el mensaje relacionado con la seguridad de los periodistas, así como el respeto de la libertad de prensa.

Además, desde marzo de 2020 hasta la fecha, han muerto más de 1,900 periodistas por Covid-19, entre ellos al menos 1,300 desde enero de este año. La PEC hará un informe especial más adelante.

La PEC hace una lista de todos los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación muertos, estén o no relacionados con su actividad profesional. En efecto, es difícil demostrar que un crimen se debe al trabajo de un periodista sin la realización de investigaciones independientes y exhaustivas, que a menudo no existen.

حملة الشارة الدولية: أكثر الدول خطورة للعمل الصحفي:

أفغانستان والمكسيك

جنيف في 9 ديسمبر (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف بمناسبة اطلاق تقريرها السنوي لسنة 2021 أن أكثر الدول خطورة للعمل الصحفي هي أفغانستان والمكسيك.

الصحفي هي أفغانستان والمكسيك

وأوضح التقرير أن 77 صحفيا قتلوا منذ بداية العام الحالي في 28 دولة.

تأتي في المقدمة أفغانستان: 12 صحفيا قتلوا، المكسيك 10، باكستان 7، اليمن 4، جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية 3 والفلبيين 4.

وقتل 2 من الصحفيين في أذربيجان وبنجلاديش والبرازيل وبوركينا فاسو وكولومبيا، وإثيوبيا وكينيا ونيجيريا والصومال وتركيا.

وقتل صحفي واحد في كل من الايكوادور وغزة وجورجيا وغانا واليونان وجواتيمالا وهايتي ولبنان وهولنده وسوريا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

تصدرت آسيا الضحايا من الصحفيين: 40، فأمريكا اللاتينية: 17، إفريقيا: 5 وأمريكا الشمالية 1.

وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن عدد القتلى من الصحفيين قد نقص بنسبة 8 بالمائة بالمقارنة بنفس الفترة من العام الماضي، وشهد التحسن أمريكا اللاتينية خارج المكسيك، وتدهورت الأوضاع في إفريقيا وأوروبا، أذ أن أفغانستان والمكسيك ظلا أماكن خطرة للعمل الصحفي لسنوات طويلة إلا أن زيادة العدد في إفريقيا يدعو إلى القلق

في أوروبا فإن قتل 3 من الحصفيين في اليونان وجورجيا وهولنده يمثل تطور محزن للغاية. وفي بورما بعد الانقلاب العسكري وأفغانستان بعد انسحاب قوات حلف الناتو واجهت الصحافة تراجعت حرية الصحافة بشكل ملحوظ.

والجدير بالذكر أن 29 صحفياً من بين الـ 77 الذين قتلوا هذا العام لقوا حتفهم في مناطق نزاع مسلح: أفغانستان، أذربيجان، بوركينا فاسو، جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، إثيوبيا، غزة، الصومال، سوريا واليمن. وكانت الجماعات الإرهابية متسببة في مقتل الصحفيين نحو 20 منهم في أفغانستان وبوركينا فاسو وباكستان والصومال واليمن بشكل متزايد عن الأعوام السابقة. وتدين حملة الشارة الدولية بشدة هذه الجرائم في حق الصحفيين وتطالب بتقديم مرتكبيها إلى العدالة.

خلال السنوات الخمس الماضية سجلت المكسيك أعلى رقم للضحايا: 66، أفغانستان 53، الهند 40، باكستان 35، سوريا 29، الفلبين 22، العراق 18، اليمن 17 والصومال 16.

خلال العقد الحالي من 2012 إلى 2021 قتل 1150 صحفيا بمعدل 115 سنويا وأكثر من 2 في الأسبوع طبقاً لأرقام حملة الشارة.

وصرحت هدايت عبد النبي، رئيسة حملة الشارة الدولية، أن التطور الايجابي هو تواصل الصحفيين في كل أنحاء العالم مع الجملة ونشر مبادئ الحملة وهي حماية الصحفيين والتأكيد على حرية الصحافة.

الصحفيين والتأكيد على حرية الصحافة
ومن جانب أخر ذكرت حملة الشارة أن أكثر من 1900 صحفي سقطوا من وباء كورونا منذ مارس 2020 وعلى الأقل 1300 منذ يناير من العام الحالي وستقوم الحملة بإعداد تقرير منفصل لاحقاً.

بإعداد تقرير منفصل لاحقاً.

برجاء تصفح موقع حملة الشارة لمزيد من المعلومات:

07.12.2021. PEC demands unconditional release of all Myanmar journalists

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva, 7 December 2021: As the year approaches end, Myanmar continues to be an unsafe country for journalists in particular and
pro-democracy activists in general. Soon after the military coup on 1 February last, the south-east Asian nation witnessed the detention of
over 120 media workers among whom at least 40 are still behind bars.

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global safety and media rights body, demands an unconditional release of all imprisoned journalists by the
military junta. Lately the PEC expresses serious concern over a recent intentional attack on anti-junta protesters that left many seriously
wounded including a female journalist who was on duty at that moment in the Yangon city.

Media reports from Myanmar (also known as Burma and Brahmadesh) reveal that video journalist Ma Hmu Yandanar Khet Moh Moh Tun sustained severe injuries as a vehicle was driven over an agitating crowd in Kyimyindaing locality of Yangon. Associated with Myanmar Pressphoto Agency, the female journalist suffered a head injury and still remains in critical condition after the Sunday morning incident.

“It’s already a grave situation in Myanmar and following the imprisonment of pro-democracy icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi by the
military court in NayPieTaw the situation may deteriorate more. The Monday verdict against the popular civilian leader can derail the
process of reconciliation between the military rulers and political leaders. The country has seemingly arrived at a point of no return,”
said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

Various organisations based in Myanmar claim that over 1,300 people were killed by the security forces since the coup ten months back.
More than 10,000 anti-junta demonstrators have been arrested. But the protest programs continue in various parts of the country and so thus
the military crackdowns. Lately the UN Security Council also called for a cessation of escalating violence against the common Myanmarese.

Speaking to Nava Thakuria, PEC’s south-east Asia representative, a native journalist informed that the Sunday crackdown in Yangon left at
least five demonstrators killed besides many others injured. The journalist, who wanted anonymity, also added that family members of
the lady journalist have not been allowed to meet her in the hospital and they are clueless about her health, but only expecting that she is

30.11.2021. PEC AWARD 2021. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) rewards Indian journalist NAVA THAKURIA

for his relentless initiatives to safeguard the rights of media persons in the south Asian country and defending the press

freedom in the region with an exemplary commitment. Last year, a record number of 15 journalists were killed in India,

and six more this year. Journalists were targeted documenting abuses, corruption, criminal activities. In 2021, India

was also one of the most affected country by the coronavirus. Around 300 journalists died throughout India with

Covid-19 complications. The PEC award pays tribute to them.

Read more on our special page PEC AWARD

14.11.2021. INDIA and AFGHANISTAN. Two young Asian scribes killed; PEC condoles their demise

by Nava Thakuria, PEC south Asia Representative

Geneva: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, condoles the sad demise of two young journalists in India and Afghanistan within 24 hours and urges the concerned authorities to probe the developments that led to their untimely deaths, and subsequently to book the perpetrators to justice.

It may be mentioned that a 22 years old journalist cum Right to Information (RTI) activist named Buddhinath Jha (also known as Avinash Jha) was found dead in Madhubani district of Bihar in eastern India. Buddhinath used to report on many fake medical clinics operating in his locality and some of those were also closed by the authority.

Suddenly he went missing four days back and later his charred body was found by a roadside on 12 November. The Benipatti-based family claimed that Buddhinath was offered a lot of money (as bribes) by some illegal healthcare clinic owners, but he did not respond to them. Later he received a number of threatening calls from unknown persons.

“It is frustrating that a young scribe has to lose his life for exposing the fake clinics, which are otherwise killing innocent people
with incompetent medical interventions. It seems, those criminals are more organized to offer bribes as well as threats. The Bihar State government must ensure an authentic probe into his death and punish the culprits,” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

Meanwhile, an Afghan television news presenter Hamid Saighani was killed in an explosion that rocked Kabul city on 13 November. The young scribe used to work for Khurahid and Aryana News. Hamid's wife, also a journalist, Fawzia Wahdat confirmed the heart-breaking news. He is the 12th journalist (including Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui) to be killed in the war-torn Afghanistan since the beginning of 2021.

Prior to Buddhinath, India lost five journalists namely Ashu Yadav, Sulabh Srivastava, Ch. Keshav, Manish Kumar Singh and Raman Kashyap to assailants this year, said PEC’s south Asia representative Nava Thakuria, adding that India’s two neighbours Pakistan and Bangladesh reported seven and two casualties of media workers respectively.

12.11.2021. BURMA. PEC demands unconditional release of American journalist Danny Fenster

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expressed its dismay over the 11-year imprisonment of American journalist Danny Fenster by the military junta of Myanmar (also known as Burma and Brahmadesh) and demanded his immediate and unconditional release by the military dictators in Naypietaw.

Mentionable is that the US journalist was arrested on 24 May 2021 from Yangon (Rangoon) International Airport as he was preparing to leave Myanmar for visiting his family in Detroit, Michigan. Since then, Danny (around 40 years old) has been imprisoned in Insein jail of Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar, as the scribe was repeatedly denied bail.

Lately, the military court inside the infamous prison, which otherwise enjoys little liberty in the military ruled south-east Asian nation, pronounced the verdict on 12 November to imprison Danny for 11 years against various charges of visa breaches, defaming the Burmese military personnel and also joining hands with unlawful elements. Conspiracy is seemingly hatched against Danny to keep him inside bars for whole life.

“It is frustrating that a professional journalist has been targeted with various baseless allegations and tried under the military court
with no credibility. The military regime, led by Min Aung Hlaing, is trying its best to destroy the free press in Myanmar. They even dared to diktat the foreign media outlets to describe the military government properly,” said Blaise Lempen, general-secretary of PEC.

Danny becomes the third foreign journalist to be arrested by the military junta. Earlier they detained independent scribes Robert
Bociaga from Poland and Yuki Kitazumi from Japan, who were later released and subsequently deported from Myanmar. Associated with Frontier Myanmar, a digital media outlet covering political affairs, business, environment, etc of Myanmar, Danny earlier worked for Myanmar Now, lately banned by the military regime.

Various international organisations have criticised the Burmese junta for fraudulently detaining the US journalist and demanded his urgent release. The US State Department in a statement issued from Washington commented that Danny’s sentence is ‘an unjust conviction of an innocent person’. While condemning the decision, the United States asserted it will continue to work for Danny’s release so that he can return home safely.

Speaking to PEC’s south-east Asia representative Nava Thakuria, a Burmese journalist claimed that the military generals after grabbing political power on 1 February last deposing Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy government, had imprisoned over 125 journalists, who supported the anti-junta movements across Myanmar. Nearly 50 among them are still behind bars, added the journalist who wanted anonymity.

12.11.2021. Le comité de la PEC a appris avec tristesse le décès, dimanche 7 novembre 2021 à Lausanne, de l’un de ses membres fondateurs, Daniel Favre, à l’âge de 82 ans // The PEC committee learned with sadness of the death, Sunday November 7, 2021 in Lausanne, of one of its founding members, Daniel Favre, at the age of 82.

English after French

Vice-président de la PEC, Daniel Favre avait contribué à la création de la PEC à Genève en 2004 et depuis lui avait constamment apporté son soutien ainsi que celui de l’Association suisse des journalistes francophones, l’une des premières associations à rejoindre la PEC.

«Nous sommes consternés par cette disparition. Daniel a été un grand supporter de la PEC depuis le début de notre association en 2004», a déclaré la présidente de la PEC Hedayat Abdelnabi.

« Sans le soutien de Daniel Favre, le PEC n’aurait pas traversé les mers agitées de ses débuts. Favre a été une source de force et de lumière.

La PEC honorera ce grand journaliste lors de sa prochaine cérémonie de remise des prix le 2 décembre », a ajouté Hedayat.

«Nous perdons un de nos membres les plus fidèles», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. «Je me souviens de nos démarches communes auprès d’ambassades à Genève pour convaincre des gouvernements de soutenir notre projet de convention internationale. Il était toujours disponible et savait user de diplomatie dans ses nombreux contacts», a-t-il ajouté.

Daniel a apporté le soutien financier de son association à la PEC pendant plus de 16 ans et a contribué à faire connaître le travail de l’ONG auprès des journalistes francophones par des articles dans le journal de l’association au niveau suisse et international ainsi que sur son site internet.

Daniel Favre a travaillé à la Radio suisse romande du début des années 1960 jusqu’à 2004, date de sa retraite, comme chef de la rubrique nationale, puis rédacteur en chef. Ardent défenseur de la presse francophone, il était resté actif comme président d’honneur de la section suisse et vice-président de l’Union de la presse francophone (UPF) pour l’Europe jusqu’à son décès, après avoir présidé l’UPF durant douze ans.

Il a mis au service de la protection des journalistes son réseau de relations tant en Suisse qu’à l’étranger. Avec un autre grand journaliste de la presse suisse francophone, ancien rédacteur en chef du journal 24 Heures, Jean-Marie Vodoz, il a fondé également l’association Défense du français en 2004.

Nous transmettons à sa famille et à ses proches nos plus sincères condoléances.


PEC Vice-President, Daniel Favre had contributed to the creation of the PEC in Geneva in 2004 and since then had constantly supported it as well as that of the

Swiss Association of Francophone Journalists, one of the first associations to join the PEC.

“We are appalled by this disappearance. Daniel has been a great supporter of PEC since the start of our association in 2004, ”said PEC President

Hedayat Abdelnabi.

“Without the support of Daniel Favre the PEC wouldn’t drive through the rough seas when it started. Favre was a source of strength and light.

The PEC will honor this great journalist during its next award ceremony on 2 December”, added Hedayat.

“We are losing one of our most loyal members,” added PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen. “I remember our joint efforts with the embassies

in Geneva to convince governments to support our project for an international convention. He was always available and knew how to use

diplomacy in his numerous contacts, ”he added.

Daniel Favre has provided financial support from his association to the PEC for more than 16 years and has helped publicize the work of the

NGO to French-speaking journalists through articles in the association's journal at Swiss and international level as well as on its website.

Daniel Favre worked at Radio Suisse Romande from the early 1960s until 2004, when he retired, as head of the national news, then

editor-in-chief. An ardent defender of the French-speaking press, he remained active as honorary president of the Swiss section and

vice-president of the Union de la presse francophone (UPF) for Europe until his death, after having chaired the UPF for twelve years.

He has put his network of contacts at the service of the protection of journalists both in Switzerland and abroad. With another great journalist

from the French-speaking Swiss press, former editor-in-chief of the 24 Heures newspaper, Jean-Marie Vodoz, he also founded the Defense du

Français association in 2004.

We send our most sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.

11.11..2021. PEC demands fair probe into murder of another Pakistani digital media user

by Nava Thakuria, Asia Correspondent

Geneva: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expresses serious concern over the relentless murder of
scribes, citizen journalists and digital media users in Pakistan for exposing anomalies in the government, administration, and society
through various media outlets and demands fair probes into all those assassination

Local media outlets reported that one more active Pakistani social media user named Muhammad Zada was killed by two gunmen on 8 November 2021 at his residence in Sakhakot area of Malakand locality under Pakistan’s northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Zada ran a digital platform titled Citizen Journalist PK, where he used to post socially relevant issues relating to his home district of Malakand.

The outspoken social activist always took his stand against the illegal drug mafia and expressed his concern about the new generation,
who are seemingly under the grip of such consumption. Zada remained critical against the corrupt politicians, government officials and
some local leaders, who were making money from the illegal business with impunity.

As Zada became popular in his locality, he earned enmity from some influential personalities including a few police officers. He claimed
that a Malakand district police officer was harassing and threatening him for his activities. Zada was asked to stop putting posts in the
social media and otherwise face the consequence. But he was not scared while putting inputs against local criminal groups, who often enjoy
support from the administration.

“It is shocking that Pakistan loses one more socially responsible media activist after the murder of Nazim Samwal Jokhio, a videographer
in western Sindh province, on 4 November. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister Mahmood Khan must take the brutal murder of Muhammad Zada seriously and assure that the culprits will not enjoy the impunity,” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

Nazim Jokhio, a local journalist, was allegedly tortured to death at the farmhouse of accused PPP MPA for trying to prevent his foreign guests from illegal hunting of endangered houbara bustard. An autopsy found severe torture marks and bruises all over the body of the deceased. MPA Sindh Assembly Jam Owais has been remanded to police custody. Nazim Jokhio was tortured to death for recording the MPA’s hunting expedition of the highly rare bird species along with Arab hunters.

The troubled south Asian nation earlier lost five professional journalists namely Ajay Laalwani (18 March, Sindh), Waseem Alam (10
April, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Abdul Wahid Raisani (24 April, Balochistan), Kashif Hussain (10 August, Punjab) and Shahid Zehri (10
October, Balochistan) to assailants since 1 January 2021, revealed PEC’s south Asia representative Nava Thakuria adding that India and
Bangladesh have witnessed the murder of five and two scribes respectively this year till date.

08.11.2021. UNITED NATIONS. Civil society participation at UN Human Rights Council cannot be an afterthought

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) joined dozens of organisations in a joint letter addressed to the President of the UN Human Rights Council, Ambassador of Austria to the UN in Geneva, Director-General of the United Nations at Geneva, and all Members and Observers of the UN Human Rights Council

We have consistently raised our concerns that the special emergency measures and ongoing budget constraints adopted by the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in 2019 and 2020, coupled with measures adopted to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, have heavily restricted civil society participation at the HRC. Given that civic space conditions globally are declining year on year, these ‘efficiency measures’ have been instrumentalised by some delegations, under the pretext of ‘saving meeting times’, to serve other interests, particularly restricting civil society participation and undermining the HRC’s ability to respond to human rights emergencies and to address country situations.

We reiterate our concerns that the removal of General Debates from the June sessions since 2020 has had a critical negative impact on non-governmental organisation (NGO) engagement, as well as the de facto capping of General Debates in the March and September sessions. General Debates are the only opportunities for States and NGOs to address situations in countries that are not formally on the HRC’s agenda, including those countries in which there are early warning signs of a deteriorating human rights situation, as well as countries on the HRC agenda but that are not the object of interactive dialogues. General debate contributions are essential to inform the HRC and to enhance its capacity to fulfil its prevention mandate. The cancellation of general debates during the June session, which is when many reports and discussions related to gender take place, has left many feminist groups and defenders, including women human rights defenders and those working to combat violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, without speaking slots to address the HRC. We strongly recommend the reinstatement of General Debates in HRC June sessions

The use of remote participation tools, such as video statements in all debates of the HRC, has proven to be an effective way to promote more flexibility of diverse and inclusive engagement, including children and youth, partly compensating for the restrictions on in-person participation due to the COVID-19 crisis. The enhanced participation of national civil society actors through video statements helps ensure that the HRC is informed by and responsive to human rights priorities and needs on the ground. Moreover, remote participation has provided a space for under-resourced civil society actors who would otherwise not be able to attend the HRC in person. This is particularly the case of child and youth led movements and gender and sexual diverse advocates who are otherwise rarely heard at the HRC. Remote participation has been a long-standing demand of organisations that are not based in Geneva, and should be maintained as a complement to in-person participation. We strongly recommend the maintenance of the option of remote participation in all debates, including open-ended General Debates and dialogues of the HRC, regardless of COVID-19 measures. 

We also take this opportunity to recall the already significant barriers to entering multilateral spaces faced by civil society organisations and human rights defenders, particularly those working at the national level. These barriers include denial of visas, ECOSOC status requirements, unsustainable costs of travel, lack of translation and interpretation issues, accessibility for people with disabilities, technology access and safety issues. All “efficiency measures” that restrict civil society participation add to those challenges and take away the nuance and expertise that civil society brings to the Council.

Furthermore, the UN human rights pillar suffers from chronic gross and disproportionate underfunding compared to the other pillars of the UN (Peace and Security and Development). The Human Rights pillar only receives about 3.7% of the UN regular budget compared to its other two pillars. Organisations have reiterated over the years that improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the HRC must also be part of the strengthening of the human rights pillar of the UN. Any argument for consistent UN-wide budget cuts must be placed in the context of balancing UN-wide budget allocation. Further restricting the resources and reach of the highest UN body dedicated to human rights is at odds with UN values and runs contrary to improving the effectiveness and impact of UN human rights bodies. We call for all Member States to ensure adequate funding for the UN’s human rights pillar. 

The drive for expediency leading to the renewal of ‘efficiency’ measures is obstructing rather than advancing broad and diverse participation, and the chronic underfunding of the Secretariat only increases the exclusion. The HRC must center human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination, accountability, participation, accessibility and access to information rather than ”efficiency”. Efficiency cannot be prioritized from effectiveness, as restricting participation of those who raise human rights concerns cannot be said to contribute to the HRC’s effectiveness in addressing these concerns. An efficient and effective HRC is a Council that responds to the issues raised by, demands, needs and concerns of human rights defenders, victims and survivors, and their families. Limiting the space for such issues to be raised at the HRC subsequently limits its ability to be effective.

As the HRC reconsiders these decisions at its upcoming Organisational Session on 6 December 2021, we urge you to prioritize inclusiveness and expertise over expediency by ensuring that civil society is broadly and effectively consulted. We urge all States to ensure that civil society participation is promoted and safeguarded at the HRC as a crucial part of its work.

02.11.2021. PEC endorses demand of Cambodian civil society organizations for ensuring safety to working journalists

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South-east Asia representative

Press Emblem Campaign, the global safety and media rights body, endorses the statement of Cambodian civil society organizations
(CSO) on the occasion of ‘International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists’ (2 November 2021) for ensuring safety and
security to all working journalists in the south-east Asian country and urged the Cambodian government in Phnom Penh to allow the media
persons to perform their duties without any fear and trepidations.

According to a group of CSOs, the tiny nation has lost at least 17 journalists to assailants since 1994, where the scribes were targeted
mostly because of their works. Shockingly, perpetrators in 12 cases are yet to be brought to justice. Moreover, the incidents of
persecution against journalists are also increasing while over 80 media persons were targeted in 2021 till date. Among them over 30 were
arrested, 20 subjected to violence, 8 faced judicial harassment, etc.

Crimes against journalists are egregious and constitute a real threat. When they are targeted for their works, the freedom of expression is
undermined. With more to it, if the concerned authority fails to investigate and punish the culprits against journalists, it sends a
wrong message to the society, asserted the statement endorsed by Cambodian Association for Protection of Journalists, Cambodian Center
for Independent Media, Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association, Cambodian Center for Human Rights, etc.

Days back, the PEC raised the demand for justice to all victim journalists around the world and opined that observation on the journo-impunity day would be fruitful only if the culprits, who killed, abused or threatened media persons, are booked under the law of respective nations. Till date, not less than 66 journalists (2 more than last year in 10 months) have been killed this year across the world, where Afghanistan and Mexico remain the most dangerous countries for working journalists.

“There is no progress for the safety of media workers and often the assassins of journalists get away with murders. No crime
should go unpunished, particularly in case of sentinels of the society,” said PEC secretary-general Blaise Lempen, adding that no one
has been held to account in 81% of journalist murders during the last 10 years. The United Nations had already urged member countries to
implement definite measures countering the culture of impunity and promote a safe environment for scribes, stated Lempen.

Philippines in the south-east Asian region emerged as a risky nation for journalists, where most of the killers go unpunished. The island
nation lost three media persons namely Renante Rey Cortes (killed on 22 July), Gwenn Salamida (17 August) and Orlando Dinoy (30 October)
to assailants this year, said PEC’s south-east Asia representative Nava Thakuria adding that the media fraternity continues to face harassments from various agencies in the region, especially in Myanmar (Burma) where over 20 journalists are still behind bars.

31.10.2021. PEC demands justice to victim journalists on the impunity day - 64 journalists killed this year so far

With Nava Thakuria, PEC Correspondent

Geneva, 31 October 2021 - On the impending occasion of United Nation’s impunity day on crimes against journalists, the Geneva-based media safety and rights body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) raises demands for justice to all victim scribes around the world. The PEC
opines that the observation on the particular day will be fruitful only if the culprits-who killed, abused or threatened media persons
are booked under the law of respective nations.

Need not to mention that the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2 November as the ‘International Day to End Impunity for
Crimes against Journalists’ through which it urged member countries to implement definite measures countering the culture of impunity and
also promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their duties independently and without undue interference. The
date was chosen in commemoration of the assassination of two French journalists in Mali in 2013.

According to PEC figures, at least 64 journalists have been killed so far this year. Last year the global media fraternity lost 92 scribes
to assailants, followed by 75 (in 2019), 117 (2018), 99 (2017), 156 (2016), 135 (2015), 138 (2014), 129 (2013), 141 (2012), 107 ( 2011),
etc. The statistics include murders among journalists, correspondents, freelancers, cameraperson, photojournalists, news-bulletin producers,
“Afghanistan and Mexico remain the most dangerous countries for working journalists,” said PEC secretary-general Blaise Lempen,
adding that there is no progress for the safety of media workers and often the assassins of journalists get away with murders. No crime
should go unpunished, particularly in case of sentinels of the society, asserted Lempen.

On Thursday, Mexican journalist Fredy López Arévalo was shot dead outside his residence at San Cristobal de las Casas. Lopez, who was a
former correspondent for El Universal in Guatemala, worked for Panorama and was in charge of the Notimex office in Chiapas. He was
also associated with Novedades and published articles in Proceso. With Lopez’s murder, the total figure for journo-murders in Mexico
increased up to 9 since January 2021.

Trouble-torn south-Asian nation Afghanistan lost 11 journalists till date. The journo-casualties started from 1 January of 2021 with the
murder of Adel Aimaq (Voice of Ghor radio), followed by Mursal Waheedi, Saadia Sadat, Shahnaz Raoufi (each in Enikas TV), Mina Khairi
(Ariana News), Toofan Omar (Paktia Ghag Radio), Danish Siddiqui (Indian photojournalist with Reuters), Alireza Ahmadi (Raha), Najma
Sadeqi (Jahan-e-Sehat TV), Fahim Dashty (Kabul Weekly) and Sayyed Marof Saadat (Nangarhar).

India and Pakistan witnessed the murder of five journalists each, while Bangladesh lost two scribes to assailants till date this year.
The populous country, recognized as the largest democracy in the globe, witnessed the murders of Ashu Yadav, Sulabh Srivastava, Ch.
Keshav, Manish Kumar Singh and Raman Kashyap. Pakistan lost Ajay Laalwani, Waseem Alam, Abdul Wahid Raisani,Kashif Hussain and Shahid Zehri.

“Relatively a small but populous country Bangladesh lost two journalists this year to assailants namely Borhan Uddin Muzakkir and
Mushtaq Ahmed,” said PEC’s south and south-east Asian representative Nava Thakuria adding that India’s other neighbors namely Bhutan,
Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Myanmar have not reported any incident of journo-murder, even though the media fraternity continues to face
harassments from various agencies there.

06.10.2021. CAMBODIA. PEC insists on fair trial to convicted Cambodian journalist Youn Chhiv

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/Guwahati, 6 October 2021: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Geneva-based global media rights body expressed serious concern over the imprisonment of a Cambodian journalist without the fair trial and urged the government led by Prime minister Hun Sen to help Youn Chhiv
defending his position in the legal courses of action.

It may be mentioned that journalist and owner of Koh Kong Hot News was convicted by the Koh Kong provincial court of Cambodia on 30 September
2021 of incitement under various legal clauses and within 72 hours of his detention, the prominent journalist was sentenced to one year of
imprisonment along with a cash fine under the criminal laws of the southeast Asian nation.

Allegations were framed against the scribe that he put false information about a land grabbing matter involving an individual in
the high government position. A huge volume of land, under the possession of rural farmers, were reportedly allocated to the
individual. He was initially summoned by the police for questioning on 28 September and then compelled the media person to write an apology
letter to the concerned party.

The scribe was also forced to remove the specific post from the digital platform. But even then, he was convicted under the draconian
press-laws targeting the working journalists. With more to it, the criminal laws were also imposed over him so that the journalist can be
imprisoned arbitrarily. Without giving the opportunity to defend him legally, the court hurriedly pronounced the verdict.

“It is understood that Youn Chhiv was subjected to repeated mental harassments including death threats by vested elements for a decade
for his professional works. Journalism is not a crime and journalists must be allowed to work in a free & fair ambience. It’s time for the
Cambodian government to ensure freedom of the press if, at all, it deems to be a functioning democracy,” said Blaise Lempen, general
secretary of PEC.

Cambodia has witnessed an increase of media organs in the last few years. According to the government sources in Phnom Penh, the country
with around 16.7 million population supports nearly 1,000 media outlets in traditional, electronic and digital formats. But often the
journalists are subjected to harassments if they go for critical reporting about the authority, said the PEC’s southeast Asia
representative Nava Thakuria adding that journalists should not be victimized for their genuine works.

05.10.2021. PEC demands authentic probe into killing of Indian scribe Raman Kashyap

by Nava Thakuria, PEC Representative for India

Geneva: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), rthe Geneva-based media rights body condoles the demise of young television scribe Raman Kashyap at Lakhimpur Kheri locality of Uttar Pradesh in central India and demands an authentic probe into the incident that led to killing of the rural reporter on 3 October 2021.

According to local sources, Raman (35) was hit by a vehicle amidst a chaotic situation where a large group of agitating farmers (against farm laws brought by the Union government in New Delhi) were in confrontations with some political workers. He was along with many reporters at the site to cover an event, but Raman turned unlucky and died on the spot. Later the agitators set the vehicle on fire and finally eight others died in the violent incident.

Raman’s family members claimed that he was also shot by the miscreants. Hailed from Nighasan village, Raman used to work for a news channel and left behind his wife, two minor children and other relatives. Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath, while
expressing grief over the unfortunate incident, announced a compensatory package to family members of all the deceased.

“Raman Kashyap is the 59th journalists killed so far in 2021 across the globe. A day back, Afghan scribe Sayyed Marof Saadat was shot dead by miscreants at Nangarhar locality of Afghanistan,” said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC, adding that last year 92 media persons lost their lives to assailants.

India earlier lost journalist Ashu Yadav (hauled from Kanpur in UP), Sulabh Srivastava (Lucknow, UP) and Ch. Keshav (Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh) to assailants since 1 January 2021. Acclaimed Indian photo journalist Danish Siddiqui was killed by the Taliban in Kandahar of Afghanistan. PEC’s India representative Nava Thakuria assumes that the populous country may improve in the journo-murder index this year compared to 2020 that ended with 15 media casualties.

04.10.2021. PEC laments the shrinking space for press freedom and collapse of media fraternity in Afghanistan

With Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva, 4 October 2021: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Geneva based global media rights body, laments over missing of newspapers from the stands across Afghanistan as most of the media managements shifted to online space after the arrival of Taliban forces in the capital city of Kabul. One more journalist was killed during the weekend.

Expressing serious concern on the growing security threats for professional journalists in the southeast Asian country, the PEC
www.pressemblem.ch) calls upon the United Nations and the international community to urge the new government in Kabul to respect press freedom and the safety of journalists.

According to local media outlets, the press has been paralyzed particularly in Kabul, which is under the grip of Taliban once again
after the fall of President Ashraf Ghani's government on 15 August 2021. Before their advent, the ancient city used to witness a number of newspapers and other media outlets which surfaced in the last two decades to cater the need of readers, listeners and viewers.

“Overall, a total of 150 newspapers/magazines out of 500 media outlets including television & radio channels and news agencies have closed in the past month. The space for independent press and freedom of expression is shrinking day by day,” said a report in Afghanistan Times, adding that the safety & security of scribes and overall financial problems have deteriorated the situation.

The Afghan media and journalist fraternity are going through their worst time in the last 20 years and many of them have fled their
nation. They feel if the international community and the Taliban do not pay attention the remaining media will also collapse very soon.

“Kabul alone had around 20 newspapers available to readers in English and local languages before the arrival of Taliban forces. Now the media persons are under severe security threats and financial crisis as most of the foreign governments & non-government offices have abandoned the country and their potential supporters have also disappeared,” said PEC general secretary Blaise Lempen.

Recently a group of around 150 Afghan journalists urged the United Nations and other international groups to ensure their protection with the backdrop of threats issued by the Taliban militants. Speaking to Nava Thakuria, PEC’s south and southeast Asia representative, an Afghan journalist revealed that the media fraternity has lost its female members as the Taliban regime is understood to maintain its harsh policy towards the women journalists all along.

The freedom of expression of Afghan journalists who fled the country in August is also limited, said an Afghan journalist, who has found refuge in Belgium during August. Talking to the PEC, he commented, “Due to the risks for my colleagues, who are still in Afghanistan, I can't talk or write my own story now, probably another time, when they are also out of the country or at least there is no high risks for them.”

Afghan journalist named Sayyed Marof Saadat died in a shooting incident on 2 October 2021 along with two other people. The
incident took place in Nangarhar locality of Afghanistan, when the scribe was travelling along with others towards Jalalabad city on
Saturday evening. The miscreants targeted them with bullets where Saadat’s son also sustained injuries. The death of Sayyed Marof Saadat brings to 11 the number of media workers killed this year in Afghanistan since January, making it the most dangerous country in the world for journalists.

17.09.2021. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 48th session, PEC urges UNHRC to initiate for release of Burmese journalists

by Nava Thakuria. PEC Representative for South-East Asia

Geneva/Guwahati, 17 September: Expressing concern over the recent arrest of three more journalists by the military rulers of Myanmar,
the Switzerland based global media rights body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls upon the UN Human Rights Council meeting now in progress at Geneva to condemn the military junta and initiate for release of over 50 scribes along with a large number of political prisoners.

The military regime, which has been ruling the south-east Asian country (also known as Burma and Brahmadesh) after over-throwing Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi led democratically elected government in Nay Pyi Taw on 1 February 2021, lately arrested Myo Thant, the former editor of
Mizzima News from Kangye Htaung township in southwestern Myanmar. The military personnel tracked him in the township and finally picked him up.

Earlier, freelance photojournalist Ma Thuzar, who contributes for Myanmar Pressphoto Agency and Friday Times News Journal and then
Mandalay news agency reporter Win Naing Oo were arrested by the security forces. All of them are understood to be arrested under new
laws related to information defaming the government armed forces. If proven guilty by the court, they have to face three years of

“As the world media is focused on Taliban brutalities against journalists in Afghanistan, the Burmese junta has taken it as an
advantage to continue brutalities against the media workers. The international community should not ignore the pathetic condition of
Burmese journalists and must insist on their conditional release,” said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC.

Since the 1 February coup, the Min Aung Hlaing led military regime has detained over one hundred journalists for covering the anti-junta
public demonstrations across Myanmar and half of them are still under their custody. By now over one thousand Burmese nationals have lost
their lives participating in various protest programs.

More than seven thousand people have been arrested and over five thousand individuals are either detained or sentenced, whereas nearly
230,000 ethnic minorities were displaced since the military takeover. Many deaths are yet to be reported, informed Mizzima chief editor Soe
Myint, while speaking to PEC representative Nava Thakuria from an undisclosed location.

Last month, the military personnel arrested outspoken freelance journalist Sithu Aung Myint and the foreign media contributor Ma Htet
Htet Khine from Yangon. In July, three women journalists were picked up to add in the list of jailed journalists including Thin Thin Aung,
Han Thar Nyein, Min Nyo, Mya Wunn Yangon, Myo Myat Myat Pan, Tu Tu Tha, Than Htike Aung, etc.

06.09.2021. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condoles demise of Afghan journalist Fahim Dashty

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland global media safety body, expressed condolences over the death of prominent Afghan journalist Fahim Dashty, who fell prey to clashes erupted between the Taliban fighters and the national resistance force in Panshir valley on 5 September 2021.

Associated with Kabul Weekly newspaper, Fahim was lately working as a spokesperson for Ahmad Massoud led National Resistance Front of Afghanistan. He was targeted by the Taliban army personnel and killed at Anaba locality in Panshir valley. As the Taliban militants invaded Afghanistan, he joined the resistance force, popularly known as Northern Alliance.

Besides pursuing professional journalism, Fahim was also engaged with Federation of Afghan Journalists and Afghanistan National Journalists Union. Born into a progressive family at Dashtak village under Anaba district in 1972, Fahim graduated from Istiqlal high school and studied law and political science at Kabul university.

“Fahim Dashty becomes the tenth journalist killed in Afghanistan since January 2021 turning the south-Asian nation the most dangerous place for working journalists. The PEC is gravely concerned about the wellbeing of local journalists as well as journalists reporting for international media outlets,” said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC.

PEC calls on Afghanistan’s new authorities to ensure the safety of journalists and to respect press freedom, stated Lempen adding that the global outfit was very concerned by the rapidly changing socio-political situation in Afghanistan for some years. He added that over the past 20 years, independent media proliferated in the trouble-torn country.

As the Taliban gains power almost across Afghanistan, the journalists are coming under increasing attacks. Those who defy the Taliban face threats, pressure, kidnapping and murder. Female journalists are at greater risk due to their public roles and all of them are now banned from presenting news in television channels, asserted Lempen.

“Altogether 55 journalists have been killed so far this year and Fahim Dashty emerges as the latest victim,” said Nava Thakuria, PEC’s south and southeast Asia representative adding that the armed militants had earlier killed Bismillah Adil Aimaq, Shahnaz Raoufi, Saadia Sadat, Mursal Waheedi, Mina Khairi, Toofan Omar, Alireza Ahmadi, Najma Sadeqi and Danish Siddiqui (from India).

03.09.2021. The list of journalists dead from Covid-19 is growing

PEC press release (French, Spanish and Arabic after English) (list of victims on our page COVID-19)

Para a versão em português veja entre outros:

Geneva, September 3, 2021 (PEC) - The list of journalists dead from Covid-19 is growing. More than 1,788 media workers have succumbed

to the virus in 80 countries in the 18 months since the start of the pandemic, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced Friday in Geneva.

During the months of July and August, at least 117 more journalists died from the coronavirus, or nearly 2 a day. More deaths have been seen

around the globe, from the Philippines to Algeria, from Indonesia to Russia, from Brazil to the United States, from Cuba to Bangladesh.

“Journalists on the ground remain one of the most exposed professions. The number of registered victims has slowed down since June, but the

vaccination rate remains insufficient in many countries,” said PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen. "Some politicians, but also the media

continue to spread false information, at a high cost, as in the United States, where three star presenters opposed to vaccination died in August

from the virus, two in Florida and one in Tennessee" , he added.

Given the new variants, the PEC warns that the number of journalists who have died from Covid-19 is likely to reach the 2,000 mark by the

end of the year. The average age of victims is now younger.

Brazil is the country with the highest number of victims with at least 280 journalists dead from the virus, ahead of India with at least 270 victims.

After an explosion of cases in these two countries in the spring, the situation has fortunately stabilized this summer.

Three Latin American countries follow, Peru (198 dead), Mexico (120) and Colombia (77). In Bangladesh, 65 journalists died from Covid-19,

in Italy 59 and in the United States 55.

Among the 25 countries most affected, in Venezuela at least 53 deaths of journalists were counted, Ecuador 51, Argentina 43, Indonesia 41,

Russia 33, Iran 32, Great Britain 31, Dominican Republic 28, Pakistan 27, Turkey 27, Bolivia 20, Nepal 19, Honduras 18, South Africa 18,

Egypt 17, Panama 16 and Spain 16 as well. The list of 55 other countries where deaths have been reported can be found on the PEC website.

More than half of the victims died in Latin America

By region, Latin America leads with 954 media workers dead from Covid-19, more than half of the total, ahead of Asia 485, Europe 206,

Africa 86 and North America 57.

The total number of victims is certainly higher, because the cause of death of journalists is sometimes not specified or their death not announced.

In a few countries, there are no reliable statistics.

The sources of the PEC are the national associations of journalists, the local media, the regional correspondents of the PEC and social networks.

La liste des journalistes morts du Covid-19 s'allonge

Genève, le 3 septembre 2021 (PEC) - La liste des journalistes morts du Covid-19 s'allonge. Plus de 1788 travailleurs des médias ont succombé au virus dans 80 pays, au cours des 18 mois qui ont suivi le début de la pandémie, a annoncé vendredi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC).

Pendant les mois de juillet et août, au moins 117 journalistes de plus sont morts du coronavirus, soit près de 2 par jour. Des décès supplémentaires ont été constatés tout autour du globe, des Philippines à l’Algérie, de l’Indonésie à la Russie, du Brésil aux États-Unis, de Cuba au Bangladesh.

«Les journalistes sur le terrain restent une des professions les plus exposées. Le nombre des victimes recensées a ralenti depuis le mois de juin, mais le taux de vaccination reste insuffisant dans de nombreux pays», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. «Des responsables politiques, mais aussi des médias continuent de propager de fausses informations, avec un coût élevé, comme aux États-Unis, où trois présentateurs vedettes opposés à la vaccination ont succombé en août au virus, deux en Floride et un au Tennessee», a-t-il ajouté.

Compte tenu des nouveaux variants, la PEC avertit que le nombre de journalistes décédés du Covid-19 risque d’atteindre le cap des 2000 morts d’ici la fin de l’année. L’âge moyen des victimes est maintenant plus jeune.

Le Brésil est le pays qui a recensé le plus grand nombre de victimes avec au moins 280 journalistes morts du virus, devant l’Inde, avec au moins 270 victimes. Après une explosion des cas dans ces deux pays au printemps, la situation s’est heureusement stabilisée cet été.

Suivent trois pays d’Amérique latine, le Pérou (198 morts), le Mexique (120) et la Colombie (77). Au Bangladesh, 65 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19, en Italie 59 et aux États-Unis 55.

Parmi les 25 pays les plus touchés, au Venezuela, au moins 53 décès de journalistes ont été dénombrés, en Equateur 51, en Argentine 43, en Indonésie 41, en Russie 33, en Iran 32, en Grande-Bretagne 31, en République dominicaine 28, au Pakistan 27, en Turquie 27, en Bolivie 20, au Népal 19, au Honduras 18, en Afrique du Sud 18 également en Egypte 17, en Espagne 16 comme au Panama 16. La liste des 55 autres pays où des décès ont été annoncés se trouve sur le site de la PEC.

Plus de la moitié des victimes en Amérique latine

Par région, l’Amérique latine est en tête avec 954 travailleurs des médias morts du Covid-19, soit plus de la moitié du total, devant l’Asie 485, l’Europe 206, l’Afrique 86 et l’Amérique du Nord 57.

Le chiffre total des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas annoncée. Dans quelques pays, il n’existe aucune statistique fiable.

Les sources de la PEC sont les associations nationales de journalistes, les médias locaux, les correspondants régionaux de la PEC et les réseaux sociaux.

Crece la lista de periodistas muertos por Covid-19

Ginebra, 3 de septiembre de 2021 (PEC). - La lista de periodistas muertos por Covid-19 está creciendo. Más de 1.788 trabajadores de los medios

de comunicación han sucumbido al virus en 80 países en los 18 meses transcurridos desde el inicio de la pandemia, anunció la Campaña de

Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) el viernes en Ginebra.

Durante los meses de julio y agosto, al menos 117 periodistas más murieron por el coronavirus, o casi 2 al día. Se han visto más muertes en

todo el mundo, desde Filipinas hasta Argelia, desde Indonesia hasta Rusia, desde Brasil hasta Estados Unidos, desde Cuba hasta Bangladesh.

« Los periodistas de primera línea siguen siendo una de las profesiones más expuestas. El número de víctimas registradas se ha reducido desde

junio, pero la tasa de vacunación sigue siendo insuficiente en muchos paises », dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen. « Políticos,

aunque también medios de comunicación, siguen difundiendo información falsa, a un alto costo, como en Estados Unidos, donde tres

presentadores estrella opuestos a la vacunación murieron en agosto por el virus, dos en Florida y uno en Tennessee », agregó.

A la luz de las nuevas variantes, el PEC advierte que el número de periodistas que han muerto por Covid-19 puede llegar a la marca de los 2.000

a finales de año. La edad promedio de las víctimas ahora es más joven.

Brasil es el país con el mayor número de víctimas con al menos 280 periodistas muertos por el virus, por delante de India con al menos 270

víctimas. Después de una explosión de casos en estos dos países en la primavera, afortunadamente la situación se ha estabilizado este verano.

Le siguen tres países latinoamericanos, Perú (198 muertos), México (120) y Colombia (77). En Bangladesh, 65 periodistas murieron por

Covid-19, en Italia 59 y en Estados Unidos 55.

Entre los 25 países más afectados se encuentran Venezuela, donde se contabilizaron al menos 53 muertes ; Ecuador, 51 ; Argentina, 43 ;

Indonesia, 41 ; Rusia, 33 ; Irán, 32 ; Gran Bretaña, 31 ; República Dominicana, 28 ; Pakistán, 27 ; Turquía, 27 ;  Bolivia, 20 ; Nepal, 19 ;

Honduras, 18 ; Africa del Sur, 18 también, Egypto 17, Panamá 16 y España 16. La lista de otros 55 países donde se han reportado muertes

se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la PEC.

Más de la mitad de las víctimas en América Latina

Por región, América Latina lidera con 954 trabajadores de medios muertos por Covid-19, más de la mitad del total, por delante de Asia 485,

Europa 206, África 86 y Norteamérica 57.

El número total de víctimas es ciertamente mayor, porque a veces no se especifica la causa de la muerte de los periodistas o no se anuncia su

muerte. En unos pocos países no existen estadísticas fiables.

Las fuentes del PEC son las asociaciones nacionales de periodistas, los medios locales, los corresponsales regionales del PEC y las redes sociales.

1788 ضحايا كورونا من الصحفيين في 18 شهراً والعدد قابل للزيادة إلى 2000

جنيف في 2 سبتمبر 2021 (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف أن عدد ضحايا كورونا من الصحفيين يرتفع إذ بلغ 1788 في 80 دولة خلال الأشهر الـ 18 الأخيرة منذ بداية الوباء.

وأضافت الحملة أنه خلال شهري يوليو وأغسطس راح ضحية الوباء 117 من الصحفيين أي أكثر من 2 في اليوم. كما زادت حالات الوفيات من الفلبين إلى الجزائر ومن إندونسيسا إلى روسيا ومن البرازيل إلى الولايات المتحدة ومن كوبا إلى بنجلاديش. 

وصرح سكرتير حملة الشارة الدولية بليز ليمبان أن الصحفيين من المهن أكثر تعرضا للوباء، في الوقت الذي انخفض فيه التسجيل لضحايا الوباء إلا أن برامج التطعيم ضده غير كافية في معظم الدول.

وأضاف ليمبان أن بعض السياسيين وبعض الإعلاميين ينشرون معلومات خاطئة عن الوباء وبصفة خاصة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حيث سقط ضحية للوباء في شهر أغسطس 3 من ألمع الإعلاميين لأنهم رفضوا التطعيم ضد الوباء 2 في فلوريدا وواحد في تنسي.

وحذرت الحملة من أن ظهور أنواع جديدة من الوباء يمكن أن تدفع بالأعداد من ضحايا الوباء إلى 2000 مع نهاية العام.

تأتي البرازيل في مقدمة الدول التي سقط فيها صحفيون من الوباء: 280 ثم تأتي الهند في المرتبة الثانية: 270، وقد عادت الأمور إلى طبيعتها خلال الصيف الحالي بعد تفاقم الحالات في الربيع. ثم تأتي بيرو: 198، المكسيك: 120، كولومبيا: 77، بنجلاديش: 65، إيطاليا: 59 والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: 55.

ومن بين الدول الأكثر تضرراً: فنزويلا: 53، إكوادور: 51، الأرجنتين: 43، إندونيسيا: 41، روسيا: 33، إيران: 32، بريطانيا: 31، جمهورية الدومينكان: 28، باكستان: 27، تركيا 27، بوليفيا: 20، نيبال 19، هندوراس: 18، جنوب إفريقيا 18.

أكثر من نصف الضحايا توفوا في أمريكا اللاتينية 954، آسيا: 485، أوروبا: 206، إفريقيا 86، أمريكا الشمالية 57.

لمزيد من المعلومات رجاء تصفح موقع الحملة لقائمة الضحايا

21.08.2021. MYANMAR (BURMA): PEC expresses concern over continued harassment to Burmese journalists

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland based global media rights body, expresses serious concern over the continued harassments to journalists and media workers in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma or Brahmadesh), by the Burmese junta which dethroned the democratically elected government with a military coup on 1 February 2021.

The military rulers have detained nearly one hundred journalists, who dared to question their credential to rule the south-east Asian nation, and over 40 are still behind the bars. The generals, led by Min Aung Hlaing, who has recently declared himself as the Premier of Myanmar, continue to target the media persons with arbitrary raid, detention and arrests. They have otherwise tried to destroy the entity of free press.

“Not only the Burmese journalists, the junta now wants to diktat the foreign media outlets with a proper way of describing the military regime, which grabbed the political power deposing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD) government in NayPieTaw,” said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC.

Recently, the military officials expressed their resentments as the media outlets continue using the term ‘military junta’ to describe the regime and they warned not to repeat the mistake. Specifically indicating the foreign news agencies, which are reporting about
Myanmar, they asked the correspondents to stop using wrong terms and also spread ‘fake news’. Otherwise, the military generals threatened to take of necessary actions.

“This week, two more journalists were detained that increases the number of scribes and other media workers arrested up to 95 since the coup took place. Military personnel had recently arrested outspoken freelance journalist U Sithu Aung Myint and the foreign media contributor Ma Htet Htet Khine from Yangon,” said Aung Zaw, a senior Burmese journalist, while speaking to PEC’s India representative Nava Thakuria from an undisclosed location.

He also added that three women journalists were arrested in the month of July. Released media persons admitted that they were tortured in the name of interrogation during their detention. Families of journalists under detention including Han Thar Nyein, Min Nyo, Mya Wunn Yangon, Myo Myat Myat Pan, Thin Thin Aung, Tu Tu Tha, Than Htike Aung, etc are worried about their safety and security as the Covid-19 is also spreading across the poverty-stricken country.

For records, over one thousand Burmese nationals have lost their lives participating in various protest-demonstrations against the military regime. More than seven thousand people have been arrested and over five thousand individuals are either detained or sentenced, whereas nearly 230,000 ethnic minorities were displaced since the recent military takeover in the land of golden pagodas.

13.08.2021. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands probe into Bihar scribe’s death

by Nava Thakuria, PEC India Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: Expressing shock at the mysterious death of a television scribe in Bihar, the Switzerland based media rights body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands an authentic probe into the incidents that led to Manish Kumar Singh’s untimely demise so that the probable culprits can be punished under the law.

It may be mentioned that Manish, who worked for Sudarshan news channel, was missing for some days and his semi-decomposed body was found in Champaran locality on 10 August 2021. Both of his eyes were reportedly removed. Hailed from Paharpur village, the victim’s father (Sanjay Kumar Singh) is also a journalist engaged with a Hindi newspaper.

Sudarshan channel editor Suresh Chavhanke claimed that Manish was kidnaped and murdered. He also added that two individuals namely Mohammad Arsad Alam and Amarendra Singh were arrested by the police in connection with the crime. The outspoken editor alleged that Bihar police was informed about his missing but did nothing as if they ‘waited passively for the murder’.

“After Andhra Pradesh scribe Chenna Keshav’s murder recently, it is the fourth incident of journo-deaths to assailants during 2021 in the populous country. Bihar government, led by Nitish Kumar, should do the needful to punish the culprits under relevant laws as there should be no impunity,” said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC.

Last year, India recorded the highest number of journalists killed worldwide with 15 fatalities among 92 media persons killed in
different countries. PEC documents 48 journalists who lost their lives across the globe since 1st January this year, where Afghanistan tops the list with 6 journo-victims followed by Mexico & Pakistan (4 each), etc.

“India lost two journalists (Ashu Yadav and Sulabh Srivastava) to perpetrators in the first half of 2021. However, it witnessed more
than 270 journalists who fall victims of the Covid-19 pandemic since March 2020,” said Nava Thakuria, PEC’s country representative, adding that the country should consider formulating special protection laws for the media persons at the earliest.

10.08.2021. INDIA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) PEC demands thorough probe into journalist Keshav’s murder

by Nava Thakuria, PEC India Representative

Geneva/ Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland based global media rights body, expresses shock at the murder of journalist Ch. Keshav in Andhra Pradesh of central India and demanded a thorough probe into the incidents which led to his death, so that the culprits can be booked under the law. He is the third journalist to be killed in India this year.

Local media reports reveal that Keshav (35), who worked as a reporter with EV5 youtube channel, was stabbed to death by a suspended police constable with supports from another individual on 8 August 2021 at Nandyal locality of Kurnool district. It is suspected that Chennakeshavalu was targeted because of his reporting on corruptionand gambling issues.

The accused policeman Venkata Subbaiah faced the departmental suspension because of media reports on his illegal activities
including gambling. Hence it is assumed that he intentionally killed the young reporter while calling Keshav for some discussions. The victim was taken to a nearby hospital but he succumbed to injuries.

“Keshav’s murder is the third incident of journo-killings during 2021 in the populous democratic country. The State government, led by YS Jagan MohanReddy, must do the needful to punish the culprits under relevant laws. There must be no impunity,” said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC.

Last year, India recorded the highest number of journalists killed worldwide with 15 fatalities among 92 media persons killed in different countries. According to the PEC, 45 journalists have lost their lives across the globe since 1rst January this year.

“India has slightly improved so far its media casualties to violence compared to last year, even though we have lost the
highest number of journalists to Covid-19 till date in the world,” said Nava Thakuria, PEC’s representative in India, adding that
in the first half of 2021 the south Asian nation lost journalists Ashu Yadav and Sulabh Srivastava to perpetrators.

05.08.2021. MYANMAR 6 MONTHS AFTER THE COUP - The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands relief to journalists, political prisoners, as the pandemic claims many victims in the country

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South-Asia Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: Expressing serious concerns over the latest crisis faced by the people of Myanmar (formerly Burma) due to Covid-19 pandemic under a military regime in NayPieTaw, the Switzerland based global media rights body ‘Press Emblem Campaign’ demands all political prisoners including the journalists to be released without any prerequisite.

It may be mentioned that military rulers of south-east Asian nation, have killed at least 945 people, arrested over 7,026, detained (or sentenced) nearly 5,474 and displaced more than 230,000 ethnic minorities since the coup on 1 February 2021, overthrowing the democratically elected Aung San Suu Kyi’s government (even putting the Nobel laureate behind bars).

“The Burmese junta has arrested no less than 98 journalists where 43 scribes are still behind the bars. Moreover, the military authority has crushed the free press compelling a number of media houses to lock their offices and even forced many journalists to go on hide to avoid the harassment (if not arrest) on a daily basis,” said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC. "In times of pandemic it is of the utmost importance that journalists be able to inform freely about the evolution of the disease", he added.

Recently a group of Nobel peace laureates came out with the statement to call for release of Myanmar’s leading women rights defender Thin Thin Aung, who cofounded the Mizzima News group based in Yangon. Ms Aung is among hundreds who are facing imprisonments over materials (remain unpleasant to junta) published and broadcast by media outlets.

“Mizzima is outlawed and our offices are repeatedly raided. We are now operating from hideouts,” said Soe Myint, the chief editor of Mizzima group while speaking to PEC’s India representative Nava Thakuria, adding that despite all threats and troubles multiple media outlets of Mizzima continue to operate with primary aim to oppose the military coup and help restoring multi-party democracy in Myanmar.

Meanwhile, exile activists argued that the military chief Min Aung Hlaing is trying to legitimise the Burmese junta with asking
international community for offering humanitarian aids to Myanmar’s 60 million people. They pointed out that Myanmar is presently facing the pandemic with lesser number of vaccinated citizens and low-quality medical cares across the country.

“The human rights and humanitarian disasters have now been compounded in Myanmar following the latest wave of flood. The military junta has weaponized both the corona and flood for its own political gain,” said Khin Ohmar, chairperson of Progressive Voice, a participatory rights-based policy research and advocacy organization, while responding to PEC queries, adding that the junta is using relief efforts to the health disaster as a ploy to gain its much-needed legitimacy.

06.07.2021. PEC press release (French, Spanish and Arabic after English)

PEC: 35 journalists killed in first six months of 2021

Geneva, July 6, 2021 (PEC) In the first six months of the year, 35 journalists were killed in 21 countries around the world, the Emblem Campaign Press (PEC) reported on Tuesday. Afghanistan was the most dangerous country with five journalists killed.

The casualty figure is stable compared to the previous year: during the same period last year, also 35 media workers were killed (92 for the whole of 2020).

Five victims have been reported in Afghanistan since the start of the year, three in Mexico and three in Pakistan. Two victims were reported in the following countries: Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and India.

One victim in the following countries: Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Gaza, Greece, Haiti, Lebanon, Nigeria, Somalia, Turkey, United States of America, and Yemen.

Most of the victims were targeted intentionally. Almost half of the journalists were killed in an area of ​​armed conflict (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Nagorno-Karabakh, Gaza, Tigray, North Kivu, tribal areas in Pakistan, Somalia). Terrorist groups are responsible for nearly a third of the casualties.

"The PEC strongly condemns these killings and urges the local authorities to shed light on the causes of these crimes in order to arrest and prosecute those responsible," said PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen. "For the remainder of the year, we are particularly concerned about the situation of the media in Afghanistan, and in particular of women journalists in that country, due to the withdrawal of NATO troops," he added.

At least 1580 journalists dead from Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic also continues to claim many victims among media workers. Since March 2020, the PEC has identified more than 1580 journalists dead from Covid-19 in 78 countries.

The number of victims slowed during the month of June, especially in India, with around 60 dead, compared to more than 200 in the world
in May. Latin America witnessed the highest casualties, with more than half of the victims. During the month of June, the highest number of
journalists dead from Covid-19 was recorded in Brazil, one every 2 days.

Until June 30, 2021, the PEC counted the highest number of victims in 20 countries: India (259) ahead of Brazil (247), Peru (163) and Mexico (115).

Next in line are Colombia with 69 dead, Italy 58, Bangladesh 54, Ecuador 51, the United States 49, Venezuela 47, Argentina 36, Iran 32, Great Britain 30, the Dominican Republic 27, the Pakistan 27, Turkey 27 also, Russia 25, Nepal 19, Bolivia 18, and Panama 16.

The sources of the PEC are the national associations of journalists, the local media, the regional correspondents of the PEC and social networks.

PEC : 35 journalistes tués au cours des six premiers mois de 2021

Genève, le 6 juillet 2021 (PEC) Au cours des six premiers mois de l’année, 35 journalistes ont été tués dans 21 pays dans le monde, a indiqué mardi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). L’Afghanistan a été le pays le plus dangereux avec cinq journalistes tués.

Le chiffre des victimes est stable d’une année sur l’autre : au cours de la même période de l’an dernier, également 35 travailleurs des médias avaient été tués (92 pour toute l’année 2020).

Cinq victimes sont à déplorer en Afghanistan depuis le début de l’année, trois au Mexique et trois au Pakistan. Viennent ensuite avec deux victimes dans chaque pays : l’Azerbaïdjan, le Bangladesh, le Brésil, le Burkina Faso, l’Inde, et l’Éthiopie.

Une victime est à déplorer dans les pays suivants : Colombie, Équateur, Grèce, États-Unis, Gaza, Haïti, Liban, Nigeria, République démocratique du Congo, Somalie, Turquie, Yémen.

La plupart des victimes ont été visées intentionnellement. Près de la moitié des journalistes ont été tués dans une zone de conflit armé (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Haut-Karabakh, Gaza, Tigré, Nord Kivu, zones tribales au Pakistan, Somalie). Des groupes terroristes sont à l’origine de près d’un tiers des victimes.

« La PEC condamne fermement ces meurtres et exhorte les autorités locales à faire toute la lumière sur les causes de ces crimes afin d’en arrêter et juger les responsables», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. « Pour la suite de l’année, nous sommes particulièrement inquiets pour la situation des médias en Afghanistan, et en particulier des femmes journalistes dans ce pays, en raison du retrait des troupes de l’OTAN», a-t-il ajouté.

Au moins 1580 journalistes morts du Covid-19

La pandémie du Covid-19 continue par ailleurs de faire de nombreuses victimes parmi les travailleurs des médias. Depuis mars 2020, la PEC a recensé plus de 1580 journalistes morts du Covid-19 dans 78 pays.

Le nombre des victimes a ralenti au cours de mois de juin, en particulier en Inde, avec une soixantaine de morts, contre plus de 200 dans le monde en mai. Il reste le plus élevé en Amérique latine, avec plus de la moitié des victimes. Au cours du mois de juin le plus grand nombre de journalistes morts du Covid-19 a été enregistré au Brésil, un tous les 2 jours.

Jusqu’au 30 juin 2021, la PEC a dénombré le plus grand nombre de victimes en Inde (259) devant le Brésil (247), le Pérou (163) et le Mexique (115).

Viennent ensuite la Colombie avec 69 morts, l’Italie 58, le Bangladesh 54, l’Équateur 51, les États-Unis 49, le Venezuela 47, l’Argentine 36, l’Iran 32, la Grande-Bretagne 30, la République dominicaine 27, le Pakistan 27, la Turquie 27 également, la Russie 25, le Népal 19, la Bolivie 18, le Panama 16 pour les 20 premiers pays les plus touchés.

Les sources de la PEC sont les associations nationales de journalistes, les médias locaux, les correspondants régionaux de la PEC et les réseaux sociaux.

PEC: 35 periodistas asesinados en los primeros seis meses de 2021

Ginebra, 6 de julio de 2021 (PEC). - En los primeros seis meses del año, 35 periodistas fueron asesinados en 21 países de todo el mundo, informó este martes la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés).

Afganistán fue el país más peligroso con cinco periodistas muertos.

La cifra de víctimas es estable año tras año: durante el mismo período del año pasado, también murieron 35 trabajadores de los medios de comunicación (92 por todo el 2020).

Se han reportado cinco víctimas en Afganistán desde principios de año, tres en México y tres en Pakistán. Luego vienen con dos víctimas en cada país: Azerbaiyán, Bangladés, Brasil, Burkina Faso, India y Etiopía.

Una víctima debe ser deplorada en los siguientes países: Colombia, Ecuador, Grecia, Estados Unidos, Gaza, Haití, Líbano, Nigeria, República Democrática del Congo, Somalia, Turquía, Yemen.

La mayoría de las víctimas fueron atacadas intencionalmente. Casi la mitad de los periodistas murieron en una zona de conflicto armado (Afganistán, Burkina Faso, Nagorno-Karabaj, Gaza, Tigray, Kivu del Norte, áreas tribales en Pakistán, Somalia).

Los grupos terroristas son responsables de casi un tercio de las víctimas.

"La PEC condena enérgicamente estos asesinatos e insta a las autoridades locales a esclarecer las causas de estos crímenes para poder arrestar y llevar ante la justicia a los responsables", dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

“Para el resto del año, estamos particularmente preocupados por la situación de los medios en Afganistán, y en particular por las mujeres periodistas en ese país, debido a la retirada de las tropas de la OTAN”, agregó.

Al menos 1.580 periodistas muertos por Covid-19

La pandemia de Covid-19 también continúa cobrando muchas víctimas entre los trabajadores de los medios. Desde marzo de 2020, la PEC ha identificado al menos a 1.580 periodistas muertos por Covid-19 en 78 países.

El número de víctimas disminuyó durante el mes de junio, especialmente en la India, con alrededor de 60 muertos, frente a más de 200 en
el mundo en mayo. Las cifras más altas se encuentran en América Latina, con más de la mitad de las víctimas. Durante el mes de junio se
registró en Brasil el mayor número de periodistas muertos por Covid-19, uno cada 2 días.

Hasta el 30 de junio de 2021, la PEC contabilizó el mayor número de víctimas en India (259) por delante de Brasil (247), Perú (163) y México (115).

Luego viene Colombia con 69 muertos, Italia 58, Bangladés 54, Ecuador 51, Estados Unidos 49, Venezuela 47, Argentina 36, Irán 32, Gran Bretaña 30, República Dominicana 27, Pakistán 27, Turquía 27 también, Rusia 25, Nepal 19, Bolivia 18, Panamá 16 para los primeros 20 países más afectados.

Las fuentes de la PEC son las asociaciones nacionales de periodistas, los medios locales, los corresponsales regionales de la PEC y las redes sociales.

بيان صحفي

حملة الشارة: 35 صحفياً قُتِلوا في النصف الأول من العام

جنيف في 6 يوليو (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية أن 35 صحفياً قُتِلوا في النصف الأول من العام الحالي، وأن أفغانستان شهدت أسوأ هذه الحوادث بمقتل 5 صحفيين.

وأكدت حملة الشارة، في بيانها، أن رقم النصف الأول من العام الحالي هو نفس رقم النصف الأول من العام الماضي، في حين قُتِل 92 صحفياً في عام 2020 بأكمله.

وسجل 5 قتلى من الصحفيين في أفغانستان و3 في المكسيك و3 في باكستان، و2 في كلٍ من أذريبجان، بنجلاديش، البرازيل، بوركينا فاسو، إثيوبيا والهند.

وصحفي واحد قُتِل في كلٍ من كولومبيا وجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وإكوادور وغزة واليونان وهايتي، ولبنان، ونيجيريا، والصومال، وتركيا، والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية واليمن.

وقد تم استهداف معظم الصحفيين الذين قُتِلوا عن عمد وقُتِل نصفهم على الأقل في مناطق النزاع المسلح: أفغانستان، بوركينا فاسو، ناجورنو كاراباخ، غزة، شمال كيفو، المناطق القبلية في باكستان والصومال، وقد كانت الجماعات الإرهابية مسئولة عن هذه الجرائم في ثلثي الضحايا.

وقد صرح سكرتير عام حملة الشارة بليز ليمبان بأن الحملة تدين بشدة هذه الجرائم، وتطالب السلطات المحلية بالتحقيق في أسباب هذه الجرائم من أجل إلقاء القبض على مرتكبيها وتقديمهم للمحاكمة. 

وأضاف ليمبان أن الحملة تظل قلقة للغاية من الآن وحتى نهاية العام عن حال الإعلام في أفغانستان، وبصفة خاصة وضع النساء من الصحفيين بسبب انسحاب قوات حلف الأطلنطي من هناك.

ضحايا كورونا من الصحفيين أكثر من 1580

وأوضحت حملة الشارة أنه منذ مارس 2020 قُتِل من وباء كورونا 1580 صحفياً في 78 دولة، وانخفضت أعداد الوفيات من كورونا في شهر يونيو بوفاة 60 صحفياً من الوباء بالمقارنة بأكثر من 200 في مايو. وشهدت أمريكا اللاتينية أعلى معدلات الوفيات من كورونا فقد تُوفِى نصف العدد الإجمالي بدول القارة.

وحتى 30 يونيو 2021 سجلت حملة الشارة أعلى أعداد للوفيات من كورونا في 20 دولة: الهند: 259، ثم البرازيل: 247، بيرو: 163، المكسيك: 115، كولومبيا: 69، إيطاليا: 58، إكوادور: 51، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: 49، فنزويلا 47، الأرجنتين: 36، إيران: 32، بريطانيا: 30، جمهورية الدومينكان: 27، باكستان: 27، تركيا: روسيا: 25، نيبال 19، بوليفيا: 18 وبنما: 16. 

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقع الحملة:

10.06.2021. Why so many journalists are dying from Covid-19 in Brazil?

By the PEC Representative in Brazil R. M. (anonymized for security reasons)

June 10, 2021, São Paulo/Geneva (PEC). According to PEC’s report, at least 239 media professionals had died of Covid-19 infection from March/2020 to the end of May/2021.

This number is overwhelming by itself and only compares to the category losses in Peru (163) and India (246) during the same period.

On closer inspection, the situation in Brazil is of major concern if the total number of active journalists in the country is factored in – approximately 42,300, according to data collected by the journalistic web portal Comunique-se 360 in 2019. It means around 0.6% of the total Brazilian media workers died from Covid-19 in this 15-month period.

According to the UN, currently Brazil has a population of around 214,500,000. Up until May/2021, the Government officially recognized the deaths of 465,000 inhabitants to Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, or approximately 0.2% of the whole population.

The triple among journalists

In comparison to the general population, the casualties’ rate has been the triple among journalists in this South American nation.

The death toll in Brazilian journalism stands out even against other professions particularly exposed to the virus. The Ministry of Health estimates a total of 6,650,000 health workers in the country, among doctors, nurses, biomedics, PE professionals, pharmacists, physiotherapists, dentists, psychologists, radiologists, nutrition specialists, hospital managers, beauticians, cosmetologists, and biologists. They have been accounted as essential workers since day 1. Arpen-Brasil, the national association of authorities in charge of emitting death certificates, had recorded 1,411 deceased among these professionals from March/2020 to February/202 – 0.02% of the total. Ten times less deaths than within the general population.

Health professionals are possibly the only class which had access to earlier testing, and many of them also had access to hospital care when necessary. Except for a few notable Brazilian medical authorities, almost every worker in this category has observed social distancing and mask wearing rules and did not retort to unproven and inefficient treatments. The category also encompasses various professions. These factors might explain why they were not as badly affected, even though they are in the thick of the battle.

Still comparing: the information from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics dates from 2018, but it indicates the USA have lost about 0,13% of a journalist workforce of at least 37,200. The number of media workers in India is not readily available, but the business data platform Statista estimates a figure of 93,000 workers just in print media, so the Covid-19 toll among Indian journalists would account for more than 0.25% (a conservative estimate).

None of the above information indicates the pandemic is not a grave issue. The losses are enormous and comparable to the worst massacres in History, especially considering many of them were preventable. The percentages are only used as means of comparison.

Underpaid essential workers

As it is expected in a country with such high-income inequality, the virus has taken much more victims within the less favored strata of Brazilian society. Underpaid essential workers, like the ones related to the traffic and transportation group, were severely affected, with approximately 960 casualties just in the city of São Paulo, during the interval from March/2020 to March/2021, as published by the Pólis Institute.

Journalists and communications professionals were ranked as essential workers by Brazilian special pandemic rules (which also included barbers, hairdressers, and gyms, by the way).

In practice, being dimmed essential in Brazil never meant these classes were entitled to more protection from the Government in any form whatsoever, such as financial compensation, supply of masks or face shields, childcare or even a clean work environment. It just meant they were not allowed to stop showing up at their workplaces. They were denied any form of social distancing.

Working in the field

It is widely known many freelancers, reporters and their supporting teams are unable to work from their homes; they must be in the field to witness facts and keep the population informed.

This is not the reality of all press workers, such as editors, redactors, radio broadcasters and many jobs related to TV and Internet media. Even field reporters are not necessarily working in constant contact with infected people, unlike health workers in the front lines of hospitals and clinics.

Journalists in Brazil are mostly professionals with a College degree, or who have at least concluded primary education. They should have had better financial conditions to protect themselves, either at work or under home quarantine. Why is the lethality rate in this category much higher than the one verified in the health sector?

Even the police forces, which took a heavy hit form the virus, show less lethality than reporters. From a total of 513,979 officers in 26 states and a federal district, there were 465 confirmed deaths to the new coronavirus, or 0.09% of the total, as investigated by the G1 portal.

Journalists themselves are worryingly seeking hypothesis. “Fear comes from everywhere. I believe the greater risks in the work routine comes from field reporting, for example in live interviews. As much as we try to be careful, this kind of work usually requires proximity with people we do not meet frequently and know nothing about their level of self-preservation. There is also the risk in covering places with high levels of contagion, such as hospitals and public transportation”, states the journalist and chief editor of Opção newspaper, Marcos Aurélio Silva. “Newsrooms are not completely safe either. It’s a place where professionals gather, share environments and equipment”, he continues.

True information helps saving lives

To journalist Cynthia Fernandes, from Radioweb Agency, the greatest risk faced by the category during the pandemic is the delegitimization of the profession. “We are questioned about fact finding and fact checking as if we were liars”, she vents out.

Aside from being constantly in check, the professional carries the load of receiving news firsthand, even the worst ones, according to Ms. Fernandes. “Exhaustion is greater because there is no truce. News never stops, but we are overtaken by the need to keep constantly connected and updated in a pandemic situation. Following the tragedy so closely gives us illness. Just like health professionals in the heat of the battle, we are also reporting from the front lines”, explains the journalist.

Norian Segatto, head of the health department of FENAJ, reminds the average monthly death rate among Brazilian journalists in the first trimester of 2021 was of 28.6. “The cases investigated so far are the result of the Federal Government’s necropolitics. The numbers show it is urgent for society to take a stance against Jair Bolsonaro’s genocidal government”, he affirms.

Maria José Braga, president of FENAJ, adds that “just like health professionals, the journalist’s category is making a sacrifice to bring the Brazilian population qualified information. The numbers are alarming, but we will keep on fulfilling our duty, because true information also helps saving lives.”

Bolsonaro’s management

Indeed, Bolsonaro’s management of the coronavirus crisis has been classified as the worst in the world, according to a study by the Australian Lowy Institute published in January. Brazilian democratic institutions and state and municipal governments were still able to overcome some of the Central Government’s ineptitude, but they failed to remove Bolsonaro altogether, in spite of growing evidence of his administration’s crimes against the population. The Congress is sitting over 127 impeachment requests by several political parties and social groups. The result is a country with the 2nd highest official Covid-19 death count, and the 3rd country in number of cases, as recorded by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Although many journalists were able to maintain quarantine and work from home, they live in this context. In a nation with so many infected, an elevator ride becomes a risk. Taking out the trash and crossing with neighbors in the hallway might result in virus transmission. During the entire year of 2020 the Federal Government discouraged the use of masks and stimulated agglomerations. With the virus moving freely, it is much more likely to acquire the disease while ordering food or taking the dog for a walk. Which is why many journalists probably got infected in their private lives, even if they took precautions.

This concerning level of cases (with an average of 65,900 new daily cases) makes it more dangerous to work in the field. It should be considered that the entire first tier of Federal Government had Covid-19 and took no measures to prevent spreading it to others. Reporters covering politics and interviewing authorities were always at risk, especially considering how violent this Administration has been towards the free press.

Major reform of labor laws

Other relevant motives for the current fate of media workers in Brazil probably emerged many years before the pandemic. In 2016, former President Dilma Rousseff suffered an impeachment in Congress and was succeeded by the Vice President, Michel Temer. He was quick to propose a major reform of labor laws which would solve the unemployment issue, with ratings of 12% in that year.

The proposal met a very favorable and friendly Congress and was approved in record time. It included, among other measures, permission for mass layoffs without consulting unions, reduced fees and fines for unmotivated contract termination, facilitation to demand overtime work, possibility of reducing labor rights without the consent of unions and obstacles for workers to demand compensation in Court. Hiring employees as single-person companies to reduce taxes and labor rights ceased to be a fraud.

Five years later, unemployment peaked to 14.7%. Not just because of the pandemic. In March/2020, the rate was already a staggering 12.6%. Press workers were among the most affected with the legislative reform. As soon as it took effect in 2017, Abril group, a large and traditional Brazilian media enterprise, started a massive layoff which ended with 1,500 terminations by November/2018. Soon after they filed for receivership and stopped or reduced all severance payments.

Other groups followed suit: Folha de S. Paulo, Brazil’s largest newspaper, terminated at least 20 jobs in 2019; SBT (Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão, or Brazilian Television System), the second largest open TV channel in the country, laid off 15 journalists in 2020; Bandeirantes group dismissed another 80 press professionals in 2018. Globo organizations, the largest media conglomerate in the southern hemisphere, reportedly let go of 30 journalists in 2018 and another 15 in 2019, and then reduced wages for some of the remaining staff. Other smaller and regional groups completely shut down their news departments or simply cut them by half.

Some of these journalists found replacement with multinational groups, but since the labor market has not recovered, most had to keep working as freelancers, intermittent, temporary, contract or even unregistered workers, single-person legal entities or had to quit journalism altogether and start a career in another field.

Less access to healthcare

This change usually meant more work and smaller wages. Professional journalism had already lost much of its prestige in Brazilian society. Media in Brazil is notorious for the highly concentrated ownership. Unions lost much of their power and when the new coronavirus broke out communications professionals were forced to keep working in their newsrooms. Many companies did not bother with enforcing safety procedures and protocols. At times they were implemented but were inefficient.

Journalists who lost their jobs also lost access to private healthcare plans and hiring a new one individually can be prohibitively expensive in Brazil. These professionals had to rely on a thinly stretched public system when they got sick. They were subjected to queues for the scarce ICUs, oxygen tanks and intubation kits, same as the rest of the Brazilian population.

Deprived of the protection of a formal job, reporters just could not afford getting sick. There was no more right to a medical leave. Staying in bed at home or in a hospital meant no work and no pay. Probably many had to keep working with Covid-19 symptoms. Some might have taken chloroquine, azithromycin and ivermectin and gone to work, as recommended by the Federal Government.

A heavy blow

New laws were enacted during the first year of the pandemic to help businesses stay open. They mainly involved the possibility of reducing wages or suspending job contracts without terminating them. Again, press personnel took a heavy blow – according to FENAJ, at least 3,930 journalists had up to 25% cuts in their wages, at least 81 were suspended and a minimum of 205 were fired. The possibility of sub notification is high, because not all companies informed the respective unions of these events, as the law requires.

Under precarious employment situations, or suddenly finding themselves with a much-reduced income, many reporters had to pay for their own safety equipment during field work, aside from travel and transportation costs.

Other statistically relevant facts probably contributed to the high death toll of media professionals in the tropical nation. A poll from Comunique-se 360 portal in 2019 showed only 37% of Brazilian journalists are women. Data from WHO indicates men represent most Covid-19 victims. Deaths are also concentrated in the states of São Paulo (19), Amazonas (19), Pará (19) and Rio de Janeiro (15). São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have together 60,5 million inhabitants and represent the most densely populated area in the country. Amazonas and Pará took no effective measures to protect their population and were severely affected by the virus, lacking hospital beds and oxygen supply during all contagion waves. A more contagious strain of the disease was first detected in Manaus, capital of Amazonas, and soon spread to the rest of the country and abroad.

A perfect storm

Taken together, these factors represented a perfect storm for many Brazilian journalists. Amidst layoffs, income cuts, loss of private healthcare, precarious employment, lack of social protection, unsatisfactory or dangerous working and sanitation conditions, the country has reached the sad mark of more than 200 media workers killed by Covid-19 infection. Whereas the rest of the world saw a reduction in death rates in 2021, Brazil experimented an acceleration. A vaccination plan was put into action, but it’s faltering – the country has yet to inoculate all the priority groups.

Caught between the need to inform and the foreshadowing of a suffocating infectious disease, Brazilian journalists keep working under adversary conditions. 

The situation is not hugely different in other Latin American countries like Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Bolivia, all among the most affected countries for journalists in the Covid-19 crisis worldwide, according to PEC. Latin America leads with more than half of the recorded deaths of journalists, and double the number of victims in Asia.

07.06.2021. The pandemic has claimed the lives of more than 1,500 journalists worldwide

PEC press release (French, Spanish and Arabic after English) - list of victims on our page COVID-19

Para português, leia:


Geneva, June 7, 2021 (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced in Geneva on Monday that the pandemic has claimed the lives of

more than 1,500 journalists in 77 countries around the world. We deplore a record number of deaths in May, more than 200 in one month.

"More than six journalists on average died per day as a result of Covid-19 in May, a sad record," said PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen.

Of those, at least 95 (three deaths per day) have lost their lives in India where the pandemic has peaked in infections and 26 in Brazil (almost

one death per day).

“Unfortunately, in developing countries, progress in immunization is insufficient for the pandemic to slow. Journalists remain a particularly

exposed profession, on the front line, in the fight against the coronavirus”, he added.

The PEC welcomes the fact that authorities in some countries have taken steps to help the families of victimized journalists, which is recognition

for their work in providing information during the pandemic. The PEC also salutes the countries which have included journalists among

the priority groups for immunization, thus preventing new infections.

The actual number of victims is certainly higher, as the cause of death is sometimes not specified, especially in Africa, and no reliable

information is available in some countries. The statistics of journalists who have succumbed to the virus depend heavily on media coverage.

India ahead of Brazil

According to the PEC tally, media in India have paid the heaviest price for the novel corona virus, with at least 246 deaths since March 2020.

Other sources in India report more than 400 deaths (including all workers in the media), with a large number of deaths in rural areas difficult to


Brazil follows India closely with 239 journalists who died from the corona virus, ahead of Peru 163 and Mexico 112. Following among the top

ten most affected countries are Colombia 65, Italy 58, Bangladesh 53, Ecuador 51, United States 49, Iran 32. Next come Argentina 30, Great

Britain 30, Dominican Republic 27, Pakistan 27, Turkey 27, Russia 21, Venezuela 20, Nepal 19, Bolivia 18, and Panama 16.

Victims have also been recorded since March 2020 in the following countries: Egypt 15, Spain 15, Ukraine 15, Honduras 12, Afghanistan 9,

France 9, Nigeria 9, South Africa 9, Guatemala 8, Paraguay 8, Nicaragua 7, Uruguay 6, Kenya 5, Cuba 4, Morocco 4, Cameroon 3, Indonesia 3,

Philippines 3, Salvador 3, Sweden 3, Zimbabwe 3, then with 2 victims in each country: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica,

Ghana, Guyana, Kazakhstan, Iraq, and Portugal. A victim has been recorded in 25 other countries.

By region, Latin America leads with more than half of the victims, or 795 recorded deaths (+ 122 since the previous count of April 30), ahead

of Asia 406 (+ 152), Europe 192 (+ 17), Africa 57 (+ 1) and North America 51 (+ 4). The increase since April 30 (+296) includes deaths from

previous months not recorded before.

The sources of the PEC are the national associations of journalists, the local media, the regional correspondents of the PEC and social networks.

La pandémie a coûté la vie à plus de 1500 journalistes dans le monde

Genève, 7 juin 2021 (PEC) La pandémie a coûté la vie à plus de 1500 journalistes dans 77 pays dans le monde, a annoncé lundi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). Nous déplorons un nombre record de décès au mois de mai, plus de 200 en un seul mois.

«Plus de six journalistes par jour en moyenne sont morts des suites du Covid-19 au mois de mai, un triste record», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. Sur ce nombre, au moins 95 (trois par jour) ont perdu la vie en Inde où la pandémie a connu un pic d’infections et 26 au Brésil (presque un par jour).

«Malheureusement, dans les pays en développement, les progrès de la vaccination sont insuffisants pour que la pandémie ralentisse. Les journalistes restent une profession particulièrement exposée, en première ligne dans la lutte contre le coronavirus», a-t-il ajouté.

La PEC se félicite du fait que les autorités de certains pays aient pris des mesures pour aider les familles des journalistes victimes, ce qui est une reconnaissance pour leur travail d’information pendant la pandémie. La PEC salue aussi les pays qui ont intégré les journalistes parmi les groupes prioritaires pour la vaccination en prévenant ainsi de nouvelles infections.

Le nombre réel de victimes est certainement supérieur, car la cause des décès n’est parfois pas précisée, en particulier en Afrique, et aucune information fiable n’est disponible dans certains pays. La statistique des journalistes ayant succombé au virus dépend pour beaucoup de la couverture médiatique.

L’Inde devant le Brésil

Selon le décompte de la PEC, les médias en Inde ont payé le plus lourd tribut au nouveau coronavirus, avec au moins 246 décès depuis mars 2020. D’autres sources en Inde font état de plus de 400 morts (en incluant tous les travailleurs des médias), avec un grand nombre de décès dans les zones rurales difficilement vérifiables.

Le Brésil suit de près l’Inde avec 239 journalistes décédés du coronavirus, devant le Pérou 163 et le Mexique 112. Suivent parmi les dix premiers pays les plus touchés la Colombie 65, l’Italie 58, le Bangladesh 53, l’Équateur 51, les États-Unis 49, l’Iran 32. Viennent ensuite l’Argentine 30, la Grande-Bretagne 30, la République dominicaine 27, le Pakistan 27, la Turquie 27, la Russie 21, le Venezuela 20, le Népal 19, la Bolivie 18, et le Panama 16.

Des victimes ont également été répertoriées depuis mars 2020 dans les pays suivants: Égypte 15, Espagne 15, Ukraine 15, Honduras 12, Afghanistan 9, Afrique du Sud 9, France 9, Nigeria 9, Guatemala 8, Paraguay 8, Nicaragua 7, Uruguay 6, Kenya 5, Cuba 4, Maroc 4, Cameroun 3, Indonésie 3, Philippines 3, Salvador 3, Suède 3, Zimbabwe 3, puis avec 2 victimes dans chaque pays: Algérie, Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Chili, Costa Rica, Ghana, Guyana, Kazakhstan, Irak, et Portugal. Une victime a été recensée dans 25 autres pays.

Par région, l’Amérique latine arrive en tête avec plus de la moitié des victimes, soit 795 décès recensés (+ 122 depuis le précédent décompte du 30 avril), devant l’Asie 406 (+ 152), l’Europe 192 (+ 17), l’Afrique 57 (+ 1) et l’Amérique du Nord 51 (+ 4). L’augmentation depuis le 30 avril (+296) inclut des décès des mois précédents non enregistrés précédemment.

Les sources de la PEC sont les associations nationales de journalistes, les médias locaux, les correspondants régionaux de la PEC et les réseaux sociaux.

La pandemia se ha cobrado la vida de más de 1.500 periodistas en todo el mundo.

Ginebra, 7 de junio de 2021 (PEC) La pandemia se ha cobrado la vida de más de 1.500 periodistas en 77 países de todo el mundo, anunció la Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), en Ginebra, el lunes. Lamentamos un número récord de muertes en mayo, más de 200 en un solo mes.

"Más de seis periodistas por día, en promedio, murieron como resultado de Covid-19 en mayo, un triste récord", dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen. De ellos, al menos 95 (tres muertos por día) han perdido la vida en la India, donde la pandemia ha alcanzado su punto máximo en infecciones, y 26 en Brasil (casi uno al día).

"Desafortunadamente, en los países en desarrollo, el progreso en la inmunización es insuficiente para que la pandemia se desacelere. Los periodistas siguen siendo una profesión particularmente expuesta, en la primera línea de la lucha contra el coronavirus”, agregó.

La PEC acoge con satisfacción el hecho de que las autoridades de algunos países hayan tomado medidas para ayudar a las familias de los periodistas victimizados, lo que es un reconocimiento a su labor de brindar información durante la pandemia. La PEC también saluda a los países que han incluido periodistas entre los grupos prioritarios para la vacunación, previniendo así nuevas infecciones.

El número real de víctimas es ciertamente mayor, ya que, a veces, no se especifica la causa de muerte, especialmente en África, y en algunos países no se dispone de información confiable. Las estadísticas de los periodistas que han sucumbido al virus dependen, en gran medida, de la cobertura de los medios.

India por delante de Brasil

Según el recuento de la PEC, los medios en la India han pagado el precio más alto por el nuevo coronavirus, con al menos 246 muertes desde marzo de 2020. Otras fuentes en la India informan más de 400 muertes (incluidos todos los trabajadores de los medios), con un gran número de muertes en áreas rurales que son difíciles de verificar.

Brasil sigue de cerca a la India con 239 periodistas que murieron a causa del coronavirus, por delante de Perú, 163 ; y México, 112. Entre los diez países más afectados se encuentran Colombia 65, Italia 58, Bangladesh 53, Ecuador 51, Estados Unidos 49, Irán 32. Enseguida vienen Argentina 30, Gran Bretaña 30, República Dominicana 27, Pakistán 27, Turquía 27, Rusia 21, Venezuela 20, Nepal 19, Bolivia 18 y Panamá 16.

 También se han registrado víctimas desde marzo de 2020 en los siguientes países: Egipto 15, España 15, Ucrania 15, Honduras 12, Afganistán 9, Francia 9, Nigeria 9, Sudáfrica 9, Guatemala 8, Paraguay 8, Nicaragua 7, Uruguay 6, Kenia 5, Cuba 4, Marruecos 4, Camerún 3, Indonesia 3, Filipinas 3, El Salvador 3, Suecia 3, Zimbabue 3. Luego, con 2 víctimas en cada país: Argelia, Austria, Bélgica, Canadá, Chile, Costa Rica, Ghana, Guyana, Kazajstán, Irak y Portugal. Se ha registrado una víctima en otros 25 países.

Por región, América Latina lidera con más de la mitad de las víctimas, o 795 muertes registradas (+ 122 desde el conteo anterior del 30 de abril), por delante de Asia 406 (+ 152), Europa 192 (+ 17), África 57 (+ 1) y América del Norte 51 (+ 4). El aumento desde el 30 de abril (+296) incluye muertes de meses anteriores no registradas anteriormente.

Las fuentes de la PEC son las asociaciones nacionales de periodistas, los medios locales, los corresponsales regionales de la PEC y las redes sociales.

بيان حملة الشارة الدولية

وباء كورونا يحصد أكثر من 1500 صحفي في العال

جنيف في 7 يونيو 2021 (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من جنيف أن وباء كورونا تسبب في وفاة أكثر من 1500 صحفي في العالم في 77 دولة، وأن شهر مايو شهد أعلى معدلات الوفيات بين الصحفيين بوفاة 200 صحفي.

صرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أنه في المتوسط تُوفى 6 صحفيين يومياً من الوباء في مايو، وهو رقم قياسي، ومن بينهم على الأقل 95 بمعدل 3 وفيات يومياً في الهند، حيث انتشار الوباء بشكل كبير، و26 في البرازيل بمعدل وفاة واحدة في اليوم.

وأضاف ليمبان أنه للأسف فإن التطعيم غير كافٍ في الدول النامية لمعالجة الوباء، وتظل مهنة الصحافة خطرة في مواجهة الوباء.

ورحبت حملة الشارة الدولية بمواقف السلطات والنقابات الصحفية في بعض الدول التي تقوم بمساعدة أسر الصحفيين ضحايا الوباء، وهو اعتراف بعملهم في متابعة والتنبيه إلى خطورة الوباء. كما تحيى حملة الشارة الدول التي أدمجت الصحفيين في الصفوف الأولى للفئات التي تحتاج إلى تطعيم لمنع إصابات جديدة.

ويبدو أن عدد الضحايا بين الصحفيين أكبر من الأعداد المسجلة وبصفة خاصة في إفريقيا، ولا توجد معلومات موثقة في بعض الدول، وإن الأرقام مسجلة من خلال التغطية الإعلامية.

الهند قبل البرازيل

وطبقاً لأرقام حملة الشارة فإن الهند تأتي في المقدمة بوفاة 246 من الصحفيين منذ مارس 2020، مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أن بعض الأرقام تشير إلى وفاة أكثر من 400 صحفي في الهند، وأن عدداً كبيراً منهم في المناطق الريفية. 

ثم تأتي البرازيل في المرتبة الثانية بوفاة 239 صحفياً متقدمة على بيرو 163، ثم المكسيك: 112، ثم كولومبيا: 65، إيطاليا: 58، بنجلاديش: 53، إيكوادور: 51، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: 49، إيران: 32، فالأرجنتين: 30، بريطانيا: 30، جمهورية الدومينكان: 27، باكستان: 27، تركيا: 27، روسيا: 21، فنزويلا: 20، نيبال: 19، بوليفيا: 18، وبنما: 16.

كما تم تسجيل منذ مارس 2020 وفاة 15 صحفياً في مصر، و12 في هندوراس، و9 في أفغانستان و9 في فرنسا، و9 في جنوب إفريقيا، و8 في جواتيمالا، و8 في باراجواي، و7 في نيكاراجوا، و6 في أوروجواي، و5 في كينيا، و4 في كوبا، و4 في المغرب، و3 في الكاميرون و3 في إندونيسيا، و3 في الفلبين، و3 في السلفادور، و3 في السويد، و3 في زيمبابوي، ثم 2 في كلٍ من الجزائر والنمسا وبلجيكا وكندا وشيلي وكوستاريكا وغانا وجويانا وكازاخستان والعراق والبرتغال. وصحفي واحد في 25 دولة أخرى.

تأتي قارة أمريكا اللاتينية في المقدمة بـ 795 وفاة بين الصحفيين أي بزيادة 122 منذ أرقام 30 إبريل، فآسيا 406 بزيادة 152، فأوروبا 192 بزيادة 17، فإفريقيا 57 بزيادة 1، فأمريكا الشمالية 51 بزيادة 4. وتأتي الزيادة منذ 30 إبريل الماضي بعدد 296 التي تشمل وفيات من أشهر سابقة لم تسجل من قبل. 

تظل مصادر حملة الشارة هي النقابات الوطنية للصحفيين والإعلام المحلي ومراسلي حملة الشارة في العالم وشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي.

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقع الشارة: 

05.06.2021. Myanmar Military Intensifies Crackdown on Journalists: The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) demands unconditional release of all scribes in Myanmar

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: As the imprisonment of scribes and other democratic activists under arbitrary laws becomes a new normal in Myanmar
(formerly known as Burma), the Switzerland based media rights body Press Emblem Campaign (
https://pressemblem.ch/) urges the military
regime in NayPieTaw to release all media workers unreservedly.

The military junta led by general Min Aung Hlaing is presently trying its best to control the public outrages since the south-east Asian
nation faced the coup on 1 February throwing the elected government virtually led by Nobel laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi out of legitimate
power. The civil disobedient movement, called by NLD chief Suu Kyi has already resulted in the killing of over 840 demonstrators by the
security forces.

At least 85 journalists were arrested in the last four months where over 50 scribes are still behind the bars as they are facing a newly
revised law on spreading wrong information. Lately two reporters namely Ko Aung Kyaw (associated with Democratic Voice of Burma) and Ko
Zaw Zaw (working for Mizzima media group) were imprisoned by a military court for two years because of their coverages on public

The military personnel targeted the news industries with cancelling their licences, slowing down the internet services and also physically assaulting the media workers in various occasions. Even foreign journalists are also not spared as Danny Fenster, who edits Frontier Myanmar magazine, was picked up by the armed forces recently while he was about to board a flight to his home in USA.

Mizzima chief editor Soe Myint informed PEC south & southeast Asia representative Nava Thakuria that Mr Zaw became the sixth Mizzima
staff to be detained by the militaries. Five of Mizzima members including its co-founder Thin Thin Aung are currently in jail facing
three years of imprisonment. They are sentenced under section 505(a) of the penal code, which makes it a crime to publish any alleged
rumour or misinformation with intent to cause alarm among the public or incite them to commit a crime against the government.

“We always believe and pursue that journalism can not be a crime. The media fraternity in Myanmar must get the freedom to work fearless,”
asserted PEC general secretary Blaise Lempen adding that three more journalists engaged with DVB were sentenced to seven months of
imprisonment by a Thai court as they fled Myanmar to enter Thailand recently. Lempen also demands their release and requested the Thai
government not to extradite them to Myanmar hurriedly.


On the occasion of a press conference and the inauguration of the statues of David Dormino in Geneva, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) signed the Geneva call to free Julian Assange and launched an urgent appeal to the new United States administration and to President Joe Biden to rescind their request for extradition to the United States and to authorize the British judicial system to free Julian Assange immediately, for humanitarian reasons. It is time to close this case, which has already gone on far too long, and to allow Julian Assange to join his family and return to his country.

Photo pec: the statues of whistleblowers Snowden, Assange and Manning are installed on the pier of Bains des Pâquis in front of the Jet d'eau in Geneva (with left on the fourth chair the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen)

Read below the speech of PEC Secretary-General at the press conference (English and French) and the Geneva call to free Julian Assange (English and French)

To sign the GENEVA CALL, go to: https://pressclub.ch/gva-freeassange/

or: https://www.change.org/p/la-justice-du-royaume-uni-gen%C3%A8ve-lance-un-appel-pour-lib%C3%A9rer-assange

Watch the video ot the press conference on: https://pressclub.ch/gva-freeassange/

Speech of Blaise Lempen, PEC Secretary-General at the press conference (français ci-dessous):

"Just a few words to express our journalist association’s support of the Geneva Call to free Julian Assange.

Thanks first of all to David Dormino, to Anything to Say and to the Swiss Press Club. The worst thing of all to be erased from memory.

With the support of the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), David Dormino’s statues came to Geneva already in September 2015. They were then exhibited for a week at the place des Nations, in front of the headquarters of the United Nations.

We could not imagine at the time that, six years later, we would still be right where we were then.

The blind obstinacy of the judicial system and the arbitrary detention of which Julian Assange has been the victim for more than 10 years will remain, in my opinion, one of the great miscarriages of justice of the twenty-first century.

Before his detention, we received Julian Assange several times at press conferences in Geneva. I remember in particular his presentation at the Swiss Press Club on 4 November 2010, before some one hundred journalists. At the time he was denouncing the refusal of the United States to investigate the revelations published by WikiLeaks, and he spoke of a request for political asylum in Switzerland following the attacks of which he was the target.

Like other journalists, we have abundantly used the information published by Wikileaks, in particular regarding the wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan. The least we can do now is to mobilize to end the psychological torture that he is subjected to.

We are launching an appeal to the new United States administration and to President Joe Biden to rescind their request for extradition to the United States and to authorize the British judicial system to free Julian Assange immediately, for humanitarian reasons. It is time to close this case, which has already gone on far too long, and to allow Julian Assange to join his family and return to his country."

Geneva, 4 June 2021.

"Quelques mots pour exprimer le soutien de notre association de journalistes à l’Appel de Genève pour la libération de Julian Assange.

Merci d’abord à David Dormino, à Anything to Say et au Club suisse de la presse, car le pire de tout c’est l’oubli.

Avec le soutien de la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC), les statues de David Dormino sont déjà venues à Genève, en septembre 2015. Elles avaient alors été exposées une semaine sur la place des Nations, devant le siège de l’ONU.

Nous n’imaginions pas à l’époque que près de six ans plus tard, nous en serions au même point.

L’acharnement juridique et la détention arbitraire dont Julian Assange est la victime depuis plus de 10 ans resteront à mon avis comme l’une des grandes erreurs judiciaires du XXIe siècle.

Avant sa détention, nous avions accueilli Julian Assange plusieurs fois pour des conférences de presse à Genève. Je me souviens en particulier de sa prestation au Club suisse de la presse le 4 novembre 2010, devant une centaine de journalistes. Il avait alors dénoncé le refus des États-Unis d’enquêter sur les révélations publiées par WikiLeaks et évoqué une demande d’asile politique en Suisse à la suite des attaques dont il était la cible.

Comme d’autres journalistes, nous avons largement utilisé les informations de WikiLeaks, en particulier sur le déroulement de la guerre en Irak et en Afghanistan. La moindre des choses est donc aujourd’hui de se mobiliser pour que la torture psychologique dont il est la victime prenne fin.

Nous lançons un appel à la nouvelle administration américaine et au président Joe Biden pour qu’ils mettent fin à leur demande d’extradition vers les États-Unis et autorisent la justice britannique à libérer Julian Assange dans les plus brefs délais pour des raisons humanitaires.

Il est temps de classer cette affaire qui a duré trop longtemps et de permettre à Julian Assange de retrouver sa famille et son pays."

Genève, le 4 juin 2021.

Former parlamentarier, inititiave swiss visa for Assange

Davide Dormino
Sculptor AnythingToSay?

At the press conference in Geneva (from right to left):

Nils Melzer
United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture
Stella Morris
Fiancée of Julian Assange
Frédérique Perler
Mayor of Geneva
Yves Daccord
Director-general ICRC (2010 – 2020)
Carlo Sommaruga
Member of the Swiss Parliament
Antoine Vey
Attorney of Julian Assange
Christophe Deloire

Director General Reporters without Borders

Jean Rossiaud

04.06.2021. THE GENEVA CALL TO FREE JULIAN ASSANGE (open for signature)

We, the citizens of Geneva and beyond, launch the "Geneva Call" to request the immediate release of Julian Assange. In severe isolation at the Belmarsh high security prison in London, the founder of WikiLeaks is threatened with extradition to the United States where he faces a prison sentence of 175 years. His only crime is to have told the truth!

In the name of respect for inalienable human rights and the values promoted by Geneva-based human rights organizations, we request:
- the British authorities to refuse the extradition of Julian Assange and to give him his freedom

- the U.S. government to drop the charges against Julian Assange without any further delay
- all democratic states, including Switzerland, to provide Julian Assange with a safe haven from further prosecution for the WikiLeaks publications
- International organizations and non-governmental organizations in Geneva to use their skills and authorities to help free Julian Assange.
- the media to continue to report courageously, independently and impartially on the Assange case and its implications for freedom of expression and freedom to investigate and publish.
- the people of Geneva, Switzerland and the world to support the Geneva Call for the immediate release of Julian Assange.

On January 4, the British judiciary refused to extradite Julian Assange on the grounds that his life would be at risk in the US prison system. Arguments about transparency and Julian Assange's right to publish, however, were dismissed. An appeal by the U.S. Department of Justice is pending and the risk of extradition remains, as does the threat of unprecedented restrictions on press freedom.

Julian Assange has been arbitrarily detained for more than ten years in conditions that, according to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, fall under "psychological torture or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment". Julian Assange is being prosecuted in the United States on 17 charges (+ 1 other) under the Espionage Act, a law dating back more than 100 years, which can earn him 175 years in prison.

His fault? To have published some 700,000 classified documents, in particular on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, often in collaboration with major media such as the New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde or the ABC channel. In particular, he revealed a video of the American army showing the massacre of a dozen civilians including two journalists from a helicopter.

The documents published by WikiLeaks revealed acts and methods of operation in violation of the Geneva Conventions and
human rights. None of these violations and war crimes have been prosecuted, while the person who revealed them has been subjected to persecution for more than ten years. This is the ultimate paradox, a flagrant denial of justice, an insult to human dignity and a culpable disregard for the rule of law.

Julian Assange must be released immediately as there is no justification for holding him in near total isolation for so long. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has been denouncing the illegal imprisonment of Julian Assange for more than five years. Today, his physical and mental health is seriously deteriorating according to witnesses who have been able to visit him.

In the name of respect for human rights and the traditions, norms and values promoted by Geneva-based humanitarian organizations, Julian Assange must be released without delay.

Julian Assange must be released immediately because his revelations serve a basic and essential public interest. Citizens not only have a right to know, they must know. The very notion of espionage induced by the reference to the Espionage Act is absurd. By making public proven information of obvious public interest, the founder of WikiLeaks is performing a salutary act of transparency in the exact opposite of an act of espionage. Julian Assange exercised his freedom of speech, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as well as in every democracy.

The editor of WikiLeaks revealed information of fundamental public interest that the state itself should have made public because of its obligation to inform the citizenry. Julian Assange has made a unique and remarkable contribution to public interest journalism, transparency and government accountability. His courageous and tenacious contribution has been widely recognized by the media
and freedom of expression community, which has honored Julian Assange with some of the most prestigious journalism awards.

Julian Assange must be released immediately because the case against him constitutes an intolerable threat and pressure on investigative journalists. The smear campaign against the Wikileaks founder and the heavy charges against him are a warning to any whistleblower or journalist about to publish classified material. It seriously hinders the search for the facts and the

A conviction of Julian Assange would be the ultimate validation of a long line of absolutely unprecedented abuses of power with devastating consequences for free speech and journalism. Any dissemination of secret documents by any journalist or whistleblower, in any country, would then be criminalized. The U.S. Espionage Act is so broad that, for example, it could be a violation of the law to even read a news article that the U.S. believes is harmful to the country's interests.

We, the citizens of Geneva and elsewhere, launch this Appeal to free Julian Assange on this day, June 4, 2021, in Geneva, a city of peace and negotiations, the cradle of humanitarian law and human rights, and the seat of countless international and non-governmental organizations that work for the respect of our fundamental freedoms.


Nous, citoyens de Genève et d’ailleurs, lançons “L’ Appel de Genève” pour demander la libération immédiate de Julian Assange. En isolement cellulaire à la prison de haute sécurité de Belmarsh à Londres, le fondateur de WikiLeaks est menacé d’extradition vers les Etats-Unis où il risque une peine de prison de 175 ans. Son seul crime est d’avoir dit la vérité!

Au nom du respect des droits de l’homme inaliénables et des valeurs promues par les organisations de défense des droits humains basées à Genève, nous demandons:
• aux autorités britanniques de refuser l’extradition de Julian Assange et de lui rendre sa liberté
• au gouvernement américain de renoncer aux poursuites engagées contre Julian Assange
• à tous les Etats démocratiques, dont la Suisse, d’assurer à Julian Assange un territoire de refuge où il peut se mettre à l'abri de nouvelles poursuites liées à la publication des WikiLeaks.
• aux organisations internationales et aux organisations non gouvernementales à Genève d’user de leurs compétences et autorités pour contribuer à libérer Julian Assange.
• aux médias de continuer d’informer avec courage, indépendance et impartialité sur le cas Assange et sur ses conséquences pour la liberté d’expression ainsi que pour la liberté d’enquêter et de publier.
• Aux peuples genevois, suisse et du monde à soutenir l’Appel de Genève pour la libération immédiate de Julian Assange.

Le 4 janvier dernier, la justice britannique a refusé l’extradition de Julian Assange au motif que sa vie serait à risque dans le système carcéral américain. Les arguments invoquant la transparence et le droit de publier de Julian Assange ont cependant été balayés. Un recours du département de justice américain est en cours et le risque d’extradition reste entier ainsi que la menace d’une restriction sans précédent de la liberté de la presse.

Julian Assange est en détention arbitraire depuis plus de dix ans dans des conditions qui, selon le rapporteur spécial de l’ONU sur la torture Nils Melzer, tombent sous le coup “de la torture psychologique ou de traitements cruels, inhumains et dégradants”.

Julian Assange est poursuivi aux Etats-Unis pour 17 chefs d’accusations (+ 1 autre) relevant de l’Espionnage Act, une loi datant de plus de 100 ans, qui peuvent lui valoir 175 ans de prison. Son tort? Avoir publié quelque 700.000 documents classifiés en particulier sur la guerre en Irak et en Afghanistan, souvent en collaboration avec de grands médias comme le New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde ou la chaîne ABC. Il a notamment révélé une vidéo de l’armée américaine montrant le massacre d’une dizaine de civils dont deux journalistes depuis un hélicoptère.

Les documents publiés par WikiLeaks ont révélé des actes et modes opératoires en violation avec les Conventions de Genève et les droits humains. Aucune de ces violations et aucun de ces crimes de guerre n’a été poursuivi alors que celui qui les a révélés est soumis à persécution depuis plus de dix ans. Paradoxe ultime qui traduit un déni de justice flagrant, une insulte à la dignité humaine et un mépris coupable de l’Etat de droit.

Julian Assange doit être libéré immédiatement car rien ne peut justifier une détention préventive en isolement presque total d’une si longue durée. Le Groupe de travail des Nations Unies sur la détention arbitraire dénonce depuis plus de cinq ans l’emprisonnement illégal de Julian Assange.

Aujourd’hui, la santé physique et mentale de ce dernier est gravement détériorée selon les témoins qui ont pu lui rendre visite. Au nom du respect des droits humains, des traditions, normes et valeurs promues par les organisations humanitaires basées à Genève, Julian Assange doit être relâché sans délai.

Julian Assange doit être libéré immédiatement parce que ses révélations répondent à un intérêt public élémentaire et essentiel. Les citoyens ont non seulement le droit de savoir, ils doivent savoir.

La notion même d’espionnage induite par le recours à la loi sur l’espionnage est absurde. En rendant publique, une information éprouvée et d’un intérêt public évident, le fondateur de WikiLeaks accomplit un acte salutaire de transparence à l’exact contraire d’un acte d’espionnage. Julian Assange a exercé sa liberté d’expression (freedom of speech) qui est garantie par le premier
amendement de la constitution américaine ainsi qu’en toute démocratie. Le rédacteur en chef de WikiLeaks a révélé des informations d’un intérêt public fondamental que l’Etat aurait lui-même dû rendre public en raison de son obligation d’information envers le citoyen.

Julian Assange a apporté une contribution unique et remarquable au journalisme d’intérêt public, à la transparence et à
l’obligation des gouvernements de rendre des comptes. Sa contribution exigeant courage et ténacité a été très largement reconnue par le monde des médias et des défenseurs de la liberté d’expression qui ont récompensé Julian Assange de quelques-uns des plus prestigieux prix de journalisme.

Julian Assange doit être libéré immédiatement parce que les poursuites engagées contre lui constituent une intolérable menace et pression pour les journalistes pratiquant l’enquête. La campagne de dénigrement menée contre le fondateur de Wikileaks ainsi que les lourdes charges qui pèsent sur lui sont autant d'avertissements à tout lanceur d’alerte ou journaliste s’apprêtant à
publier des documents classifiés. Elle entrave gravement la recherche des faits et de la vérité.

Une condamnation de Julian Assange constituerait la validation ultime d’une longue série d’abus du pouvoir, absolument sans précédent, aux conséquences ravageuses pour la liberté d’expression et le journalisme. Toute diffusion de documents secrets par n’importe quel journaliste ou un lanceur d’alerte, dans n’importe quel pays, serait alors criminalisée. La loi américaine sur l’espionnage est d’une portée tellement large que, par extension, la simple lecture d’un article de presse qui, selon les
Etats-Unis nuirait aux intérêts du pays, pourrait alors constituer une violation de la loi.

Nous citoyens de Genève et d’ailleurs, nous lançons cet Appel à libérer Julian Assange en ce jour du 4 juin 2021 à Genève, cité de paix et de négociations, berceau du droit humanitaire et des droits humains, siège d’innombrables organisations internationales ou non gouvernementales qui oeuvrent pour le respect de nos libertés fondamentales.

For further information, please contact:

 Pierre Ruetschi, Executive Director of the Geneva Press Club/Club suisse de la presse:  info@pressclub.ch 


More informations on: www.pressclub.ch, www.bains-des-paquis.ch, www.anythingtosay.com

01.06.2021. INDIA. PEC lauds Indian authorities for corona compensation to scribes

by Nava Thakuria, PEC India Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign, the Switzerland based international media rights and safety body, appreciates the initiative
of Indian federal government along with many province authorities for sanctioning financial assistances to the families of Covid-19 victims
among journalists. As India continues to be a worst affected country with the highest number of scribes died of novel corona virus
infection aggravated aliments, PEC (
https://pressemblem.ch/) also recommends for early vaccination to journalists along with other media

Mentionable is that the Union government in New Delhi recently announced that ₹ 5 hundred thousand (72 Indian rupees= 1 USD) each
would be offered to 67 families of journalists, who died because of Covid-19 since March 2020. Expressing grieves over the demise of
scribes in the pandemic, the federal information & broadcasting ministry approved the financial assistances to the affected families.
Many State governments also declared compensations to deceased journo-families because of Covid-19, where the Uttar Pradesh offers
the highest ( ₹10 lakh each).

PEC, while condoling the demise of over 1440 journalists around the world due to Covid-19 till date, urges all the governments to
vaccinate the journalists on a priority basis and offer aid to the victim families so that they can play their roles as frontline corona
warriors after the doctors, nurses, other health and sanitation workers, said PEC general secretary Blaise Lempen adding that safety
of media workers remains at risk in this crisis because they have to continue working on the ground.

According to PEC statistics, India remains at the top of the list of 76 corona affected countries, with 229 journo-casualties, followed by
Brazil (222 dead), Peru (161), Mexico (111), Colombia (64), Italy (56), Bangladesh (53), Ecuador (50), USA (49), Iran (32), United
Kingdom (30), Argentina (28), Dominican Republic, Pakistan, Turkey (27 each), Russia (21), Venezuela (19), Bolivia (18), Panama (16), Spain,
Ukraine (15 each), Egypt, Nepal (14 each), Honduras (11), Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, France (9 each), etc.

"In May, at least 90 journalists succumbed to the virus infection in India, that is 3 per day. For the whole world, more than 180 journalists

passed away due to Covid-19 in the month of May, that is 6 per day, a record number,” said Nava Thakuria, the country
representative of PEC, adding that India lately lost journalists Sagolsem Hemant, Basant Das, Sushil Sharma, R Jawahar, Junagari
Ramesh, Prabudha Jagadev, Suresh Kumar Chaturvedi, HS Doreswamy, Vidyut P Mourya, Pradeep Kumar, Roshan Dias, Rajkumar Keswani,
Choppadandi Mohan, Prakash Biyani, L Ramesh, Shivani Dua, B Venkateswarlu, Sunil Abhimanyu, Diwakar Bhatta, etc to Covid-19 complications.

18.05.2021. India passes Brazil with more than 200 journalists dead from Covid-19

PEC press release (French and Spanish after English), list of fatalities on Covid-19

Geneva, May 18, 2021 (PEC) - India has overtaken Brazil in the number of journalists dead from Covid-19, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC)

announced in Geneva on Tuesday. At least 1,356 journalists have died in 76 countries from the coronavirus since March 2020.

India has just passed the milestone of 200 journalists dead from Covid-19, just ahead of Brazil (194). In India, 68 journalists have died from

Covid since the beginning of May, an average of four a day, a majority of them in their 40s or 50s.

Outside India, the largest increases have been in recent weeks in Colombia, Argentina, Peru and Nepal.

"The pandemic continues to ravage the media community in South Asia and Latin America, as the death toll has declined elsewhere," said PEC

General Secretary Blaise Lempen. "Immunization remains insufficient in developing countries and journalists in these countries pay a very

high price for having to inform," he added.

The PEC deplores these unprecedented losses among the media and sends its condolences to the families and colleagues of the victims.

PEC India Representative Nava Thakuria added that "the actual number of Covid-19 victims is certainly higher, as many media houses avoid

reporting their own victims as well as corona-positive colleagues (not to speak of special patronages to them)."

After India and Brazil, Peru has the most victims among journalists (161) ahead of Mexico (109), Colombia (61), Italy (55), Bangladesh (52),

the United States (49), Ecuador (48), Great Britain (28), Argentina (27), Dominican Republic (27), Pakistan (26), Turkey (25), Iran (21),

Russia (21), Venezuela (19), Panama (16), Bolivia (16), Spain (15), and Ukraine (15).

The media community in Latin America is the most affected, with more than half of the victims since March 2020 (739). Asia follows with

326 deaths, ahead of Europe 181, Africa 59 and North America 50.

Communiqué de presse PEC

L’Inde passe devant le Brésil avec plus de 200 journalistes morts du Covid-19

Genève, 18 mai 2021 (PEC) - L’Inde a dépassé le Brésil pour le nombre de journalistes morts du Covid-19, a annoncé mardi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). Au moins 1356 journalistes sont décédés dans 76 pays des suites du coronavirus depuis mars 2020.

L’Inde vient de dépasser le cap des 200 journalistes morts du Covid-19, juste devant le Brésil (194). En Inde, 68 journalistes sont morts du Covid depuis le début du mois de mai, soit en moyenne quatre par jour, une majorité d’entre eux dans la quarantaine ou la cinquantaine.

En dehors de l’Inde, les plus fortes augmentations ont eu lieu ces dernières semaines en Colombie, en Argentine et au Népal.

«La pandémie continue de ravager la communauté des médias en Asie du Sud et en Amérique latine, alors que le nombre de décès a reculé ailleurs», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. «La vaccination reste insuffisante dans les pays en développement et les journalistes de ces pays paient un prix très élevé parce qu’ils doivent informer», a-t-il souligné.

La PEC déplore ces pertes sans précédent parmi les médias et adresse ses condoléances aux familles et collègues des victimes.

Le représentant de la PEC pour l’Inde Nava Thakuria a ajouté que «le nombre réel des victimes du Covid-19 est certainement plus élevé, car des médias évitent de rapporter leur propres victimes ainsi que les collègues testés positif».

Après l’Inde et le Brésil, le Pérou recense le plus de victimes parmi les journalistes (161) devant le Mexique (109), la Colombie (61), l’Italie (55), le Bangladesh (52), les États-Unis (49), l’Équateur (48), la Grande-Bretagne (28), l’Argentine (27), la République dominicaine (27), le Pakistan (26), la Turquie (25), l’Iran (21), la Russie (21), le Venezuela (19), le Panama (16), la Bolivie (16), l’Espagne (15), et l’Ukraine (15).

La communauté des médias en Amérique latine est la plus affectée, avec plus de la moitié des victimes depuis mars 2020 (739). L’Asie suit avec 326 morts, devant l’Europe 181, l’Afrique 59 et l’Amérique du Nord 50.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC 

India sobrepasa a Brasil y acaba de superar el hito de 200 periodistas muertos por Covid-19

Ginebra, 18 de mayo de 2021 (PEC) – La India ha superado a Brasil en el número de periodistas muertos por la Covid-19, anunció el martes la Press Emblem Campaign (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés). Al menos 1.356 periodistas han muerto en 76 países por el coronavirus desde marzo de 2020, precisó la ONG en Ginebra, Suiza.

La India acaba de superar el hito de 200 periodistas muertos por Covid-19, justo por delante de Brasil (194). En la India, 68 periodistas han muerto a causa de Covid desde principios de mayo, un promedio de casi cuatro al día, la mayoría de ellos se sitúan entre los 40 y los 50 años.

Fuera de India, los mayores incrementos se han producido en las últimas semanas en Colombia, Argentina y Nepal.

"La pandemia continúa devastando la comunidad de medios en el sur de Asia y América Latina, ya que el número de muertos ha disminuido en otros lugares", dijo el secretario general de PEC, Blaise Lempen. "La inmunización sigue siendo insuficiente en los países en desarrollo y los periodistas de estos países pagan un precio muy alto por tener que informar", agregó.

La PEC deplora estas pérdidas sin precedentes entre los medios de comunicación y envía sus condolencias a las familias y compañeros de las víctimas.

El representante de la PEC la India, Nava Thakuria, agregó que "el número real de víctimas de Covid-19 es ciertamente mayor, ya que los medios evitan informar sobre sus propias víctimas".

Después de India y Brasil, Perú tiene la mayor cantidad de muertes entre los periodistas (161) por delante de México (109), Colombia (61), Italia (55), Bangladés (52), Estados Unidos (49), Ecuador (48), Gran Bretaña (28), Argentina (27), República Dominicana (27), Pakistán (26), Turquía (25), Irán (21), Rusia (21), Venezuela (19), Panamá (16), Bolivia (16), España (15) y Ucrania (15).

La comunidad mediática en América Latina es la más afectada, con más de la mitad de las víctimas desde marzo de 2020 (739). Le sigue Asia con 326 muertes, por delante de Europa 181, África 59 y América del Norte 50.

12.05.2021. INDIA. Globally over 1300 journalists died of Covid-19, India loses 40 in last 10 days

by Nava Thakuria, PEC India Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: The Covid-19 pandemic continues to kill working journalists around the world, where the global tally reaches at least 1302 victims in 76 countries till 11 May 2021. Brazil with 191 journo-casualties because of novel corona virus infection aggravated ailments still tops the list of victims among journalists narrowly followed by India (173 dead). In the south Asian country, at least 40 journalists died of Covid-19 complications in the last 10 days.

According to Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland based media rights & safety body, Peru follows India with 140 media-casualties and Mexico with 109. Below the hundred mark, Colombia lost 57 journalists due to the pandemic, followed by Italy (55), Bangladesh (52), USA, Ecuador (48 each), United Kingdom (28), Dominican Republic (27), Pakistan (26), Turkey (25), Argentina (23), etc.

Since March 2020, the PEC started a corona-ticker to pay tributes to the journalists died of Covid-19 around the world, said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC (
www.pressemblem.ch/) adding that journalists have an important role to play in the fight against the virus and hence their safety must be a priority for every nation.

“Journalists are particularly at risk in this crisis as they are continuing their jobs to provide information from the ground. A number of them died for lack of adequate protective measures when performing their duties. We advocate for early vaccinations to journalists on the frontlines and also adequate compensations to the victim families,” stated Lempen.

India is rapidly losing scribes to the pandemic almost four individuals per day, which is alarming, said Nava Thakuria, PEC’s country representative adding that the billion plus nation has lately witnessed the demise of journalists Homen Borgohain, Shiv Anurag Pateria, Sarat Chandra Mangaraj, Kishore Ch Das, Waqar Wizvi, Arvind Shukla, Umashankar Santhalia, Sant Sharan Awasthi, Vipin Chand, Subhash Mishra, Kaleswaram Sandeep, D Shankar Rao, Rajendra Joshi, Pradeep K Sahu, Shesh N Singh, etc to corona-aggravated ailments.

Relatively fewer corona-casualties among journalists are reported from Iran, Russia (21 each), Venezuela (19), Panama (16), Spain, Ukraine (15 each), Bolivia, Egypt (14 each), Honduras (11), Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, France (9 each), Guatemala (8), Nepal, Nicaragua (7 each), Uruguay (6), Kenya, Paraguay (5 each), Cuba (4), Cameroon, Morocco, Salvador, Sweden, Zimbabwe (3 each), Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Ghana, Iraq, Indonesia (2 each), etc.

05.05.2021. India second highest scribe-losing nation to COVID-19, global tally reaches 1,248

by Nava Thakuria, PEC India Representative

India emerges as the second most Covid-19 affected nation in the world to lose 141 journalists where the global tally reaches 1248 scribes in 75 countries due to corona complications since March 2020, when the pandemic hit the human race.

Brazil with 187 media corona casualties remains at the top of the victims’ list, where Peru (140 dead) is just behind India.

Mexico reports 109 corona-victims among journalists till date, followed by Italy, Bangladesh (52 each), Colombia (51), USA, Ecuador (47 each), United Kingdom (28), Dominican Republic (27), Pakistan (26), Turkey (24), Argentina, Iran, Russia (21 each), Venezuela (17), Panama (16), Spain, Ukraine (15 each), Bolivia, Egypt (14 each), Honduras (10), Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, France (9 each), Guatemala (8), Nepal, Nicaragua (7), Kenya, Paraguay, Uruguay (5 each), etc.

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), which has been counting the name of media-victims of the pandemic, offers condolences to families and colleagues of the deceased. Moreover, the Switzerland based media rights and safety body requests early vaccinations for journalists on the frontlines. It also commented that the human cost of the pandemic remains high where over 1200 journalists have lost their lives due to novel corona virus aggravated ailments.

“Journalists are engaged in a profession which is particularly exposed to the virus and it’s an unprecedented loss to the profession as a number of them died for lack of adequate protective measures when doing their job. But the media workers have an important role to play in the fight against the virus. So their safety should be a priority as they have to continue providing information from the ground,” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

India lately lost a number of prominent journalists namely Bh Ramakrishna, Arun Pandey, Ruchir Mishra, Subhransu Sekhar Mishra, PL Razdan, Sumit Onka, Prabhu Joshi, Ram Naresh Tripathi, Raju Salvi, Satya Prakash Aseem, Shashi Baliga, Pritiman Mohapatra, SK Vyas, Anirban Bora, Kanu Priya, Kalyan Barooah, Adwaita Prasad Biswal, Debendra Samantray, Ramendra Singh, etc to corona aggravated ailments in different parts of the country.

“Casualty among media persons due to Covid-19 complications in India must be higher than we have recorded. In many cases the media houses avoid reporting their own victims or do it with lots of secrecy,” said Nava Thakuria, PEC’s country representative adding India is now losing nearly four journalists every day and if the trend continues, our country would top the list of corona-victims among journalists in the world very soon.

29.04.2021. PEC press release. World Press Freedom Day. Devastating impact of the pandemic on the media

French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic after English

Geneva, April 30, 2021 (PEC) The Covid-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on the media, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) lamented

on Friday in preparation for World Press Freedom Day on May 3. The human cost of the pandemic is particularly high: at least 1,200 journalists

have died from the novel coronavirus.

Journalists are engaged in a profession which is particularly exposed to the virus, as many have been forced to continue working in contact

with the population. Until April 29, since March 2020, in 14 months, the PEC has counted more than 1,200 journalists who died from

complications related to Covid-19 in 75 countries.

"This is an unprecedented slaughter and a great loss for the profession," said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen. “On the occasion of

World Press Freedom Day, we call for honoring eminent colleagues of all ages who have not survived the pandemic,” he added.

The PEC asks governments to take action to help the media most affected and to support the families of the victims on the occasion of

World Press Freedom Day.

The PEC also considers there is a need to distribute vaccines equally all over the world, to stop the spread of the virus and its new strains in

developing countries. Vaccine production is limited and it is available for the wealthiest countries, preventing access to journalists in South

America and South Asia. As long as this situation continues, deaths will keep on increasing.

Heartbreaking situation in India

The rate of deceased journalists accelerated further in April with the deaths of 125 journalists in one month, or more than 4 per day.

Since March 2020, four countries have been particularly affected with more than one hundred journalists dead in each country: Brazil with

more than 183 journalists deceased from Covid-19, Peru (140), India (121) and Mexico (106). 

The situation is particularly alarming in India: in the past two weeks, at least 50 journalists have succumbed to the virus, on average 3,5 every


"The deaths of dozens of Indian journalists, often still in full swing, is particularly heartbreaking”, said PEC Secretary-General.

There is nevertheless a positive note in this report: the number of journalists’ deaths has slowed sharply in Europe and North America,

thanks to effective protection measures and the progress of vaccination.


By region, Latin America tops the list with more than half of the victims, 673 in 20 countries. Asia follows with 254 in 18 countries, then Europe

 with 175 in 19 countries. Africa comes next with 56 dead in 16 countries, ahead of North America with 47 in 2 countries.

The total number of victims is certainly higher, because the cause of death of journalists is sometimes not specified or their death not announced.

Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse

Impact dévastateur de la pandémie sur les médias

Genève, 30 avril 2021 (PEC) La pandémie de la Covid-19 a eu un impact dévastateur sur les médias, a déploré vendredi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) en vue de la Journée mondiale sur la liberté de la presse le 3 mai. Le coût humain de la pandémie est particulièrement élevé, avec au moins 1200 journalistes décédés des suites du coronavirus.

Les journalistes ont été une profession particulièrement exposée au virus, car pour beaucoup obligés de continuer de travailler en contact avec la population. Jusqu’au 29 avril, depuis mars 2020, en 14 mois, la PEC a dénombré plus de 1200 journalistes décédés des complications liées au Covid-19 dans 75 pays.

«C’est une hécatombe sans précédent et une lourde perte pour la profession», a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC, Blaise Lempen. «A l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, nous appelons à rendre hommage à d’éminents collègues de tous âges qui n’ont pas survécu à la pandémie», a-t-il ajouté.

La PEC demande aux gouvernements de prendre des mesures d’aide aux médias les plus touchés et de soutien aux familles des victimes à l’occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse.

La PEC considère également qu'il est nécessaire de distribuer les vaccins de manière égale dans le monde entier, pour arrêter la propagation du virus et de ses nouvelles souches dans les pays en développement. La production de vaccins est limitée et est principalement absorbée par les pays les plus riches, empêchant l'accès aux journalistes en Amérique du Sud et en Asie du Sud. Tant que cette situation perdurera, les décès continueront d'augmenter.

Situation bouleversante en Inde

Le rythme des journalistes décédés s’est encore accéléré en avril avec le décès de 125 journalistes en un mois, soit plus de 4 par jour.

Depuis mars 2020, quatre pays ont été particulièrement affectés avec plus de cent journalistes morts dans chaque pays: le Brésil avec plus de 183 journalistes décédés du Covid-19, le Pérou (140), l’Inde (121) et le Mexique (106).

La situation est particulièrement alarmante en Inde: ces deux dernières semaines, au moins 50 journalistes ont succombé au virus, soit en moyenne 3,5 chaque jour.

«La mort de dizaines de journalistes indiens, souvent encore en pleine activité, au cours des deux dernières semaines, est particulièrement bouleversante», a affirmé le secrétaire général de la PEC.

Il y a néanmoins une note positive dans ce bilan: le nombre de décès a fortement ralenti en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, grâce à des mesures de protection efficaces et les progrès de la vaccination.

Par région, l’Amérique latine arrive en tête de liste avec plus de la moitié des victimes soit 673 dans 20 pays. L’Asie suit avec 254 morts dans 18 pays, devant l’Europe avec 175 victimes dans 19 pays. L’Afrique vient ensuite avec 56 morts dans 16 pays, devant l’Amérique du Nord avec 47 décès dans 2 pays.

Le chiffre total des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas annoncée.

Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa

El devastador impacto de la pandemia en los medios de comunicación

Ginebra, 30 de abril de 2021 (PEC).- La pandemia del virus Covid-19 ha tenido un impacto devastador en los medios de comunicación, declaró el viernes la Campaña de Emblema de la Prensa (PEC, Press Emblem Campaign por sus siglas en inglés) antes del Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, que se celebra el 3 de mayo. El costo humano de la pandemia es especialmente elevado: al menos 1.200 periodistas han muerto a causa del coronavirus.

El periodismo ha sido una profesión especialmente expuesta al virus, ya que muchos de los periodistas se han visto obligados a seguir trabajando en contacto con la población. Hasta este 29 de abril, contando desde marzo de 2020, o sea en 14 meses, la PEC ha contabilizado al menos 1.200 periodistas fallecidos por complicaciones relacionadas con el Covid-19 en 75 países.

"Se trata de una hecatombe sin precedentes y de una gran pérdida para la profesión", dijo el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen. "En el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, llamamos para rendir homenaje a los distinguidos colegas de todas las edades que no sobrevivieron a la pandemia", añadió.

En el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, la PEC pide a los gobiernos que tomen medidas para ayudar a los medios de comunicación más afectados y para que apoyen a las familias de las víctimas.

La PEC también considera que es necesario distribuir las vacunas por igual en todo el mundo, para detener la propagación del virus y sus nuevas cepas en los países en desarrollo. La producción de vacunas es limitada y está siendo absorbida principalmente por los países más ricos, lo que impide el acceso a los periodistas en América del Sur y Asia del Sur. Mientras continúe esta situación, las muertes seguirán aumentando.

Situación desgarradora en la India

El ritmo de muertes de periodistas se aceleró aún más el pasado mes de abril, con 125 periodistas muertos en un mes, es decir, cuatro al día.

Desde marzo de 2020, cuatro países se han visto especialmente afectados, con más de 100 periodistas muertos en cada uno de ellos: Brasil, con más de 183 periodistas muertos ; Perú (140), India (121) y México (106).

La situación es especialmente alarmante en la India: en las dos últimas semanas han muerto al menos 50 periodistas a causa del virus, en promedio 3,5 por día.

“La muerte de decenas de periodistas indios en las últimas dos semanas, a menudo todavía en pleno apogeo, es particularmente desgarradora”, dijo el Secretario General de PEC.

Sin embargo, la nota positiva es que el número de muertes en Europa y América del Norte ha disminuido considerablemente, gracias a la eficacia de las medidas de protección y a los avances en la vacunación. En África, el número de muertes se ha mantenido bajo.

Por regiones, América Latina encabeza la lista con más de la mitad de las víctimas, 673 en 20 países. Le sigue Asia, con 254 muertos en 18 países, por delante de Europa, con 175 víctimas en 19 países. Le sigue África, con 56 muertes en 16 países ; y Norteamérica, con 47 muertes en 2 países.

El número total de víctimas seguramente es más elevado, porque en ocasiones no se especifica la causa de la muerte de los periodistas o no se anuncia su fallecimiento.

Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa

Impacto devastador da pandemia no jornalismo

Genebra, 30 de Abril, 2021 (PEC) A pandemia de Covid-19 teve um impacto devastador no jornalismo, lamentou a Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) nesta Sexta-feira, em preparação ao Dia Internacional da Liberdade de Imprensa, em 3 de Maio. O custo humano da pandemia é singularmente alto: ao menos 1200 jornalistas morreram em decorrência do novo coronavírus.

Jornalistas praticam uma profissão particularmente exposta ao vírus – muitos foram forçados a continuar trabalhando em contato com a população. Em 14 meses, de Março de 2020 a 29 de Abril de 2021, a PEC contabilizou mais de 1200 jornalistas mortos por complicações relacionadas à Covid-19 em 75 países.

“Trata-se de um massacre sem precedentes e uma grande perda para a profissão”, disse o Secretário-Geral da PEC, Blaise Lempen. “Por ocasião do Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa, devemos honrar eminentes colegas de todas as idades que não sobreviveram à pandemia”, adicionou.

No Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa, a PEC pede aos governos que ajam para ajudar os de mídia mais afetados e para amparar as famílias das vítimas.

A PEC também reconhece a necessidade de uma distribuição igualitária de vacinas pelo mundo, para impedir o alastramento do vírus e suas novas variantes em países em desenvolvimento. A produção de vacinas é limitada e está sendo quase completamente absorvida pelos países mais ricos, impedindo seu acesso a jornalistas no sul dos continentes Americano e Asiático. Enquanto esta situação perdurar, as mortes seguirão aumentando.

Situação desesperadora na Índia

A taxa de jornalistas mortos acelerou ainda mais em Abril, com os óbitos de 125 profissionais em um mês, 4 por dia.

Desde Março de 2020, quatro países foram particularmente afetados, com mais de cem falecimentos em cada: Brasil, com mais de 183 mortes por Covid-19 no jornalismo, Peru (140), Índia (121) e México (106). Em Março, morreu um jornalista por dia no Brasil.

A situação é notavelmente alarmante na Índia: nas últimas duas semanas, ao menos 50 jornalistas sucumbiram ao vírus, uma média de três por dia.

“A morte de dezenas de jornalistas indianos, muitos em plena atividade, é especialmente desoladora”, disse o Secretário-Geral da PEC.

Não obstante, há uma nota positiva neste relatório: a quantidade de mortes de jornalistas diminuiuvertiginosamente na Europa e na América do Norte, graças às medidas de proteção efetivas e ao avanço da vacinação.

Por região, a América Latina encabeça a lista com mais da metade das vítimas, 673 em 20 países. A Ásia vem depois com 254 em 18 países, seguida pela Europa com 175 em 19 países. A próxima é a África, com 56 óbitos em 16 países, à frente da América do Norte, com 47 em 2 países.

O número total de vítimas é certamente maior; frequentemente a causa da morte de jornalistas não é especificada ou as mortes não são publicadas.

2021 يوم الصحافة العالمي 3 مايو

حملة الشارة الدولية تعلن عن تأثير كورونا المدوي على الاعلام

جنيف في 30 إبريل 2021 (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف عن تأثير كورونا المدوي على الصحفيين قبيل الاحتفال بيوم الصحافة العالمي 3 مايو بإعلانها عن وفاة على الأقل 1200 من الصحفيين منها. 

وأضافت الحملة في بيانها أن الصحفيين يعملون في مهنه تعرضهم بشدة للفيروس أذ يلزم عليهم الاختلاط بالجمهور بشكل مستمر في عملهم وقد سجلت الحملة في 14 شهراً منذ مارس 2020 وحتى 29 إبريل 2021 أكثر من 1200 حالة وفاة بين الصحفيين من الفيروس في 76 دولة. 

وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن هذا العدد يمثل مجزرة غير مسبوقة وخسارة فداحة للمهنة وطالب بضرورة تكريم الزملاء الذين سقطوا من جراء الوباء.

وطالبت حملة الشارة الحكومات باتخاذ الاجراءات اللازمة لمساعدة الصحفيين ولدعم أسر الضحايا منهم مشيرة إلى ضرورة توزيع اللقاح بشكل عادل بين دول العالم لمنع نزيف الموت.

وأشارت الحملة إلى سوء الأوضاع في الهند بوفاة 121 من الصحفيين أي بمعدل 4 في اليوم. ومنذ مارس 2020 عانت 4 دول بشدة بوفاة أكثر من مائة صحفي من الفيروس في كل منها: البرازيل 183، ؛ثقع 140، الهند 116 والمكسيك 106. وتضررت الهند كثيراً خلال الأسبوعين الماضيين بوفاة 46 من الصحفيين من الفيروس أي أكثر من 3 صحفيين في اليوم الواحد.

إلا أن الوضع قد تحسن في أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية بسبب إجراءات الحماية والتطعيم.

وتأتي أمريكا اللاتينية في مقدمة الاصابات بنصف الضحايا: 673 في 20 دولة، ثم آسيا 249 في 18 دولة، ثم أورويا 175 في 19 دولة ثم إفريقيا 56 في 16 دولة ثم أمريكا الشمالية 47 في دولتين. 

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقع الحملة:

26.04.2021. INDIA. Now it's alarming for Indian journalists, loses 107 scribes to Covid-19, 45 in two weeks

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/ Guwahati, 26 April 2021: Now it is alarming for the Indian media fraternity as their journo-colleagues start collapsing to the
Covid-19 complications now as fast as three scribes per day. India with 107 media corona-casualties has already placed itself on the
third position just below  Brazil (181 dead) and Peru (140) in the list of Covid-19 victims among journalist, prepared by the Switzerland
based media rights & safety body Press Emblem Campaign.

The global tally reaches 1184 victim-journalists because of the Covid-19 pandemic in 76 countries since it broke out in March 2020,
where the other worse affected countries include Mexico (106 dead), Italy (52), Bangladesh (51), Colombia (49), USA (47), Ecuador (46),
United Kingdom (28), Dominican Republic (27), Pakistan (25), Turkey (24), Iran, Russia (21 each), Argentina, Venezuela (17 each), Panama
(16), Spain (15), Ukraine (14), etc.

PEC general secretary Blaise Lempen, while expressing apprehensions that the situation may worsen for the safety of journalists on the
ground due to the pandemic, advocates for adequate compensations to the victim families. He also emphasizes on early vaccinations to media
workers around the world so that they can perform their duties as corona warriors after the doctors, nurses, sanitation workers, etc
without endangering their precious lives.

Even after the launch of a massive corona-vaccination program covering over 21, 443,345 Indian citizens till now in the backdrop of over
three million reported infections every day mounting its cumulative Covid-19 cases to over 17.3 million (total casualty crosses 1,95,000),
the country lately witnessed the death of Amjad Badshah (Odisha), Tanmoy Chakraborty (Tripura), Vivek Bendre, Sachin Shinde, Jairam
Sawant, Sukhnandan Gavai (Maharashtra), Ram Prakash Gupta (Bihar), Rohitash Gupta (Uttar Pradesh), Ramjan Ali (Andhra Pradesh) etc.

“The probability to increase the number of media corona-victims in India is really higher as a number of established media houses had
not reported about the actual number of casualties, reasons best known the them,” commented PEC’s country representative Nava Thakuria adding that many media houses even showed callousness while reporting their own corona-positive cases probably to avoid the authority’s
interference under the existing health protocols.

24.04.2021. India rapidly losing scribes to Covid-19, global tally reaches 1175

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/ Guwahati: India is fast losing working journalists to Covid-19 and crosses 100 mark till date where the global tally hits 1180
scribes in 76 countries. The country lately starts losing around three journalists every day.

Brazil continues to be the worst affected country with 181 media corona-casualties followed by Peru (140) and Mexico (106), stated the Switzerland based media rights & safety body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). India, which witnessed the death of nine journalists due to novel
corona virus infection aggravated ailments in the last three days, is just behind of Mexico with 101 casualties since the pandemic broke out
in March 2020. The nation with a billion plus populace comes far ahead of Italy (52 dead), Bangladesh (51), USA (47), Colombia (47), Ecuador (46), United Kingdom (28), Dominican Republic (27), Pakistan (25), Turkey (24), Iran (21), etc.

Expressing apprehensions that the situation may worsen for the safety of journalists on the ground due to the corona-pandemic, Blaise
Lempen, general secretary of PEC advocates for adequate compensations to the victim families. He also emphasizes on early vaccinations to media workers so that they can perform their duties as corona warriors after the doctors, nurses, sanitation workers, etc without endangering their lives.

Even after the launch of a massive corona-vaccination program covering around 13 million Indian citizens India till now is in the backdrop of around three million reported infections every day mounting its cumulative Covid-19 cases to over 16 million (total casualty crosses 190,000).

Reported names of recent corona-victims include Shailesh Raval (Gujarat), Sopan Bongane, Ashok Tupe, Motichand Bedmutha
(Maharashtra), P Tataiah, Chandrashekar Naidu, Srinivasa Rao (Andhra Pradesh), Ashish Yechury, Chanchal Pal Chauhan (New Delhi), Chinta
Naga Raju, Ramachandra Rao (Telangana), Govind Behera, Manoj Kumar Sahu, Karunakar Sahu, Naresh Behera (Odisha), Jodu Chutia (Assam), etc.

“India has the probability to increase the number of media corona-victims as a number of States went on under-reporting about
the actual figures because of various reasons,” commented PEC’s country representative Nava Thakuria adding, in many cases even the
established media houses had not reported about their own corona-positive cases to avoid unwanted interferences from the
authority under the health protocols.

22.04.2021. MYANMAR (BURMA). The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) calls for the unconditional release of all journalists in Myanmar

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland based media rights body, while condemning the armed generals of Myanmar (earlier known as Burma) for detaining/arresting over 65 journalists since the military coup on 1 February 2021, insists on everyone’s unconditional release. In a strong message to the Burmese junta, the PEC asserts that journalists performed their job reporting public outrages against the Tatmadow and hence they must not be harassed.

The uproarious situation in the southeast Asian country still continues as thousands of common Burmese nationals are hitting the streets demanding the end of military rule and restore the democratically elected government virtually led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Protest demonstrations in NayPieTaw, Yangon, Mandalay, Meiktila, Magway, Myingyan, etc have resulted in the killing of over 700 people by the military personnel.

Thousands of civilian protesters have been injured in the series of brutal crackdowns by the security forces across the country. More than 3,000 democratic activists, civil society representatives, influential social workers have been arrested. Lately, the military authority led by top general Min Aung Hlaing also publishes the list of journalists and active social media users who are reportedly wanted under various ruthless military rules.

“The arrested journalists face sedition laws under section 505 (a) of Myanmar penal code that may put them behind the bars for around three years. The military authority run Myanmar Radio and Television continues to broadcast the name of wanted journalists under the specified rules, which is appalling,” said PEC general secretary Blaise Lempen, who is a former journalist with the prominent Swiss news agency.

According to local media reports, 12 female journalists were also arrested by the military authority. More arrest warrants were issued against Zin Thaw Naing (Democracy Vision), Nay Zaw Naing (Democratic Voice of Burma), independent journalists namely Sithu Aung Myint, Myat
Kyaw Thu, July Moe, Ye Wint Thu, Thar Noe Wai, Han Htoo Zaw, Lu Min Thaung Tun along with photo journalists Pyae Sone Aung and Soe Zeyar Tun.

“Mizzima news publisher Thin Thin Aung, who was in India during her exile days, was arrested for raising voices against the junta,” said Nava Thakuria, PEC’s south Asia representative adding that other media workers in the list includes James Pu Hton, Than Htike Aung, Zin Thaw
Naing, Nan Nan Tai, Nan Win Yi, Tin Aung Kyaw, Min Nyo, Aung Kyaw, Ye Myo Khant, Aung Ye Ko, Hein Pyae Zaw, Kay Zun Nway, and Soe Yazar Tun.

17.04.2021. INDIA. More scribes dying of Covid-19 in South Asia, PEC urges preparedness

by Nava Thakuria, PEC South Asia Representative

Geneva/ Guwahati: As more journalists are falling preys to Covid-19 in south Asian nations (India and Bangladesh), the Switzerland based media rights and safety body Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) urges for preparedness among media persons as they have to continue playing the role of corona warriors after the doctors, nurses, sanitation workers.

Expressing apprehensions that the situation may deteriorate for the safety of journalists on the ground due to the corona-pandemic, Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC advocates for adequate compensations to the victim families and early vaccinations to media workers of all ages so that they can perform their duties without endangering precious lives.

Even after the Indian government launched a massive corona-vaccination program covering nearly 120 million people till now in the backdrop of around two million reported infections every day across the billion plus nation, at least three senior journalists succumbed to Covid-19 complications within a week.

Lucknow based journalist Ankit Shukla (35), who worked for the daily Jagran, died of corona aggravated ailments on 16 April. The 66th victim among Indian scribes, Shukla tested positive for the infection a few days back and was admitted in RM Lohia hospital. later he was shifted to a specially monitored corona-unit, where Shukla died in the morning hours.

A day back, Odisha’s Patnagarh based journalist Jatish Khamari (46) succumbed to corona-complications at a Bhubaneswar based hospital. Khamari was associated with the daily Sambad and tested positive for the virus infection some days back. Initially he was admitted in a rural but later shifted to Bhubaneswar, where he breathed his last on the night of 15 April.

Earlier, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) based senior cartoonist Pradeep Arya (58) passed away with corona aggravated ailments on 12 April. Associated with Hindi newspapers like Deshbandhu, Nababharat, Lokswar, etc. Arya tested positive for the virus infection a few days back. He remained in home isolation for sometime, but soon admitted in a local hospital, where he surrendered to the infection.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh reported its 49th corona-victims among media persons as the promising television news producer Rifat Sultana (32) died of corona aggravated pregnancy related complications on 16 April. Associated with the Dhaka based Bengali news channel Ekattor TV,
Sultana tested positive for the infection a few days back and died in the hospital after giving birth to a baby.

Earlier the country witnessed the demises of journalist Hassan Shahriar and Roman Shah Alam because of Covid-19 aggravated ailments. Shahriar (76), who was associated with the daily Ittefaq and was also the president of National Press Club, died at a Dhaka hospital on 10 April and Shah Alam, who was the Gazipur correspondent of Daily Lakho Kanto, passed away on 1 April.

Meanwhile, the PEC team reported that more than a thousand journalists died of corona-complications in 74 countries since its outbreak in March 2020 projecting the casualty of two scribes per day. It added that March 2021 was a deadly month with 93 journalists deceased from
the coronavirus making the casualty of three per day. Expressing concerns over the dropping of victim’s ages as nearly half of journalists dying from the infection in March remained between the ages of 40 and 60, the PEC team admitted that the total number of media-victims is certainly higher.

The PEC team, which has been documenting the corona-casualties among journalists across the globe, pursues for alertness among media persons as they are playing the role of corona warriors after the doctors, nurses, sanitation workers etc. It advocates for adequate compensations to the victim families and early vaccinations to media workers of all ages so that they can continue working without endangering their precious lives.

13.04.2021. More than a thousand journalists have died from Covid-19 around the world

PEC press release (Spanish, French and Arabic after English)

Geneva, April 13, 2021 (PEC) More than a thousand journalists have died from Covid-19 in 74 countries since the start of the pandemic, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced in Geneva on Tuesday. Every day, more than 2.5 journalists die from the coronavirus on average.

From March 1, 2020 to April 10, 2021, at least 1,060 media workers died from Covid-19. The month of March 2021 was particularly deadly with 93 journalists deceased from the coronavirus, or three per day. The situation has worsened particularly in Brazil, with one journalist dying every day.

"The situation continues to deteriorate for the safety and health of journalists on the ground due to the pandemic. It is essential that media workers of all ages now have rapid access to immunization so that they can work without endangering their lives”, said PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen.

An additional concern is that the age of victims is dropping, with nearly half of journalists dying from Covid between the ages of 40 and 60 in March 2021.

The total number of victims is certainly higher, because the cause of death of journalists is sometimes not specified or their death not announced. In some countries, there is no reliable information.

More than half in Latin America

From March 1, 2020 to April 10, 2021, of the 1,060 journalists who succumbed to the virus, more than half died in Latin America, or 611 in 19 countries. Asia follows with 183 deaths in 18 countries, ahead of Europe (including Russia and Turkey) with 167 deaths in 19 countries, Africa with 52 deaths in 16 countries and North America 47 (2 countries).

The first three most affected countries are Latin American: Brazil has the highest number of victims, 172 dead, ahead of Peru which has 138 deaths linked to Covid-19, then Mexico which deplores at least 93 journalists who died from coronavirus.

India follows with 63 dead. Italy is the most bereaved European country with 51 journalist’s dead from the novel coronavirus. Bangladesh follows with 48 dead, ahead of the United States with 46 dead.

In Ecuador, 45 journalists died from the virus and in Colombia 40. Great Britain has 28 deaths linked to Covid, ahead of the Dominican Republic 27. Pakistan follows with 25 deaths, ahead of Turkey (22), Iran (21), Panama (16), Russia (15), Spain (15), Venezuela (15), Bolivia (14) and Ukraine (14). Argentina comes next (12) and Honduras (10).

In Afghanistan, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa, 9 victims were counted in each country. In Guatemala 8 journalists died. In France, and Nicaragua, 6 journalists died from Covid-19. Kenya, and Nepal deplore 5 deaths each. Paraguay and Uruguay follow with 4 deaths.

Three journalists died in each of these countries: Cameroon, Cuba, Morocco, Salvador, Sweden, and Zimbabwe.

Two deaths are known in the following countries: Algeria, Austria, Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Portugal.

Finally, the PEC has identified at least one death in the following 29 countries: Azerbaijan, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czechia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Germany, Guyana, Iraq (Kurdistan), Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mali, Moldova, Mozambique, Philippines, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, and United Arab Emirates.

The origin of the infection is often difficult to determine, and it is not possible to differentiate journalists who become infected at work from those who have been infected in their private lives.

The PEC tally is based on information from local media, national associations of journalists, social networks and regional PEC correspondents.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC

Más de mil periodistas han muerto por la Covid-19 en todo el mundo

Ginebra, 13 de abril de 2021 (PEC).- Más de mil periodistas han muerto por Covid-19 en 74 países desde el inicio de la pandemia, anunció la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés), en Ginebra el martes. Todos los días, más de 2,5 periodistas de media mueren a causa del coronavirus.

Desde el 1 de marzo de 2020 hasta el 10 de abril de 2021, al menos 1.060 trabajadores de los medios han muerto a causa de la Covid-19. El mes de marzo de 2021 fue particularmente mortal con 93 periodistas fallecidos, lo que hace tres por día. La situación ha empeorado particularmente en Brasil, con la muerte de un periodista cotidianamente.

« La situación continúa deteriorándose para la seguridad y la salud de los periodistas en el terreno debido a la pandemia. Es esencial que los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación de todas las edades tengan acceso temprano a la inmunización para que puedan trabajar sin poner en peligro sus vidas », dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

Una preocupación adicional es que la edad de las víctimas está disminuyendo, y casi la mitad de los periodistas muertos a causa de la Covid tienen entre 40 y 60 años de edad, en un conteo realizado en marzo de 2021.

El número total de víctimas es ciertamente mayor, porque en ocasiones no se especifica la causa de la muerte o simplemente ésta no se anuncia. Además, en algunos países, no existe información confiable.

Más de la mitad en América Latina

Del 1 de marzo de 2020 al 10 de abril de 2021, de los 1.060 periodistas que sucumbieron al virus, más de la mitad se produjeron en América Latina, o 611 en 19 países. Le sigue el continente asiático con 183 muertes en 18 países, por delante de Europa (incluídas Rusia y Turquía), con 167 muertes en 19 países; luego viene África con 52 muertes en 16 países; y América del Norte, con 47 (2 países).

Los tres primeros países más afectados son latinoamericanos: Brasil tiene el mayor número de víctimas, es decir 172 muertos; por delante de Perú, que tiene 138 muertes vinculadas a la Covid-19, luego México, que deplora al menos 93 periodistas fallecidos.

India le sigue con 63 personas. Italia es el país europeo más afligido con 51 periodistas muertos; después viene Bangladesh con 48 muertos, seguido de los Estados Unidos, con 46 muertos.

En Ecuador, 45 periodistas murieron por el virus y en Colombia 40. Gran Bretaña tiene 28 muertes, por delante de la República Dominicana, 27. Le sigue Pakistán con 25 muertes, por delante de Turquía (22), Irán (21), Panamá (16), Rusia (15), España (15), Venezuela (15), Bolivia (14) y Ucrania (14). Enseguida vienen Argentina (12) y Honduras (10).

En Afganistán, Sudáfrica, Egipto y Nigeria, se contaron 9 víctimas en cada país. En Guatemala murieron 8 periodistas. En Francia y Nicaragua, 6 periodistas murieron por la Covid-19. Kenia y Nepal deploran cinco muertes cada uno. Le siguen Paraguay y Uruguay con 4 muertos.

Tres periodistas murieron en cada uno de estos países: Camerún, Cuba, Marruecos, El Salvador, Suecia y Zimbabwe.

Se conocen dos muertes en los siguientes países: Argelia, Austria, Ghana, Indonesia, Kazajstán y Portugal.

Finalmente, la PEC ha identificado al menos una muerte en los siguientes 29 países: Alemania, Arabia Saudita, Azerbaiyán, Bélgica, Benin, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Filipinas, Guyana, Irak (Kurdistán), Israel, Japón, Jordania, Kirguistán, Líbano, Lituania, Malí, Moldavia, Mozambique, Uganda, Polonia, República Democrática del Congo, Suiza, Tayikistán, Chequia y Togo.

El origen de la infección suele ser difícil de determinar y no es posible diferenciar a los periodistas que se infectan en el trabajo, de aquellos que se han infectado en su vida privada.

El recuento de PEC se basa en información de los medios locales, asociaciones nacionales de periodistas, redes sociales y corresponsales regionales de PEC.

Communiqué de presse PEC

Plus d’un millier de journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans le monde

Genève, 13 avril 2021 (PEC) Plus d'un millier de journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 74 pays depuis le début de la pandémie, a annoncé mardi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). Chaque jour, plus de 2,5 journalistes sont morts du coronavirus en moyenne.

Du 1er mars 2020 au 10 avril 2021, au moins 1060 travailleurs des médias ont succombé des suites du Covid-19. Le mois de mars 2021 a été particulièrement meurtrier avec 93 journalistes décédés du coronavirus, soit trois par jour.

« La situation continue de se détériorer pour la sécurité et la santé des journalistes sur le terrain en raison de la pandémie. Il est essentiel que les travailleurs des médias, quel que soit leur âge, aient rapidement accès à la vaccination de manière qu’ils puissent travailler sans mettre en danger leur vie », a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. 

Une inquiétude supplémentaire réside dans le fait que l’âge des victimes baisse, avec près de la moitié des journalistes décédés du Covid entre 40 et 60 ans au mois de mars 2021.

Le chiffre total des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas annoncée. Dans certains pays, il n’existe pas d’information fiable.

Plus de la moitié en Amérique latine

Du 1er mars 2020 au 10 avril 2021, sur les 1060 journalistes qui ont succombé au virus, plus de la moitié sont morts en Amérique latine, soit 611 dans 19 pays. L’Asie suit avec 183 morts dans 18 pays, devant l’Europe (compris la Russie et la Turquie) avec 167 morts dans 19 pays, puis l’Afrique avec 52 décès dans 16 pays et l’Amérique du Nord 47 (2 pays).

Les trois premiers pays les plus touchés sont latino-américains : le Brésil compte le plus grand nombre de victimes, soit 172 morts, devant le Pérou qui recense 138 décès liés au Covid-19, puis le Mexique qui déplore au moins 93 journalistes morts du coronavirus.

L’Inde suit avec 63 morts. L’Italie est le pays européen le plus endeuillé avec 51 journalistes morts du nouveau coronavirus. Suit le Bangladesh avec 48 morts, devant les États-Unis avec 46 morts.

En Équateur, 45 journalistes sont morts du virus et en Colombie 40. La Grande-Bretagne recense 28 décès liés au Covid, devant la République dominicaine 27. Le Pakistan suit avec 25 morts, devant la Turquie (22), l’Iran (21), le Panama (16), la Russie (15), l’Espagne (15), le Venezuela (15), la Bolivie (14) et l’Ukraine (14). L’Argentine vient ensuite (12) et le Honduras (10).

En Afghanistan, Afrique du Sud, Égypte et Nigeria, 9 victimes ont été dénombrées dans chaque pays. Au Guatemala, 8 journalistes sont morts. En France et au Nicaragua, 6 journalistes sont décédés des suites du Covid-19. Le Kenya et le Népal déplorent 5 morts chacun. Suivent l’Uruguay et le Paraguay avec 4 décès.

Trois journalistes sont décédés dans chacun de ces pays: Cameroun, Cuba, Iran, Maroc, Salvador, Suède et Zimbabwe.

Deux décès sont connus dans les pays suivants : Algérie, Autriche, Ghana, Indonésie, Kazakhstan et Portugal.

Enfin, la PEC a identifié au moins un décès dans les 29 pays suivants : Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Azerbaïdjan, Belgique, Bénin, Bosnie, Bulgarie, Canada, Chili, Émirats arabes unis, Guyana, Irak (Kurdistan), Israël, Japon, Jordanie, Kirghizistan, Liban, Lituanie, Mali, Moldavie, Mozambique, Ouganda, Philippines, Pologne, République démocratique du Congo, Suisse, Tadjikistan, Tchéquie, et Togo.

L’origine de l’infection est souvent difficile à déterminer et il n’est pas possible de différencier les journalistes qui se sont infectés au travail de

ceux qui ont été contaminés dans leur vie privée.  Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias locaux, des associations nationales de journalistes, des réseaux sociaux et des correspondants régionaux de la PEC.

بيان صحفي

أكثر من ألف صحفي تُوفوا من كورونا حول العالم

جنيف- في 13 إبريل 2021 (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف أن أكثر من ألف صحفي وصحفية تُوفوا من جراء كورونا في 74 دولة، حيث تُوفي 1060 في الفترة من 1 مارس 2020 إلى 10 إبريل 2021، وكان شهر مارس 2021 الأسوأ بوفاة 93 صحفياً بمعدل 3 في اليوم والأسوأ في البرازيل بوفاة صحفي واحد يومياً.

وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان بأنه لا يوجد تحسن ملموس، بل على العكس فيبدو أن الموقف يتدهور بالنسبة لحماية وصحة الصحفيين بسبب الوباء، ومن الضروري توفير التطعيم العاجل إلى الصحفيين حتى يتمكنوا من العمل بدون تهديد حياتهم.

وأضافت حملة الشارة أنه من الملفت إصابة الصحفيين ما بين 40 و60 عاماً في مارس 2021 .

وأن أكثر من نصف المتوفين الـ 1060 من كورونا تُوفوا في أمريكا اللاتينية – 611 – في 19 دولة. أوروبا التي تشمل روسيا وتركيا 167 في 19 دولة، وآسيا 183 في 17 دولة، إفريقيا 52 في 16 دولة وأمريكا الشمالية 47 في دولتين.

أكثر الدول الثلاث معاناة في أمريكا اللاتينية هي البرازيل: 172 وفاة، بيرو: 138، المكسيك: 93. ثم تأتي الهند بعد ذلك: 60، إيطاليا وهي أكثر الدول الأوروبية تضرراً من كورونا الجديد: 51، بنجلاديش: 46 والولايات المتحدة: 46.

ثم إكوادور: 45، كولومبيا: 40، بريطانيا: 28، جمهورية الدومينيكان: 27، باكستان: 25، تركيا: 22، بنما: 16، روسيا: 15، إسبانيا: 15، بوليفيا: 14 وأوكرانيا: 14، ثم فنزويلا: 14، الأرجنتين 12، هندوراس: 10.

وتُوفي 9 من الصحفيين في كلٍ من أفغانستان ومصر وجنوب إفريقيا ونيجيريا، و6 في فرنسا ونيكاراجوا، و5 في جواتيمالا وكينيا ونيبال، و4 في كلٍ من أوروجواي وباراجواي.

وتُوفي 3 صحفيين في كلٍ من الكاميرون وكوبا وإيران والمغرب والسلفادور، والسويد وزيمبابوي.

وتُوفي 2 من الصحفيين في كلٍ من الجزائر والنسما وغانا وإندونيسيا وكازاخستان والبرتغال، ثم صحفي واحد في 28 بلداً: ألمانيا، السعودية، أذربيجان، بلجيكا، بنين، البوسنة، بلغاريا، كندا، شيلي، الإمارات، جويانا، كردستان العراق، إسرائيل، اليابان، الأردن، كيرجستان، لبنان، لثوانيا، مالي، مولدوفيا، موزمبيق، أوغندا، بولنده، جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، سويسرا، تاجيكيستان، الشيشان وتوجو.

وأوضحت حملة الشارة أنه من الصعب تحديد سبب العدوى، هل هي عدوى منزلية أم عدوى في العمل، مشيرة إلى أن أرقامها تقوم على معلومات الإعلام المحلى ونقابات الصحفيين وممثلي حملة الشارة في القارات المختلفة.

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقع الشارة:

12.04.2021. Impact on the safety and work of journalists of the measures that Governments have taken to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. PEC submission to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - Impact sur la sécurité et le travail des journalistes des mesures prises par les Gouvernements pour répondre à la pandémie du Covid-19. Contribution de la PEC pour le Bureau du Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU aux droits de l’Homme


French version after English

High Commissioner for Human Rights

1211 Geneva 10


Geneva, 16 April 2021

In response to your 26 February 2021 call for a contribution and with reference to paragraph 18 of Human Rights Council Resolution 45/18 regarding the safety of journalists, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), a Geneva-based non-governmental organization with ECOSOC consultative status since 2010, would like to submit the following.

The coronavirus has had a devastating impact on the media in all countries affected by the pandemic: job cuts, closure of media outlets, numerous restrictions on the freedom of expression, expulsions, and arbitrary detentions of critical journalists. Several organizations have documented these aspects.

Heavy Toll

The PEC for its part is the only organization at the world-wide level to document the impact of Covid-19 on the physical health of media employees. Tens of thousands of them have been infected by the virus. Among them, the PEC has recorded from 1 March 2020 to 10 April 2021 at least 1,060 journalist’s dead from the virus in 74 countries, a very heavy toll.

Some of these journalists died for lack of protection, lack of equipment, lack of access to medical facilities and hospitals, as well as because of government policies that deny the reality of the pandemic.

Every day between March 2020 and April 2021, on average 2.5 journalists succumbed to the virus. In March 2021, the tendency intensified yet further, with 3 deaths per day. An additional worry is that the age of the victims has dropped over the months, with almost half of the journalists dying from Covid-19 between 40 and 60 years of age in March 2021, in other words, a work force still very active.

The total figure of victims is surely much higher, for the cause of journalists’ deaths is often not specified, nor their death even announced. In some countries, there has been no reliable information, and the governments have not given the necessary publicity to cases of infection.

Free-lance journalists, photographers, cameramen and sports journalists have been especially hard hit, for they cannot work from home. Journalism is a profession requiring contact with people, and that explains why the profession has been particularly exposed to the virus. As well, the media have had an essential mission during the pandemic, that of keeping the people informed of the reality of the illness and the measures taken to stop its spread. They simply could not stay home and avoid their places of work.

The PEC also emphasizes the risks associated with the pandemic to which imprisoned journalists have been exposed, particularly in countries like Turkey and Egypt. The crowded conditions in prisons have exposed them to a much higher risk of infection, and journalists have died as a result


Latin America More Affected

To be precise, from 1 March 2020 to 10 April 2021, of the 1060 journalists that succumbed to the virus, more than half died in Latin America: 611 in 19 countries. Asia follows with 183 deaths in 18 countries, ahead of Europe (including Russia and Turkey) with 167 deaths in 19 countries, then Africa with 52 deaths in 16 countries, and finally North America with 47 deaths in 2 countries.

The three most affected countries are Latin American: Brazil has the highest number of victims, 172 deaths, ahead of Peru that has reported 138 deaths linked to Covid-19, then Mexico, which has announced at least 93 journalists dead from the coronavirus.

In Brazil, the attitude of President Jair Bolsonaro has certainly contributed to the explosion of infections, whereas in Peru, the lack of protective equipment has played a role. Generally, the high mortality rate among Latin American journalists can be explained by political, health, cultural and economic factors. The political factor is manifest in a populist denial of the seriousness of the virus by the authorities and defiance of scientific experts and a lack of a coherent national strategy. The health factor involves insufficient medical equipment in hospitals, a too slow distribution of masks then vaccines. The cultural factor comes into play through an absence of discipline, and social habits hostile to strict confinement. Finally, among the economic factors one can note a lack of support from the government, forcing people to go out to work, especially independent journalists.

After Brazil, Peru and Mexico, India is the most affected country with 63 deaths (as of 10 April). Italy is the most affected European country with 51 journalist’s dead from the coronavirus. Then comes Bangladesh with 48 deaths, just ahead of the United States, with 46 deaths.

In Ecuador, 45 journalists have died from the virus, and in Colombia 40. The United Kingdom reports 28 deaths linked to Covid19, ahead of the Dominican Republic with 27. Pakistan follows with 25 deaths, ahead of Turkey (22), Iran (21), Panama (16), Russia (15), Spain (15), Venezuela (15), Bolivia (14) and Ukraine (14). Argentina comes next (12) then Honduras (10).

In Afghanistan, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa, 9 victims have been reported in each country. In Guatemala, 8 journalists have died. In France and in Nicaragua, 6 journalists have died from Covid-19. Kenya and Nepal are reporting 5 deaths each. Then come Paraguay and Uruguay, each with 4 deaths.

Three journalists have died in each of these countries: Cameroon, Cuba, El Salvador, Iran, Morocco, Sweden and Zimbabwe.

Two deaths have been reported in each of the following countries: Algeria, Austria, Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and Portugal.

Finally, the PEC has identified at least one death from 1 March 2020 to 10 April in each of the following 29 countries: Azerbaijan, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Canada, Chili, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Germany, Guyana, Iraq (Kurdistan), Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mali, Moldova, Mozambique, Uganda, Poland, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda and the United Arab Emirates.

The PEC is not able to distinguish between the effect on male and the effect on female victims. Women and men journalists have been affected equally considering that there are fewer women media employees than men.

The origin of the infections is often difficult to determine, and it is impossible to distinguish those infected at work from those infected outside their professional activities.

The PEC count is based on local media information, national journalist associations’ reports, social networks and PEC regional correspondents.

Best Practices: Economic Support Measures

Regarding the request of the High Commissioner about best practices to be implemented by governments, the PEC has called for economic support measures for journalists who are victims of Covid-19. This call has been answered notably by the Indian government, which has granted compensation to families of journalists who have died from the virus.

Several other countries have implemented economic support measures for the media, allowing them to continue their work despite the drop in income resulting from the pandemic.

Access to Vaccines

The PEC has studied in particular measures taken to accelerate the vaccination of journalists. The PEC has requested priority access for journalists to vaccines owing to their essential information madate.

This call, broadly supported by the journalist associations of several countries, was partially heeded. Thus, in Africa, up to the end of March 2021, the governments Malawi, Somalia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe have decided to include journalists among the first groups given access to vaccination. In Europe, journalists have been considered pandemic front-line workers by the governments of Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway, among others. Serbia decided in January 2021 to vaccinate media professionals as a priority.

In India, the states have heard the call from the journalist associations to include journalists among the priority groups. In Bangladesh, the government has accorded journalists priority access to the first phase of the public vaccination program. In Cambodia in February, the prime minister Hun Sen designated journalists a priority group for access to vaccines.

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has recommended that the media be included in the lists of “essential workers” due to receive a vaccination in phase 1c. Media production personnel were to be included in the preceding phase 1b.

The list of these positive measures taken by governments is far from exhaustive.

Assistance from the High Commissioner

Regarding the request of the High Commissioner to point out how the organization may help develop national plans for protecting journalists during the pandemic, the PEC suggests that the High Commissioner and the High Commissioner’s offices throughout the world:

– argue in favor of national economic support measures for media affected by the pandemic, considering the essential information function of the media, and do so with a view to supporting a diversity of points of view;

– insist that all media workers, whatever their age, have the fastest access possible to vaccination, to assure their physical protection from the virus;

– denounce measures taken by governments that run contrary to freedom of expression, measures taken under the pretext of the fight against the pandemic, in particular those stifling critical voices.

The PEC would like to thank the High Commissioner for taking these remarks and proposals into consideration.

For the PEC, Blaise Lempen

General Secretary

Bureau du Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU aux droits de l’Homme

1211 Genève 10


Genève, le 16 avril 2021

Pour donner suite à votre appel à contribution du 26 février 2021 et au paragraphe 18 de la résolution du Conseil des droits de l’homme 45/18 sur la sécurité des journalistes, la Presse Emblème Campagne (Press Emblem Campaign PEC), organisation non-gouvernementale basée à Genève avec le statut consultatif spécial auprès de l’ECOSOC depuis 2010, vous fait parvenir la contribution suivante.

Le coronavirus a eu un impact dévastateur sur les médias dans la totalité des pays touchés par la pandémie : baisse des recettes publicitaires, suppressions d’emplois, fermeture d’entreprises de médias, restrictions nombreuses à la liberté de la presse, arrestations et expulsions de journalistes critiques. Plusieurs organisations ont documenté ces aspects.

Très lourd bilan

La PEC pour sa part est la seule organisation au niveau mondial à avoir documenté l’impact du Covid-19 sur la santé physique des travailleurs des médias. Des dizaines de milliers d’entre eux ont été contaminés par le virus. Parmi eux, la PEC a recensé du 1er mars 2020 au 10 avril 2021 au moins 1060 journalistes morts du virus dans 74 pays, un très lourd bilan.

Une partie de ces journalistes sont morts faute de protection, d’équipement, d’accès aux installations sanitaires et hospitalières, ainsi qu’en raison de politiques gouvernementales niant la réalité de la pandémie.

Chaque jour, entre mars 2020 et avril 2021, en moyenne plus de 2,5 journalistes ont succombé au virus. Au mois de mars 2021, la tendance s’est encore accélérée avec 3 morts par jour. Une inquiétude supplémentaire réside dans le fait que l’âge des victimes a baissé au fil des mois, avec près de la moitié des journalistes décédés du Covid entre 40 et 60 ans au mois de mars 2021, soit une main-d’œuvre encore très active.

Le chiffre total des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas annoncée. Dans certains pays, il n’y a pas eu d’information fiable et les gouvernements n’ont pas donné la publicité nécessaire aux cas d’infections.

Les journalistes free-lance, les photographes, cameramen, journalistes sportifs ont été particulièrement touchés, car ils ne pouvaient pas travailler à domicile. Le métier de journaliste est un métier de contact avec la population, et cela explique que la profession a été particulièrement exposée au virus. En outre, les médias avaient une mission essentielle dans la pandémie, celle d’informer la population sur la réalité de la maladie et les mesures prises pour l’endiguer. Ils ne pouvaient s’absenter simplement de leur lieu de travail pour rester chez eux.

Amérique latine plus touchée

Dans le détail, du 1er mars 2020 au 10 avril 2021, sur les 1060 journalistes qui ont succombé au virus, plus de la moitié sont morts en Amérique latine, soit 611 dans 19 pays. L’Asie suit avec 183 morts dans 18 pays, devant l’Europe (compris la Russie et la Turquie) avec 167 morts dans 19 pays, puis l’Afrique avec 52 décès dans 16 pays et l’Amérique du Nord 47 (2 pays).

Les trois premiers pays les plus touchés sont latino-américains : le Brésil compte le plus grand nombre de victimes, soit 172 morts, devant le Pérou qui recense 138 décès liés au Covid-19, puis le Mexique qui déplore au moins 93 journalistes morts du coronavirus.

Au Brésil, l’attitude du président Jair Bolsonaro a certainement contribué à l’explosion des infections, alors qu’au Pérou le manque d’équipements sanitaires a joué un rôle. De manière générale, le taux élevé de mortalité parmi les journalistes en Amérique latine s’explique par des facteurs politiques, sanitaires, culturels et économiques. Politiques: attitude populiste de déni de la gravité du virus de la part des autorités et de défiance à l’égard des experts scientifiques, manque de stratégie nationale cohérente; sanitaires: insuffisance des équipements médicaux dans les hôpitaux, distribution trop lente des masques, puis des vaccins; culturels: absence de discipline, habitudes sociales hostiles au confinement strict; économiques: manque de mesures de soutien étatique, obligeant les gens à travailler, en particulier les journalistes indépendants.

Après le Brésil, le Pérou et le Mexique, l’Inde a été le pays le plus touché avec 63 morts (jusqu’au 10 avril). L’Italie est le pays européen le plus endeuillé avec 51 journalistes morts du nouveau coronavirus. Suit le Bangladesh avec 48 morts, devant les États-Unis avec 46 morts.

En Équateur, 45 journalistes sont morts du virus et en Colombie 40. La Grande-Bretagne recense 28 décès liés au Covid, devant la République dominicaine 27. Le Pakistan suit avec 25 morts, devant la Turquie (22), l’Iran (21), le Panama (16), la Russie (15), l’Espagne (15), le Venezuela (15), la Bolivie (14) et l’Ukraine (14). L’Argentine vient ensuite (12) et le Honduras (10).

En Afghanistan, Afrique du Sud, Égypte et Nigeria, 9 victimes ont été dénombrées dans chaque pays. Au Guatemala, 8 journalistes sont morts. En France et au Nicaragua, 6 journalistes sont décédés des suites du Covid-19. Le Kenya et le Népal déplorent 5 morts chacun. Suivent l’Uruguay et le Paraguay avec 4 décès.

Trois journalistes sont décédés dans chacun de ces pays: Cameroun, Cuba, Iran, Maroc, Salvador, Suède et Zimbabwe.

Deux décès sont connus dans les pays suivants : Algérie, Autriche, Ghana, Indonésie, Kazakhstan et Portugal.

Enfin, la PEC a identifié au moins un décès dans les 29 pays suivants du 1er mars 2020 au 10 avril 2021: Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Azerbaïdjan, Belgique, Bénin, Bosnie, Bulgarie, Canada, Chili, Émirats arabes unis, Guyana, Irak (Kurdistan), Israël, Japon, Jordanie, Kirghizistan, Liban, Lituanie, Mali, Moldavie, Mozambique, Ouganda, Philippines, Pologne, République démocratique du Congo, Suisse, Tadjikistan, Tchéquie, et Togo.

La PEC n’est pas en mesure de différencier un impact sur le genre des victimes. Femmes et hommes journalistes ont été touchés de manière équivalente, en tenant compte qu’il y a moins de femmes employées des médias que d’hommes.

L’origine de l’infection est souvent difficile à déterminer et il n’est pas possible de différencier les journalistes qui se sont infectés au travail de ceux qui ont été contaminés dans leur vie privée.

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias locaux, des associations nationales de journalistes, des réseaux sociaux et des correspondants régionaux de la PEC.

Bonnes pratiques : mesures de soutien économiques

Concernant la demande du Haut-Commissariat sur les bonnes pratiques mises en œuvre par les gouvernements, la PEC a plaidé pour des mesures de soutien économiques aux journalistes victimes du Covid-19. Cet appel a notamment été entendu par le gouvernement indien qui a accordé une indemnité aux familles des journalistes victimes du virus.

Plusieurs autres pays ont pris des mesures de soutien économique aux médias pour leur permettre de continuer à faire leur travail malgré la baisse des recettes liée à la crise.

Accès aux vaccins

La PEC a étudié en particulier les mesures prises pour accélérer la vaccination des journalistes. La PEC a demandé un accès prioritaire des journalistes aux vaccins en raison de leur mission d’information essentielle.

Cet appel, largement soutenu par les associations de journalistes dans plusieurs pays, a été partiellement entendu. Ainsi, en Afrique, jusqu’à fin mars 2021, les gouvernements du Zimbabwe, du Malawi, de l’Ouganda et de la Somalie ont décidé d’inclure les journalistes parmi les premiers groupes ayant accès à la vaccination

. En Europe, les journalistes ont été considérés comme des travailleurs de première ligne dans la crise du Covid-19 par les gouvernements d’Allemagne, d’Irlande, des Pays-Bas et de Norvège, entre autres. La Serbie a décidé en janvier 2021 de vacciner les professionnels de médias en priorité.

En Inde, des États ont entendu l’appel des associations de journalistes à inclure les journalistes parmi les groupes prioritaires. Au Bangladesh, le gouvernement a accordé aux journalistes un accès prioritaire à la première phase du programme de vaccination du gouvernement. Au Cambodge, le premier ministre Hun Sen a désigné en février les journalistes comme groupe prioritaire pour l’accès aux vaccins.

Aux Etats-Unis, le Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) a recommandé que les médias soient inclus dans la liste des « travailleurs essentiels » devant recevoir un vaccin dans la phase 1c. Le personnel de production des médias devait être inclus dans la phase précédente 1b.

La liste de ces mesures positives prises par les gouvernements n’est pas exhaustive.

Assistance du Haut-Commissariat

Concernant la demande du Haut-Commissariat d’indiquer comment l’organisation peut aider au développement d’approches nationales pour protéger les journalistes dans la pandémie, la PEC suggère que le Haut-Commissariat et les bureaux du Haut-Commissariat dans le monde :

- plaident en faveur de mesures nationales de soutien économique aux médias touchés par la pandémie, compte tenu de la fonction d’information essentielle des médias et de manière à soutenir la diversité des points de vue

- insistent pour que tous les travailleurs des médias, quel que soit leur âge, aient un accès le plus rapide possible à la vaccination, afin d’assurer leur protection physique contre le virus

- condamnent les mesures prises par les gouvernements contraires à la liberté de la presse sous prétexte de lutte contre la pandémie, en particulier celles étouffant les voix critiques.

La PEC remercie le Haut-Commissariat pour l’attention portée à ses remarques et propositions.

Pour la PEC, le secrétaire général Blaise Lempen

01.04.2021. Indian scribe died of Covid-19, PEC urges for alertness

by Nava Thakuria, PEC’s India Representative

Geneva/ Guwahati, 1 April: The global tally of novel coronavirus infected individuals among journalists has reached 970 in 72 countries, where a central India based scribe Pramod Srivastava succumbed to Covid-19 complications recently to increase the country’s casualties up to 58 till date in the backdrop of ongoing province level elections in the country.

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland based organization focusing on safety of scribes, urges everyone to be alert as the pandemic’s second wave hits many nations.

Peru continues to top the list of corona-victims with 135 casualties, where Brazil (129 dead) and Mexico (90) follows the country, said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC adding that those nations are followed by Italy (51 dead), USA (46), Bangladesh (45), Ecuador (43), Colombia (38), United Kingdom (28), Pakistan (25), Turkey (22), Panama (16), Spain (15), Bolivia (14), Russia (14), Ukraine (14), etc.

It may be mentioned the PEC team started a corona-ticker since March 2020 to pay tributes to journalists killed by the pandemic around the world. The safety of media workers is particularly at risk in this health-related crisis because they have to continue providing information. Many of them died for lack of adequate protective measures when doing their job and hence the PEC requests early vaccinations for journalists on the frontlines, stated Lempen.

Uttar Pradesh journalist Srivastava (48) was admitted to the hospital with respiratory complains after he tested positive for Covid-19 on 25 March, where he died two days later. Many other journalists have also tested positive for the infection as they continue playing the role of
corona warriors along with the doctors, nurses, sanitation workers with others.

India as a nation lately witnesses a surge in corona infections as over 72,300 fresh cases emerged in a single day. The populous country recorded 1,22,21,665 Covid-19 cases with 1,62,927 casualties. PEC’s India representative Nava Thakuria apprehended that as the election process is going on in four major Indian States (Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu with union territory Puducherry) and will continue for a few more days, the reporters on the ground may get infected by the virus.

29.03.2021. MYANMAR (BURMA). PEC strongly condemns increasing violence, media and internet restrictions in Myanmar

by Nava Thakuria, PEC’s India and South Asia representative

Geneva/Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Switzerland based non-profit organization focusing on press freedom and safety, while welcoming the recent release of journalist Thein Zaw from detention in Myanmar (earlier known as Burma) after three weeks, strongly condemned the ongoing violence and restrictions imposed on media outlets, internet users in the southeast Asian country.

Associated with Associated Press, Zaw was arrested on 27 February for covering a protest against the military junta that has grabbed the power in NayPieTaw on 1 February 2021. He had to observe his 33rd birthday inside Insein Prison of Yangon, a notorious place for detaining political prisoners for decades. Even though he was charged with violating public orders, the court dropped all charges stating that Zaw was doing his job at the time of arrest.

“PEC is relieved that Thein Zaw has been freed from the prison, but additional journalists there remain detained. We urge Myanmar to release all journalists and allow them to report freely and safely on what is happening inside the country. After all, these acts of intimidation must stop and freedom of expression must be fully restored,” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of Press Emblem Campaign.

Since the first week of February, Myanmar continues to witness a series of protest demonstrations by common people under the civil disobedience movement. Called by the jailed National League for Democracy (NLD) chief Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to oppose the armed forces (popularly known as Tatmadow), which overthrew a democratically elected government alleging voting frauds, the movement is spread across the country.

Armed military personnel have taken lethal attacks on the demonstrators resulting in the killings of over 450 people and injuring thousands other in various parts of Myanmar. On Saturday alone, the military regime under the leadership of Myanmar’s to army officer Min Aung Hlaing, killed at least 114 protestors. Reporters, photo journalists, camera persons etc are also being targeted by the military for covering the pubis unrest. Around 40 journalists were detained and half of them are still behind bars till date.

Amidst the military crackdowns over the peaceful demonstrators for a comprehensive multi-party democracy in Myanmar, senior journalist Soe Myint, who leads Mizzima Media, commented that the military personnel must go back to their barracks. Participating virtually in a recent session of Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) on Myanmar crisis, Myint asserted that it is now a frontal war between the Tatmadow and common Burmese people (no longer remains as military
verses NLD/ Suu Kyi).

“We apprehended this kind of adverse situation (read military coup) and were ready to face the consequences. However it is always our duty to report about our country and citizens irrespective of any circumstance or its aftermath,” said Myint, who edits Mizzima newspapers, Mizzima TV, concerned websites, adding that he may be arrested tomorrow by the military or even get killed by their thugs, but he can not surrender to the military junta.

Moderated by Gwen Robinson, FCCT president and editor-at-large of Nikkei Asia, the session comprised speakers Sonny Swe (co-founder and publisher of Frontier Myanmar), Thiha Saw (veteran journalist and former editor Myanmar Times), Cape Diamond (freelancer), Poppy McPherson (Reuters Myanmar bureau-chief), Jonathan Head (BBC southeast Asia correspondent) etc, where Myint admitted that he may go for exile once again in the neighbouring countries
(including India) if the situation demands.

“Today, most of the Burmese journalists are working from hideouts to avoid the assaults from the military personnel. Their offices remain locked as many media outlets have faced the cancellation of registrations by the authority,” said Nava Thakuria, PEC’s India and South Asia representative with additional responsibility on Myanmar, adding that the scribes and young social media users have taken the responsibility to raise voices against the atrocities of military rulers from
undisclosed locations inside and outside the golden land of pagodas.

12.03.2021. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 46th session. Item 4 General Debate. Video statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). The PEC is concerned by the deterioration of the safety of journalists in Belarus, Myanmar and Afghanistan, calls for the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

General Assembly

Human Rights Council 46th session

Item 4 General Debate

Madame President,

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is concerned by the deterioration of the safety of journalists in the last few weeks in Belarus, Myanmar, and Afghanistan.

The PEC calls on the Belarusian authorities to immediately release two young journalists of Belsat-TV arbitrarily detained in Minsk. Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova have only done their job.

We condemn the threats against the media and arrests of journalists by the new regime in Myanmar. These acts of intimidation must stop, and freedom of expression must be fully restored, including on the Internet.

The PEC is also very worried by the killing of four journalists in Afghanistan since the beginning of this year, including three female journalists. Terrorists’ acts targeting the media are on the rise. The international community must increase its help to the Afghan people, and not abandon it to terrorist groups.

Finally, we regret the decision of the United States of America to continue to seek the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and calls for his release by the British authorities as soon as possible.

The PEC reminds the Human Rights Council of the resolution on the safety of journalists adopted by consensus in October last year and calls upon all its Members to fully implement it.

Thank you, Madame President.

Geneva, 12 March 2021

10.03.2021. The PEC joins call for the UN Security Council to act against the killing of journalists in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) with the suport of the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) and 39 other civil society organizations from around the globe, in a letter to the UNSC and UNAMA, highlight the wave of journalists’ killings in Afghanistan and urge them to stand in solidarity with the Afghan journalists to help ensure their safety and media freedom given the role they play in a peaceful and democratic transition during and after the ongoing peace negotiations.

Dear permanent and elected members of the UN Security Council and Deborah Lyons, Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan

Your Excellencies,

The Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) and undersigned civil society organizations, dedicated to the defense and promotion of free expression and the safety of journalists, are deeply concerned by the torrent of targeted killings of journalists in Afghanistan since early 2020. These attacks have had a devastating impact on Afghanistan’s vulnerable civic space, press freedom, and related democratic rights, and we write to urge you to take immediate action.

AFJC’s press freedom tracker has documented 11 journalists and media workers who have been killed in Afghanistan since the peace deal was signed between the United States and Taliban in February 2020. Most of these journalists were deliberately targeted for their work, which underscores the lack of effective human rights protections in the country. Among the eleven journalists are TV presenter Malala Maiwandwho was killed on Human Rights Day on December 10, 2020 with her driver, freelance photojournalist Rahmatullah Nikzad, who was killed in Ghazni province on December 21, 2020, and Besmillah Adel Aimaq, a radio journalist who was killed in Central Ghor province on January 1, 2021.

Media freedom and freedom of expression are human rights recognized under international legal conventions that Afghanistan is a party to, as well as domestic law. Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights protects the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas, while enforcement of Afghan Media Laws ensuring the security of journalists and media outlets is a fundamental responsibility of the Afghan government. Although some efforts have been made by the government to protect and uphold these rights, they have not been sufficient to prevent violations, and prosecute the perpetrators of violence against journalists. The Afghan government has made repeated pledges to ensure the security of Afghan civilians, yet there remains a culture of impunity for those responsible for carrying out targeted killings of journalists.

In response to this failure, AFJC and 200 journalists published a letter in July 2020 to Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and called on the government to end this worrying trend. Likewise, in December 2020, an EU delegation representing 8 EU member states plus Australia, Canada, the NATO Mission to Afghanistan, Norway, the United Kingdom and the U.S. Mission based in Kabul condemned the targeted and unlawful attacks on representatives of the media and called on the state to investigate and prosecute those who target these individuals with violence and immediately end impunity for killings.

We believe that strong and concerted political action from the United Nations Security Council and increased support from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan are now essential, given their interest in a peaceful transition and the role that a free press plays in this endeavour. Targeting journalists creates a societal ripple effect of fear and censorship and deprives the public of crucial information about the peace process. Therefore, we request that the UN Security Council stand against the ongoing impunity for attacks against journalists in Afghanistan.

We, the undersigned organizations, call on the United Nations Security Council and UNAMA to support the media community by calling on all parties to stop violence against journalists in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2222 (2015) and other established UN standards for the protection of journalists in conflicts and warzones. Among these are the 2012 UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, which also calls for the need to “strengthen provisions for the safety of journalists in conflict zones” (paragraph 5.24).

With these calls to action in mind, and in light of the distinctive threats faced by journalists outlined above, the Council should:

Use every diplomatic power at their disposal to ensure the protection of press freedom and the safety of journalists and media workers as a group of civilians under the imminent threat of physical violence in Afghanistan today and in the event that the peace deal results in a new political settlement;

• Intensify efforts to protect journalists in Afghanistan, in particular working together with the government to take serious actions to end impunity and pressure the perpetrators to cease targeting journalists;

• Scrutinize and reconsider international financial support to the Afghan government, to ensure meaningful commitments to protect media freedom and the rule of law.

• Encourage the international community to offer and strengthen practical and accessible support to threatened journalists and media workers, such as safe passage, refuge, and medical assistance where necessary


Afghanistan Journalists Center(AFJC)

ARTICLE 19 - International

Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain(ADHRB)

Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA)

World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC) - International

Bytes for All (B4A) - Pakistan

Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) - Cambodia

Community Media Solutions – United Kingdom

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) - International

Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) - International

Federation of Media Employee Association (FMETU) - Sri Lanka 

Foundation for Press Freedom - FLIP - Columbia

Free Media Movement (FMM)- Srilanka

Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) - Nepal

FORUM ASIA - International

Free Press Unlimited (FPU) - International

Freedom Forum - Nepal

Freedom House - International

Fundamedios - Andean Foundation for Media Observation and Study – Latin America

Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) -International

Globe International Center - Mongolia

Initiative for Freedom of Expression(IFOX) – Turkey

Independent Journalism Center (IJC)- Moldova

Indian Journalists Association (IJU) - India

International Press Centre (IPC) - Nigeria

International Press Institute (IPI) - International

Media Development Investment Fund - International

Media Watch - Bangladesh

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) – West Africa

Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) – Southern Africa

Media Rights Agenda (MRA) - Nigeria

National Union of Journalists - India 

Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) - International

PEN Canada - Canada

PEN International - International

PEN Norway - Norway

Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) – Pacific Islands

Pakistan Press Foundation(PPF) - Pakistan

Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) - International

Southeast Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) – Eastern Europe

Vigilance for Democracy and the Civic State - Tunisia

04.03.2021. PEC press release (French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic after English)

In one year, at least 840 journalists have died from Covid-19

Geneva, March 4, 2021 (PEC) In one year, at least 840 journalists have died from Covid-19 in 68 countries, more than 2 per day on average,

the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced on Thursday in Geneva. This is the heaviest toll in the media community since World War II.

“The PEC deplores this large number of victims from the coronavirus and sends its condolences to families and colleagues. It is essential that now journalists can have rapid access to vaccination so that they can do their work in the field without endangering their lives”, said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen. “We hope that numbers, still very high in January-February, will start to drop”, he added..

The total number of victims is certainly higher, as the cause of death of journalists is sometimes not specified or their death not announced. In some countries, there is no reliable information.

More than half in Latin America

From March 2020 to the end of February 2021, of the 840 journalists who succumbed to the virus, more than half died in Latin America, 458 in

total in 18 countries. Asia follows with 151 dead in 17 countries, ahead of Europe 147 in 16 countries, North America 45 (2 countries), and

Africa 39 in 15 countries.

The strongest increase since the start of 2021 has taken place in Brazil with the death of nearly 50 journalists from the Covid-19 in two months,

which can be explained by a particularly chaotic political situation.

Peru remains the country with the heaviest death toll, with 108 media workers who have died from the coronavirus since March 2020. Brazil is

in second place with 102 victims, ahead of Mexico, which deplores 87 journalists who died from Covid-19.

India follows with 56 dead. Italy is the most bereaved European country with 46 journalist’s deaths. Bangladesh follows with 44.

In the United States, 44 victims of Covid-19 have been counted among the media, then Ecuador 42 dead. In Colombia, 37 journalists were killed

by the virus, then Great Britain with 26 deaths, ahead of Pakistan with 23 deaths. In Turkey, 21 deaths from the virus have been recorded. Next

are Panama (16), Ukraine (14), Bolivia (also 14), Russia (13), Spain (12).

Afghanistan has 9 victims as well as Argentina. In the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nigeria, South Africa, and Venezuela 8 casualties were


In Egypt, France, and Nicaragua, six journalists have died in each country. Guatemala deplores 4 deaths.

Three journalists died in each of these countries: Cameroon, Iran, Morocco, Nepal, Salvador, Sweden, and Zimbabwe.

Two deaths are known in the following countries: Algeria, Cuba, Indonesia, Paraguay, and Portugal.

Finally, the PEC has identified at least one death among media workers in the following 28 countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Benin, Belgium,

Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Germany, Ghana, Iraq (Kurdistan), Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan,

Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay.

The origin of the infection is often difficult to determine, and it is not possible to differentiate journalists who have become infected at work from

those who have been infected in their private lives.

The PEC tally is based on information from local media, national associations of journalists and regional PEC correspondents.

Communiqué de presse PEC

En un an, au moins 840 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19

Genève, le 4 mars 2021 (PEC) Au moins 840 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 68 pays en un an, soit en moyenne plus de deux par jour, a annoncé mercredi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). C’est le pire bilan pour la communauté des médias depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale.

« La PEC déplore ce grand nombre de victimes du coronavirus et adresse ses condoléances à leurs familles et collègues. Il est essentiel que les journalistes aient maintenant rapidement accès à la vaccination de manière qu’ils puissent travailler sans danger sur le terrain », a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. « Nous espérons que désormais les chiffres, encore très élevés en janvier et février, vont commencer à baisser », a-t-il ajouté.

Le chiffre total des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas annoncée. Dans certains pays, il n’existe pas d’information fiable.

Plus de la moitié en Amérique latine

De mars 2020 à fin février 2021, sur les 840 journalistes qui ont succombé au virus, plus de la moitié sont morts en Amérique latine, soit 458 dans 18 pays. L’Asie suit avec 151 morts dans 17 pays, devant l’Europe 147 morts dans 16 pays, l’Amérique du Nord 45 (2 pays) et l’Afrique avec 39 décès du Covid-19 dans 15 pays.

La hausse la plus forte depuis le début de 2021 a eu lieu au Brésil avec le décès des suites du Covid-19 de près de 50 journalistes en deux mois, ce qui s'explique par une situation politique particulièrement chaotique.

Le Pérou reste le pays avec le bilan le plus lourd : 108 travailleurs des médias y sont décédés du coronavirus depuis mars 2020. Le Brésil est au second rang avec 102 victimes, devant le Mexique qui déplore 87 journalistes morts du Covid-19.

L’Inde suit avec 56 morts. L’Italie est le pays européen le plus endeuillé avec 46 journalistes morts du nouveau coronavirus. Suit le Bangladesh avec 44 morts.

Aux États-Unis, 44 victimes du Covid-19 ont été dénombrées parmi les médias. En Equateur, 42 journalistes sont morts. La Colombie suit avec 37 décès, devant la Grande-Bretagne (26 morts), et le Pakistan avec 23 morts. En Turquie, 21 décès du virus ont été recensés. Suivent le Panama (16), l’Ukraine (14), la Bolivie (aussi 14), la Russie (13) et l’Espagne (12).

En Afghanistan et en Argentine, 9 victimes ont été dénombrées. L’Afrique du Sud, le Honduras, le Nigeria, la République dominicaine et le Venezuela comptent chacun 8 victimes.

En Égypte, en France et au Nicaragua, six journalistes sont décédés des suites du Covid-19. Le Guatemala déplore 4 morts.

Trois journalistes sont décédés dans chacun de ces pays : Cameroun, Iran, Maroc, Népal, Salvador, Suède et Zimbabwe.

Deux décès sont connus dans les pays suivants : Algérie, Cuba, Indonésie, Paraguay et Portugal.

Enfin, la PEC a identifié au moins un décès dans les 28 pays suivants : Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Belgique, Bénin, Bulgarie, Canada, Chili, Émirats arabes unis, Ghana, Irak (Kurdistan), Israël, Japon, Jordanie, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Liban, Mozambique, Ouganda, Pologne, République démocratique du Congo, Suisse, Tadjikistan, Tchéquie, Togo, Uruguay.

L’origine de l’infection est souvent difficile à déterminer et il n’est pas possible de différencier les journalistes qui se sont infectés au travail de ceux qui ont été contaminés dans leur vie privée.

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias locaux, des associations nationales de journalistes et des correspondants régionaux de la PEC.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC

En un año, al menos 840 periodistas han muerto a causa de Covid-19

Ginebra, 4 de marzo de 2021 (PEC) - Al menos 840 periodistas han muerto por Covid-19 en 68 países en un año, un promedio de más de dos fallecidos al día, según anunció el jueves en Ginebra la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, Press Emblem Campaign por sus siglas en inglés). Se trata del peor número de muertos en el campo profesional de los medios de comunicación desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

«La PEC lamenta el gran número de víctimas del coronavirus y hace llegar sus condolencias a sus familias y colegas. Es esencial que los periodistas tengan ahora un acceso rápido a la vacunación para que puedan trabajar con seguridad sobre el terreno», declaró el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen. «Esperamos que a partir de ahora las cifras, que seguían siendo muy altas en enero y febrero, empiecen a bajar», añadió.

El número total de víctimas es seguramente más elevado, porque a veces no se especifica la causa de la muerte de los periodistas o, en su defecto, no se anuncia su fallecimiento. En algunos países, no hay información fiable.

Más de la mitad en América Latina

Desde marzo de 2020 hasta finales de febrero de 2021, de los 840 periodistas fallecidos por el virus, más de la mitad murieron en América Latina, 458 en 18 países. Le siguió Asia, con 151 muertes en 17 países, por delante de Europa, con 147 muertes en 16 países ; viene enseguida América del Norte, con 45 muertos (2 países) y África, con 39 muertes en 15 países.

El mayor aumento desde principios de 2021 se produjo en Brasil, donde murieron cerca de 50 periodistas en dos meses, debido a una situación política especialmente caótica.

Perú sigue siendo el país con el mayor número de víctimas mortales: 108 trabajadores de los medios de comunicación han muerto allí por el coronavirus desde marzo de 2020. Brasil ocupa el segundo lugar, con 102 víctimas, por delante de México, donde han muerto 87 periodistas por la Covid-19.

La India le sigue con 56 muertes. Italia es el país europeo más afectado, con 46 periodistas muertos por el nuevo coronavirus. Bangladesh le sigue con 44 muertos, en Ecuador murieron 42 periodistas.

En Estados Unidos, se contaron 44 víctimas de Covid-19 entre los medios de comunicación. Le sigue Colombia, con 37 muertes, por delante de Gran Bretaña (26 muertes) y Pakistán, con 23 muertes. En Turquía se registraron 21 muertes por el virus. Les siguieron Panamá (16), Ucrania (14), Bolivia (también 14), Rusia (13) y España (12).

En Afganistán y Argentina se contabilizaron 9 víctimas. La República Dominicana, Honduras, Nigeria, Sudáfrica y Venezuela tuvieron 8 víctimas cada uno.

En Egipto, Francia y Nicaragua, seis periodistas murieron a consecuencia de Covid-19. Guatemala lamenta 4 muertes.

Tres periodistas murieron en cada uno de estos países: Camerún, Irán, Marruecos, Nepal, El Salvador, Suecia y Zimbabue.

Se conocen dos muertes en los siguientes países: Argelia, Cuba, Indonesia, Paraguay y Portugal.

Por último, la PEC ha identificado al menos una muerte en los siguientes 28 países: Alemania, Arabia Saudí, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bélgica, Benín, Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Ghana, Irak (Kurdistán), Israel, Japón, Jordania, Kazajistán, Kenia, Kirguistán, Líbano, Mozambique, Polonia, República Checa, República Democrática del Congo, Suiza, Tayikistán, Togo, Uganda y Uruguay.

El origen de la infección suele ser difícil de determinar y no es posible diferenciar entre los periodistas que se infectaron en el trabajo y los que lo hicieron en su vida privada.

El recuento de la PEC se basa en la información de los medios de comunicación locales, las asociaciones nacionales de periodistas y los corresponsales regionales del PEC.

Comunicado de imprensa PEC

Ao menos 840 jornalistas morreram de Covid-19 em um ano

Genebra, 4 de Março, 2021 (PEC) Em um ano, ao menos 840 jornalistas morreram de Covid-19 em 68 países – uma média de mais de 2 por dia – anunciou a Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) nesta Quinta-feira em Genebra. Este é o pior registro para a comunidade da mídia desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

“A PEC lamenta este grande número de vítimas do coronavírus e envia seus pêsames às famílias e colegas. É essencial agora que jornalistas tenham pronto acesso à vacinação para que possam continuar seu trabalho de campo sem arriscar suas vidas”, disse o Secretário-Geral da PEC, Blaise Lempen. “Esperamos que os números, ainda muito altos em Janeiro e Fevereiro, comecem a cair”, adicionou.

O número total de vítimas é certamente maior; por vezes a causa do óbito de jornalistas não é especificada, ou suas mortes não são publicadas.

Em alguns países não há informações confiáveis.

Mais da metade na América Latina

De Março de 2020 até o fim de Fevereiro de 2021, dos 840 jornalistas que sucumbiram ao vírus, mais da metade encontrava-se na América

Latina – 458 no total, em 18 países da região. A Ásia aparece em seguida com 151 mortos em 17 países, à frente da Europa com 147 vítimas em

16 países, América do Norte com 45 (em 2 países), e 39 mortos na África, distribuídos em 15 países.

O aumento de casos mais dramático desde o começo de 2021 ocorreu no Brasil, com a morte de quase 50 jornalistas por Covid-19 em apenas

dois meses, o que pode ser explicado por uma situação política particularmente caótica.

O Peru continua sendo o país com o maior número de mortos: 108 profissionais da mídia morreram por causa do coronavírus desde março de

2020. O Brasil está em segundo lugar com 102 vítimas, à frente do México, que deplora 87 jornalistas que morreram de Covid-19.

A Índia vem em seguida com 56 mortos. A Itália é o país europeu mais afetado com 46 jornalistas mortos pelo novo coronavírus. Bangladesh

vem depois com 44 óbitos.

Nos Estados Unidos foram registradas 44 vítimas de Covid-19 entre profissionais de mídia. Após temos o Equador com 42 mortos. A Colômbia

vem depois com 37 mortos pelo vírus, à frente do Reino Unido com 26 óbitos, seguido do Paquistão, com 23. Na Turquia foram registradas

21 mortes causadas pelo vírus. Os próximos são o Panamá (16), a Ucrânia (14), a Bolívia (também 14), a Rússia (13) e a Espanha (12).

O Afeganistão conta 9 vítimas, bem como a Argentina. República Dominicana, Honduras, Nigéria, África do Sul e Venezuela apresentam

8 óbitos cada.

Egito, França e Nicarágua tiveram seis jornalistas mortos em cada país. A Guatemala vela por 4 falecimentos.

Três jornalistas morreram em cada um dos seguintes países: Camarões, Irã, Marrocos, Nepal, El Salvador, Suécia e Zimbábue.

Foram registradas duas mortes nos seguintes países: Argélia, Cuba, Indonésia, Paraguai e Portugal.

Por fim, a PEC identificou ao menos um óbito nos próximos 28 países: Áustria, Azerbaijão, Benim, Bélgica, Bulgária, Canadá, Chile, República

 Tcheca, República Democrática do Congo, Alemanha, Gana, Iraque (Curdistão), Israel, Japão, Jordânia, Cazaquistão, Quênia, Quirguistão,

Líbano, Moçambique, Polônia, Arábia Saudita, Suíça, Tadjiquistão, Togo, Uganda, Emirados Árabes e Uruguai.

A origem dos contágios é frequentemente incerta e não é possível diferenciar jornalistas que contraíram a infecção no trabalho daqueles que

foram infectados em suas vidas privadas.

A contagem da PEC baseia-se em informações de mídias locais, associações nacionais de jornalistas e correspondentes regionais.

بيان صحفي – حملة الشارة

كورونا تحصد على الأقل 840 صحفيا في عام واحد

حنيف في 4 مارس 2021 (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية أن وياء كورونا قد أدى إلى وفاة على الأقل 840 صحفياً في 68 دولة بمعدل 2 صحفي في اليوم، ويمثل هذا الرقم أعلى معدل للوفيات بين الصحفيين منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. 

وطالب سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان مجدداً بتوفير امصال اللقاح للصحفيين حتى يتمكنوا من أداء مهامهم في آمان، متميناً هبوط أرقام الضحايا من الصحفيين وهي عالية للغاية خلال يناير وفبراير 2021.

وقالت حملة الشارة أن نصف العدد على الأقل من مارس 2020 إلى نهاية فبراير 2021 قد توفوا من الوباء في أمريكا اللاتينية أي 458 في 18 دولة. تأتي آسيا بعد ذلك: 151 في 17 دولة، ثم أوروبا 146 في 16 جولة، فأمريكا الشمالية: 45 في دولتين فإفريقيا 39 في 15 دولة. 

وأكبر الزيادة في الوفيات وقعت خلال شهرين في البرازيل بوفاة نحو 50 في شهرين، ربما بسبب الأوضاع السياسية المضطربة. 

وبيرو هي أكثر الدول تضرراً بوفاة 108 منذ مارس 2020، تأتي بعدها البرازيل: 102، والمكسيك 87.

وتأتي الهند بعد ذلك: 55، وإيطالبا أكثر الدول الأوروبية تضرراً: 46، وبنجلاديش: 44.

في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: 44، ثم إكوادور: 42، كولومبيا: 37، أنجلترا: 26، باكستان: 23، تركيا: 21، بنما: 16، أوكرانيا:14، بوليفيا: 14، روسيا: 13، أسبانيا: 12. 

تأتي بعد ذلك أفغانستان والأرجنتين كل منهما 9، و 8 في كل من جمهورية الدومينكان وهندوراس ونيجيريا وجنوب إفريقيا وفنزويلا.

 ستة توفوا في كل من مصر وفرنسا ونيكارجوا وجواتيمالا 4.

وقتل 3 من الصحفيين في كل من الكاميرون وإيران والمغرب ونيبال والسلفادور والسويد وزيمبابوي.

وقتل 2 من الصحفيين في الجزائر وكوبا وإندونيسيا وباراجواي والبرتغال. 

كما قتل صحفي واحد في 28 دولة: النسما، اذربيجان، بنين، بلجيكا، بلغاريا، كندا، شيلي، وجمهورية التشيك، وجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، وألمانيا، وغانا، وكردستان والعراق، وإسرائيل، واليابان، الأردن، كازاخستان، كينيا، كيرجستان، لبنان، موزامبيق، بولنده، و السعودية، وسويسرا، وتاجيكستان، وتوجو، وأوغندا، والإمارات، وأوروجواي. 

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقع حملة الشارة

26.02.2021.HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 46th session. PEC video statement item 2 General Debate. The PEC is very concerned by the devastating impact of Covid-19 on press freedom.

General Assembly

Human Rights Council 46th session

Item 2 General Debate

Madame President,

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) thanks the High Commissioner for Human Rights for her comprehensive report on the Impact of the coronavirus disease pandemic on the enjoyment of human rights around the world (A/HRC/46/19).

The PEC is very concerned by the devastating impact of the pandemic on press freedom. Covid-19 had a triple negative effect on the media: on their business, with huge losses of revenues and jobs, on their capacity to inform freely, with numerous restrictions in several countries, and on their staff, with thousands of journalists contaminated and hundreds killed by the virus.

As an organization aiming at strengthening the legal protection and the safety of journalists around the world, the PEC is appalled by the increasing verbal, online and physical attacks against journalists during the pandemic, threats, arbitrary detentions, restrictions on access as well as intimidations.

Covid-19 has a disproportionate effect on the profession of journalism. The PEC has documented the death of at least 830 journalists in one year due to the coronavirus.

The PEC calls upon all UN Member States 1) to guarantee a safe and free environment for the work of journalists who are informing on the pandemic, 2) to ensure an early vaccination for all journalists on the frontline and 3) to extend financial aid to the bereaved families of media staff killed by the virus.

Thank you, Madame President.

Geneva, 25 February 2021

17.02.2021. INDIA. PEC lauds New Delhi’s gesture to corona media victims - Global tally reaches 800, India at 55 corona media casualties

Geneva/ Guwahati, 17 February 2021 (PEC). The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), a Switzerland based media watchdog, lauded the Indian Union government in New Delhi for exercising a massive corona-vaccination program and also extending financial aids to the bereaved families of media corona warriors.

The acclaimed forum urges other nations to follow the example and go for an early vaccination for journalists.

Mentionable is that Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government has decided to offer rupees five lakh (USD 6500) each for kin of 39 journalists who succumbed to Covid-19 complications since March 2020, as proposed by the journalist welfare committee under the Press Information Bureau (PIB), an official media organ of the government.

“Appreciating New Delhi, we continue to reiterate that the novel corona virus infections have taken away the precious lives of over 800 journalists in 66 countries and still counting that reminds the necessity of precautions and also supports to the victims. India remains in fourth position of the list of media corona victims, preceded by Peru (108 casualty), Brazil (95) and Mexico (86),” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

India is followed by Italy (45 dead), Bangladesh (44), Ecuador (42), USA (41), UK (25), Pakistan (23), Turkey (21), Colombia (21), Panama (16), Ukraine (14), Bolivia (14), Russia (13), Spain (11) in the PEC list of journo-victims due to the pandemic.

Offering heartfelt condolences to families and colleagues of the deceased, the forum asks media persons to take vaccinations at the earliest.

PEC’s India representative Nava Thakuria pointed out that at least 16 corona journo-victim families in the country are still deprived of the concerned government benefits. They should immediately apply (http://pibaccreditation.nic.in/jws/default.aspx) for the same, concluded Thakuria.

15.02.2021. PEC press release: PEC expresses concern over complete internet shut down in Myanmar

Geneva/Guwahati, 15 February 2021 (PEC). After the military coup in Myanmar on 1 February, the junta has now cut down

internet services across the south-east Asian country from Monday seemingly to start an aggressive military action against

millions of pro-democracy Burmese protesters and thus put their securities in danger, said Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), a

Switzerland based media watchdog.

Local sources in Myanmar (earlier known as Burma) confirmed that the military generals have deployed armed personnel

across the country as anti-coup protest-demonstrations continued to hit the streets. After arresting Nobel laurate pro-democracy

icon Daw Aung San Suu Kyi along with hundred others, the military authority has imposed the near-total internet shutdown in

the country.

“Myanmar based journalists have faced a major challenge to perform their duties in newfound restrictions under the military

rule. It seems the military generals have declared an undeclared war against its own people. The development will only ruin the

prospect of Myanmar emerging as a sustained multi-party democracy,” said Blaise Lempen, secretary-general of PEC.

The military authority under senior general Min Aung Hlaing earlier temporarily restricted fixed telephone lines, mobile

services, internet connections in different parts of Myanmar and later it was restored in staggered manners. Armoured vehicles

were seen in several places including its present capital Naypyidaw, former capital Yangon, ancient capital Mandalay, etc.

Reports are pouring about military accesses against the protesters.

“Lately the top general Hlaing, who is dreaming of becoming the Presidential, announced that he would arrange free and fair

general elections after the completion of one year emergency period. But not subscribing his promises, many journalists now

seek to leave Myanmar for their neighbouring nations like Thailand, India, Bangladesh, etc,” said Nava Thakuria, PEC India’s

representative with an extra responsibility on Myanmar.

International reactions remain spontaneous. The UN Human Rights Council on Friday adopted unanimously a resolution calling

for the state of emergency to be lifted and for the immediate and unconditional release of all those arbitrarily detained in

Myanmar. US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed about the nation and agreed in resolving

that the rule of law and democratic process should be upheld urgently in the country of golden pagodas.

03.02.2021. PEC press release. More and more victims: at least 735 journalists have died from Covid-19

(French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic after English)

Geneva, February 3, 2021 (PEC) The Covid-19 is claiming more and more victims in the media community. At least 735 journalists have died

from Covid-19 in 63 countries in 11 months, or 66 per month on average, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced on Wednesday in


Of the 735 journalists who have died from Covid-19 since March 1, 2020, Latin America leads with 375 victims. Asia follows with 148 dead,

ahead of  Europe 137, North America 39 and Africa 36.

The largest increases in the number of victims during the month of January 2021 were recorded in Brazil and Mexico.


At the end of December, the PEC had counted 602 victims, the difference of 133 deaths in one month marks an acceleration in the number of

deaths from Covid-19 (113 in December, 47 in November). However, not all died in January: several deaths have occurred in the previous weeks

and were registered only late.

Of the January victims whose ages are known, half were over 60 when they died, the other half between 30 and 60 (4 between 30 and 40).

Peru remains the country with the heaviest death toll, with 95 media workers who have died from the coronavirus since March. Mexico is in

second place with 84 victims, ahead of Brazil, which deplores 77 journalists who died from Covid-19. In Asia India follow with 54 dead,

then Bangladesh (44).

Italy is the most bereaved European country with 44 journalists dead from the novel coronavirus. Ecuador follows with 42 dead.

In the United States, 38 victims of Covid-19 have been counted among the media. Pakistan follows with 23 deaths from Covid-19, ahead of

Great Britain with 22 deaths. In Turkey, 21 deaths from the virus have been recorded. Next Ukraine (14), Panama (12), Russia (also 12),

Bolivia (11) and Colombia (10).

Afghanistan and Spain each have 9 victims. In the Dominican Republic 8 casualties were counted. Nigeria and South Africa are the most affected

 countries in Africa by the pandemic, with 8 and 7 victims respectively.

Seven deaths were counted in Argentina and 7 in Honduras. In Egypt, Nicaragua and Venezuela, six journalists have died in each country.

In France, five journalists have died from Covid-19.

Three journalists died in each of these countries: Cameroon, Guatemala, Iran, Nepal, El Salvador and Zimbabwe.

Two deaths are known in the following countries: Algeria, Indonesia, Morocco, Paraguay, Portugal and Sweden.

Finally, the PEC has identified at least one death in the following 24 countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile,

Democratic Republic of Congo, Germany, Iraq (Kurdistan), Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Poland,

Saudi Arabia,  Switzerland, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay.

Access to vaccines

The PEC deplores this large number of victims from the coronavirus and sends its condolences to families and colleagues. The PEC supports

initiatives taken in several countries to give media workers rapid access to immunization.

“Because of their profession, journalists who go into the field to inform are particularly exposed to the virus. Some of them, especially the

freelancers, cameramen and photographers, cannot only work from home, ” said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

The actual number of victims is certainly higher, as the cause of death of journalists is sometimes not specified or their death not announced.

In some countries, there is no reliable information.

The origin of the infection is often difficult to determine, and it is not possible to differentiate journalists who have become infected at work

from those who have been infected in their private lives.

The PEC tally is based on information from local media, national associations of journalists and regional PEC correspondents.

Communiqué de presse PEC

De plus en plus de victimes: au moins 735 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19

Genève, le 3 février 2021 (PEC) Le Covid-19 fait de plus en plus de victimes dans le monde des médias. Au moins 735 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 63 pays en 11 mois, soit en moyenne 66 par mois, a annoncé mercredi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC).

Sur les 735 journalistes décédés du Covid-19 depuis le 1er mars 2020, l’Amérique latine arrive en tête avec 375 victimes. L’Asie suit avec 148 morts, devant l’Europe 137, l’Amérique du Nord 39 et l’Afrique 36.

Les plus fortes augmentations dans le nombre de victimes au cours du mois de janvier 2021 ont été enregistrées au Brésil et au Mexique.


A fin décembre, la PEC avait dénombré 602 victimes. La différence de 133 morts en un mois représente une accélération du nombre de décès du Covid-19 (113 de plus en décembre, 47 en novembre). Toutefois, tous ne sont pas morts en janvier: plusieurs décès ont eu lieu lors des semaines précédentes et ont été enregistrés seulement avec retard.

Parmi les victimes du mois de janvier dont on connaît l’âge, la moitié avait plus de 60 ans lors de son décès, l’autre moitié entre 30 et 60 ans (4 entre 30 et 40 ans).

Le Pérou reste le pays avec le bilan le plus lourd, soit 95 travailleurs des médias décédés du coronavirus depuis mars. Le Mexique est au second rang avec 84 victimes, devant le Brésil qui déplore 77 journalistes morts du Covid-19. Suivent en Asie l’Inde (54 morts) et le Bangladesh (44).

L’Italie est le pays européen le plus endeuillé avec 44 journalistes morts du nouveau coronavirus. Suit l’Equateur avec 42 morts.

Aux États-Unis, 38 victimes du Covid-19 ont été dénombrées parmi les médias. Le Pakistan suit avec 23 morts du Covid-19, devant la Grande-Bretagne avec 22 décès. En Turquie, 21 décès du virus ont été recensés. Suivent l’Ukraine (14), le Panama (12), la Russie (12 également), puis la Bolivie (11) et la Colombie (10).

En Afghanistan et en Espagne, 9 victimes ont été dénombrées. La République dominicaine compte 8 victimes. Le Nigeria et l’Afrique du Sud sont les pays africains les plus touchés par la pandémie, avec 8 et 7 victimes respectivement.

Sept décès ont été dénombrés en Argentine et 7 au Honduras. En Égypte, au Nicaragua et au Venezuela, six journalistes sont décédés dans chaque pays. En France, cinq journalistes sont morts du Covid-19.

Trois journalistes sont décédés dans chacun de ces pays: Cameroun, Guatemala, Iran, Népal, Salvador et Zimbabwe.

Deux décès sont connus dans les pays suivants: Algérie, Indonésie, Maroc, Paraguay, Portugal et Suède.

Enfin, la PEC a identifié au moins un décès dans les 24 pays suivants: Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Belgique, Bulgarie, Canada, Chili, Émirats arabes unis, Irak (Kurdistan), Israël, Japon, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Liban, Mozambique, Ouganda, Pologne, République démocratique du Congo, Suisse, Tadjikistan, Togo, Uruguay.

Accès aux vaccins

La PEC déplore ce grand nombre de victimes du coronavirus et adresse ses condoléances aux familles et collègues. La PEC soutient les initiatives prises dans plusieurs pays pour donner aux travailleurs des médias un accès rapide à la vaccination.

«En raison de leur métier, les journalistes qui se rendent sur le terrain pour informer sont particulièrement exposés au virus. Certains d’entre eux, en particulier les indépendants, cameramen et photographes, ne peuvent pas seulement travailler à domicile», a expliqué le secrétaire-général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

Le chiffre réel des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas annoncée. Dans certains pays, il n’existe pas d’information fiable.

L’origine de l’infection est souvent difficile à déterminer et il n’est pas possible de différencier les journalistes qui se sont infectés au travail de ceux qui ont été contaminés dans leur vie privée.

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias locaux, des associations nationales de journalistes et des correspondants régionaux de la PEC.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC 


Cada vez más víctimas: al menos 735 periodistas murieron por Covid-19

Ginebra, 3 de febrero de 2021 (PEC).- El Covid-19 está cobrando cada vez más víctimas en el mundo de los medios. Al menos 735 periodistas

han muerto por la pandemia en 63 países en 11 meses, haciendo un promedio de 66 muertes por mes, anunció en Ginebra este miércoles la

Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés).

De los 735 periodistas que han muerto a causa de la Covid-19, desde el 1 de marzo de 2020 hasta la fecha, América Latina lidera el camino con

375 víctimas. Le sigue Asia con 148 muertos, por delante de Europa (137), América del Norte (39) y África (36).

Los mayores incrementos en el número de víctimas durante el mes de enero de 2021 se registraron en Brasil y México.


A fines de diciembre de 2020, la PEC había contabilizado 602 víctimas. La diferencia de 133 muertes en un mes representa una aceleración

en el número de muertes por Covid-19 (113 muertos más en diciembre, contra 47 en noviembre). Sin embargo, no todos murieron en enero:

se han producido varias muertes en las semanas anteriores y solo se registraron tardíamente.

De las víctimas de enero cuyas edades se conocen, la mitad tenía más de 60 años cuando murieron, la otra mitad entre 30 y 60 años (4 entre 30 y


Perú sigue siendo el país con el mayor número de víctimas, han sido 95 los trabajadores de los medios que han muerto por el coronavirus desde

marzo. México ocupa el segundo lugar con 84 víctimas, por delante de Brasil, que deplora a 77 periodistas que murieron por Covid-19. En Asia

le siguen India (54 muertos) y Bangladesh (44).

Italia es el país europeo más desconsolado con 44 periodistas muertos por el nuevo coronavirus. Ecuador le sigue con 42 muertos.

En los Estados Unidos, se han contabilizado 38 víctimas de Covid-19 entre los medios. Pakistán le sigue con 23 muertes por Covid-19, por

delante de Gran Bretaña con 22 muertes. En Turquía, se han registrado 21 muertes por el virus. Le siguen Ucrania (14), Panamá (12), Rusia

(también 12), luego Bolivia (11) y Colombia (10).

En España y Afganistán se contabilizaron 9 víctimas. República Dominicana tiene 8 víctimas. Nigeria y Sudáfrica son los países africanos más

afectados por la pandemia, con 8 y 7 víctimas respectivamente. Se contabilizaron siete muertes en Argentina y siete en Honduras. En Egipto,

Nicaragua y Venezuela, seis periodistas han muerto en cada país.

En Francia se conoce la muerte de cinco periodistas del Covid-19. Tres periodistas murieron en cada uno de estos países: Camerún, Guatemala,

Irán, Nepal, El Salvador y Zimbabwe.

Se conocen dos muertes en los siguientes países: Argelia, Indonesia, Marruecos, Paraguay, Portugal y Suecia.

Finalmente, la PEC ha identificado al menos una muerte en los siguientes 24 países: Alemania, Arabia Saudita, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bélgica,

Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Irak (Kurdistán), Israel, Japón, Kazajstán, Kenia, Kirguistán, Líbano, Mozambique, Uganda,

Polonia, República Democrática del Congo, Suiza, Tayikistán, Togo, Uruguay.

Acceso a vacunas

La PEC igualmente deplora este gran número de víctimas del coronavirus y envía sus condolencias a sus familiares y compañeros. La PEC apoya

 las iniciativas tomadas en varios países para brindar a los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación un acceso rápido a la inmunización.

“Por su profesión, los periodistas que salen al campo para informar están particularmente expuestos al virus. Algunos de ellos, especialmente los

autónomos, camarógrafos y fotógrafos, no pueden trabajar solo desde casa”, dijo el secretario general de PEC, Blaise Lempen.

El número real de víctimas es ciertamente mayor, porque a veces no se especifica la causa de la muerte de los periodistas o no se anuncia su

muerte. En algunos países, no existe información confiable.

El origen de la infección suele ser difícil de determinar y no es posible diferenciar a los periodistas que se han infectado en el trabajo de los que

se han infectado en su vida privada.

El recuento de PEC se basa en información de los medios locales, las asociaciones nacionales de periodistas y los corresponsales regionales de


Comunicado de imprensa PEC

Mais e mais vítimas: ao menos 735 jornalistas morreram de Covid-19

Genebra, 3 de Fevereiro de 2021 (PEC) A Covid-19 está fazendo mais e mais vítimas entre a comunidade midiática. Ao menos 735 jornalistas

morreram de Covid-19 em 63 países durante 11 meses – 66 por mês em média – conforme divulgado pela “Press Emblem Campaign” (PEC)

nesta Quarta-feira, em Genebra.

Destes 735 jornalistas que morreram de Covid-19 desde 1o de Março de 2020, 375 vítimas atuavam na América Latina, que lidera a contagem.

A Ásia vem em seguida com 148 mortos, à frente da Europa, com 137, América do Norte com 39 e África com 36.

Os maiores aumentos no número de vítimas durante o mês de Janeiro de 2021 foram registrados no Brasil e no México.


No final de Dezembro, a PEC havia contado 602 vítimas. O acréscimo de 133 mortes em um único mês marca uma aceleração no número de

mortes por Covid-19 (foram 113 em Dezembro e 47 em Novembro de 2020). No entanto, parte das mortes computadas em Janeiro ocorreram

nas semanas anteriores e tiveram um registro tardio.

Das vítimas de Janeiro cujas idades são conhecidas, metade tinha mais de 60 anos no momento do óbito. A outra metade tinha entre 30 e 60,

sendo que 4 falecidos tinham entre 30 e 40 anos.

O Peru segue como o país com as maiores perdas, com 95 profissionais de mídia mortos em decorrência do coronavírus desde Março. O México

está no segundo lugar com 84 vítimas, à frente do Brasil, que vela a morte de 77 jornalistas mortos por Covid-19.

Na Ásia, a Índia aparece em seguida com 54 mortos, depois vem Bangladesh com 44.

A Itália é o país Europeu mais enlutado, com 44 jornalistas mortos pelo novo coronavírus. O país seguinte é o Equador, com 42 mortos.

Nos Estados Unidos foram registradas 37 vítimas de Covid-19 entre o setor de mídia. Em seguida temos Paquistão com 23 mortes por Covid-19,

à frente da Grã-Bretanha com 22 mortes. Na Turquia foram registradas 21 mortes causadas pelo vírus. Em seguida vem a Ucrânia (14),

Panamá (12), Rússia (também 12), Bolívia (11) e Colômbia (10).

Na Espanha e Afeganistão foram contadas 9 vítimas cada. República Dominicana têm 8 causalidades. Sete mortes foram registradas tanto na

Argentina quanto em Honduras. Egito, Nicarágua e Venezuela contam 6 mortes cada. Na França, cinco jornalistas morreram de Covid-19.

Três jornalistas morreram em cada um destes países: Camarões, Guatemala, Irã, Nepal, El Salvador e Zimbábue.

Duas mortes foram informadas nos seguintes países: Argélia, Indonésia, Marrocos, Paraguai, Portugal e Suécia.

Por fim, a PEC identificou ao menos uma morte em cada um destes 24 países: Alemanha, Arábia Saudita, Azerbaidjão, Bélgica, Bulgária,

Canadá, Chile, República Democrática do Congo, Iraque (Curdistão), Israel, Japão, Cazaquistão, Quênia, Quirguistão, Líbano, Moçambique,

Polônia, Suíça, Tajiquistão, Togo, Uganda, Emirados Árabes Unidos e Uruguai.

Acesso a vacinas

A PEC se enluta por este grande número de vítimas do coronavírus e envia seus pêsames às famílias e colegas. A PEC apoia iniciativas tomadas

em diversos países para fornecer rápido acesso à imunização aos trabalhadores do setor de mídia.

“Devido à sua profissão, jornalistas de campo estão particularmente expostos ao vírus. Alguns, como autônomos (“freelancers”), cinegrafistas

e fotógrafos não podem realizar exclusivamente teletrabalho”, afirmou o Secretário-Geral da PEC, Blaise Lempen.

O número real de vítimas é certamente maior, pois a causa do óbito dos jornalistas muitas vezes não é especificada, ou suas mortes não são

publicadas. Em alguns países não há informações confiáveis.

Por vezes é difícil determinar a origem do contágio e não é possível identificar se o jornalista contraiu a infecção no trabalho ou em sua vida


A contagem da PEC é baseada em informações de mídias locais, associações nacionais de jornalistas e correspondentes regionais.

بيان صحفي

 735 صحفياً على الأقل تُوفوا من كورونا

جنيف في 3 فبراير (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف عن أن 735 صحفياً على الأقل قد تُوفوا من فيروس كورونا في 63 دولة في خلال 11 شهراً، بمعدل 66 شهرياً.

تأتي أمريكا اللاتينية في المقدمة مسجلة أعلى رقم للضحايا: 375، ثم آسيا 148، متقدمة في عدد الضحايا عن أوروبا، التي سجلت 137 وفاة، ثم أمريكا الشمالية 39، فإفريقيا 36. 

وقد رصدت الحملة في يناير أعلى زيادة في الوفيات في البرازيل والمكسيك.

ففي نهاية ديسمبر سجلت الحملة 602، وكانت الزيادة 133 في يناير 2021.

وتتراوح أعمار وفيات يناير من كورونا ممن تم التعرف على أعمارهم أن نصفهم فوق الستين والباقي ما بين 30 و60 و4 فقط ما بين 30 و40.

تظل بيرو هي الأعلى مسجلة 95 منذ مارس الماضي، ثم المكسيك 84، ثم البرازيل 77، وسجلت الهند 54 وبنجلاديش 44.

وتأتي إيطاليا في مقدمة الدول الأوروبية المتضررة: 44 والإكوادور: 42. ثم 38 في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، ثم باكستان 23، بريطانيا 22، تركيا 21، أوكرانيا 14، بنما 12، روسيا 12، بوليفيا 11 وكولومبيا 10. تأتي بعد ذلك إسبانبا: 9 في كلٍ من أفغانستان وجمهورية الدومينكان و8 في نيجيريا و7 في جنوب إفريقيا التي تعد أكثر الدول الإفريقية تضرراً في القارة الإفريقية. 

ووقعت 7 حالات وفاة في كلٍ من الأرجنتين وهندوراس، و6 في كل من نيكاراجواوفنزويلا ومصر، و5 في فرنسا.

وتُوفى 3 صحفيين في كلٍ من الكاميرون وجواتيمالا وإيران ونيبال والسلفادور وزيمباوي.

وتُوفى 2 في كلٍ من الجزائر وإندونيسيا والمغرب وباراجواي والبرتغال والسويد.

وتُوفى صحفي واحد في 22 دولة: النمسا، أذربيجان، بلجيكا، بلغاريا، كندا، شيلي، جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، ألمانيا، كردستان العراق، إسرائيل، اليابان، كازاخستان، لبنان، بولنده، السعودية، سويسرا، توجو، أوغندا وأوروجواي.

وتتقدم حملة الشارة الدولية بالعزاء إلى كل أسر الضحايا وتؤيد المبادرات في عدة دول لتوفير التطعيم السريع للصحفيين. 

وشرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن الصحفيين الذين يغطون انتشار الوباء لا يمكنهم العمل من منازلهم طوال الوقت. 

للمزيد من المعلومات رجاء تصفح موقع الحملة:


05.01.2021. PEC press release. More than 600 journalists died from Covid-19 in ten months in 2020

French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic after English - list of victims on our page COVID-19

For Russian, go to: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/10407779

Geneva, January 5, 2021 (PEC) More than 600 journalists died of Covid-19 in 59 countries in ten months in 2020,

that is to say 60 per month, or two per day on average, announced Tuesday in Geneva the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC).

Of the 602 journalists who have died from Covid-19 since March 1, 2020, Latin America leads with more than half of the

victims, or 303 deaths. Asia follows with 145 dead, ahead of Europe 94, North America 32 and Africa 28.

Financial aid, access to vaccines

The PEC supports, when necessary, requests for financial assistance for the families of journalists who have died from

Covid-19. It also shares the view that media workers should have priority access to immunization upon request.

“Because of their profession, journalists who go into the field to testify are particularly exposed to the virus. Some of them,

specially freelancers and photographers, can't just work from home”, said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

Peru remains the country with the heaviest death toll, with 93 media workers who have died from the coronavirus since

March (according to the Peruvian National Association of Journalists). Brazil is second with 55 victims, ahead of India

(53 dead) and Mexico (45 dead).

Ecuador follows with 42 dead and Bangladesh 41. Italy is the most bereaved European country with 37 journalists dead

from Covid-19.

In the United States, 31 victims of Covid-19 have been counted among the media. Pakistan comes next with 22 dead,

followed by Turkey 17, Great Britain 13, Panama 11 and Bolivia 9 deaths.

Afghanistan, Dominican Republic, Nigeria and Russia each have 8 victims, followed by Argentina, Colombia, Honduras

7 deaths in each country. In Nicaragua, Spain and Venezuela, six journalists have died in each country. In France, five deaths

from Covid-19 have been announced.

Three journalists died from Covid-19 in each of these countries: Cameroon, Egypt, Guatemala, Iran, Nepal, Salvador, South

Africa and Zimbabwe.

Two deaths are known in the following countries: Algeria, Indonesia, Morocco, Paraguay, Portugal and Sweden.

Finally, the PEC has identified at least one death in the following 21 countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria,

Canada, Chile, Democratic Republic of Congo, Germany, Iraq (Kurdistan), Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan,

Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Uganda, Tajikistan, Togo, and Uruguay.

Largest increases

In December, the largest increases were recorded in Brazil (+12 in one month) and Mexico (+11). The difference between

the 489 victims recorded until the end of November by the PEC and the 602 until December 31 does not mean that 113

journalists died from the coronavirus in December: indeed, deaths from previous weeks were only known and recorded in

December in some countries (such as in Italy, Pakistan and Turkey).

The actual number of victims is certainly higher, as the cause of journalists' deaths is sometimes not specified or their deaths

not announced. In some countries, there is no reliable information.

The origin of the infection is often difficult to determine, and it is not possible to differentiate journalists who become

infected at work from those who have been infected in their private lives.

The PEC tally is based on information from local media, national associations of journalists and regional PEC


Communiqué de presse PEC

Plus de 600 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en dix mois en 2020

Genève, le 5 janvier 2021 (PEC) Plus de 600 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 59 pays en dix mois en 2020, soit 60 par mois, ou deux par jour en moyenne, a annoncé mardi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC).

Sur les 602 journalistes décédés du Covid-19 depuis le 1er mars 2020, l’Amérique latine arrive en tête avec plus de la moitié des victimes, soit 303 décès. L’Asie suit avec 145 morts, devant l’Europe 94, l’Amérique du Nord 32 et l’Afrique 28.

Aide financière, accès aux vaccins

La PEC soutient les demandes d’aide financière, lorsque c’est nécessaire, pour les familles des journalistes morts des suites du Covid-19. Elle partage également le point de vue selon lequel les travailleurs des médias devraient avoir accès à la vaccination en priorité, à leur demande.

«En raison de leur métier, les journalistes qui se rendent sur le terrain pour informer sont en effet particulièrement exposés au virus. Certains d’entre eux, en particulier les indépendants et les photographes, ne peuvent pas seulement travailler à domicile», a affirmé le secrétaire-général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

Le Pérou reste le pays avec le bilan le plus lourd, soit 93 travailleurs des médias décédés du coronavirus depuis mars (selon l’Association nationale péruvienne des journalistes). Le Brésil est au second rang avec 55 victimes, devant l’Inde (53 morts) et le Mexique (45 morts).

Suivent l’Equateur 42 morts et le Bangladesh 41. L’Italie est le pays européen le plus endeuillé avec 37 journalistes morts du nouveau coronavirus.

Aux États-Unis, 31 victimes du Covid-19 ont été dénombrées parmi les médias. Le Pakistan vient ensuite avec 22 morts, puis la Turquie (17) et la Grande-Bretagne (13). Suivent le Panama (11) et la Bolivie (9).

L’Afghanistan, le Nigeria, la République dominicaine et la Russie comptent chacun 8 victimes, puis l’Argentine, la Colombie, le Honduras 7 décès dans chaque pays. En Espagne, au Nicaragua et au Venezuela, six journalistes sont décédés dans chaque pays. En France, cinq morts du Covid-19 ont été annoncés.

Trois journalistes sont décédés du Covid-19 dans chacun de ces pays: Afrique du Sud, Cameroun, Égypte, Guatemala, Iran, Népal, Salvador et Zimbabwe.

Deux décès sont connus dans les pays suivants: Algérie, Indonésie, Maroc, Paraguay, Portugal et Suède.

Enfin, la PEC a identifié au moins un décès dans les 21 pays suivants: Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Autriche, Azerbaïdjan, Belgique, Bulgarie, Canada, Chili, Irak (Kurdistan), Israël, Japon, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Liban, Ouganda, République démocratique du Congo, Suisse, Tadjikistan, Togo, Uruguay.

Plus fortes hausses

En décembre, les plus fortes hausses ont été recensées au Brésil (+12 en un mois) et au Mexique (+11). La différence entre les 489 victimes dénombrées jusqu’à fin novembre par la PEC et les 602 jusqu’au 31 décembre ne veut pas dire que 113 journalistes sont morts du coronavirus en décembre: en effet, des décès lors des semaines précédentes ont seulement été connus et comptabilisés en décembre dans certains pays (comme en Italie, en Turquie et au Pakistan).

Le chiffre réel des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas annoncée. Dans certains pays, il n’existe pas d’information fiable.

L’origine de l’infection est souvent difficile à déterminer et il n’est pas possible de différencier les journalistes qui se sont infectés au travail de ceux qui ont été contaminés dans leur vie privée.

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias locaux, des associations nationales de journalistes et des correspondants régionaux de la PEC.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC

Más de 600 periodistas murieron a causa de Covid-19 en diez meses en 2020

Ginebra, 5 de enero de 2021 (PEC).- Más de 600 periodistas murieron por la Covid-19 en 59 países en diez meses en 2020 (o sea 60 por mes, o dos por día), en promedio, anunció la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, Press Emblem Campaign por sus siglas en inglés) este martes.

De los 602 periodistas que han muerto por Covid-19, desde el 1 de marzo de 2020, América Latina lidera con más de la mitad de las víctimas (o sea, 303 muertes). Le sigue Asia con 145 muertos, por delante de Europa (94), América del Norte (32) y África 28.

Asistencia financiera, acceso a vacunas

La PEC respalda las solicitudes de asistencia financiera, cuando sea necesario, para las familias de los periodistas que han muerto a causa de la Covid-19. También comparte la opinión de que los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación deberían tener acceso prioritario a la inmunizacion cuando así lo soliciten.

« Debido a su profesión, los periodistas que salen al campo para informar están, de hecho, particularmente expuestos al virus. Algunos de ellos, especialmente los independientes y los fotógrafos, no pueden simplemente trabajar desde casa », dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

Perú sigue siendo el país con el mayor número de muertos, con 93 trabajadores de los medios que han fallecido por el coronavirus desde marzo (según la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú). Brasil ocupa el segundo lugar con 55 víctimas, por delante de India (53 muertos) y México (45 muertos).

Ecuador tiene 42 muertos y Bangladesh 41. Italia es el país más desconsolado de Europa con 37 periodistas muertos.

En los Estados Unidos, 31 víctimas de Covid-19 se han contabilizado entre los medios. Le sigue Pakistán, con 22 muertos, luego Turquía (17) y Gran Bretaña (13). Luego vienen Panamá (11) y Bolivia (9).

Afganistán, Nigeria, República Dominicana y Rusia tienen 8 víctimas cada uno, seguidos de Argentina, Colombia, Honduras, con 7 muertes en cada país. En España, Nicaragua y Venezuela han muerto seis periodistas en cada una de estas naciones. En Francia, se han anunciado cinco muertes por Covid-19.

Tres periodistas murieron en cada uno de estos países: Sudáfrica, Camerún, Egipto, Guatemala, Irán, Nepal, El Salvador y Zimbabwe.

Se conocen dos muertes en los siguientes países: Argelia, Indonesia, Marruecos, Paraguay, Portugal y Suecia.

Finalmente, la PEC ha identificado al menos una muerte en los siguientes 21 países: Alemania, Arabia Saudita, Austria, Azerbaiyán, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, Irak (Kurdistán), Israel, Japón, Kazajstán, Kenia, Kirguistán, Líbano, Uganda, República Democrática del Congo, Suiza, Tayikistán, Togo, Uruguay.

Mayores aumentos

En diciembre, los mayores incrementos se registraron en Brasil (+12 en un mes) y México (+11). La diferencia entre las 489 víctimas contabilizadas hasta finales de noviembre por la PEC y las 602, hasta el 31 de diciembre, no significa que 113 periodistas murieran por el coronavirus en diciembre: de hecho, solo se conocieron las muertes durante las semanas anteriores y fue hasta el mes de diciembre que se registraron tales hechos en algunos países (como Italia, Turquía y Pakistán).

El número real de víctimas es ciertamente mayor, ya que a veces no se especifica la causa de la muerte de los periodistas, o no se anuncia su muerte. En algunos países, no existe información confiable.

El origen de la infección es a menudo difícil de determinar y no es posible diferenciar a los periodistas que se infectan en el trabajo, de aquellos que se han infectado en su vida privada.

El recuento de la PEC se basa en información de los medios locales, asociaciones nacionales de periodistas y corresponsales regionales de PEC.

Comunicado de imprensa PEC

Mais de 600 jornalistas morreram de Covid-19 em dez meses em 2020

Genebra, 5 de Janeiro de 2021 (PEC) Mais de 600 jornalistas morreram de Covid-19 em 59 países em dez meses em 2020, o equivalente a 60 por mês, ou dois por dia em média, conforme anúncio da Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) nesta Terça-feira, em Genebra.

Dos 602 jornalistas que morreram de Covid-19 desde 1º de Março, 2020, mais da metade estava na América Latina, que lidera com 303 mortes. A Ásia vem em seguida com 145 mortes, à frente da Europa, com 94, América do Norte, 32, e África com 28 óbitos.

Ajuda financeira, acesso a vacinas

A PEC deplora as muitas mortes evitáveis e apóia, quando necessário, solicitações de assistência financeira para as famílias de jornalistas que morreram de Covid-19. Também compartilha do argumento pelo qual trabalhadores da mídia deveriam ter acesso prioritário à imunização quando solicitado.

“Devido a sua profissão, jornalistas que vão a campo testemunhar os acontecimentos estão particularmente expostos ao vírus. Alguns deles, especialmente autônomos e fotógrafos, não podem trabalhar em casa remotamente”, afirmou o Secretário-Geral da PEC, Blaise Lempen.

O Peru permanence como o país com a mais alta letalidade, contando 93 profissionais de mídia mortos pelo coronavírus desde Março (de acordo com a Associação Nacional Peruana de Jornalistas). O Brasil é o segundo com 55 vítimas, à frente da Índia (53 mortos) e México (45 óbitos).

Em seguida temos o Equador, com 42 mortos, e Bangladesh, com 41. A Itália é o país Europeu mais desolado, com 37 jornalistas mortos em decorrência da Covid-19.

Nos Estados Unidos foram contabilizadas 31 vítimas de Covid-19 no meio jornalístico. O Paquistão vem depois com 22 mortos, seguido pela Turquia, com 17, Reino Unido com 13 vítimas, Panamá com 11 e Bolívia com 9 mortes.

Afeganistão, República Dominicana, Nigéria e Rússia tiveram 8 vítimas cada, seguidos pela Argentina, Colômbia e Honduras com 7 mortes em cada país. Nicarágua, Espanha e Venezuela perderam seis jornalistas cada. Na França foram anunciadas 5 mortes por Covid-19.

Três jornalistas morreram de Covid-19 em cadaum dos seguintes países: Camarões, Egito, Guatemala, Irã, Nepal, Salvador, África do Sul e Zimbábue.

Tomou-se conhecimento de duas mortes em cada um destes países: Algéria, Indonésia, Marrocos, Paraguai, Portugal e Suécia.

Finalmente, a PEC identificou ao menos uma morte em cada um destes 21países : Áustria, Azerbaijão, Bélgica, Bulgária, Canadá, Chile, República Democrática do Congo, Alemanha, Iraque (Curdistão), Israel, Japão, Cazaquistão, Quênia, Quirguistão, Líbano, Arábia Saudita, Suíça, Uganda, Tajiquistão, Togo e Uruguai.

Maiores altas

Em Dezembro, as maiores altas foram registradas no Brasil (+12 mortes em um mês) e México (+11). A diferença entre as 489 vítimas identificadas no fim de Novembro pela PEC e as 602 reconhecidas em 31 de Dezembro não significa que 113 jornalistas morreram por coronavírus em Dezembro: de fato, mortes ocorridas em semanas anteriores somente foram registradas em alguns países em Dezembro (como na Itália, Paquistão e Turquia).

O número real de vítimas é certamente mais alto – por vezes as causas de morte de jornalistas não são especificadas ou suas mortes não são anunciadas. Em alguns países não há informação confiável.

Frequentemente é difícil determinar a origem do contágio e não é possível separar jornalistas que adoeceram por causa do trabalho de jornalistas que contraíram a infecção em suas vidas privadas.

A contagem da PEC é baseada em informações das respectivas mídias locais, associações nacionais de jornalistas e correspondentes regionais.

أكثر من 600 صحفى تُوفوا من الكورونا خلال عشرة أشهر فى 2020


جنيف 5 يناير 2021 (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها فى جنيف عن أن أكثر من 600 صحفى تُوفوا من كورونا فى 2020 بمعدل 60 شهرياً وبمتوسط 2 يومياً.


وقد رصدت فى ديسمبر أعلى زيادة فى الوفيات فى البرازيل بزيادة 12 فى شهر واحد وفى المكسيك بزيادة 11، ومنذ مارس 2020 فإن أمريكا اللاتينية صاحبة النصيب الأكبر فى الوفيات الصحفية من كورونا بوفاة 303، ثم آسيا 145، وأوروبا 94، فأمريكا الشمالية 32 ثم إفريقيا 28.


وتطالب حملة الشارة الدولية بتوفير التطعيم للصحفيين، وأشار سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أنه لابد من معاملة الصحفيين بسبب مهنتهم كمجموعة لها الأولوية مثل الأطباء وأعضاء التمريض والعاملين فى قطاع النقل.


تظل بيرو أكثر الدول تضرراً بوفاة 93 من الصحفيين هناك منذ مارس 2020 طبقاً لنقابة الصحفيين الوطنية فى بيرو، ثم تأتى البرازيل بعدها: 55، ثم الهند 53، فالمكسيك 45، فإكوادور 42، وبنجلاديش 41 وإيطاليا التى تعد أكثر الدول الأوروبية تضرراً 37، الولايات المتحدة 31، باكستان 22، تركيا 17، بريطانيا 13، بنما ،11 بوليفيا 9. 


وتُوفى 8 صحفيين من كورونا فى كلٍ من أفغانستان وجمهورية الدومينكان ونيجيريا وروسيا، ثم 7 فى كلٍ من الأرجنتين وكولومبيا وهندوراس. وتُوفى 6 صحفيين فى نيكاراجوا وإسبانيا وفنزويلا، و5 فى فرنسا، و3 فى كلٍ من الكاميرون ومصر وجواتيمالا وإيران ونيبال والسلفادور وجنوب إفريقيا وزيمبابوي، ثم 2 فى كلٍ من الجزائر وإندونيسيا والمغرب وباراجواى والبرتغال والسويد.


وصحفى واحد فى كلٍ من النمسا وأذربيجان وبلجيكا وبلغاريا وكندا وشيلى وجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وألمانيا وكردستان العراقوإسرائيل واليابان وكازاخستان وكينيا وكارجستان ولبنان والمملكة العربية السعودية وسويسرا وأوغندا وطاجيكستان وتوجو وأوروجواي. 


وتطالب حملة الشارة الدولية بتوفير الدعم المادى للصحفيين الذين تُوفوا من كورونا، إذ يصعب تحديد منبع العدوى، هل هى إصابة عمل أم عدوى خارج العمل. 


لمزيد من المعلومات رجاء تصفح:


04.01.2021. PEC welcomes decision not to extradite Julian Assange, but...

Geneva/London, January 4 (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the decision of UK Judge Vanaissa Baraitser not to extradite Julian Assange from the United Kingdom to the United States. But the fight goes on: he must be freed for humanitarian reasons and the legal battle must end.

Assange suffered too long without a fair trial. After 11 years in isolation, first in the Ecuadorian mission in London, then in Belmarsh prison, his health has dramatically deteriorated. The judge recognized the fact that he cannot been extradited, but the US can appeal the decision.

It is only a partial victory: the UK judge has not considered the fact that the EwikiLeaks founder’ investigative journalism was in defense of freedom of expression and the fight against impunity. Baraitser has denied extradition only on the grounds of Assange’s mental health and his autism, and the fact that he is a suicide risk. In other words, the principled arguments for freeing Assange have been decisively rejected.

We should be deeply worried by the legal arguments Baraitser advanced in denying extradition. The U.S. demand for extradition was rejected on what was effectively a technicality. The U.S. mass incarceration system is so obviously depraved that, it was shown conclusively by experts at the hearings back in September, Assange would have been at grave risk of suicide should he become another victim of its jails.

Significantly, Judge Baraitser backed all the Trump administration’s main legal arguments for extradition, even though they were comprehensively demolished by Assange’s lawyers.

Baraitser accepted the U.S. government’s dangerous new definition of investigative journalism as “espionage”, and implied that Assange had also broken Britain’s draconian Official Secrets Act in exposing government war crimes.

She accepted that protecting sources – as Assange did for whistle-blower Chelsea Manning, an essential obligation on journalists in a free society – now amounts to criminal “hacking”. She trashed free speech and press freedom rights, saying they did not provide “unfettered discretion by Mr Assange to decide what he’s going to publish”.

She appeared to approve of the ample evidence showing that the U.S. spied on Assange inside the Ecuadorian embassy, both in violation of international law and his client-lawyer privilege – a breach of his most fundamental legal rights that alone should have halted proceedings.

She argued that Assange would receive a fair trial in the U.S., even though it was almost certain to take place in the eastern district of Virginia, where the major U.S. security and intelligence services are headquartered. Any jury there would be dominated by U.S. security personnel and their families, who would have no sympathy for Assange.

So as we celebrate this ruling for Assange, we must also loudly denounce it as an attack on press freedom, as an attack on our hard-won collective freedoms, and as an attack on our efforts to hold the U.S. and U.K. establishments accountable for the values, principles and laws they themselves profess to uphold.

Even as we are offered with one hand a small prize in Assange’s current legal victory, the establishment’s other hand seizes much more from us.

The case is adjourned until Wednesday morning Jan. 6 for a bail hearing.

The PEC was one of the first organizations to sign the appeal to free Julian Assange. For a year more than 1600 journalists sign the statement and speak up for the WikiLeaks founder. His platform reveals documents of public interest and journalists must not be prosecuted for doing their investigative job.


10.12.2020 updated 31.12.2020. PEC press release: India and Mexico most dangerous countries in 2020

French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic after English - list of victims and graphs on: CASUALTIES

For Russian, read the versions of the Tass agency (10/12/2020 and 18/12/2020): https://tass.ru/obschestvo/10219603


Geneva, December 10, updated December 31 (PEC) India and Mexico have been the most dangerous countries for media work this year, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in its annual report in Geneva. The number of journalists killed increased by more than 22% compared to last year.

In total, since January, 92 media workers had been killed in 31 countries around the world (up from 75 last year). India leads with 15 assassinations (+12), ahead of Mexico where 12 journalists were killed (-1). Among the most dangerous countries are Pakistan (8 dead, unchanged), Afghanistan (7, -1), Honduras (5, unchanged), Iraq (5, +2), the Philippines (4, unchanged), and Syria (4, -2).

Three assassinations were recorded in Nigeria (+2), as well as in Venezuela (+3). The following countries deplore two victims: Brazil (unchanged), Colombia, Guatemala (+2), Liberia (+2), Somalia (+1).

Finally, one victim has been identified in the following countries: Argentina, Bangladesh, Barbados, Cambodia, Cameroon, Ecuador, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mozambique, Paraguay, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Turkey, and Yemen.

By region, Asia, with 38 dead (+11), is ahead of Latin America (30 victims, +4), the Middle East (12, +2), Africa (9, -1) and Europe (3, +1).

Of the 92 journalists murdered, 19 were in conflict zones (Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen). It seems that the pandemic has

helped to freeze some conflicts and also limit the movement of journalists to dangerous areas.

“Fewer journalists have died in areas of armed conflict this year, but too many of them have been targeted for their work in peaceful countries,”

commented PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen. While Mexico has been among the most dangerous countries for several years, the rise in

India is particularly worrying, with 12 more deaths in a year.

The PEC strongly condemns these attacks and calls for those responsible for these crimes to be brought to justice.

A very high price

In ten years, from 2011 to 2020, 1189 journalists were killed, or 118 per year, 2.26 per week, according to figures from the PEC.

More than 590 journalists have also died from Covid-19 since March (see our corona-ticker). Over the year, nearly 700 journalists died as a

result of the violence and the pandemic, a very heavy price, the worst since the Second World War.

The PEC figures are higher than those of other organizations because the PEC lists all killed media workers, whether or not their deaths are

related to their professional activity. It is indeed difficult to prove that a crime takes place due to the work of a journalist without independent

and comprehensive investigations which are often lacking in countries in conflict and shaken by violence.

For this, the creation of an independent investigative mechanism within the framework of the United Nations is essential to fill the gaps that

may exist at the national level in terms of prevention, protection and prosecution.

List of victims, graphs on: : https://pressemblem.ch/casualties.shtml

L’Inde et le Mexique pays les plus dangereux en 2020

Genève, 10 décembre, actualisé le 31 décembre (PEC) L’Inde et le Mexique ont été les pays les plus dangereux pour le travail des médias cette année, a indiqué à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) dans son rapport annuel. Le nombre de journalistes tués a augmenté de plus de 22% par rapport à l’an dernier.

Au total, depuis janvier, 92 travailleurs des médias ont été tués dans 31 pays dans le monde (contre 75 l’an dernier). L’Inde arrive en tête avec 15 assassinats (+12), devant le Mexique où 12 journalistes ont été tués (-2). Suivent parmi les pays les plus dangereux le Pakistan (8 morts, inchangé), l’Afghanistan (7, -1), le Honduras (5, inchangé), l’Irak (5, +2), les Philippines (4, inchangé), et la Syrie (4, -2).

Trois assassinats ont été recensés au Nigéria (+2), ainsi qu’au Venezuela (+3). Les pays suivent déplorent deux victimes : Brésil (inchangé), Colombie, Guatemala (+2), Liberia (+2), Somalie (+1).

Enfin, une victime a été identifiée dans les pays suivants : Argentine, Arabie saoudite, Bangladesh, Barbade, Cambodge, Cameroun, Egypte, Equateur, Indonésie, Iran, Mozambique, Paraguay, Russie, Suède, Turquie, Yémen.

Par région, l’Asie, avec 38 morts (+11), devance l’Amérique latine (30 victimes, +4), le Moyen-orient (12, +2), l’Afrique (9, -1) et l’Europe (3, +1).

Sur les 92 journalistes assassinés, 19 l’ont été dans des zones de conflit armé (Afghanistan, Irak, Somalie, Syrie, Yémen). La pandémie a contribué à geler certains conflits et à limiter aussi les déplacements de journalistes dans des zones dangereuses.

« Moins de journalistes sont morts dans des zones de conflit armé cette année, par contre beaucoup trop d’entre eux ont été ciblés pour leur travail dans des pays en paix », a commenté le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. Alors que le Mexique figure depuis plusieurs années parmi les pays les plus dangereux, la hausse en Inde est particulièrement inquiétante, avec 12 morts de plus en un an.

La PEC condamne fermement ces attaques et demande que les responsables de ces crimes soient traduits en justice dans les meilleurs délais.

Un très lourd tribut

En dix ans, de 2011 à 2020, 1189 journalistes ont été tués, soit 118 par année, 2,26 par semaine, selon les recherches de la PEC.

Plus de 590 journalistes sont morts par ailleurs du Covid-19 depuis le mois de mars (voir notre corona-ticker). Sur toute l’année, près de 700 journalistes sont ainsi décédés en raison de la violence et de la pandémie, un très lourd tribut, le pire bilan depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale.

Les chiffres de la PEC sont plus élevés que ceux d'autres organisations parce que la PEC recense tous les travailleurs des médias tués, que leur mort soit liée ou non à leur activité professionnelle. Il est en effet difficile de prouver qu'un crime a lieu en raison ou non du travail d'un journaliste sans enquêtes indépendantes et complètes qui font souvent défaut dans les pays en conflit et secoués par des violences.

La création d’un mécanisme d’enquête indépendant dans le cadre de l’ONU est à cet égard indispensable pour combler les lacunes qui peuvent exister au niveau national en matière de prévention, de protection et de poursuites.

Liste des victimes, graphiques sur : https://pressemblem.ch/casualties.shtml

India y México son los países más peligrosos en 2020

Ginebra, 10 de diciembre/actualizado 31 de diciembre (PEC).- India y México han sido los países más peligrosos para el trabajo con los medios este año, dijo la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (Press Emblem Campaign PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) en su informe anual, dado a conocer en Ginebra. El número de periodistas asesinados aumentó más de 22% en comparación con el año pasado.

En total, desde enero, 92 trabajadores de los medios de comunicación han sido asesinados en 31 países de todo el mundo (frente a los 75 del año pasado). India lidera con 15 asesinatos (+12), por delante de México donde fueron asesinados 12 periodistas (-1).

Entre los países más peligrosos se encuentran Pakistán (8 muertos, sin cambios), Afganistán (7, -1), Honduras (5, sin cambios), Irak (5, +2), Filipinas (4, sin cambios), y Siria (4, -2).

Se registraron tres asesinatos en Nigeria (+2), así como en Venezuela (+3).

Los siguientes países deploran a dos víctimas: Brasil (sin cambios), Colombia, Guatemala (+2), Liberia (+2), Somalia (+1).

Finalmente, se ha identificado una víctima en los siguientes países: Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Bangladesh, Barbados, Camboya, Camerún, Ecuador, Egipto, Indonesia, Iran, Mozambique, Paraguay, Rusia, Suecia, Turquía y Yemen.

 Por regiones, Asia, con 38 muertos (+11), se sitúa por delante de América Latina (30 víctimas, +4), Oriente Medio (12, +2), África (9, -1) y Europa (3, +1 ).

De los 92 periodistas asesinados, 19 se encontraban en zonas de conflicto (Afganistán, Irak, Somalia, Siria y Yemen). Parece que la pandemia ha ayudado a congelar algunos conflictos y también a limitar el movimiento de periodistas a zonas peligrosas.

“Menos periodistas han muerto en áreas de conflicto armado este año, pero muchos de ellos han sido atacados por su trabajo en países pacíficos”, comentó el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen. Si bien México ha estado entre los países más peligrosos durante varios años, el aumento en India es particularmente preocupante, con 12 muertes más en un año.

La PEC condena enérgicamente estos ataques y pide que los responsables de estos crímenes comparezcan ante la justicia.

Un precio muy alto

En diez años, de 2011 a 2020, fueron asesinados 1,189 periodistas; es decir, 118 por año, 2,26 por semana, según cifras de la PEC.

Más de 570 periodistas también han muerto a causa de Covid-19 desde marzo de este año (consulte nuestro corona-ticker). A lo largo del año, casi 700 periodistas murieron como resultado de la violencia y la pandemia, se trata de un precio muy alto, el peor desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Las cifras de la PEC son más altas que las de otras organizaciones dado que la PEC enumera a todos los trabajadores de los medios asesinados, independientemente de que sus muertes estén relacionadas, o no, con su actividad profesional. De hecho, es difícil probar que un crimen se comete por el trabajo de un periodista sin investigaciones independientes y exhaustivas que, a menudo, faltan en países en conflicto y están sacudidos por la violencia.

Para ello, la creación de un mecanismo de investigación independiente en el marco de Naciones Unidas es fundamental para llenar los vacíos que puedan existir a nivel nacional en materia de prevención, protección y persecución.

Comunicado de imprensa PEC

Índia e México são os países mais perigosos em 2020

Genebra, 10 de Dezembro/atualizada 31 de Dezembro (PEC) Índia e México foram os países mais perigosos para profissionais de mídia neste ano, afirmou a Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) em seu relatório anual. O número de jornalistas mortos aumentou 22% comparado ao ano anterior.

No total, desde Janeiro,
92 profissionais de mídia foram mortos em 31 países ao redor do mundo (foram 75 no ano passado). Índia lidera com 15 assassinatos (+12), a frente do México onde 12 jornalistas foram mortos (-1).

Entre os países mais perigosos estão Paquistão (8 mortos, mesmo número do ano passado), Afeganistão (6 mortos, 2 a menos que 2019), Honduras (5, mesmo número do ano passado), Iraque (5 óbitos, +2), Filipinas (4, mesmo número que 2019), e Siria (4, -2).

Três assassinatos foram registrados na Nigéria (+2), assim como na Venezuela (+3). Os seguintes países tiveram duas vítimas cada: Brasil (o mesmo que em 2019), Colômbia, Guatemala (+2), Libéria (+2) e Somália (+1).

Finalmente, uma vítima foi identificada em cada um dos seguintes países: Arábia Saudita, Argentina, Bangladesh, Barbados, Camboja, Camarões, Equador, Egito, Indonésia, Iran, Moçambique, Paraguai, Rússia, Suécia, Turquia e Iêmen.

Por região, a Ásia, com 38 mortos (+11), está a frente da América Latina (30 vítimas, +4 sobre o ano anterior), do Oriente Médio (12 fatalidades, +2), da África (9 mortos, um a menos) e da Europa (3 mortos, 1 a mais).

Dos 92 jornalistas mortos, 19 estavam em zonas de conflito (Afeganistão, Iraque, Somália, Síria e Iêmen). Aparentemente, a pandemia contribuiu para paralisar alguns conflitos e também limitar o movimento de jornalistas em áreas de perigo.

“Menos jornalistas morreram em áreas de conflito armado neste ano, mas muitos tornaram-se alvos por seu trabalho em países sem guerras”, comentou o Secretário Geral da PEC, Blaise Lempen. Enquanto o México figura entre os países mais perigosos há muitos anos, o destaque da Índia é particularmente preocupante, com mais 10 mortes em um ano.

A PEC veementemente condena esses ataques e clama para que os responsáveis por esses crimes sejam levados à justiça.

Um preço muito alto

Em dez anos, de 2011 a 2020, 1189 jornalistas foram mortos, ou 118 por ano e 2,26 por semana, de acordo com os números da PEC.

Mais de 590 jornalistas também morreram em decorrência da Covid-19 desde Março (veja nosso marcador-corona). Ao longo do ano, aproximadamente 700 jornalistas morreram em decorrência da violência e da pandemia, um preço muito alto, o pior desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Os números da PEC são maiores que os de outras organizações porque a PEC lista todos os trabalhadores de mídia assassinados, sejam as mortes relacionadas ao seu trabalho ou não. É de fato difícil provar que o crime decorre da atividade do jornalista sem investigações independentes e abrangentes, o que muitas vezes não ocorre em países mergulhados em conflitos ou violência.

Portanto, a criação de um mecanismo investigativo independente dentro dos quadros das Nações Unidas é essencial para preencher as deficiências que possam existir em nível nacional em termos de prevenção, proteção e persecução judicial.

Lista de vítimas em: :https://pressemblem.ch/casualties.shtml

التقرير السنوي لحملة الشارة

الهند والمكسيك أكثر الدول خطورة للعمل الصحفي في 2020

جني31 ديسمبر (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف في تقريرها السنوي لرصد حالة الصحفيين في عام 2020 أن كلا من الهند والمكسيك هما أكثر دول العالم خطورة للعمل الصحفي، وأن عدد القتلى من الصحفيين قد ارتفع بنسبة 22 بالمائة في العام الحالي بالمقارنة بالعام الماضي. 

وطبقاً للأرقام المرصودة من الحملة فإن 92 من العاملين في الصحافة والإعلام قد قُتِلوا منذ يناير في 31 دولة بالمقارنة بـ 75 في العام الماضي. تحتل الهند المرتبة الأولى باغتيال 15 صحفيا بزيادة 10 هذا العام، ثم المكسيك 11 بناقص 2، ثم باكستان 8، ثم أفغانستان 5 ناقص 3، ثم العراق 5 زائد 2، فالفلبين 4، فهندوراس 4 ناقص 1. وتم رصد 3 اغتيالات في نيجيريا وسوريا وفنزويلا و2 في كلٍ من البرازيل وجواتيمالا وليبريا والصومال. 

وضحية واحدة في كلٍ من الأرجنتين وبنجلاديش وباربادوس وكمبوديا والكاميرون وكولومبيا وإكوادور ومصر وإندونيسيا وموزمبيق وباراجواي وروسيا والمملكة العربية السعودية والسويد وتركيا واليمن.

تتصدر آسيا القائمة: 38 بزيادة 6، ثم أمريكا اللاتينية30 بزيادة 1، ثم الشرق الأوسط 12 بزيادة 2، ثم إفريقيا 9 بناقص 1، ثم أوروبا 3 بزيادة 1.

 من بين الـ 92 صحفيا قُتِل 19 في مناطق النزاع: أفغانستان، العراق، الصومال وسوريا.

يبدو أن وباء كورونا قد خفّف بعض النزاعات وقيد حركة الصحفيين إلى المناطق الخطرة. 

وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن العدد الأكبر من الصحفيين الذين قُتِلوا في السنة الحالية كان بسبب استهداف عملهم في دول تنعم بالسلام، مؤكداً أن حملة الشارة تدين هذه الجرائم ضد الصحفيين وتطالب بتقديم مرتكبيها للعدالة. 

ثمن غالٍ

في خلال عقد من الزمان 2010 إلى 2020 قُتِل 1189 صحفياً بمعدل 118 في السنة وأكثر من 2 في الأسبوع.

وطبقا لبيان حملة الشارة المؤرخ بـ 1 ديسمبر فإن نحو 590 صحفياً قد سقطوا ضحية للوباء منذ مارس الماضي وبلغ الإجمالي من جراء العنف والوباء نحو 700، وهو ثمن غالٍ للغاية والأسوأ منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية. 

وتواجه الحملة صعوبات في رصد الأعداد والتحقق من الجرائم ضد الصحفيين بدون توفر تحقيقات مستقلة وشاملة، وهي في العادة مفتقدة في الدول التي تعاني من نزاعات وتعصف بها أعمال العنف.

ولهذا فإن حملة الشارة الدولية تطالب بإقامة أجهزة تحقيق مستقلة في إطار الأمم المتحدة من أجل سد الفجوات على المستوى الوطني في تحقيق المنع والحماية وتقديم مرتكبي الجرائم ضد الصحفيين إلى المحاكمة. 

للمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح:


29.12.2020. PEC welcomes New Delhi’s gesture on media corona-victims

Geneva/Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the international media watchdog based in Switzerland, welcomes the latest initiative of Indian Union government in New Delhi to offer supports to the families of journalists, who died of Covid-19 complications. PEC believes that it would inspire other nations to adopt similar welfare programs for media corona-victims in the respective countries.

Mentionable is that Press Information Bureau, the government sponsored media organ in New Delhi, has been collecting applications from the families of corona-media victims with an aim to support them under the journalist welfare scheme. Affected families are advised to apply with
documents relating to the proof of working as a journalist, death certificate & medical document showing as Covid-19 victims and relevant income certificates or IT returns of the family.

India has lost 53 journalists till date since March to the novel corona virus infection aggravated ailments where as the global tally reached to 585. Till now Peru tops the list with 93 media-casualties, said Blaise Lempen, general secretary of PEC adding that Brazil (51 deaths), Mexico (42), Ecuador & Bangladesh (41 each), Italy (34), USA (30), Pakistan (22), Turkey (17), UK (12) follow India and Peru.

PEC’s country representative Nava Thakuria appreciates the initiative as various organizations including Journalists’ Forum Assam (JFA) requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to announce a financial package to each media victim family as a mark of respect to those corona-warriors. He also urges them to apply with the prescribed format (available on PIB’s website) addressing the additional director general, press facilities, PIB and send to <
prspib101@gmail.com> or <adgpf107@gmail.com>.

01.12.2020. PEC press release: Nearly 500 journalists have died from Covid-19 in nine months

(Spanish, French and Arabic after English) (List of victims on our page COVID-19)

Geneva, December 1, 2020 (PEC) Nearly 500 journalists have died from Covid-19 in 56 countries in nine months, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said in its monthly report on Tuesday. During the month of November, 47 more media workers succumbed to the coronavirus, compared to 22 known deaths in October.

“Unfortunately, the pandemic is claiming more and more victims in the media. It’s a huge loss. In countries like India, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, the number of victims among journalists is on the rise,” said PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen.

By region, of the 489 journalists who have died from Covid-19 since March 1, Latin America is leading with more than half of the victims,

or 276 deaths (25 more in a month). Asia follows with 125 dead (ten more), ahead of Europe (38 deaths, seven more), North America

(26, three more) and Africa (24, two more).

Peru remains the country with the heaviest death toll, where 93 media workers have died from coronavirus since March (according to the

Peruvian National Association of Journalists, unchanged). India is now the second worst affected country with 51 deaths (four more in a month).

Brazil took third place with 43 victims (seven more), ahead of Ecuador 41 dead (unchanged), Bangladesh (39 deaths, four more) and Mexico

(33 dead, seven more in a month).

The United States follows in seventh place with 25 victims (three more), ahead of Pakistan (12), Panama (11) and Bolivia (9). In the UK, the

most affected European country, two more journalists died in November, a total of 10 since March.

Next countries are Nigeria (8), Afghanistan (7), Dominican Republic (7), Honduras (7), Argentina (6, four more), Nicaragua (6), Venezuela (6),

then 5 dead in Colombia, 5 in France, 5 in Russia, 5 in Spain, and 4 in Italy.

Three journalists died from Covid-19 in each of these countries: Cameroon, Egypt, Guatemala, Iran, Nepal and El Salvador.

Two deaths are known in the following countries: Algeria, Indonesia, Morocco, Paraguay, South Africa and Sweden.

Finally, the PEC has identified at least one death in the following 21 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Democratic Republic

 of Congo, Germany, Iraq (Kurdistan), Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland ,Tajikistan,

Togo, Turkey, and Zimbabwe.

The average age of journalists who died in November (those whose age is known or three-quarters of the 47 recorded deaths) is 56. Just over

a third of the victims were under 60 years old.

The actual number of victims is certainly higher, as the cause of journalists' deaths is sometimes not specified or their deaths not announced.

Statistics can be misleading, because the countries that provide information are in the lead, while in other countries there is no reliable


The PEC tally is based on information from local media, national associations of journalists and regional PEC correspondents.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC: Casi 500 periodistas han muerto por la Covid-19 en nueve meses

Ginebra, 1 de diciembre de 2020 (PEC) Casi 500 periodistas han muerto a causa de la Covid-19 en 56 países durante nueve meses, dijo el martes

la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) en su informe mensual sobre la cuestión. Durante el mes de noviembre,

47 trabajadores de los medios más sucumbieron al coronavirus, en comparación con las 22 muertes conocidas en octubre.

“Desafortunadamente, la pandemia está cobrando cada vez más víctimas en los medios. Es una gran perdida. En países como India, Brasil,

Argentina y México, el número de víctimas entre los periodistas va en aumento”, dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

Por regiones, de los 489 periodistas que han muerto desde el 1 de marzo, América Latina lidera con más de la mitad de las víctimas, o 276

muertes (25 más en un mes). Le sigue Asia con 125 fallecidos (diez más), por delante de Europa (38 muertos, siete más), América del Norte

(26, tres más) y África (24, dos más).

Perú sigue siendo el país con el mayor número de muertos, con 93 trabajadores de los medios que han muerto por el coronavirus desde marzo

(según la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú, sin cambios). India es ahora el segundo país más afectado con 51 muertes

(cuatro más en un mes).

Brasil ocupó el tercer lugar con 43 víctimas (siete más), por delante de Ecuador con 41 muertos (sin cambios), Bangladesh (39 muertos,

cuatro más) y México (33 muertos, siete más en un mes).

Estados Unidos sigue en séptimo lugar con 25 víctimas (tres más), por delante de Pakistán (12), Panamá (11) y Bolivia (9). En el Reino Unido,

el país europeo más afectado, dos periodistas más murieron en noviembre, un total de 10 desde marzo.

Le siguen Nigeria (8), Afganistán (7), Honduras (7), República Dominicana (7), Argentina (6, cuatro más), Nicaragua (6), Venezuela (6), luego

5 muertes en Colombia, Francia, Rusia y España, y 4 en  Italia.

Tres periodistas murieron por Covid-19 en cada uno de estos países: Camerún, Egipto, Guatemala, Irán, Nepal y El Salvador.

Se conocen dos muertes en los siguientes países: Argelia, Indonesia, Marruecos, Paraguay, Sudáfrica, y Suecia.

Finalmente, la PEC ha identificado al menos una muerte en los siguientes 21 países: Alemania, Arabia Saudita, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria,

Canadá, Chile, Irak (Kurdistán), Israel, Japón, Kazajstán, Kenia, Kirguistán, Líbano, Portugal, República Democrática del Congo, Tayikistán,

Togo, Turquía, Suiza y Zimbabwe.

La edad promedio de los periodistas que murieron en noviembre (aquellos cuya edad se conoce, o tres cuartos de las 47 muertes registradas)

es 56. Poco más de un tercio de las víctimas tenían menos de 60 años.

El número real de víctimas es ciertamente mayor, ya que a veces no se especifica la causa de la muerte de los periodistas o no se anuncia

su muerte. Las estadísticas pueden ser engañosas, porque los países que brindan información están a la cabeza, mientras que en otros países

no hay información confiable.

El recuento de la PEC se basa en información de los medios locales, asociaciones nacionales y en datos enviados por periodistas y corresponsales

regionales de ella.

Communiqué de la PEC: Près de 500 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en neuf mois

Genève, 1er Décembre 2020 (PEC) Près de 500 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 dans 56 pays en neuf mois, a affirmé mardi la Presse

Emblème Campagne (PEC) dans son rapport mensuel. Au cours du mois de novembre, 47 travailleurs des medias de plus ont succombé au

coronavirus, contre 22 décès connus en octobre.

« Malheureusement, la pandémie fait toujours plus de victimes au sein des médias. C’est une grande perte. Dans des pays comme l’Inde,

le Brésil, l’Argentine et le Mexique, le nombre de victimes parmi les journalistes est en hausse », a précisé le secrétaire général de la PEC

Blaise Lempen.

Par région, sur les 489 journalistes décédés du Covid-19 depuis le 1er mars, l’Amérique latine est en tête avec plus de la moitié des victimes,

soit 276 décès (25 de plus en un mois). L’Asie suit avec 125 morts (dix de plus), devant l’Europe (38 décès, sept de plus), l’Amérique du Nord

(26, trois de plus) et l’Afrique (24, deux de plus).

Le Pérou reste le pays avec le bilan le plus lourd, soit 93 travailleurs des medias décédés du coronavirus depuis mars (selon l’Association nationale péruvienne des journalistes, inchangé). L’Inde est désormais le deuxième pays le plus touché avec 51 décès (quatre de plus en un mois).

Le Brésil a pris la troisième place avec 43 victimes (sept de plus), devant l’Equateur 41 morts (inchangé), le Bangladesh (39 décès, quatre de plus) et le Mexique (33 morts, sept de plus en un mois).

Les Etats-Unis suivent au septième rang avec 25 victimes (trois de plus), devant le Pakistan (12), le Panama (11) et la Bolivie (9). Au Royaume-Uni, pays européen le plus touché, deux journalistes de plus sont morts en novembre, soit 10 au total depuis mars.

Suivent le Nigéria (8), l’Afghanistan (7), le Honduras (7), la République dominicaine (7), l’Argentine (6, quatre de plus), le Nicaragua (6), le Venezuela (6), puis 5 morts en Colombie, France, Russie et Espagne, et 4 en Italie.

Trois journalistes sont décédés du Covid-19 dans chacun de ces pays : Cameroun, Egypte, Guatemala, Iran, Népal et Salvador.

Deux décès sont connus dans les pays suivants: Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Indonésie, Maroc, Paraguay et Suède.

Enfin, la PEC a identifié au moins un décès dans les 21 pays suivants: Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Canada, Chili,

Irak (Kurdistan), Israël, Japon, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Liban, Portugal, République démocratique du Congo, Tadjikistan, Togo,

Turquie, Suisse et Zimbabwe.

La moyenne d’âge des journalistes décédés en novembre (ceux dont on connaît l’âge, soit les trois quarts des 47 décès recensés) est de 56 ans.

Un peu plus du tiers des victimes avait moins de 60 ans.

Le chiffre réel des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car la cause des décès de journalistes n’est parfois pas précisée ou leur mort pas

annoncée. La statistique peut être trompeuse, parce que les pays qui informent sont en tête, alors que dans d’autres pays il n’y a pas

d’information fiable.

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias locaux, des associations nationales de journalistes et des correspondants

régionaux de la PEC.

بيان صحفي

كورونا يتسبب في مقتل نحو 500 صحفي

جنيف في 1 ديسمبر 2020 (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف عن مقتل نحو 500 صحفي بعد الإصابة بكورونا في 56 دولة خلال الأشهر التسعة الماضية، وفي نوفمبر قتل 47 من العاملين في مجال الصحافة والإعلام بالمقارنة بـ 22 خلال شهر أكتوبر.

وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز لمبان أن الوباء ينال المزيد من الضحايا بين الصحفيين، مشيراً إلى أن عدد الضحايا من الصحفيين في البرازيل والأرجنتين والمكسيك في تزايد.

وطبقا لنقابة الصحفيين في بيرو فإن 93 صحفيا قُتِلوا من الوباء منذ مارس، وهو الرقم الأعلى بين الدول. ثم تأتي الهند في المرتبة الثانية: 51 ضحية بزيادة 4 في شهر نوفمبر، ثم البرازيل 43 بزيادة 7، إكوادور: 41، بنجلاديش: 29 بزيادة 4، المكسيك: 33 بزيادة 7.

ثم تأتي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية: 25 بزيادة 3، باكستان: 12 بزيادة 1، بنما 11 وبوليفيا 9. وفي إنجلترا تُوفى 2 من الصحفيين ليكون إجمالى العدد في أكثر الدول الأوروبية تضرراً 10 من الصحفيين. فنيجيريا 8، أفغانستان 7، جمهورية الدومينيكان 7، هندوراس 7 الأرجنتين 6 بزيادة 4، نيكاراجوا 6، فنزويلا 6، ثم 5 في كلٍ من كولومبيا وروسيا وإسبانيا و فرنسا، و4 في إيطاليا.

كما قُتِل 3 من الصحفيين في كلٍ من إيران والكاميرون ومصر وجواتيمالا ونيبال والسلفادور. و2 في كلٍ من جنوب إفريقيا والجزائر وإندونيسيا والمغرب وباراجواي والسويد. ومقتل صحفي واحد في كلٍ من الـ 21 دولة التالية: النمسا، بلجيكا، بلغاريا، كندا، شيلي، جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، ألمانيا، كردستان العراق، إسرائيل، اليابان، كازاخستان، كينيا، كيرجيزتان، لبنان، البرتغال، المملكة العربية السعودية، سويسرا، طاجيكيستان، توجو، تركيا وزيمبابوي. 

أمريكا اللاتينية هي أكثر القارات تضرراً من وباء كورونا، حيث قُتِل من بين الإجمالي 489 من الصحفيين أكثر من نصف هذا العدد: 276 بزيادة 25 في الشهر الماضي، ثم آسيا: 124 بزيادة 9 ثم أوروبا: 37 بزيادة 7، فأمريكا الشمالية 26 بزيادة 3، فإفريقيا 24 بزيادة 2. 

وتشير الأرقام إلى أن متوسط عمر الصحفيين الذين قُتِلوا من كورونا هو 56، وأن ثلث العدد أقل من 60 عاما.

لمزيد من العملومات برجاء تصفح موقع الحملة: 

17.11.2020. PEC interview published by the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN): Journalist Deaths from COVID-19 Rise Seven-Fold; Nearly 500 Dead Worldwide.

Spanish and Portuguese below

By Rowan Philp

Back in May, when the COVID-19 pandemic was gaining strength and spreading worldwide, we took a look at the high toll on journalists in the crisis. Like health professionals, caregivers, and other essential workers, journalists face heightened risks as they pursue stories on the pandemic. 

We came across the Geneva-based Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), a nonprofit focused on press freedom and journalist safety, which was attempting to track confirmed COVID-19-related deaths among journalists globally. By May 5, the PEC had recorded 64 deaths in 24 countries, a number it said was almost certainly an undercount. We checked back with the PEC this week to see its latest data. 

The numbers are rather grim: As of November 15, the toll had risen to at least 462 journalists lost to COVID-19, from 56 countries — a more than seven-fold increase. Since that time, the number of total worldwide pandemic deaths has risen five-fold, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

Latin American countries account for more than half the tally of journalist deaths, with a recent surge striking India and Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, the PEC has found that most recent deaths involve reporters under the age of 60. One journalism group in Bangladesh told GIJN that an increasing fear of layoffs has meant that many reporters are taking additional infection risks, including congregating in newsrooms that have not been altered for social distancing.

In an interview with GIJN, Blaise Lempen, PEC secretary general, said the true tally was likely much higher than 462, as researchers were limited to cases officially confirmed to be virus-related, through testing or certification.

Their count shows that Peru’s journalism community has been the hardest hit, with 93 reporter deaths, followed by India with 47, Ecuador with 41, and Brazil with 36. 

“By region, Latin America leads by far with more than half of the victims, or 251 deaths,” said Lempen. “Thousands of reporters have been infected with the virus, and the death of more than 450 media workers over a period of months is an unprecedented loss for the profession.”

“We fear a hundred more victims by the end of the year,” Lempen added. “But in some countries, like in Europe, journalists have now learned to take essential precautions such as wearing a mask, keeping a distance, avoiding direct contacts and travel, and we have seen a decrease in casualties among them.”

Lempen said India and Bangladesh had suffered a sharp increase in reporter deaths in the past few months compared to the first half of the pandemic, but noted that mortality rates remained far worse in several Latin American countries, given their smaller population sizes compared to India and Bangladesh.

“What surprises me is that, contrary to common belief, many journalists have died relatively young,” he said. “Since early October, more than half of these journalists were under 60 — in their 40s or 50s — according to our count. It is always difficult to know the origin of the infection, but many have been infected at work.”

Individual profiles on the Poynter Institute’s tribute page underscore the youthfulness of many recent journalist victims.

The PEC has recorded 35 reporter deaths in Bangladesh. In addition, the Dhaka-based journalism group Our Media, Our Rights, has counted 1,010 COVID-19 infections from 191 media houses in Bangladesh, as well as 942 recoveries

“I knew many of the journalists who have died,” says Ahammad Foyez, who is the coordinator of Our Media, Our Rights and a senior staff correspondent for the Dhaka newspaper New Age.

Foyez is concerned that mounting economic pressures — including the fear of layoffs — are forcing staff reporters to take greater infection risks both in the field and within newsrooms.

“A large number of journalists are attending their offices to secure their jobs, as a huge number of media workers have lost their jobs during the pandemic,” he said. “Some are doing office work even when colleagues there are positive for COVID-19. Media houses should make guidelines immediately on how they cover events and the seating arrangements within the offices.”

“All of these are tragic,” Lempen said of the human toll, but he pointed to the death of Bolivian TV presenter Marcos Montero on September 30 as symbolic of the loss the industry has suffered.

After his diagnosis on May 25, Bolivian journalists rallied with public appeals for plasma for Montero. “He died after a four-month struggle with the virus,” Lempen said.

Making matters worse is the attitude of certain political leaders, he added,  singling out the presidents of Brazil and the United States: “I personally regret that political leaders like Donald Trump or Jair Bolsonaro are so oblivious that they endanger the journalists they speak to.”

Reportear en pandemia: aumentan más de siete veces las muertes de periodistas por COVID-19

Rowan Philip (GIJN)

En mayo, cuando la pandemia del COVID-19 se fortalecía y esparcía en todo el mundo, observamos los estragos que causó a los periodistas en medio de la crisis. Al igual que los profesionales de la salud, cuidadores y otros trabajadores esenciales, los periodistas enfrentan grandes riesgos al investigar reportajes sobre la pandemia.

En ese entonces nos topamos con la Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), una organización sin fines de lucro ubicada en Ginebra, que se centra en la libertad de prensa y la seguridad de los periodistas, la cual intentaba rastrear 19 muertes confirmadas relacionadas con el COVID-19 de periodistas de todo el mundo. Hasta el 5 de mayo, la PEC había registrado 64 muertes en 24 países, una cantidad que casi sin dudas es conservadora. Comprobamos esta semana los datos de la PEC para tener información más reciente.

Las cifras son bastante desalentadoras: para el 15 de noviembre, la cifra había alcanzado al menos 462 periodistas fallecidos por COVID-19 en 56 países, aumentando más de siete veces. La cantidad de muertes por la pandemia en total en todo el mundo también ha aumentado siete veces, según el Centro de Recursos sobre el Coronavirus de Johns Hopkins. 

Los países latinoamericanos representan más de la mitad de la cuenta de muertes de periodistas, pero también se registra un aumento reciente en India y Bangladesh.

Mientras tanto, la PEC registra que las muertes más recientes se tratan de periodistas menores a 60 años. Un grupo de periodismo en Bangladesh le dijo a GIJN que el creciente miedo a los despidos ha resultado en que muchos periodistas están tomando riesgos adicionales, incluyendo reunirse en salas de redacción que no se han modificado para respetar la distancia social.

En una entrevista con GIJN, Blaise Lempen, Secretario General de PEC, afirmó que la cuenta real probablemente sea mucho más alta que 462, ya que los investigadores estaban limitados a los casos confirmados oficialmente como relacionados con el virus a través de pruebas o la certificación.

Su cuenta muestra que la comunidad periodística de Perú ha sido la más afectada, con 93 muertes de periodistas, seguida por India con 47, Ecuador con 41, y Brasil con 36.

“Por regiones, Latinoamérica lleva la delantera con ventaja con más de la mitad de las víctimas, 251 muertes”, afirmó Lempen. “Miles de periodistas se han infectado con el virus, y la muerte de más de 450 trabajadores de los medios en un período de meses es una pérdida sin precedentes para la profesión”.

“Tememos que haya 100 víctimas más para el fin de año”, agregó Lempen. “Pero en algunos países, como en Europa, los periodistas han aprendido a tomar precauciones esenciales como usar mascarilla, mantener distancia, evitar el contacto directo y los viajes, y hemos visto entre ellos una disminución de las víctimas”.

Lempen expresó que en India y Bangladesh se observa un rápido aumento en las muertes de periodistas en los últimos meses, en comparación con la primera mitad de la pandemia, pero señaló que las tasas de mortalidad se mantuvieron peor en países latinoamericanos, dada la diferencia de los números en cuanto a población con India y Bangladesh.

“Lo que me sorprende es que, contrario a la creencia popular, muchos periodistas han muerto relativamente jóvenes”, dijo. “Desde principios de octubre, más de la mitad de estos periodistas tenían menos de 60 años, estaban en sus 40 o 50, según nuestro registro. Siempre es difícil conocer el origen de la infección, pero muchos se han infectado en el trabajo”.

Los perfiles individuales en la página tributo del Instituto Poynter muestran la edad de muchos de los periodistas fallecidos recientemente.

El PEC ha registrado 35 muertes de periodistas en Bangladesh. Además, el grupo periodístico ubicado en Daca, Our Media Our Rights, ha contado 1.010 infecciones por COVID-19 en 191 entidades mediáticas en Bangladesh, así como 942 recuperaciones.

“Conocí a muchos de los periodistas que han fallecido”, expresó Ahammad Foyez, quien es el coordinador de Our Media, Our Rights y corresponsal senior para el periódico de Daca llamado New Age.

A Foyez le preocupa que las presiones económicas que cada vez son mayores, incluyendo el miedo a los despidos, está forzando a los periodistas a tomar mayores riesgos de infección, tanto en el trabajo de campo como en las salas de redacción.

“Una gran cantidad de periodistas asisten a sus oficinas para garantizar sus puestos laborales, ya que muchos trabajadores de la prensa han perdido su trabajo durante la pandemia”, afirmó. “Algunos hacen trabajo de oficina incluso cuando hay colegas que han dado positivo para COVID-19. Las entidades mediáticas deben establecer directrices inmediatamente sobre cómo cubrir eventos y la disposición de asientos en las oficinas”.

“Todas son trágicas”, dijo Lempen sobre las pérdidas humanas, pero señaló la muerte del presentador de televisión boliviano Marcos Montero el 30 de septiembre como una muerte simbólica que ha sufrido la industria.

Luego de su diagnóstico el 25 de mayo, los periodistas bolivianos solicitaron públicamente plasma para Montero. “Murió después de luchar contra el virus por cuatro meses”, dijo Lempen.

Algo que empeora las cosas es la actitud de ciertos líderes políticos, agregó, señalando a los presidentes de Brasil y Estados Unidos: “Personalmente lamento que líderes políticos como Donald Trump o Jair Bolsonaro sean tan inconscientes de que ponen en peligro a los periodistas con los que hablan”.

Quase 500 jornalistas morreram de COVID-19 em todo o mundo - por Rowan Philp (GIJN)

Em maio, quando a pandemia de COVID-19 estava ganhando força e se espalhando pelo mundo, demos uma olhada no alto índice de jornalistas na crise. Assim como os profissionais de saúde, cuidadores e outros profissionais essenciais, jornalistas enfrentam riscos elevados ao cobrirem histórias sobre a pandemia.

Encontramos a Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), uma organização sem fins lucrativos focada na liberdade de imprensa e segurança do jornalista, que tentava rastrear mortes confirmadas relacionadas à COVID-19 entre jornalistas em todo o mundo. Em 5 de maio, o PEC registrou 64 mortes em 24 países, um número que diz ser certamente uma contagem inferior.

Verificamos o PEC esta semana para ver seus dados mais recentes.

Os números são bastante sombrios: em 15 de novembro, o número de jornalistas havia subido para pelo menos 462 jornalistas perdidos para a COVID-19 em 56 países - um aumento de mais de sete vezes. Desde então, o número total de mortes por pandemia em todo o mundo aumentou cinco vezes, de acordo com o Centro de Recurso sobre Coronavírus da Johns Hopkins.

Os países latino-americanos respondem por mais da metade da contagem das mortes de jornalistas, com um aumento recente atingindo a Índia e Bangladesh.

Enquanto isso, o PEC descobriu que as mortes mais recentes envolvem repórteres com menos de 60 anos. Um grupo de jornalismo em Bangladesh disse ao GIJN que um medo crescente de demissões significa que muitos repórteres estão correndo riscos adicionais de infecção, incluindo congregação em redações que não existiam. alterado para distanciamento social.

Em uma entrevista à GIJN, Blaise Lempen, secretário-geral do PEC, disse que o número verdadeiro era provavelmente muito maior do que 462, já que os pesquisadores se limitaram a casos oficialmente confirmados como relacionados ao vírus, por meio de testes ou certificação.

A contagem mostra que a comunidade jornalística do Peru foi a mais atingida, com 93 mortes de repórteres, seguida pela Índia com 47, Equador com 41 e Brasil com 36.

“Por região, a América Latina lidera de longe com mais da metade das vítimas, ou 251 mortes”, disse Lempen. “Milhares de repórteres foram infectados com o vírus, e a morte de mais de 450 trabalhadores da mídia em um período de meses é uma perda sem precedentes para a profissão.”

“Tememos que haverá mais de 100 vítimas até o final do ano”, acrescentou Lempen. “Mas em alguns países, como [os] na Europa, os jornalistas agora aprenderam a tomar os cuidados essenciais, como usar máscara, manter distância, evitar contatos diretos e viagens, e vimos uma diminuição de vítimas entre eles.”

Um grupo de jornalismo em Bangladesh — Our Media, Our Rights — está atualizando regularmente uma contagem de casos COVID-19 entre repórteres neste painel de mídia social (acima).

Lempen disse que a Índia e Bangladesh sofreram um forte aumento nas mortes de repórteres nos últimos meses em comparação com a primeira metade da pandemia, mas observou que as taxas de mortalidade permaneceram muito piores em vários países latino-americanos, devido ao tamanho menor de sua população em comparação com a Índia e Bangladesh.

“O que me surpreende é que, ao contrário da crença comum, muitos jornalistas morreram relativamente jovens”, disse ele. “Desde o início de outubro, mais da metade desses jornalistas tinha menos de 60 anos — na casa dos 40 ou 50 anos — segundo nossa contagem. É sempre difícil saber a origem da infecção, mas muitos foram infectados no trabalho.”

Perfis individuais na página de homenagem do Poynter Institute enfatizam a juventude de muitas vítimas jornalísticas recentes.

O PEC registrou 35 mortes de repórteres em Bangladesh. Além disso, o grupo de jornalismo Our Media, Our Rights contabilizou 1.010 infecções por COVID-19 de 191 empresas de comunicação em Bangladesh, bem como 942 recuperações.

“Eu conheci muitos dos jornalistas que morreram”, disse Ahammad Foyez, que é o coordenador do Our Media, Our Rights e correspondente sênior da equipe do jornal New Age de Dhaka.

Foyez teme que as crescentes pressões econômicas — incluindo o medo de demissões — estejam forçando os repórteres a correrem maiores riscos de infecção tanto na rua quanto nas redações.

“Um grande número de jornalistas está frequentando seus escritórios para garantir seus empregos, pois um grande número de profissionais da mídia perdeu seus empregos durante a pandemia”, disse ele. “Alguns estão fazendo trabalho de escritório, mesmo quando os colegas lá tiveram resultados positivos para COVID-19. As agências de mídia devem estabelecer diretrizes imediatamente sobre como cobrir os eventos e a disposição dos assentos nos escritórios.”

“Tudo isso é trágico”, disse Lempen sobre a perda humana, mas apontou a morte do apresentador de TV boliviano Marcos Montero em 30 de setembro como um símbolo do que a indústria sofreu.

Após seu diagnóstico em 25 de maio, jornalistas bolivianos protestaram com apelos públicos por plasma para Montero. “Ele morreu após uma luta de quatro meses com o vírus”, disse Lempen.

A atitude de alguns líderes políticos só piora a situação, disse Lempen dando como exemplo os presidentes do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos: “Lamento pessoalmente que líderes políticos como Donald Trump ou Jair Bolsonaro sejam tão alheios que colocam em perigo os jornalistas com quem falam."

17.11.2020. El Premio 2020 para la Protección de Periodistas otorgado a la periodista mexicana Carmen Aristegui //


The PEC Award for the Protection of Journalists goes to Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui // Le prix 2020 pour la Protection des Journalistes est décerné à la journaliste mexicaine Carmen Aristegui

Read the PEC press release on our special page PEC AWARD

02.11.2020. Day against impunity. At least 442 media workers died from Covid-19 in 8 months 

PEC Press Release (French, Spanish and Arabic after English)

See also our pages NO IMPUNITY and CASUALTIES

Geneva, November 2, 2020 (PEC) Covid-19 continues to claim many victims among journalists. At least 442 media workers

from 52 countries have died from the novel coronavirus since early March, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) said Monday,

on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. In addition, 63 journalists have been

murdered since January in various circumstances, which brings the total number so far this year at more than 500 fatalities.

“It is an extremely heavy and unprecedented toll. The safety of all journalists who work on the ground to inform on the pandemic

is at stake. Many victims are young; they have been infected at work. As the second wave has just begun, we urge all stakeholders

 to better protect the media workers, without preventing them from doing their job”, said PEC General-Secretary Blaise Lempen.

The actual figure is certainly higher, as some countries do not report the deaths of journalists or some of them have not been

tested before dying. The statistic can be misleading because countries where there is information, are ahead, while in other

countries there is no reliable information.

Peru remains the country with the heaviest toll, with 93 media workers who have died from the coronavirus since March (according to the Peru National Association of Journalists ANP). The rise in the number of victims of the coronavirus has been particularly strong in recent weeks in India, now the second most affected country with 47 deaths. Ecuador is third with 41 deaths, then at the 4th place Brazil follows with 36 journalists who died from Covid-19, then Bangladesh with 35 fatalities.

Among the most affected countries are Mexico, with at least 26 journalists victims of Covid-19, then the United States of

America (22), Pakistan (11), Panama (11), Bolivia (9).

In Great Britain and Nigeria, eight journalists have died in each country. Seven victims were counted in Afghanistan and

Honduras, 6 in Nicaragua, 5 in Russia, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, then 4 in Colombia, France, and Spain.

Three journalists have died from Covid-19 in Italy, as well as in Cameroon, Egypt, Guatemala, Nepal and El Salvador.

Two deaths are to be deplored in the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Indonesia, Iran, South Africa, and Sweden.

Finally, the PEC has identified at least one fatality in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Democratic Republic

of Congo, Iraq (Kurdistan), Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Togo, and Zimbabwe.

New are on the list with one fatality in each country Germany, Israel, Lebanon and Switzerland.

Latin America in the lead

By region, Latin America leads by far with more than half of the victims, or 251 deaths. Asia followed sharply with 116 fatalities,

 followed by Europe, with 30 deaths, ahead of North America (23) and Africa (22).

The count of the PEC is based on information from the local media, national associations of journalists, and regional

corespondents of the PEC.

The PEC also condemns the murder of 63 other journalists from January 1 to October 31, killed in attacks or violent incidents

or in detention. This figure is a little lower to the number of victims recorded for the same period last year (68). Mexico remains

the most dangerous country with 9 killed, ahead of Pakistan (7 killed) and India (6 killed).

The PEC renews its call to governments to enforce the resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council on the safety of

journalists October 6, 2020 and to fight more firmly impunity.

Communiqué de la PEC

Journée contre l’impunité

Au moins 442 travailleurs des médias sont morts du Covid-19 en huit mois

Genève, 2 Novembre 2020 (PEC) La Covid-19 continue de faire de nombreuses victimes parmi les journalistes. Au moins  442

travailleurs dans les médias de 52 pays sont morts des suites du nouveau coronavirus depuis début mars, a indiqué lundi la Presse

 Emblème Campagne (PEC), à l’occasion de la Journée internationale pour mettre fin à l’impunité des crimes commis contre

les journalistes. En outre, 63 journalistes ont été tués depuis janvier dans des circonstances variées, ce qui porte le total des

victimes jusqu’ici cette année à plus de 500 morts.

“C’est un bilan  extrêmement lourd et sans précédent. La sécurité de tous les journalistes qui travaillent sur le terrain pour

 informer sur la pandémie est en jeu. Beaucoup de victimes sont jeunes, elles ont été contaminées au travail. Alors que la seconde

 vague vient de commencer, nous exhortons tous les acteurs concernés à mieux protéger les travailleurs des médias, sans les

entraver dans l’exercice de leur profession », a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

Le chiffre réel des victimes est certainement plus élevé, car certains pays ne signalent pas les décès de journalistes et certains

d’entre eux n’ont pas été testés avant de mourir. La statistique peut être trompeuse, parce que les pays qui informent sont en tête,

alors que dans d’autres pays il n’y a pas d’information fiable.

Le Pérou reste le pays avec le bilan le plus lourd, soit 93 travailleurs des medias décédés du coronavirus depuis mars (selon l’Association nationale péruvienne des journalistes). La hausse du nombre de victimes a été particulièrement forte au cours des dernières semaines en Inde, maintenant le deuxième pays le plus touché avec 47 décès parmi les journalistes. L’Equateur est au troisième rang avec 41 morts, puis à la quatrième place, le Brésil suit avec 36 victimes du Covid-19, devant le Bangladesh (35 décès).

Parmi les pays les plus touchés se trouvent ensuite le Mexique, avec au moins 26 victimes, puis les Etats-Unis (22), le Pakistan

 (11), le Panama (11) et la Bolivie (9).

Au Royaume-Uni et au Nigéria, huit journalistes sont morts dans chaque pays. Sept victimes ont été dénombrées en Afghanistan

 et au Honduras, six au Nicaragua, cinq en Russie, au Venezuela et dans la République dominicaine, quatre en Colombie, France,

et Espagne.

Trois journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en Italie, ainsi qu’au Cameroun, en Egypte, au Guatemala, au Népal et au Salvador.

Deux décès sont à déplorer dans les pays suivants: Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Argentine, Indonésie, Iran, Népal et Suède.

Enfin, la PEC a identifié au moins un décès dans les pays suivants: Arabie saoudite, Autriche, Belgique, canada, Irak (Kurdistan),

 Japon, Kazakhstan, Kyrgzstan, Maroc, Paraguay, République démocratique du Congo, Tadjikistan, Togo et Zimbabwe.

Nouveaux sur la liste sont l’Allemagne, Israël, le Liban et la Suisse avec une victime.

L’Amérique latine en tête

Par région, l’Amérique latine est en tête avec de loin plus de la moitié des victimes, soit 251 décès. L’Asie suit avec 116 morts,

devant l’Europe (30 décès), l’Amérique du Nord (23) et l’Afrique (22).

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias locaux, des associations nationales de journalistes et des

correspondants régionaux de la PEC.

La PEC condamne aussi le meurtre de 63 autres journalistes du 1er janvier au 31 octobre 2020,  tués dans des attaques, des

incidents violents ou en détention. Ce chiffre est un peu moins élevé que le nombre de victimes enregistré pour la même période

l’an dernier (68). Le Mexique reste le pays le plus dangereux avec 9 journalistes tués, devant le Pakistan (7 tués) et l’Inde (6).

La PEC renouvelle son appel à tous les gouvernements de respecter et faire respecter la résolution sur la sécurité des journalistes

adoptée le 6 octobre 2020 par le Conseil des droits de l’homme et de lutter plus fermement contre l’impunité.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC

Día Internacional para Poner Fin a la Impunidad

Al menos 442 trabajadores de los medios ha muerto a causa del Covid-19 en 8 meses

Ginebra, 2 de noviembre de 2020 (PEC).- El Covid-19 sigue cobrándose muchas víctimas entre los periodistas. Al menos 442

trabajadores de los medios de comunicación, de 52 países, han muerto por el nuevo coronavirus desde principios de marzo,

dijo el lunes la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés.) con motivo del Día Internacional para Poner Fin

a la Impunidad de los Crímenes contra Periodistas. Además, 63 periodistas han sido asesinados desde enero de 2020, en diversas

circunstancias, lo que eleva la cifra total en lo que va del año, a más de 500 muertos.

“Es un peaje extremadamente alto y sin precedentes. Está en juego la seguridad de todos los periodistas que trabajan sobre

el terreno para informar sobre la pandemia. Muchas víctimas son jóvenes, se han infectado en el trabajo. Dado que la segunda

ola acaba de comenzar, instamos a todas las partes interesadas a proteger mejor a los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación,

 sin impedirles hacer su trabajo”, dijo el secretario general de PEC, Blaise Lempen.

La cifra real es ciertamente más alta, ya que algunos países no informan sobre las muertes de los periodistas o algunos de ellos

no han sido examinados antes de morir. La estadística puede ser engañosa porque los países donde hay información están por

delante, mientras que, en otros países no se dispone de información confiable.

Perú sigue siendo el país con el mayor número de víctimas, con 93 trabajadores de los medios que han muerto por el coronavirus

 desde marzo (según la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas de Perú, la ANP). El aumento en el número de víctimas del Covid-19

ha sido particularmente fuerte en las últimas semanas en la India, ahora el segundo país más afectado con 47 muertes. Ecuador

ocupa el tercer lugar con 41 muertes, le sigue en el cuarto lugar, Brasil con 36 periodistas, luego Bangladesh con 35.

Entre los países más afectados se encuentran México, con al menos 26 periodistas víctimas del Covid-19, luego Estados Unidos

de América (22), Pakistán (11), Panamá (11), Bolivia (9).

En Gran Bretaña y Nigeria, ocho periodistas han muerto en cada país. Se contabilizaron siete víctimas en Afganistán y Honduras,

 seis en Nicaragua, cinco en Rusia, Venezuela y República Dominicana, luego cuatro en Colombia, Francia, y España.

Tres periodistas han muerto a causa del Covid-19 en Italia, así como en Camerún, Egipto, Guatemala, Nepal y El Salvador.

Hay que deplorar dos muertes en los siguientes países: Argelia, Argentina, Indonesia, Irán, Sudáfrica y Suecia.

Finalmente, el PEC ha identificado al menos una muerte en los siguientes países: Austria, Bélgica, Canadá, República

Democrática del Congo, Irak (Kurdistán), Japón, Kazajstán, Kirguistán, Marruecos, Paraguay, Arabia Saudita, Tayikistán,

Togo y Zimbabwe. Hay nuevos en la lista con una muerte en cada país, Alemania, Israel, Líbano y Suiza.

América Latina a la cabeza

Por regiones, América Latina lidera las cifras con mucho más de la mitad de las víctimas, o sea, 251 muertes. Asia le sigue

de cerca con 116 muertes, seguida de Europa, con 30 muertes; por delante de América del Norte (23) y África (22).

El recuento se basa en información de los medios de comunicación, asociaciones nacionales de periodistas y corresponsales

regionales de la PEC.

La PEC también condena el asesinato de otros 63 periodistas entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de octubre, asesinados en atentados

o incidentes violentos o bajo custodia. Esta cifra es un poco inferior al número de víctimas registradas en el mismo período

del año pasado (68). México sigue siendo el país más peligroso con 9 muertos, por delante de Pakistán (7 muertos) e India

(6 muertos).

La PEC renueva su llamado a los gobiernos para hacer cumplir la resolución adoptada por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos

sobre la seguridad de los periodistas el 6 de octubre de 2020 y para luchar con más firmeza contra la impunidad.

حملة الشارة الدولية – بيان صحفي

اليوم العالمي للقضاء على الإفلات من العقاب

جنيف في 2 نوفمبر (حملة الشارة) – بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لوضع نهاية للإفلات من العقاب في جرائم ضد الصحفيين -2 نوفمبر-أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية أن مازالت كورونا تنهش في أجساد الصحفيين حيث قتل 442 صحفيا في 52 دولة منذ بداية مارس من جراء وباء كورونا المتفشي عالمياً.

من ناحية أخرى قتل 63 صحفيا منذ يناير في ظروف مختلفة استهدفت الصحفيين مما يصل بعدد الضحايا من الصحفيين في العام الحالي وحتى الآن أكثر من 500 صحفي.

وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن هذا العدد يمثل ثقلاً غير مسبوق في الضحايا من الصحفيين فيما يبدو أن سلامة الصحفيين في الميدان في مهب الريح، مشيراً إلى بدء الموجة الثانية من الوباء مطالباً كل أصحاب الرأي بتوفير حماية أفضل للصحفيين بدون عرقلة عملهم.

وطبقا لنقابة الصحفيين في بيرو فإن 93 صحفيا قتلوا من الوباء، وقتل في الهند 47 اكوادور 42، فالبرازيل 36 فبنجلاديش 35.

وتأتي المكسيك في المرتبة التالية: 26، الولايات المتحدة: 22، وباكستان 11 وبوليفيا 9 قتل في المملكة المتحدة ونيجيريا 8 صحفيين، كما قتل 7 في أفغانستان وهندوراس و6 في نيكاراجوا و5 في كل من روسيا وفنزويلا وجمهورية الدومينكان و 4 في كل من فرنسا وأسبانيا وكولومبيا. 

وقتل 3 من الصحفيين في كل من إيطاليا والكاميرون ومصر وجواتيمالا ونيبال والسلفادور.

وإثنان في كل من الجزائر والأرجنتين وإندونيسيا وإيران وجنوب إفريقيا والسويد.

كما قتل صحفي واحد في كل من السعودية والنمسا وبلجيكا، وكندا والعراق إقليم طردستان وإيران واليابان وكازاخستان والمغرب وبنما وباراجواي وجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وتاجيكيستان وتوجو وفنزويلا وزيمبابوي. وكذلك صحفي واحد في كل من إسرائيل والمانيا ولبنان وسويسرا.

أمريكا اللاتينية هي أكثر القارات تضرراً من وباء كورونا   

  بمقتل 250 من الصحفيين، ثم آسيا: 116، أوروبا: 30، وأمريكا الشمالية: 23 وإفريقيا 22. 

ودانت حملة الشارة الدولية مقتل 63 صحفياً في ظروف مختلفة من يناير إلى 31 أكتوبر وهو رقم أقل من رقم نفس الفترة من العام الماضي وكان 68. تظل المكسيك أكثر الدول خطورة للعمل الصحفي بمقتل 9 ثم باكستان 7 والهند 6.

وجددت حملة الشارة ندائها لكل الحكومات بتطبيق قرار مجلس حقوق الانسان الصادر في 6 أكتوبر 2020 وتعمل على مكافحة الافلات من العقاب بشكل حازم.

26.10.2020. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a new regional contributor for India.

Geneva (PEC) - Guwahati based scribe Nava Thakuria (photo) has been assigned as a
regional contributor from India to the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). Moreover, the Journalists’ Forum Assam (JFA) is appreciated as a cooperating organization with the PEC. The President of the PEC Hedayat Abdel Nabi seconds his candidacy and said: “It is great news, a big welcome”.
The PEC was founded in June 2004 by a group of journalists from several countries aiming at strengthening the legal protection and safety of journalists around the world. Presently the PEC is documenting the toll of the Covid-19

pandemic on journalists along with the casualties of media persons and their contentious working situations across the globe.

The PEC cooperates with more than 50 press organizations and NGOs around the world and has so far regional contributors in Afghanistan, Brazil, Georgia, India, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia, Ukraine.

Associated with the mainstream media since 1990, Thakuria serves as secretary to JFA (senior journalist Rupam Barua as its president), working president to North East Union of Working Journalists and also Press Club of Assam. A graduate from Assam Engineering College (under Gauhati University) and a journalist by passion, Thakuria writes for a
number of information outlets based in different parts of the world on socio-political, environmental and media related issues.

20.10.2020. CORONAVIRUS. HOW MANY DEATHS in BRAZIL ? Brazil "in a schizophrenic situation"

From the PEC regional contributor for Brazil Rodrigo M.

I'm sorry I took so long to give you an update on my quest for a reliable account on journalists killed by Covid-19 in Brazil. 

It's that only now I have received sufficient answers from reliable unions and associations.

It's a very complicated situation, because official numbers have been downsized or omitted before. Brazil is deliberately undertesting the population and there is so much underreporting some analysts estimate the real number of deaths and cases is 10 to 20 times greater than official account. Statistical testing seems to confirm that hypothesis and that would make us the number 1 country in Covid-19 deaths.

We had a record number of deaths officially attributed to pneumonia or simply lung infection, because public hospitals didn't have the means to test for Covid-19 until late April or May. At some point the Government authorized bodies to be buried without an official medical cause of death. Thousands of people never even saw the bodies of their dead relatives.

On the other hand, there's also suspicion that some State Governments might have artificially inflated the number of Covid-19 deaths to accrue more Federal resources and supposedly deviate them. Official investigations on such matters are still ongoing. Even if these accusations are true, we suspect this over notification fraud to be less intense than the Federal Government efforts to downplay notifications. You can see we really are in the middle of a schizophrenic situation.

This genocidal politics has been especially cruel on indigenous groups and the poor but, since the virus knows no economic classes, all society has been affected..

The really sad part is that we usually refer to banal deaths as statistics or "just numbers"; we try to sensibilize people telling them to not let preventable deaths become "just numbers." Today in Brazil people are being denied the right to even become a number. Their deaths won't even get into official accounts.

The current Government has been on a crusade against free press since day 1, mimicking the american government, so there has been no official effort to protect journalists during the coverage of the pandemic. It's actually ironic that they sponsored the resolution.

So, the best estimates on journalists deaths to Covid-19 come from the journalists themselves. 

Even in a country with 210 million inhabitants this is a reduced class, and some unions and associations have been able to practically count them personally. It's the case of ABRAJI, the Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism. Their Executive Manager, Ms. Maria Espiridião, gave me the best account and the description of their method. They gathered notes from local newspapers and information which reached them from any sources, they reached for families and friends of journalists suspected of Covid-19 deaths and tried to get any means of confirmation. But, because of the reasons I have exposed earlier, they didn't have a death certificate for each journalist they have counted.

On September 13th, 2020, they presented the count of 31 deaths due to Covid-19 in a conference. 

Other organizations which responded to my consultation had smaller figures, either because they couldn't confirm the suspected cases or because they couldn't afford to look into every local publication or source. The Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (Interamerican Press Society) relied on reports from unions and associations. They counted 9 deaths until August and their sources for Brazil were the aforementioned ABRAJI, FENAJ (National Federation of Journalists) and ANJ (National Association of Journalists).

By August, the ANJ had also counted 9 deaths. As I said before, many press organizations in Brazil rely on PEC's account, probably due to mistrust in our own official institutions.

Both ABRAJI and Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa presented the names and other information on all the journalists they have counted.

Sadly, I couldn't get any information from the major media vehicles which created this national press consortium to check on Covid-19 numbers. Those would be Globo Organizations and the newspaper Folha de São Paulo. It's worth mentioning these groups belong to family oligarchies and that's a driving characteristic of brazilian journalism. A few very rich families have ruled over the press for centuries, or for decades in the case of TV. They are in many ways responsible for the extreme right ascension to power and now they have to deal with that same extreme right trying to eliminate them.

So that's a portrait in wide strokes of our current situation. I'm among the few lucky ones which managed to retain a stable income, at least for the time being. The Government's objective is to make sure no worker in the country has a stable income. I also fear a probable disruption in the food supply chain in the near future, similar to the one happening right now in Venezuela. We are quickly destroying our capacity to produce food for the population with the widespread forest burnings. Nowadays the whole agriculture sector favors soy and meat production for exportation. 

There's also a legitimate fear of armed conflict, because of the political divide fueled by the Government. They are making it easier for criminal militias which are their base supporters to buy guns and ammo.

06.10.2020. UNITED NATIONS. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 45th SESSION. PEC press release. PEC welcomes Human Rights Council's adoption of resolution on safety of journalists

Geneva, October 6, 2020 (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the adoption today by consensus by the Human Rights Council

 of a new resolution on the safety of journalists, in particular reporting on the pandemic. The PEC urges all States to implement, respect and

enforce all its articles.

The PEC welcomes the decision to “request the High Commissioner to present to the Human Rights Council at its forty-eighth session a report on the

impact and repercussions of measures taken by Governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on the safety and work of journalists and media workers,

integrating a gender perspective, and to identify trends and collect good practices, in particular on how the Office of the High Commissioner, within its mandate

and working with other relevant United Nations entities, can assist, when requested, in the development of national approaches to protect journalists”.

“An independent study of the consequences of the pandemic for the work of journalists is very welcome. The coronavirus pandemic is causing not only global health and economic crises but also a crisis for democracy, human rights and press freedom. Transparency and accountability are essential. Journalists working in the field are on the front line in the fight against the COVID-19”, stressed PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.

Journalists pay a high price for the pandemic. According to research by the PEC, the virus caused the death of more than 400 media workers

from 49 countries since March, severely hampering the work of many journalists, and caused the closure of several media for health, political

and economic reasons.

Reporting on the pandemic

In the resolution adopted today, the members of the Council express their deep concern “that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis has

significant implications for the work, health and safety of journalists and media workers, and in this regard concerned about the consequences of the economic

impact of the pandemic, which increases the vulnerability of journalists and weakens media sustainability, independence and pluralism and worsens the risks of

misinformation and disinformation spreading by limiting access to a wide range of reliable information and opinions”.

The PEC welcomes the fact that the Human Rights Council declares himself “alarmed at threats against, and arrests and involuntary disappearances,

as well as disproportionate and undue restrictions on access to information or censorship, freedom of movement or accreditation, of journalists and media workers

linked to their reporting on the pandemic”.

The resolution also calls for governments “to cooperate with journalists, the media and civil society organizations to assess the damage that the COVID-19

pandemic is inflicting on the provision of vital information to the public and the sustainability of media environments, and to consider, wherever possible,

devising appropriate mechanisms to provide financial support to the media, including local journalism and investigative reporting, and to ensure that support is given

without compromising editorial independence”.

Fight against impunity

The resolution reiterates important recommendations made in previous years by the UN. It thus condemns all attacks against media workers,

calls for the release of all journalists arbitrarily detained and “to ensure accountability through the conduct of impartial, prompt, thorough,

independent and effective investigations into all alleged violence, threats and attacks against journalists and media workers falling within

their jurisdiction, to bring perpetrators, including those who command, conspire to commit, aid and abet or cover up such crimes to justice,

and to ensure that victims and their families have access to appropriate restitution, compensation and assistance”.

Despite the adoption of several resolutions in recent years by the UN, justice is very slow and impunity persists in far too many cases,

regrets the PEC. An international mechanism remains essential in order to identify and prosecute those behind these crimes. In this regard

the UN resolutions do not go far enough.

The PEC thanks the main sponsors of the resolution: Austria, Brazil, France, Greece, Morocco, Qatar and Tunisia. A total of more than 70
countries sponsored the text.

For the full text of the resolution, go to: DOCUMENTS

28.09.2020. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 45th session. Oral statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign.

 The coronavirus must not be the pretext for additional restrictions on freedom of expression.  Journalists should not fear reprisals and must be able to do their job safely (photo: PEC UN Representative Ana Leurinda speaking on item 4 at the Human Rights Council in Geneva).

General Assembly

Human Rights Council 45th session

Item 4 General Debate

Mr President,

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is very concerned by the lack of protection of many journalists in some countries and the deterioration of press freedom in the context of the pandemic.

So far, more than 420 media workers lost their life this year in 48 countries: more than 370 victims of the Covid-19 and 53 targeted for other reasons. Many others have suffered attacks, threats, pressures or restrictions on their freedom to inform.

Journalists have a major role to play in the era of the pandemic. The PEC believes that the greatest transparency is needed to successfully combat the virus. Hiding the real toll of the pandemic is counterproductive. Journalists should not fear reprisals and must be able to do their job safely.

The coronavirus must not be the pretext for additional restrictions on freedom of expression, including here at this forum. Any restriction taken under emergency measures must be in full compliance with international human rights laws and norms.

For the PEC, it is essential to conduct impartial, prompt, thorough investigations in all abuses committed against media workers in order to end impunity. It is important that the real culprits are quickly identified and prosecuted. We regret that it is not yet the case after the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia three years ago in Malta and of Jamal Khashoggi two years ago in Turkey. An international mechanism is necessary when States are unable to do so.

The PEC urges all Members of the Human Rights Council to adopt the new resolution discussed at this session on the safety of journalists and to implement and enforce all its clauses.

Thank you Mr President

Geneva, 28 September 2020

15.09.2020. PEC Press Release (French, Spanish and Arabic after English)

Sharp increase in the number of victims of Covid 19 among journalists, the PEC appeals to the Human Rights Council

Geneva, September 15, 2020 (PEC) The Covid-19 pandemic continues to claim many victims among journalists.

At least 366 journalists from 47 countries have died from the coronavirus since early March, the Press Emblem Campaign

(PEC) told in Geneva on Tuesday at the start of the Human Rights Council's session. In addition, 54 journalists have been

murdered in various circumstances since January, which brings the total number this year at more than 400 killed.

"The rise in the number of victims of the coronavirus has been particularly strong in recent weeks in India, with more than

20 additional deaths," said PEC General Secretary Blaise Lempen. “It’s very worrying. We call on the members of the

Human Rights Council to adopt a resolution strengthening the safety of journalists in this unprecedented health crisis",

he added.

In two months from July 1 to early September, the number of journalists who died from the coronavirus doubled.

According to the Peru National Association of Journalists (ANP), 82 media workers have died from the virus since March. Peru is followed by Ecuador : 40, India 36 and Bangladesh 31.

Among the most affected countries is also, in 5th place, Mexico, with at least 26 journalists  victims of Covid-19.

The United States (20 dead), Brazil (19), Pakistan (10) follow.

In Bolivia, Great Britain and Nigeria, eight journalists have died in each country. Seven victims were counted in Honduras,

6 in Nicaragua, 5 in Russia and the Dominican Republic, 4 in Spain and 4 in France.

Three journalists have died from Covid-19 in Italy, as well as in Cameroon, Egypt, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Two deaths are to be deplored in the following countries: Afghanistan, South Africa, Algeria, Colombia, Indonesia, Nepal,


Finally, the PEC has identified at least one victim in the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Austria, Belgium,

Canada, Iraq (Kurdistan), Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Panama, Paraguay, Democratic Republic of

Congo, Tajikistan, Togo, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

Latin America in the lead

By region, Latin America leads by far with more than half of the victims, or 205 deaths. Asia followed sharply with 90

deaths, followed by Europe, stable with 28 dead, ahead of Africa (22 dead) and North America (21 dead).

The actual figure is certainly higher, as some countries do not report the deaths of journalists or some of them have not been

tested. The statistic can be misleading because countries where there is information, such as Peru and India, are ahead,

while in other countries there is no reliable information. In this regard, the PEC appeals to the media and journalists'

associations around the world to communicate on this subject in order to have a complete idea of ​​the tragedy suffered

by the journalistic community.

The count of the PEC is based on information from the media, national associations of journalists, and correspondents

of the PEC.

Over 400 deaths in total

The PEC also condemns the murder of 54 other journalists from January 1 to September 10, killed in attacks or violent

incidents or in detention. This figure is roughly equivalent to the number of victims recorded for the same period last year.

Mexico remains the most dangerous country with 8 killed, ahead of Pakistan (7 killed) and India (6 killed).

In total, the deaths of 420 journalists have been deplored since the start of the year, a very heavy toll. "In the light of this

brutal deterioration of the safety of journalists, we ask the Human Rights Council to adopt at this session a strong resolution

on the protection of journalists which takes into account the new health challenges that the profession must face, and

repeated attacks on press freedom”, said Blaise Lempen.

The PEC urges governments to release all journalists imprisoned for political reasons and who are in danger due to their

conditions of detention, in particular the founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange, whose extradition trial is currently taking

place in London.

Communiqué de la PEC

 Forte augmentation du nombre de victimes du Covid-19 parmi les journalistes – appel au Conseil des droits de l‘homme

Genève, 15 septembre 2020 (PEC) La pandémie du Covid-19 continue de faire de nombreuses victimes parmi les journalistes. Au moins 366 journalistes de 47 pays sont morts du coronavirus depuis début mars, a indiqué mardi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) à l’occasion du début de la session du Conseil des droits de l’homme. En outre, 54 journalistes ont été assassinés dans diverses circonstances depuis janvier, soit plus de 400 morts au total.

« La hausse du nombre de victimes du coronavirus a été particulièrement forte ces dernières semaines en Inde, avec plus de 20 décès supplémentaires », a souligné le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. « C’est très inquiétant. Nous lançons un appel aux membres du Conseil des droits de l’homme pour qu’ils adoptent une résolution renforçant la sécurité des journalistes dans cette crise sanitaire sans précédent », a-t-il ajouté.

En deux mois du 1er juillet au début septembre le nombre de journalistes morts du coronavirus a doublé.

Le Pérou reste en tête des pays où la communauté des médias a été la plus touchée, avec 82 décès, selon les chiffres de l’Association nationale des journalistes du Pérou (ANP). Suit en 2e position l’Equateur avec 40 morts, devant l’Inde avec 36 morts et le Bangladesh 31 victimes.

Parmi les pays les plus touchés se trouvent également, au 5e rang, le Mexique, avec au moins 26 journalistes victimes du Covid-19. Suivent les Etats-Unis (20 morts), le Brésil (19), le Pakistan (10).

En Bolivie, Grande-Bretagne et Nigéria, huit journalistes sont morts dans chaque pays. Sept victimes ont été dénombrées au Honduras, 6 au Nicaragua, 5 en Russie et en République dominicaine, 4 en Espagne et 4 en France.

Trois journalistes sont décédés des suites du Covid-19 en Italie, ainsi qu’au Cameroun, en Egypte, au Guatemala et au Salvador.

Deux morts sont à déplorer dans les pays suivants : Afghanistan, Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Colombie, Indonésie, Népal, Suède.

Enfin, la PEC a recensé au moins une victime dans les pays suivants : Arabie saoudite, Argentine, Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Irak (Kurdistan), Iran, Japon , Kazakhstan, Kirgyzstan, Maroc, Panama, Paraguay, République démocratique du Congo, Tadjikistan, Togo, Venezuela, et Zimbabwe.

L’Amérique latine en tête

Par région, l’Amérique latine arrive largement en tête avec plus de la moitié des victimes, soit 205 décès. Suivent l’Asie, en forte hausse, avec 90 décès, puis l’Europe, stable avec 28 morts, devant l’Afrique (22 morts) et l’Amérique du Nord (21 morts).

Le chiffre réel est certainement plus élevé, car des pays n’annoncent pas les décès de journalistes ou certains d’entre eux n’ont pas été testés. La statistique peut être trompeuse, car les pays où il existe une information, comme le Pérou et l’Inde, se trouvent en tête, alors que dans d’autres pays il n’existe pas d’information fiable. La PEC lance à cet égard un appel aux médias et associations de journalistes dans le monde pour qu’ils communiquent sur ce sujet afin d’avoir une idée complète de la tragédie subie par la communauté des journalistes.

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur les informations des médias, associations nationales de journalistes, correspondants de la PEC.

Plus de 400 morts au total

La PEC condamne par ailleurs l’assassinat de 54 autres journalistes du 1er janvier au 10 septembre, tués dans des attentats ou incidents violents ou en détention. Ce chiffre est à peu près équivalent au nombre de victimes recensé pour la même période de l’an dernier. Le Mexique reste le pays le plus dangereux avec 8 tués, devant le Pakistan (7 tués) et l’Inde (6 tués).

Au total, la mort de 420 journalistes est à déplorer depuis le début de l’année, un très lourd bilan. « A la lumière de cette brutale détérioration de la sécurité des journalistes, nous demandons au Conseil des droits de l’homme d’adopter à cette session une résolution forte sur la protection des journalistes qui tienne compte des nouveaux défis sanitaires que la profession doit affronter et des attaques répétées perpétrées à la faveur de la pandémie contre la liberté de la presse », a déclaré Blaise Lempen.

La PEC exhorte les gouvernements à libérer tous les journalistes emprisonnés pour des raisons politiques et qui sont en danger en raison de leurs conditions de détention, en particulier le fondateur de WikiLeaks Julian Assange, dont le procès pour extradition se déroule actuellement à Londres.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC

Fuerte aumento del número de víctimas del Covid-19 entre los periodistas - llamamiento al Consejo de Derechos


Ginebra, 15 de septiembre de 2020 (PEC) La pandemia de Covid-19 continúa cobrando muchas víctimas entre los

periodistas. Al menos 366 comunicadores de 47 países han muerto a causa del coronavirus desde principios de marzo,

dijo la Campaña de Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés), en Ginebra, el martes al inicio de la sesión

del Consejo de Derechos Humanos. Además, 54 periodistas han sido asesinados en diversas circunstancias desde enero

hasta hoy, sumando más de 400 muertos.

"El aumento en el número de víctimas del coronavirus ha sido particularmente fuerte en las últimas semanas en la India,

con más de 20 muertes adicionales", dijo el secretario general de PEC, Blaise Lempen. “Es muy preocupante. Hacemos

un llamado a los miembros del Consejo de Derechos Humanos para que adopten una resolución que fortalezca la seguridad

de los periodistas en esta crisis de salud sin precedentes ", agregó.

En dos meses, desde el 1 de julio hasta principios de septiembre, se duplicó el número de periodistas que murieron por el


Perú sigue liderando el país donde la comunidad mediática ha sido más golpeada, con 82 muertos, según cifras de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP). Ecuador le sigue en segundo lugar con 40 muertos, por delante de India, con 36 muertos; y Bangladesh con 31 víctimas.

Entre los países más afectados se encuentra también, en quinto lugar, México, con al menos 26 periodistas víctimas del Covid-19. Le siguen Estados Unidos (20 muertos), Brasil (19), Pakistán (10).

En Bolivia, Gran Bretaña y Nigeria, ocho periodistas han muerto en cada país. Se contabilizaron siete víctimas en Honduras, 6 en Nicaragua, 5 en Rusia y República Dominicana, 4 en España y 4 en Francia.

Tres periodistas han muerto a causa de Covid-19 en Italia, así como en Camerún, Egipto, Guatemala y El Salvador.

Hay que deplorar igualmente dos muertes en los siguientes países: Afganistán, Sudáfrica, Argelia, Colombia, Indonesia, Nepal, Suecia.

Finalmente, la PEC ha identificado al menos una víctima en los siguientes países: Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Austria, Bélgica, Canadá, Irak (Kurdistán), Irán, Japón, Kazajstán, Kirguistán, Marruecos, Panamá, Paraguay, República Democrática del Congo, Tayikistán, Togo, Venezuela y Zimbabwe.

América Latina a la cabeza

Por regiones, América Latina lidera, por lejos, con más de la mitad de las víctimas (o 205 muertes). Asia le siguió de cerca

 con 90 muertes, seguida de Europa, estable con 28 muertos, por delante de África (22 muertos) y América del Norte

(21 muertos).

La cifra real es ciertamente mucho mayor, ya que algunos países no reportan las muertes de periodistas o algunos de ellos

no han sido probados. Las estadísticas pueden ser engañosas porque los países en donde hay información, como Perú y la

India, lideran el camino; mientras que, en otros países, no hay información confiable. En este sentido, la PEC hace un

llamado a los medios y asociaciones de periodistas de todo el mundo para que se comuniquen entre ellos sobre este tema

con el fin de tener una idea completa  de la tragedia que sufre la comunidad periodística.

El conteo de la PEC se basa en información de los medios de comunicación, asociaciones nacionales de periodistas,

corresponsales de la PEC.

Más de 400 muertes en total

La PEC también condena el asesinato de otros 54 periodistas entre el 1 de enero y el 10 de septiembre, muertos en ataques

o incidentes violentos o bajo custodia. Esta cifra es aproximadamente equivalente al número de víctimas registradas

durante el mismo período el año pasado.

En total, se ha lamentado la muerte de 420 periodistas desde principios de año, una cifra muy elevada. México sigue siendo

el país más peligroso con 8 muertos, por delante de Pakistán (7 muertos) e India (6 muertos).

“Ante este brutal deterioro de la seguridad de los periodistas, solicitamos al Consejo de Derechos Humanos que adopte,

en este período de sesiones, una resolución contundente sobre la protección de los periodistas; resolución que tome en

cuenta los nuevos desafíos sanitarios que debe enfrentar la profesión y los repetidos ataques pandémicos a la libertad de

prensa ”, dijo Blaise Lempen.

La PEC desea particularmente la liberación de todos los periodistas encarcelados por razones políticas y que están en

peligro debido a sus condiciones de detención, en particular el fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, cuyo juicio de

extradición se está llevando a cabo actualmente en Londres.

بيان صحفي

كورونا تتسبب في مقتل 366 صحفياً منذ مارس، وحملة الشارة تطلق نداء إلى مجلس حقوق الانسان

جنيف في 15 سبتمبر 2020 (حملة الشارة) – بمناسبة انعقاد الدورة الجديدة لمجلس حقوق الانسان اليوم تعلن حملة الشارة عن مقتل 366 صحفياً بسبب فيروس كورونا منذ مارس الماضي، ومقتل 53 آخرين في ظروف مختلفة منذ يناير مما يجعل العدد الاجمالي حتى الآن 400.

وطالب سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان مجلس حقوق الإنسان بتبني قراراً يعضدد من الحماية للصحفيين في هذه المرحلة من الأزمة الصحية غير المسبوقة عالمياً.

وطبقا لنقابة الصحفيين في بيرو فإن 82 صحفيا قتلوا من الوباء، وقتل في اكوادور 40، والهند 36 وبنجلاديش 31. وتأتي المكسيك في المرتبة التالية: 26، الولايات المتحدة: 20، البرازيل 19 وباكستان 10. وقتل 8 صحفيين في كل من بوليفيا، المملكة المتحدة ونيجيريا، كما قتل 7 في هندوراس و6 في نيكاراجوا و5 في كل من روسيا وجمهورية الدومينكان و 4 في فرنسا و 4 في أسبانيا. 

وقتل 2 من الصحفيين في كل من أفغانستان وجنوب إفريقيا والجزائر وكولومبيا وإندونيسيا ونيبال والسويد.

كما قتل صحفي واحد في كل من السعودية والأرجنتين، والنمسا وبلجيكا، وكندا، والعراق إقليم طردستان وإيران واليابان وكازاخستان والمغرب وبنما وباراجواي وجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وتاجيكيستان وتوجو وفنزويلا وزيمبابوي.

أمريكا اللاتينية هي أكثر القارات تضرراً من وباء كورونا   

  بمقتل 205 من الصحفيين، ثم آسيا: 90، أوروبا: 28، إفريقيا 22 وأمريكا الشمالية: 21.

وأكد ليمبان أن الأرقام الحقيقية قد تكون أكبر بسبب عدم حصر بعض الدول لضحايا كورونا من الصحفيين أو لعدم توفر هذه المعلومات على وجه الاطلاق.

ووجه نداء إلى كل النقابات الصحفية في العالم بالاعلان عن الضحايا حتى تظهر حجم المأساة التي يعيشها المجتمع الصحفي.

ودانت حملة الشارة الدولية مقتل 53 صحفياً في الفترة من 1 يناير إلى 10 سبتمبر في ظروف مختلفة والرقم يمثل ما هو مماثل لعدد القتلى من الصحفيين في العام الماضي.

والإجمالي ما بين ضحايا كورونا وحوادث متفرقة هو 419 صحفياً وهو رقم مؤسف ويمثل وطأة كبيرة على المجتمع الصحفي.

والمكسيك هي أخطر الدول للعمل الصحفي: 8 من الصحفيين قتلوا، يليها باكستان: 7 والهند 5.

وتطالب الحملة بالافراج عن كل الصحفيين المعتقلين على خلفية تهم سياسية وكذلك على جوليان أسانج مؤسس ويكيليكس.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن قائمة الضحايا تصفح

01.09.2020. Genève/ONU. La PEC participe à un débat au cours duquel la

Suisse et le Haut Commissariat aux droits l'homme soulignent

l’importance de la liberté de la presse et de la liberté d’expression.

(Photo pec: le dessinateur Chapatte et la vice-présidente de la PEC Luisa Ballin lors de la table ronde à l'ONU avec la présidente de la Confédération suisse et la Haute Commissaire aux droits de l'Homme)

(DETEC/PEC) La présidente de la Confédération, Simonetta Sommaruga, et la Haute-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme, Michelle Bachelet, ont organisé conjointement à Genève, une journée intitulée «Journalists at risk - Let's protect media freedom!», à laquelle des journalistes impliqués ont été invités à prendre la parole.

À l’issue des discours de la présidente de la Confédération et de la Haute-Commissaire des Nations Unies, des journalistes venus du Mexique, de Chine et de Syrie ont décrit les obstacles à surmonter dans leur travail au quotidien. Ces exposés ont été suivis d’une table ronde, à laquelle ont pris part le dessinateur suisse Chappatte, mondialement connu, et la vice-présidente de la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) Luisa Ballin.

La liberté de la presse est menacée aux quatre coins de la planète, où des journalistes sont victimes d’intimidations, d’agressions, d’arrestations arbitraires et d’entraves à leur travail. Dans l’invitation envoyée, on relève des tendances inquiétantes telles que la criminalisation des médias et une surveillance accrue par voie électronique. La pandémie de COVID-19 a révélé à quel point la libre circulation des informations, l’ouverture et la transparence sont importantes pour établir la confiance dans la société et donner une assise à des mesures sanitaires.

Sommaruga inquiète de la répression contre les médias (dépêche de l'Agence de presse ATS)

La présidente de la Confédération estime que les menaces contre les journalistes dans le monde ont atteint une «gravité alarmante», a-t-elle déclaré ce mardi à Genève lors d’une conférence organisée par la Suisse et l’ONU.

La présidente de la Confédération Simonetta Sommaruga est inquiète de la répression grandissante des régimes autoritaires contre les travailleurs des médias. Elle a appelé mardi à Genève à la libération des journalistes notamment au Bélarus et en Algérie.

Ces derniers mois, des travailleurs des médias ont notamment été arrêtés ou victimes des violences en marge des manifestations contre le pouvoir dans ces deux pays. Devant la presse en marge d’une conférence organisée par la Suisse et l’ONU, la présidente de la Confédération a souhaité que ces personnes soient relâchées.

«La Suisse ne fait pas que cela», a-t-elle affirmé. Cette question de la liberté de la presse est abordée lors de discussions bilatérales. Il y a dix jours, le Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) avait appelé les autorités du Bélarus à relâcher les manifestants pacifiques qui protestent contre la réélection d’Alexander Loukachenko.

À deux semaines de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, la présidente de la Confédération a aussi relevé que la Suisse pourrait «amener des idées, des réflexions» et un dialogue sur la liberté de la presse si elle élue au Conseil de sécurité pour 2023 et 2024. En ouvrant la conférence organisée mardi au Palais des Nations, la présidente de la Confédération a relevé que la détention de journalistes est «une aspiration à la démocratie qu’on étouffe».

Impunité ciblée

L’intimidation, les menaces et les actes contre les journalistes, les dessinateurs de presse et autres représentants de la branche ont atteint une dimension et une «gravité» devenues «alarmantes», a affirmé Simonetta Sommaruga.

«Une démocratie se mesure à la façon dont elle traite ses journalistes», «c’est l’affaire de chaque État». Or, le nombre de pays sûrs se réduit pour les travailleurs des médias, selon Simonetta Sommaruga. «Les lois liberticides qui les réduisent au silence ne sont pas compatibles avec les droits de l’homme», a-t-elle dit.

Les attaques contre les journalistes ciblent «toute la société civile», a déploré de son côté la Haute commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme Michelle Bachelet, à quelques semaines de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU. «Aucun journaliste ne devrait être criminalisé ou harcelé en raison de son travail», a-t-elle affirmé. Simonetta Sommaruga a relevé que 90% des homicides contre les journalistes restent impunis. Elle appelle à des institutions judiciaires indépendantes et à des législations dissuasives pour améliorer cette situation.

Demande sur le coronavirus

Les deux responsables ont dénoncé les campagnes dans certains pays contre les journalistes dans le contexte du Covid. Des indications fiables sont indispensables pour «se protéger contre un virus», a dit Simonetta Sommaruga qui a aussi alerté sur les effets économiques de la pandémie pour les médias. Après l’annonce jeudi dernier d’une quarantaine obligatoire pour les Suisses arrivant en Grande-Bretagne, elle a dit à la presse que Berne allait «chercher à dialoguer» avec les autorités britanniques.

Michelle Bachelet a relevé de son côté que les femmes journalistes étaient plus encore menacées d’abus, notamment de violences sexuelles. Elle a ajouté qu’un succès sur les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) ne pourra être obtenu que si la sécurité des journalistes est garantie. Elle a encore promis que son bureau et l’ONU tout entière continuera à soutenir ceux-ci.

Selon les données de l’ONG genevoise Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC), 48 travailleurs des médias ont été tués depuis début janvier et au moins 261 sont décédés du coronavirus en six mois dans plus de 40 pays.


01.07.2020. PEC press release: More than 186 journalists died from Covid-19 in four months in 35 countries

(French, Spanish and Arabic after English)

Geneva, July 1rst, 2020 (PEC) More than 186 journalists have died from Covid-19 in four months in 35 countries,

the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced in Geneva on Wednesday. Latin America remains the most affected region,

but a sharp increase is noted in India and Bangladesh.

Between March 1 and June 30, 2020, at least 186 journalists died as a result of Covid-19, according to a count by the Geneva-based NGO, around two-thirds on duty. In the month of June alone, 59 victims were counted, two per day.

The actual figure is certainly higher, as journalists who died during this period have not been tested or their deaths

have not been publicly announced. PEC Secretary-General stresses that “in some countries a count takes place,

in others there is less information on the evolution of the pandemic which distorts the comparison at the international level”.

Latin America most affected

By region, Latin America remains the most affected continent, with at least 93 journalists killed by the virus, ahead of Asia 34 victims, Europe 26, Africa 19 and North America 14.

Peru is the country with the highest number of victims (37). Brazil comes second, with 16 victims, then Mexico (14). The United States follows, with 13 victims just ahead of Ecuador (12).

Next in line comes Pakistan with 10 deaths, then Bangladesh with 9 and India also 9, Nigeria 8, United Kingdom 7, ahead of Russia 5 and Bolivia also 5.

The PEC has counted 4 victims in Nicaragua and France, then with 3 deaths in each country: Cameroon, the Dominican Republic, Italy and Spain.

Two victims have been identified in Algeria, Colombia, Egypt, Sweden and one victim in the following countries: Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Panama, South Africa, Togo, Zimbabwe.

The PEC count is based on the use of numerous sources: national associations of journalists, local media, PEC correspondents around the world.

In a separate count, PEC condemns the killing of 33 journalists in 18 countries in six months, from January to June 2020. For the same period last year, 38 journalists were killed in 20 countries. Mexico remains the most dangerous country.

Plus de 186 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en quatre mois dans 35 pays (PEC)

Genève, 1er juillet 2020 (PEC) Plus de 186 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en quatre mois dans 35 pays, a annoncé mercredi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). L’Amérique latine reste la région la plus touchée, mais une forte hausse du nombre de victimes est constatée en Inde et au Bangladesh.

Entre le 1er mars et le 30 juin, au moins 186 journalistes sont morts des conséquences du coronavirus, selon le décompte de l’ONG basée à Genève, dont environ les deux tiers en raison de leur activité. Au cours du seul mois de juin, 59 travailleurs des médias ont succombé au virus, deux par jour.

Le chiffre réel est certainement plus élevé, car des journalistes décédés pendant cette période n’ont pas été testés ou leur mort n’a pas été annoncée publiquement. « Un décompte a lieu dans certains pays, pas dans d’autres, au détriment de l’information sur l’évolution de la pandémie, ce qui fausse la comparaison au niveau international », a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

L’Amérique latine la plus touchée


Par région, l’Amérique latine reste le continent le plus touché, avec au moins 93 journalistes tués par le virus, devant l’Asie avec 34 victimes, l’Europe 26, l’Afrique 19 et l’Amérique du Nord 14.

Le Pérou est le pays avec le plus grand nombre de victimes recensées (37). Le Brésil suit, avec 16 victimes, devant le Mexique (14). Les Etats-Unis viennent ensuite (13 décès), devant l’Equateur (12).

Le Pakistan suit avec 10 morts, ensuite le Bangladesh et l’Inde comptent chacun 9 victimes. Suivent le Nigéria (8), le Royaume-Uni (7), la Russie (5) et la Bolivie (5).

La PEC a recensé 4 victimes du virus au Nicaragua et 4 aussi en France. Trois journalistes sont décédés dans chacun de ces pays : Cameroun, Espagne, Italie et République dominicaine.

Deux travailleurs des médias sont morts en Algérie, Colombie, Egypte, Suède et un dans chacun de ces pays : Afghanistan, Afrique du Sud, Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Iran, Japon, Kazakhstan, Maroc, Panama, République démocratique du Congo, Togo et Zimbabwe.

Le décompte de la PEC est basé sur l’utilisation de plusieurs sources : associations nationales de journalistes, médias locaux, correspondants de la PEC dans le monde.

Dans un décompte séparé, la PEC a condamné l’assassinat de 33 journalistes dans 18 pays en six mois, depuis janvier. Pendant la même période de l’an dernier, 38 journalistes avaient été tués dans 20 pays. Le Mexique reste cette année le pays le plus dangereux.

Comunicado de prensa de la PEC

Más de 186 periodistas han muerto por el Covid-19 en cuatro meses en 35 países (PEC)

Ginebra, 1 de julio de 2020 (PEC).- Más de 186 periodistas han muerto a causa del Covid-19 en cuatro meses en 35 países, anunció el miércoles la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés). América Latina sigue siendo la región más afectada, aunque se observa un fuerte aumento en la India y en Bangladesh.

Entre el 1 de marzo y el 30 de junio de 2020, al menos 186 periodistas murieron como resultado de Covid-19, según un recuento de esta ONG, con sede en Ginebra, alrededor de dos tercios de servicio. Tan sólo en el mes de junio, se contabilizaron 59 víctimas, es decir, dos por día.

La cifra real es ciertamente mucho mayor, ya que los periodistas que murieron durante este período no han sido probados o sus muertes no han sido anunciadas públicamente. "En algunos países se lleva a cabo un recuento y en otros no; todo esto en detrimento de la información sobre la evolución de la pandemia y de una comparación internacional", subrayó el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

América Latina es la región más afectada

Por región, América Latina sigue siendo el continente más afectado, con al menos 93 periodistas muertos por el virus, muy por delante de Asia, con 34 víctimas; Europa, 26; África, 19; y América del Norte con 14.

Perú es el país latinoamericano con el mayor número de víctimas (37). Brasil ocupa el segundo lugar, con 16 víctimas; luego viene México (14). Le siguen los Estados Unidos, con 13 víctimas justo por delante de Ecuador (12).

Luego vienen Pakistán con 10 muertes; luego Bangladesh con 9 y la India también con 9; Nigeria 8; Reino Unido 7; por delante de Rusia 5; y Bolivia también 5.

La PEC ha contado 4 víctimas en Nicaragua y Francia, luego 3 muertes en cada país: Camerún, República Dominicana, Italia y España.

Se han identificado dos víctimas en Argelia, Colombia, Egipto, Suecia y una víctima en los siguientes países: Afganistán, Austria, Bélgica, Canadá, República Democrática del Congo, Irán, Japón, Kazajstán, Marruecos, Panamá, Sudáfrica, Togo, Zimbabwe.

El recuento de la PEC se basa en el uso de numerosas fuentes: asociaciones nacionales de periodistas, medios locales y corresponsales de la PEC en todo el mundo.

En otro tema, la PEC condena el asesinato de 33 periodistas en 18 países ocurridos en los últimos seis meses, de enero a junio de 2020. Durante el mismo período del año pasado, 38 periodistas fueron asesinados en 20 países. México sigue siendo el país más peligroso.

بيان حملة الشارة الدولية

أكثر من 186 صحفياً قتلوا من جراء فيروس كورونا في 35 دولة

جنيف في 1 يوليو (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف أن أكثر من 186 صحفياً قد قتلوا في 35 دولة من جراء فيروس كورونا في الأشهر الأربعة الماضية في الفترة من 1 مارس إلى 30 يونيو 2020.

وذكرت حملة الشارة في بيانها أن اكثر المناطق تضرراً هي منطقة أمركيا اللاتينية وأن أعداداً متزايدة قد ظهرت في الهند وبنجلاديش.   

وأضافت أن ثلاثة أرباع الضحايا اصيبوا وهم يعملون وأنه خلال شهر يونيو قتل من الفيروس 59 صحفياً بمعدل أثنين يومياً.

وصرح سكريتر عام الحملة بليز ليمبان بأن العدد قد يكون أكبر بسبب غياب حصر الضحايا في بعض الدول وبسبب عدم توفر مقارنة دولية


أمريكا اللاتينية الأكثر تضرراً 

تظل أمريكا اللاتينية أكثر المناطق تضرراً بوفاة 93 صحفياً من فيروس كورونا وآسيا في المرتبة الثانية 34 ضحية، وأوروبا 26، وإفريقيا 13 وأمريكا الشمالية 14.

تأتي بيرو في المرتبة الأولى بوفاة 37 صحفياً ثم البرازيل 16 فالمكسيك 14، ثم الولايات المتحدة 13 فإيكوادور 12.

تأتي باكستان بعد ذلك (10) ثم بنجلاديش (9) فالهند (9) ثم نيجيريا (8) فالمملكة المتحدة (7) فروسيا 5 وبوليفيا (5). 

ورصدت الحملة وفاة 4 في كل من نيكاراجوا وفرنسا ثم 3 وفيات في كل من الكاميرون وجمهورية الدومينكان وإيطاليا وأسبانيا.

كما تم رصد 2 من الضحايا في كل من الجزائر وكولومبيا ومصر والسويد وضحية واحدة في كل من أفغانستان والنمسا وبلجيكا وكندا وجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وإيران واليابان وكازاخستان والمغرب وبنما وجنوب إفريقيا وتوجو وزيمبابوي.

وتعتمد أرقام الحملة على مصادر متعددة منها الجميعات والنقابات الصحفية الوطنية والاعلام المحلي وأعضاء الحملة من مراسلين في كل أنحاء العالم.

وفي تطور أخر تدين حملة الشارة الدولية مقتل 33 صحفياً في 18 دولة خلال الأشهر الستة الماضية من يناير إلى يونيو 2020 بالمقارنة بمقتل 38 لنفس الفترة في السنة الماضية في 20 دولة، وتظل المكسيك أكثر الدول خطورة للعمل الصحفي.


02.06.2020. Over 127 journalists died from coronavirus in three months in 31 countries

PEC press release (French, Spanish and Arabic after English)

Geneva, June 2, 2020 (PEC) More than 127 journalists have died from coronavirus in three months in 31 countries, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced in Geneva on Tuesday. Latin America is the most affected region.

“Media workers have an important role to play in the fight against the new virus, they have to inform about the spread of the disease. A number of them died for lack of adequate protective measures when doing their job ", said PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen.

Between March 1 and May 31, 2020, at least 127 journalists died as a result of Covid-19, according to a count by the Geneva-based NGO, around two-thirds on duty. In the month of May alone, 72 victims were counted, more than two per day.

The actual figure is certainly higher, as journalists who died during this period have not been tested (for example, they died of a heart attack, which may be related to Covid-19) or their deaths have not been publicly announced.

Latin America most affected

By region, Latin America was the most affected continent, with at least 62 journalists killed, ahead of Europe 23 victims, Asia 17, North America 13 and Africa 12.

Peru is the country with the highest number of victims (15). Brazil comes second, with 13 victims, with Mexico (13), just ahead of Ecuador (12). However, for Ecuador much higher figures have been circulated.

The United States follows in 5th place, with 12 victims, ahead of Pakistan (8).

Russia has counted the same number of victims as Great Britain, 5 in each country.

Next in line comes Bangladesh with 4 deaths, then with 3 deaths in each country, Bolivia, Cameroon, the Dominican Republic, France, India, Italy and Spain.

Two victims have been identified in Algeria, Colombia, Egypt, Sweden and one victim in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Iran, Japan, Morocco, Nicaragua, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo, Zimbabwe.

Several hundred other media workers tested positive and some media had to be temporarily closed.

The PEC count is based on the use of numerous sources: national associations of journalists, local media, PEC correspondents around the world.

Plus de 127 journalistes sont morts du coronavirus en trois mois dans 31 pays (PEC)

Genève, 2 juin 2020 (PEC) Plus de 127 journalistes sont morts des suites du coronavirus en trois mois dans 31 pays, a annoncé mardi à Genève la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC). L’Amérique latine est la région la plus touchée.

« Les travailleurs des médias ont un rôle important à jouer dans la lutte contre le nouveau virus, ils doivent informer de la propagation de la maladie. Un certain nombre d’entre eux sont morts faute de mesures de protection adéquate en exerçant leur métier », a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.

Entre le 1er mars et le 31 mai 2020, au moins 127 journalistes sont morts des suites du Covid-19, selon le décompte effectué par l’ONG basée à Genève, environ les deux tiers en raison de leur activité. Au cours du seul mois de mai, 72 victimes ont été dénombrées, soit plus de deux par jour.

Le chiffre réel est certainement plus élevé, car des journalistes décédés pendant cette période n’ont pas été testés (ils sont morts par exemple d’une crise cardiaque, qui peut être liée au Covid-19) ou leur mort n’a pas été annoncée publiquement.

Amérique latine la plus touchée

Par région, l’Amérique latine a été le continent le plus touché, avec au moins 62 journalistes décédés, devant l’Europe 23 victimes, l’Asie 17, l’Amérique du Nord 13 et l’Afrique 12.

Le Pérou est le pays ayant fait état du plus grand nombre de victimes (15). Le Brésil vient en deuxième position, avec 13 victimes, en même temps que le Mexique (13 aussi), juste devant l’Equateur (12). Toutefois, pour l’Equateur des chiffres beaucoup plus élevés ont circulé.

Les Etats-Unis suivent au 5e rang, avec 12 victimes, devant le Pakistan (8 morts).

La Russie a dénombré le même nombre de victimes que la Grande-Bretagne, 5 dans chaque pays.

Viennent ensuite le Bangladesh avec 4 morts, puis avec 3 morts dans chaque pays, la Bolivie, le Cameroun, la France, l’Espagne, l’Inde, l’Italie et la République dominicaine.

Deux victimes ont été recensées en Algérie, Colombie, Egypte, Suède et une victime dans les pays suivants : Afrique du Sud, Autriche, Belgique, Canada, Iran, Japon, Maroc, Nicaragua, Nigéria, Togo, Zimbabwe.

Plusieurs centaines d’autres travailleurs des médias ont été testés positif et des médias ont dû être provisoirement fermés.

Le décompte de la PEC se base sur l’utilisation de nombreuses sources : associations nationales de journalistes, médias locaux, correspondants de la PEC dans le monde.

Más de 127 periodistas murieron por coronavirus en tres meses en 31 países (PEC)

Ginebra, 2 de junio de 2020 (PEC) Más de 127 periodistas han muerto por coronavirus en tres meses en 31 países, anunció

el martes la Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) en Ginebra. América Latina es la región más afectada.

“Los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación tienen un papel importante que desempeñar en la lucha contra el nuevo

 virus, tienen que informar sobre la propagación de la enfermedad. Varios murieron por falta de medidas de protección

 adecuadas en el ejercicio de su actividad”, dijo el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.

Entre el 1 de marzo y el 31 de mayo de 2020, al menos 127 periodistas murieron como resultado de la Covid-19, según

un recuento realizado por la ONG con sede en Ginebra, alrededor de dos tercios debido a su actividad. Solo en el mes de

mayo, se contaron 72 víctimas, más de dos por día.

La cifra real es ciertamente mayor, ya que los periodistas fallecidos durante este período no han sido evaluados

(por ejemplo, murieron de un ataque cardíaco, que puede estar relacionado con Covid-19) o su muerte no fue anunciada


América Latina, el continente más afectado

Por región, América Latina fue el continente más afectado, con al menos 62 periodistas muertos, por delante de Europa 23

víctimas, Asia 17, América del Norte 13 y África 12.

Perú es el país con el mayor número de víctimas (15). Brasil ocupa el segundo lugar, con 13 víctimas, al mismo tiempo

que México (13 también), por delante del Ecuador (12). Sin embargo, para el Ecuador se han dado cifras mucho más altas.

Estados Unidos siguen en quinto lugar, con 12 víctimas, por delante de Pakistán (8).

Rusia registró el mismo número de víctimas que Gran Bretaña, 5 en cada país.

Después viene  Bangladesh con 4 muertes, luego con 3 muertes en cada país, Bolivia, Camerún, Francia, España, India,

Italia y República Dominicana.

Se han identificado dos víctimas en Argelia, Colombia, Egipto, Suecia y una víctima en los siguientes países: Austria,

Bélgica, Canadá, Irán, Japón, Marruecos, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Sudáfrica ,Togo, Zimbabwe.

Cientos de otros trabajadores de los medios de comunicación resultaron positivos al coronavirus  y medios de comunicación

tuvieron que cerrar temporalmente.

El recuento de la PEC se basa en el uso de numerosas fuentes: asociaciones nacionales de periodistas, medios locales y

corresponsales de la PEC en todo el mundo.

حملة الشارة الدولية: أكثر من   127 صحفياً قتلوا  من جراء كورونا في ثلاثة أشهر في 31 دولة

جنيف في 2 يونيو (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية في بيان لها من مقرها جنيف أن أكثر من 127 صحفيا قتلوا بفيروس كورونا في 31 دولة وأن أكثر المناطق تضرراً هي أمريكا اللاتينية. 

وأعلن سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن الإعلام يلعب دورا مهماً في مكافحة هذا الفيروس الجديد وعلى الإعلام تعبئة وتوعية الناس حول انتشاره، ومضيفاً أن البعض منهم قتلوا لعدم توفر الاجراءات المناسبة للحماية خلال أداء عملهم. 

ففي الفترة من 1 إلى 31 مارس 2020 قتل على الأقل 127 صحفياً ومن بينهم 70 بالمائة خلال أداء عملهم، في حين قتل من الفيروس خلال شهر مايو 62 صحفيا بمعدل 2 في اليوم. 

وتعتقد الحملة أن الرقم قد يكون أكبر بسبب مقتل صحفيين آخرين خلال هذه الفترة دون معرفة أسباب الوفاة، أو لم يعله عن وفاتهم. 

أمريكا اللاتينية أكثر المناطق تضرراً


وسجلت أمريكا اللاتينية أعلى معدلات الوفيات بين الصحفيين من كورونا –62 يليها أوروبا 23 ثم آسيا 17 ثم أمريكا الشمالية 13 وإفريقيا 12. وسجلت بيرو أعلى معدل للوفيات 15، ثم البرازيل والمكسيك  13 في كل منهما ثم إيكوادور 12، غير أن الأرقام المتداولة لايكوادور تصل إلى 55 قتيلاً من الصحفيين. ثم تأتي الولايات المتحدة بـ 12 وباكستان 8. وتساوت روسيا وبريطانيا في العدد فقد توفي 5 من الصحفيين في كل منهما. ثم بنجلاديش 4 ثم 3 وفيات في كل من الكاميرون وفرنسا والهند وإيطاليا وأسبانيا وجمهورية الدومينيكان ومصر وبوليفيا. وقتل من الفيروس 2 من الصحفيين في كل من الجزائر وكولومبيا والسويد وصحفي واحد في كل من النمسا وبلجيكا وكندا وإيران واليابان والمغرب ونيكاراجوا ونيجيريا وجنوب إفريقيا وتوجو وزيمبابوي.

وقد سجل مئات من الصحفيين تحاليل الفيروس وكانت إيجابية ولجأت وسائل إعلامية إلى إغلاق مكاتبها.

تأتي أرقام حملة الشارة من مصادر متعددة منها النقابات الصحفية والاعلام المحلي وأعضاء حملة الشارة من المراسلين في كل أنحاء العالم.

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقعنا

07.05.2020. Interview of the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen published by the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN).

COVID-19’s Toll on Journalists: At Least 64 Dead in 24 Countries

By Rowan Philp, May 6, 2020

Like health professionals, care givers, and other essential workers, journalists face heightened and grave health risks as they pursue crucial stories on the COVID-19 crisis. But answering a basic question — how many journalists have died from the pandemic — is not easy. Measuring coronavirus-related deaths among media workers presents many of the same problems as counting true mortality figures in the general population.

The Geneva-based Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), a nonprofit focused on press freedom and journalist safety, is attempting to track confirmed COVID-19-related deaths among journalists globally, and they recorded 64 deaths in 24 countries by May 5.

Having begun their count on March 1, PEC is aggregating cases based on online searches in multiple languages, and reports by journalism unions and media companies.

However, the PEC report emphasizes that the number represents a minimum confirmed tally, and that many more reporters are likely to have succumbed to the pandemic.

This is borne out by individual country data now emerging. For instance, on May 3, the PEC had recorded 9 reporter deaths in Ecuador, the worst-hit country for journalist fatalities. But Fundamedios, a press freedom NGO in Latin America, has recorded 12 pandemic-related journalists deaths in the hard-hit Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil alone.

In an email interview, Blaise Lempen, Secretary-General at PEC, said there were several reasons why the global tally represented an undercount, but that it was important to track confirmed cases.

“Of course, (our) sources are insufficient,” Lempen said. “Certainly the real number is higher: first, because some journalists died without being tested; second, others died from coronavirus-related causes such as heart attacks, but whose link cannot be certified; third, because only the deaths of known journalists have been announced; and fourth, in some countries deaths are simply hidden.”

He added: “There was a disaster in the city of Guayaquil: no protection measures.”

Their ongoing track has recorded eight reporter deaths in the US, four in Brazil, and three each in the UK and Spain.

Lempen said PEC’s researchers only recorded deaths officially linked to COVID-19, certified by tests.

“They succumbed to the disease in each case. When there was a doubt, we didn’t count it,” he said.

Some, he said, were tracked from social media posts and family notices.

Lempen said PEC had found it impossible to differentiate between lethal infections caused by reporting activities and those acquired through personal exposure. But it appears obvious, he added, that many were were infected on duty, especially at the start of the epidemic: “Please note that there is a relatively high proportion of young journalists — in their forties, fifties, sixties — not (a lot of) very old.

One prominent fatality is Italian photojournalist Paolo Micai, who died at age 60 on March 23 – weeks after bravely covering the outbreak inside hard-hit hospitals.

The Poynter Institute is another organization documenting and commemorating journalists lost to the pandemic. Reporter Kristen Hare commemorated 16 journalists lost in a recent, updated column – some of them not yet included in the PEC list.

“We are trying to keep a running track here, and we’ve had help from the International News Safety Institute,” says Hare. “I’m also on the lookout for obits of journalists.”

Hare said she planned to dedicate a space in Poynter’s commemorative walkway to journalists who lost their lives to the pandemic.

“It’s an important story to tell,” she said.

Link with the GIJN article: https://gijn.org/2020/05/06/covid-19s-toll-on-journalists-at-least-64-dead-in-24-countries/

Have also a look at the videoconference organized by the Swiss Press Club in Geneva with Pierre Ruetschi (director of the Geneva Press Club), Denis Masmejan (Secretary-General, RSF Switzerland) and Blaise Lempen (PEC Secretary-General) (in French):


01.05.2020. World Press Freedom Day 2020 - Coronavirus used as a pretext for many press freedom violations - at least 55 journalists have died from Covid-19 in two months

(PEC press release English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic below)

World Press Freedom Day 2020 - Coronavirus used as a pretext for many press freedom violations - at least 55 journalists have died from Covid-19 in two months

Geneva, 1 May 2020 (PEC). - On the occasion of Press Freedom Day on 3 May, the Press Emblem

Campaign (PEC) condemns the numerous press freedom violations that have occurred in several

countries since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, protection measures for the media have often been insufficient and at least 55 journalists in 23 countries have died from the coronavirus since 1 March.

Censorship, Internet shutdowns, arbitrary detentions of journalists, physical and verbal attacks and emergency laws that restrict press freedom have occurred in recent weeks. "The fight against the coronavirus is being used as a pretext by some governments to suppress freedoms of expression, assembly and demonstration," said PEC secretary-general Blaise Lempen. "We condemn these excessive and unjustified violations and call on all States to respect the right of citizens to information and their right to health”, he added.

Public information is particularly important in this health crisis. It has nothing to do with a war situation where the media are controlled for reasons of national defence. On the contrary, in the present circumstances, journalists must be able to report freely on the spread of the disease throughout the world, an essential measure to curb it. Transparency is paramount and can be life-saving in a health crisis.

Insufficient protective measures

Journalists are at great risk in this health crisis because they must continue to inform, by going to hospitals, interviewing doctors, nurses, political leaders, specialists, scientists, patients. In various countries, the indispensable protective measures (social distancing, wearing masks, hygiene measures, quarantine) have not been applied, especially at the beginning of the epidemic.

Since 1 March, PEC has recorded the deaths of 55 media workers in 23 countries as a result of the coronavirus: Algeria, Austria, Bangladesh,

Belgium, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Iran, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Togo,

United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela and Zimbabwe. Ecuador was the hardest hit country, with at least 9 journalists killed as a result

of Covid-19, ahead of the United States (8), Brazil (4), United Kingdom (3) and Spain (3). The PEC states that the professional cause of some

of these deaths is not always established. The PEC team offers condolences to families and colleagues of the deceased.

Release Julian Assange

The PEC also denounces the refusal of several States to release imprisoned journalists, endangering their lives, even though prisons are a hotbed for the spread of the virus. "We are particularly outraged by the British authorities' refusal to release Julian Assange, whose health is already being seriously damaged by his detention," Lempen said.

"The death in custody of the co-founder of Wikileaks would be a huge scandal, as would his extradition to the United States," he added. "We call upon the British authorities to release Assange without delay on humanitarian grounds”, the PEC secretary-general said.

One of the consequences of the coronavirus crisis is that the number of journalists killed in areas of conflict and internal violence continues

to decrease. In four months, from January to April, 18 journalists were killed worldwide, compared to 20 for the same period last year and

46 for the first four months of 2018. Mexico remains the most dangerous country with four journalists killed, with Iraq (also 4), then Syria (2)

and Pakistan (2).

Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse 2020 - Le coronavirus prétexte à de nombreuses violations de la liberté de la presse – au moins 55 journalistes sont morts du Covid-19 en deux mois

Genève, le 1er mai 2020 (PEC). – A l’occasion de la Journée de la liberté de la presse le 3 mai, la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) condamne les nombreuses violations de la liberté de la presse intervenues dans plusieurs pays depuis le début de la pandémie du Covid-19. Les mesures de protection pour les médias ont en outre souvent été insuffisantes et au moins 55 journalistes dans 23 pays sont décédés du coronavirus depuis le 1er mars.

Censure, fermeture de sites internet, détentions arbitraires de journalistes, attaques physiques et verbales, législations d’exception réduisant la liberté de la presse, autant de violations constatées ces dernières semaines. « La lutte contre le coronavirus est utilisée comme prétexte par certains gouvernements pour réprimer les libertés d’expression, de réunion, de manifestation », a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. « Nous condamnons ces violations excessives injustifiées et demandons que tous les Etats respectent le droit à l’information des citoyens et leur droit à la santé ».

L’information du public est particulièrement importante dans cette crise sanitaire. Elle n’a rien à voir avec une situation de guerre où les médias

 sont contrôlés pour des raisons de défense nationale. A l’inverse, dans les circonstances présentes, les journalistes doivent pouvoir librement

 informer de l’évolution de la propagation de la maladie partout dans le monde, une mesure essentielle pour la freiner. La transparence est

primordiale et peut sauver des vies en cas de crise sanitaire.

Mesures de protection insuffisantes

Les journalistes courent des risques importants dans cette crise, car ils doivent continuer à informer, en se rendant dans les hôpitaux, en interviewant les médecins, infirmiers, les dirigeants politiques, les spécialistes, les scientifiques, les patients. Dans divers pays, les mesures de protection indispensables (distanciation, port de masques, mesures d’hygiène, mises en quarantaine) n’ont pas été appliquées, surtout au début de l’épidémie.

La PEC a ainsi recensé depuis le 1er mars le décès des suites du coronavirus de 55 travailleurs des médias dans 23 pays : Algérie, Autriche, Bangladesh, Belgique, Brésil, Egypte, Equateur, Etats-Unis, Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Iran, Italie, Japon, Maroc, Mexique, Pérou, République dominicaine, Russie, Suède, Togo, Venezuela, Zimbabwe. La PEC précise que la cause professionnelle de certains de ces décès n’est pas toujours établie. L’Equateur a été le pays le plus touché, avec au moins 9 journalistes décédés des suites du Covid-19, devant les Etats-Unis (8), le Brésil (4), l’Espagne (3) et la Grande-Bretagne (3). L’équipe de la PEC présente ses condoléances aux familles et collègues des personnes décédées.

Libérez Julian Assange

La PEC dénonce le refus de quelques Etats de libérer des journalistes emprisonnés, mettant en danger leur vie, alors que les prisons sont un foyer de propagation du virus. « Nous sommes particulièrement scandalisés par le refus des autorités britanniques de libérer Julian Assange, dont la santé est déjà très éprouvée par sa détention », a déclaré Blaise Lempen.

« La mort en détention du cofondateur de Wikileaks serait un immense scandale, de même que son extradition vers les Etats-Unis », a-t-il ajouté. « Nous demandons aux autorités britanniques de libérer sans délai Julian Assange pour des raisons humanitaires », a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC.

Une des conséquences de la crise du coronavirus est que le nombre de journalistes tués dans des zones de conflit et de violence internes a continué de diminuer. En quatre mois, de janvier à avril, 18 journalistes ont été tués dans le monde, contre 20 pour la même période de l’an dernier et 46 pour les quatre premiers mois de 2018. Le Mexique reste le pays le plus dangereux avec quatre journalistes tués, avec l’Irak (4 aussi), puis la Syrie (2) et le Pakistan (2).

Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2020 - El COVID 19 se ha utilizado como un pretexto para que se hagan muchas violaciones a la libertad de prensa. Al menos 55 periodistas han muerto desde el 1 de marzo.

Ginebra, 1º de mayo de 2020 (PEC). - Con ocasión del Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, el 3 de mayo, la ONG, Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) condena las numerosas violaciones a la libertad de prensa que se han producido en varios países desde el comienzo de la pandemia del Covid-19. Además, las mayoría de las medidas de protección que los medios de comunicación han puesto en práctica han sido con frecuencia insuficientes y, desde el 1º de marzo, han muerto al menos 55 periodistas en 23 países.

La censura, los cierres de Internet, las detenciones arbitrarias de periodistas, las agresiones físicas y verbales; y las leyes de emergencia

que restringen la libertad de prensa, han sido violadas en las últimas semanas. "La lucha contra el coronavirus está siendo utilizada como

pretexto por algunos gobiernos para reprimir la libertad de expresión, de reunión y de manifestación", dijo el Secretario General de la PEC,

Blaise Lempen.

Quien agregó: "Condenamos estas violaciones excesivas e injustificadas y pedimos a todos los Estados que respeten el derecho de los

ciudadanos a la información y el derecho a la salud”.

La información pública es particularmente importante en esta crisis de salud. No tiene nada que ver con una situación de guerra en la que

los medios de comunicación están controlados por razones de seguridad nacional. Por el contrario, en las actuales circunstancias, los periodistas

 deben poder informar libremente sobre el progreso de la propagación de la enfermedad en todo el mundo, una medida esencial para frenarla.

La transparencia es esencial y puede salvar vidas en caso de una crisis de salud como la que actualmente atraviesa todo el mundo.

Medidas de protección insuficientes

Los periodistas corren un gran riesgo en medio de esta crisis sanitaria porque deben seguir informando, yendo a los hospitales, entrevistando a médicos, enfermeras, líderes políticos, especialistas, científicos y pacientes, entre otras fuentes de información. En varios países no se han aplicado las medidas de protección indispensables (distanciamiento, uso de máscaras, medidas de higiene, cuarentena), especialmente al principio de la epidemia.

Desde el 1º de marzo, el PEC ha registrado la muerte de 55 trabajadores de los medios de comunicación de 23 países como consecuencia

 del coronavirus: Argelia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bélgica, Brasil, Ecuador, Egipto, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Irán, Italia,

Japón, Marruecos, Mexico, Perú, República Dominicana, Rusia, Suecia, Togo, Venezuela y Zimbabwe. Ecuador fue el país más afectado,

con al menos 9 periodistas muertos como resultado de Covid-19, por delante de Estados Unidos (8), Brasil (4),  Gran Bretaña (3) y España (3).

El PEC afirma que no siempre se establece la causa ocupacional de algunas de estas muertes. El equipo del PEC ofrece sus condolencias a las

familias y colegas de los fallecidos.

Liberar a Julian Assange

El PEC denuncia también la negativa de varios Estados a liberar a los periodistas encarcelados, poniendo en peligro sus vidas, a pesar de que las prisiones son un semillero para la propagación del virus. "Estamos especialmente indignados por la negativa de las autoridades británicas a poner en libertad a Julian Assange, cuya salud ya está siendo gravemente dañada por su detención", dijo Lempen.

El secretario general agregó que la muerte en custodia del cofundador de Wikileaks “sería un gran escándalo”, al igual que su extradición a los Estados Unidos. "Pedimos a las autoridades britanicas que liberen a Assange sin demora por razones humanitarias", dijo.

Una de  las consecuencias de la crisis del COVID 19 es que el número de periodistas asesinados en áreas de conflicto y violencia interna ha

seguido disminuyendo. En cuatro meses, de enero a abril de este año, 18 periodistas ha sido asesinados en todo el mundo, en comparación

con 20 para el mismo período del año pasado y 46 para los primeros cuatro meses de 2018. México sigue siendo el país más peligroso con

 cuatro periodistas asesinados, con Irak (también 4), luego Siria (2) y Pakistán (2).

Dia Mundial da Liberdade de Imprensa 2020

Coronavírus usado como pretexto para diversas violações à liberdade de imprensa – ao menos 55 jornalistas morreram em decorrência de Covid-19 em dois meses

Genebra, 1ºde Maio de 2020 (PEC). – Por ocasião do Dia da Liberdade de Imprensa, em 3 de Maio, a Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condena diversas violações à liberdade de imprensa que ocorreram em vários países desde o começo da pandemia por Covid-19. Adicionalmente, medidas de proteção para profissionais de mídia têm sido insuficientes e, desde 1º de Março, ao menos 55 jornalistas morreram em 23 países em decorrência do coronavírus.

Censura, bloqueios à Internet, detenções arbitrárias de jornalistas, ataques físicos e verbais e leis emergenciais que restringem a liberdade de imprensa vêm ocorrendo nas últimas semanas. “A luta contra o coronavírus está sendo usada como pretexto por alguns governos para suprimir liberdades de expressão, de assembleia e de manifestação,” afirmou o secretário-geral da PEC, Blaise Lempen. “Nós condenamos essas violações excessivas e injustificadas e convocamos todos os Estados a respeitarem o direito dos cidadãos à informação e à saúde”, adicionou.

Informação pública é particularmente importante nessa crise de saúde. Não há qualquer semelhança com uma situação de guerra em que a mídia sofre controles por razões de defesa nacional. Pelo contrário, nas presentes circunstâncias jornalistas devem poder divulgar livremente informações sobre o alastramento da doença pelo mundo, uma medida essencial para freá-la. Transparência é essencial e pode salvar vidas em uma crise de saúde.

Medidas protetivas insuficientes

Jornalistas estão sob grande risco nesta crise de saúde porque precisam continuar informando, indo a hospitais, entrevistando médicos(as), enfermeiros(as), líderes políticos, especialistas, cientistas e pacientes. Em vários países, as medidas indispensáveis de proteção (isolamento social, uso de máscaras, medidas de higiene, quarentena) não foram aplicadas, especialmente no começo da epidemia.

Desde 1º de Março, a PEC registrou as mortes de 55 trabalhadores do setor midiático, como resultado de infecção pelo coronavírus,
em 23 países: Algéria, Áustria, Bangladesh, Bélgica, Brasil, República Dominicana, Equador, Egito, França, Irã, Itália, Japão, Marrocos,
México, Perú, Rússia, Espanha, Suécia, Togo, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Venezuela e Zimbábue. O Equador foi o país mais afetado,
com ao menos 9 jornalistas mortos em decorrência de Covid-19, à frente dos Estados Unidos (8), Brasil (4), Reino Unido (3) e Espanha (3).

A PEC declara que nem sempre é oficialmente estabelecida a relação de causalidade com a atividade profissional nessas fatalidades.

A equipe da PEC oferece condolência aos familiares e colegas dos falecidos.

Libertem Julian Assange

A PEC também denuncia a recusa de vários Estados em libertar jornalistas detidos, colocando suas vidas em risco, visto que as prisões facilitam a transmissão do vírus. “Estamos particularmente ultrajados pela recusa das autoridades Britâncias em libertar Julian Assange, cuja saúde já foi seriamente comprometida durante seu encarceramento,” afirmou Lempen.

“A morte sob custódia do co-fundador do Wikileaks seria um enorme escândalo, assim como sua eventual extradição para os Estados Unidos”, acrescentou. “Instamos as autoridades Britâncias à imediata soltura de Assange por razões humanitárias”, declarou o secretário-geral da PEC.

Uma das consequências da crise do coronavírus é que o número de jornalistas mortos em áreas de conflito e de violência doméstica continua
a diminuir. Em quatro meses, de Janeiro a Abril, 18 jornalistas foram mortos no mundo todo, em comparação a 20 óbitos no mesmo período
no ano anterior e 46 nos primeiros quatro meses de 2018. México continua sendo o país mais perigoso, com 4 jornalistas mortos, seguido
do Iraque (também 4), Síria (2) e Paquistão (2).

اليوم العالمي لحرية الصحافة 2020

فيروس كورونا يُستخدم كذريعة للعديد من انتهاكات حرية الصحافة –

توفي ما لا يقل عن 55 صحفيا من كوفيد-19 في شهرين   

جنيف في 3 مايو (حملة الشارة الدولية) – بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لحرية الصحافة أعلنت الحملة الدولية لحماية الصحفيين ومقرها جنيف أنها تدين العديد من الإجراءات التي قوّضت حرية الصحافة، والإعلام وأن العديد من الانتهاكات ضد الصحفيين قد وقعت ضد الصحفيين، وأن إجراءات حماية وسائل الإعلام غير كافية في كثير من الأحيان.

وأضافت في بيانها، أنه ما لا يقل عن 55 صحفياً في 23 دولة توفوا من جراء كوفيد- 19 منذ 1 مارس. 

وقالت الحملة إن الرقابة وُضعت، وتم إغلاق الإنترنت ووقعت الاعتقالات التعسفية للصحفيين والهجمات الجسدية واللفظية وسريان قوانين الطوارئ التي تقيِّد حرية الصحافة في الأسابيع الأخيرة.

قال سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان إن "مكافحة الفيروس التاجي تستخدم كذريعة من قبل بعض الحكومات لقمع حريات التعبير والتجمع والتظاهر". وأضاف: "ندين هذه الانتهاكات المفرطة وغير المبرّرة، وندعو جميع الدول إلى احترام حق المواطنين في المعلومات وحقهم في الصحة".

المعلومات العامة مهمة بشكل خاص في هذه الأزمة الصحية. لا علاقة لها بحالة الحرب حيث يتم التحكُّم في وسائل الإعلام لأسباب الدفاع الوطني. بل على العكس، في الظروف الحالية، يجب أن يكون الصحفيون قادرين على الإبلاغ بحرية عن انتشار المرض في جميع أنحاء العالم، وهو إجراء أساسي لكبحه. الشفافية أمر بالغ الأهمية ويمكن أن تكون منقذة للحياة في أزمة صحية.

تدابير وقائية غير كافية

يتعرض الصحفيون لخطر كبير في هذه الأزمة الصحية، لأنهم يجب أن يستمروا في إبلاغهم عن طريق الذهاب إلى المستشفيات وإجراء مقابلات مع الأطباء والممرضات والقادة السياسيين والمتخصصين والعلماء والمرضى. في مختلف البلدان، لم يتم تطبيق تدابير الحماية التي لا غنى عنها (الابتعاد الاجتماعي، وارتداء الأقنعة، وتدابير النظافة، والحجر الصحي)، وخاصة في بداية الوباء.

ويذكر أن الصحفيين المتوفين - 55 صحفياً إعلامياً - من 23 دولة بسبب فيروس كورونا منذ 1 مارس ينتمون إلى: الجزائر، النمسا، بنجلاديش، بلجيكا، البرازيل، جمهورية الدومينكان، الإكوادور، مصر، فرنسا، إيران، إيطاليا، اليابان، المغرب، المكسيك، بيرو، روسيا، إسبانيا، السويد، توجو، المملكة المتحدة، الولايات المتحدة، فنزويلا، وزيمبابوي. وتشير حملة الشارة الدولية إلى أن السبب المهني لبعض هذه الوفيات لا يتم إثباته دائمًا. ويتقدم فريق حملة الشارة الدولية بأصدق التعازي لعائلات وزملاء المتوفين ولمؤسستهم الصحفية. 

إطلاق سراح جوليان أسانج

كما تدين الحملة الدولية رفض عدة دول الإفراج عن الصحفيين المسجونين، مما يعرِّض حياتهم للخطر، على الرغم من أن السجون هي مرتع لانتشار الفيروس. وقال ليمبان: "نحن غاضبون بشكل خاص من رفض السلطات البريطانية الإفراج عن جوليان أسانج، الذي تضررت صحته بالفعل بسبب احتجازه".

وأضاف: "وفاة مؤسس ويكيليكس في الحجز ستكون فضيحة ضخمة، وكذلك تسليمه إلى الولايات المتحدة"، حيث من المقرر استئناف محاكمته في مايو. وقال ليمبان "ندعو السلطات البريطانية إلى الإفراج عن أسانج دون تأخير لأسباب إنسانية. فهو لم يفعل سوى وظيفته كصحفي".

من نتائج أزمة الفيروس التاجي أنها ساعدت على تقليل عدد الصحفيين الذين قُتِلوا في مناطق النزاع والعنف الداخلي. ففي أربعة أشهر من يناير إلى أبريل قُتِل 18 صحفيًا في جميع أنحاء العالم، مقارنة بـ 20 صحفيًا في نفس الفترة من العام الماضي، و46 في الأشهر الأربعة الأولى من عام 2018. لاتزال المكسيك أخطر دولة، حيث بها قُتِل أربعة صحفيين، مع العراق (أيضًا 4) ثم سوريا (2) وباكستان (2).

19.03.2020. CORONAVIRUS. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomed the joint statement issued today by David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Harlem Désir, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and Edison Lanza, IACHR Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression calling on governments to promote and protect access to and free flow of information during COVID-19 pandemic.

In light of the growing disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the monitors for freedom of expression and freedom of the media for the United Nations, the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights, and the Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe issued today the following joint statement:

“We share the grave concern of people everywhere in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. At a moment of such gravity, we fully understand and support the efforts of public health professionals and governments to develop and implement strategies to protect human health and human life. The fundamental and non-derogable right to life is at stake, and governments are obligated to ensure its protection.

“Human health depends not only on readily accessible health care. It also depends on access to accurate information about the nature of the threats and the means to protect oneself, one’s family, and one’s community. The right to freedom of expression, which includes the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, through any media, applies to everyone, everywhere, and may only be subject to narrow restrictions. In this connection, we urge the following:

First, it is essential that governments provide truthful information about the nature of the threat posed by the coronavirus. Governments everywhere are obligated under human rights law to provide reliable information in accessible formats to all, with particular focus on ensuring access to information by those with limited internet access or where disability makes access challenging.

Second, internet access is critical at a time of crisis. It is essential that governments refrain from blocking internet access; in those situations where internet has been blocked, governments should, as a matter of priority, ensure immediate access to the fastest and broadest possible internet service. Especially at a time of emergency, when access to information is of critical importance, broad restrictions on access to the internet cannot be justified on public order or national security grounds.

Third, the right of access to information means that governments must be making exceptional efforts to protect the work of journalists. Journalism serves a crucial function at a moment of public health emergency, particularly when it aims to inform the public of critical information and monitors government actions. We urge all governments to robustly implement their freedom of information laws to ensure that all individuals, especially journalists, have access to information.

Fourth, we share the concern that false information about the pandemic could lead to health concerns, panic and disorder. In this connection, it is essential that governments and internet companies address disinformation in the first instance by themselves providing reliable information. That may come in the form of robust public messaging, support for public service announcements, and emergency support for public broadcasting and local journalism (for instance, through government health advertisements).

Resorting to other measures, such as content take-downs and censorship, may result in limiting access to important information for public health and should only be undertaken where they meet the standards of necessity and proportionality. Any attempts to criminalise information relating to the pandemic may create distrust in institutional information, delay access to reliable information and have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

Fifth, we are aware of growing use of tools of surveillance technology to track the spread of the coronavirus. While we understand and support the need for active efforts to confront the pandemic, it is also crucial that such tools be limited in use, both in terms of purpose and time, and that individual rights to privacy, non-discrimination, the protection of journalistic sources and other freedoms be rigorously protected. States must also protect the personal information of patients. We strongly urge that any use of such technology abide by the strictest protections and only be available according to domestic law that is consistent with international human rights standards.

“We close by thanking all the medical and health care professionals putting themselves at the frontline of treating the unwell.”

10.03.2020. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 43rd session. Item 4. Oral statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC):

"Democracies are sending the wrong message and setting an unfortunate precedent by inflicting on Julian Assange severe mental suffering and psychological torture (…). As a journalist, Julian Assange has only done his job (…) Julian Assange like other journalists arbitrary detained around the world must be released as soon as possible."

General Assembly

Human Rights Council 43rd session

Item 4 General Debate

Mr President,

The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) would like to draw the attention of the Human Rights Council on the very worrying situation of a journalist we all know because few years ago he came here in Geneva to testify: Julian Assange.

This journalist is detained in the United Kingdom and the court proceedings for his extradition to the United States begun at the very first day of this session of the Human Rights Council on 24 February. He could face up to 175 years in prison for espionage.

Democracies are sending the wrong message and setting an unfortunate precedent by inflicting on Julian Assange severe mental suffering and psychological torture as defined by the UN Special Rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, in his report to this session A/HRC/43/49.

Nils Melzer stated in an interview: “If Julian Assange is convicted, it will be a death sentence for freedom of the press. Because if investigative journalism is classified as espionage and can be incriminated around the world, then censorship and tyranny will follow”.

As a journalist, Julian Assange has only done his job. There was an overriding public interest in publishing the documents on WikiLeaks exposing war crimes in conflict zones.

The Human Rights Council cannot remain silent. Julian Assange like other journalists arbitrary detained around the world must be released as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention.

Geneva, 10 March 2020


Desde la llegada a Colombia de la Oficina de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (OACNUDH), en 1997, el movimiento social y de derechos humanos ha respaldado su labor y los Informes que anualmente sintetizan los principales eventos relacionados con la violencia socio-política en el marco del conflicto armado, con asuntos humanitarios, y con la situación de derechos humanos y derecho internacional humanitario en general. Sus recomendaciones han sido un instrumento valioso y permanente para la incidencia nacional e internacional, así como un documento útil en escenarios internacionales para una mejor comprensión de nuestra realidad.

Esta semana, el representante en Colombia de la OACNUDH, el señor Alberto Brunori, publicó el Informe correspondiente al año 2019, el cual respaldamos y consideramos oportuno, serio, riguroso y ajustado a la realidad que vive Colombia en materia de derechos humanos. Este reporte coincide con la realidad que, a diario, se ve a través de los medios de comunicación, redes sociales y denuncias interpuestas por las organizaciones sociales en los diferentes territorios del país. La descripción cuantitativa y cualitativa que contiene, da cuenta del deterioro exponencial que viene sufriendo el país en materia de derechos humanos últimamente.

Consideramos indebida e injustificada la reacción del Gobierno Nacional del Presidente Iván Duque al Informe y a la labor de la Oficina a cargo del representante Brunori. Esta reacción desproporcionada demuestra la falta de compromiso del Gobierno con los derechos humanos a nivel internacional con las instancias que como la Oficina aportan constructivamente a la vigencia de los derechos humanos en nuestro país.

Las Plataformas y organizaciones sociales y de derechos humanos respaldamos el trabajo juicioso y documentado del señor Alberto Brunori y sus equipos de trabajo, nacional y regionales, y saludamos su permanencia en el país hasta el 2022. Instamos al Gobierno Nacional a que atienda las recomendaciones contenidas en el Informe, pues de esta manera se contribuirá a enfrentar la creciente violencia en el país, y se adoptarán medidas verdaderamente efectivas para garantizar los derechos humanos de la población. También por esta vía se asegurará el éxito del Acuerdo de Paz, considerado por la misma comunidad internacional como inédito y de interés mundial.

La Oficina de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos en Colombia seguirá contando con nuestro apoyo para continuar contribuyendo de manera significativa a la prevalencia de la convivencia y la búsqueda de la paz en Colombia mediante su mandato de observación, de asistencia técnica y de verificación a la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz.

Firman, 4 plataformas nacionales de Derechos Humanos, 433 organizaciones nacionales, 41 organizaciones internacionales.

Read also the report of UN Special Rapporteur Michel Forst on Colombia A/HRC/43/51/add.1

20.02.2020. World-wide journalists condemn court action against Julian Assange

More than 1200 journalists from 99 countries have released a joint statement today in defence of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, in the lead up to proceedings in a UK court to extradite him to the United States to face the espionage charges. The court case begins on 24 February.

This is the first time that the US Espionage Act has been used against someone for publishing information provided by a whistleblower. All journalists use information from confidential sources so the legal actions are an extremely dangerous precedent that threatens the world’s journalists and news media. The signatories believe Assange’s imprisonment and the court proceedings are a gross miscarriage of justice.

“It is very rare for journalists to join together and speak up on an issue. Indeed, the size and breadth of this joint journalists’ statement may be unprecedented,” spokesperson Serena Tinari said. The full statement is here, available in eight languages: https://speak-up-forassange.org

The statement notes that Assange risks up to 175 years imprisonment for his part in making public the leak of US military documents from Afghanistan and Iraq, and US State Department cables — including revealing evidence of war crimes. Many media organisations published articles of high public interest based on this information. The statement says: “If governments can use espionage laws against journalists and publishers, they are deprived of their most important and traditional defense – of acting in the public interest – which does not apply under the Espionage Act.”

Journalists anywhere in the world could find themselves being extradited to another country and charged under draconian espionage laws.

The statement has been signed by staff from most of the world’s major media organisations, and includes many prominent and award winning journalists. There is a large number of investigative journalists, including 30 members of ICIJ, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Various journalist organisations, including the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Reporters without Borders (RSF) and the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), signed the statement. The signatories come from every part of the world for a total of 99 countries.

The full list of the signatories is here: https://speak-up-for-assange.org/signatures/

The journalists’ statement also invited people from “media-related” professions. Daniel Ellsberg, the source of the Pentagon Papers, signed the statement as “Whistleblower” and was followed by other important whistleblowers, including Katharine Gun (UK), Rudolf Elmer (Switzerland) and Edward Snow

28.01.2020. U.N. Turkey rights review shines light on free speech repression (Ahval)

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) met on Tuesday to review Turkey’s human rights record since the last Universal Periodic Review in 2015 (photo: the panelists at the PEC side event on Jan. 27 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva)

Turkey’s third review in 10 years aimed to examine the country’s broad human rights trends, covering a diverse range of topics including hate crimes, minority and LGBT rights, and press freedoms.

It covers a period in which Turkey was rocked by an attempted coup in 2016, followed by two years of emergency rule during which the government used its heightened security powers to sack and arrest thousands of people it said were members of the Gülen religious movement that it blamed for the failed putsch.

Critics of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government say it used the emergency powers to root out political opponents.

The crackdown hit journalists and civil society activists in Turkey hard, with many prosecuted for supporting terrorism over criticism of government policies in its pursuit of Gülenists and repression of the Kurdish political movement.

The Committee to Protect Journalists ranked Turkey as the worst jailer of journalists in the world for three years running until 2019, when China jailed 48 journalists to Turkey’s 47.

The government’s control over the country’s mainstream press outlets and repression of critical journalism has led to an atmosphere where criticism of the three cross-border military operations in Syria and counter-insurgency operations against Kurdish militants in Turkey’s southeast is virtually criminalised.

“We are censoring ourselves because of these fears,” activist and Ahval contributor Nurcan Baysal said at a panel organised by the International Observatory of Human Rights (IOHR) and the Press Emblem Campaign the day before the UNHCR review.

“For example, before coming here I asked myself if I should use certain words, should I use the word invasion, or should I use the word war, because today in Turkey even to say war is forbidden,” she said. “Everything that I say has an effect on not only my life, but of the lives of my children and family.”

In another move that drew criticism, the Presidential Communications Directorate refused to issue press cards for journalists at BirGün and Evrensel, two critical press outlets.

“No state or power can decide who is a journalist, it is the domain for professional organisations and should always be separate from power,” Ahval editor-in-chief Yavuz Baydar said at the IOHR panel.

Responding to criticism of Turkey’s record on press freedom at Tuesday’s meeting, Turkish envoy Faruk Kaymakçı said the right to freedom of expression did not cover what he called propaganda for terrorism, adding that some members of the outlawed Gülen religious movement were posing as journalists.

But speaking at the IOHR panel, Human Rights Foundation of Turkey President Şebnem Korur Fincancı said rights violations had become commonplace because “all the procedural safeguards have been neglected”. The UNHCR will announce its recommendations on Thursday.

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