At the demonstration in front of the UN building in Geneva, PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen (photo pec) demands the release of the WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange and his transfer to a safe place with a dozen other organizations. "As a journalist I want to express my solidarity. Julian Assange came to Geneva several times to testify. The least thing is to show our solidarity. He did only his job of journalist", said PEC Secretary-General in the presence of a hundred people.
Les organisations Solidarités sans frontières, ADETRA, CETIM, Courage Foundation, droitsfondamentaux.ch, Jeunes POP Genève, Jeunes POP Suisse, Juristes Démocrates de Suisse, PALC (productions à la chaîne), PS genevois, PS Ville de Genève, PST-POP, Press Emblem Campaign, Solidarité Bosnie, Syndicom, les Verts genevois, les Vert.e.s Ville de Genève exigent la libération immédiate de Julian Assange et demandent que la Suisse lui accorde l’asile politique.
Jeudi 19 décembre en matinée, Julian Assange est invité à comparaître à la cour de Westminster à Londres pour une audience administrative dans le cadre d’une procédure d’extradition illégale. Nous appelons la population suisse à se rassembler le même jour à 12h00 à la Place des Nations à Genève pour exiger la libération du fondateur, éditeur et journaliste de Wikileaks Julian Assange.
Plusieurs organisations se sont jointes à l’appel à mobilisation lancé par Solidarités sans frontières pour alerter l’opinion publique sur la l’illégalité de la détention de Julian Assange et les violations systématiques de ses droits fondamentaux. Elles demandent sa libération immédiate et sa conduite en lieu sûr et demande à la Suisse de prendre ses responsabilités en lui accordant l’asile politique.
Julian Assange a révélé des crimes de guerre en Irak et en Afghanistan, diffusé des documents certifiant des abus des droits humains et démontré des affaires de corruption. Les auteurs de ces crimes n’ont jamais été ni jugés, ni punis. Pourtant, c’est lui qui fait l’objet d’une persécution inédite.
Aujourd’hui, il est incarcéré à la prison de Belmarsh à Londres dans des conditions déplorables. Le rapporteur de l’ONU sur la torture déclare qu’Assange montre tous les signes d’une torture psychologique prolongée et qu’il risque de mourir en prison. Au nom de l’ONU, il réclame sa libération immédiate. Or, la justice britannique le gardera sous les verrous pendant toute la procédure d’extradition, qui débutera en février 2020, à la suite de laquelle il pourrait être extradé vers les Etats-Unis. Là, il encourt 175 ans de prison pour des chefs d’inculpation qui se rapportent au métier de journaliste. Or, si Julian Assange est devenu le symbole de la liberté de la presse au 21ème siècle, celle-ci serait clairement bafouée en cas d’extradition vers les Etats-Unis.
Personne de contact : Ariane Tripet, Solidarités sans frontières, sekretariat@sosf.ch, 031 311 07 70 ; 079 584 28 13.
The organizations Solidarités sans frontières, ADETRA, CETIM, City of Geneva Green Party, City of Geneva Socialist Party, Courage Foundation, droitsfondamentaux.ch, Geneva Green Party, Geneva Socialist Party, Jeunes POP Genève, Jeunes POP Suisse, Juristes Démocrates de Suisse, PALC (commercial productions), Press Emblem Campaign, PST-POP, Solidarité Bosnie, Syndicom demand the immediate release of Julian Assange and ask that Switzerland grant him political asylum.
Julian Assange has been summoned to appear at the Court of Westminster in London on the morning of Thursday, 19 December, for an administrative hearing in the context of an illegal extradition procedure. We call upon the Swiss people to gather on this same day at twelve noon at the Place des Nations in Geneva to demand the release of Wikileaks’ founder, editor and journalist, Julian Assange.
Several organizations have joined the mobilization call launched by Solidarités sans frontières to alert the public regarding the illegality of Julian Assange’s detention and the systematic violations of his fundamental rights. They are demanding his immediate release and his transfer to a safe place and ask Switzerland to shoulder its responsibility by granting him political asylum.
Julian Assange has revealed war crimes in Iraq and in Afghanistan, has diffused documents certifying human rights abuses and has exposed cases of corruption. The perpetrators of these crimes have never been brought to justice, yet Julian Assange is the victim of unprecedented persecution.
Today, he is incarcerated at Belmarsh prison outside of London in reprehensible conditions. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture has declared that Assange shows all the signs of extended psychological torture and that he risks death in prison. In the name of the United Nations, he demands Assange’s immediate release. However, the British judiciary intends to keep him locked up throughout the entire extradition procedure, which will being in February 2020, following which he could be extradited to the United States. There, he faces 175 years of prison for charges arising from practicing the profession of journalism. While Julian Assange has become the symbol of press freedom in the twenty-first century, this freedom will be grievously violated in the event of his extradition.
Contact person: Ariane Tripet, Solidarités sans frontières, sekretariat@sosf.ch, 031 311 07 70; 079 584 28 13.
Die Organisationen Solidarité sans frontières, ADETRA, CETIM, Courage Foundation, Demokratische Juristinnen und Juristen Schweiz, grundrechte.chm, Jeunes POP Genève, Kommunistische Jugend Schweiz, PALC (productions à la chaîne), PS genevois, PS Ville de Genève, Partei der Arbeit Schweiz, Press Emblem Campaign, Solidarité Bosnie, Syndicom, les Verts genevois und les Vert.e.s Ville de Genève fordern die sofortige Freilassung von Julian Assange und bitten die Schweiz ihm politisches Asyl zu gewähren.
Am Donnerstagmorgen, dem 19. Dezember, wird Julian Assange erneut zur Anhörung vor dem Westminster Magistrates Court in London erscheinen müssen bei der es wiederum um das illegale Auslieferungsverfahren gehen wird.
Wir rufen die Schweizer Bevölkerung auf, sich am selben Tag um 12:00 Uhr bei der Place des Nations in Genf zu versammeln, um die Freilassung des Wikileaks-Gründers, Verlegers und Journalisten Julian Assange zu fordern.
Mehrere Organisationen haben sich Solidarité sans frontières angeschlossen, um die Öffentlichkeit auf die Illegalität der Inhaftierung von Julian Assange aufmerksam zu machen und auf die systematischen Verletzungen seiner Grundrechte hinzuweisen. Sie fordern seine unverzügliche Freilassung und ihn an einen sicheren Ort zu bringen. Zudem fordern sie die Schweiz auf, ihrer Pflicht nachzugehen und Julian Assange politisches Asyl zu gewähren.
Julian Assange hat Kriegsverbrechen der USA im Irak und in Afghanistan enthüllt, Dokumente über gravierende Menschenrechtsverletzungen veröffentlicht und Korruptionsfälle aufgedeckt. Die Verantwortlichen dieser Verbrechen wurden nie zur Rechenschaft gezogen und noch weniger bestraft. Ganz anders Assange, der Opfer einer beispiellosen Hetzjagd geworden ist.
Seit April sitzt er unter elenden Bedingungen im Gefängnis von Belmarsh in London. Der UN-Sonderberichterstatter über Folter hat ihn besucht und schlägt Alarm: Assange zeige alle Symptome einer fortgesetzten psychischen Folter und überlebe möglicherweise seinen Gefängnisaufenthalt nicht. Im Namen der UNO verlangt er seine sofortige Freilassung. Die britische Justiz will ihn aber während seines ganzen Auslieferungsverfahrens, das im Februar 2020 beginnt, hinter Schloss und Riegel behalten. Darauf könnte Assange an die USA ausgeliefert werden, wo ihm 175 Jahren für tätigkeit drohen, die zum Metier eines Journalisten gehören. Assange ist zum Symbol der Pressefreiheit im 21. Jahrhundert geworden. Bei einer Auslieferung würde sie mit Füssen getreten.
Kontaktperson : Ariane Tripet, Solidarités sans frontières, sekretariat@sosf.ch, 031 311 07 70 ; 079 584 28 13.
13.12.2019. PEC annual report: 75 media workers killed in 2019 a decrease of 36 percent
(French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic versions below after English)
Geneva December 13, 2019 (PEC) – In its annual report, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced that since the beginning of the year 75 journalists were killed in 26 countries, a decrease of 36 percent in media casualties compared to the previous year. It is the lowest figure since 2006.
PEC Secretary-General noted that this decrease is encouraging, but much more need to be done. Less media workers are killed, but many others are injured, detained, threatened, attacked, media outlets were destroyed.
"Conflicts in the Middle East have decreased in intensity but the wave of sometimes violent demonstrations in several countries around the world is a serious source of concern for the safety of journalists", he added.
Mexico, with 13 fatalities (- 5 compared to the previous year), and Afghanistan (- 9) with 8 media workers killed remain the most dangerous countries worldwide for the third year in a row. Pakistan has also registered 8 casualties this year (+ 3).
After these countries, the most dangerous were Syria with 6 killed (- 5), then Honduras (5 killed). Honduras is the country with the greatest increase this year (+ 5).
Philippines ranks sixth with 4 journalists killed (the same in 2018), then Colombia 3 (- 1), India 3 (- 6), Iraq 3 (+ 2) and Somalia 3 (- 1). In Brazil (- 2), Haiti (+ 1), Indonesia (+ 1), 2 journalists were killed in each country.
One media worker was killed in each of the following countries: Bangladesh, Chad, Chili, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Nigeria, Northern Ireland (UK), South Africa, Ukraine, Yemen. In the Maldives, it was revealed that one journalist missing since 2014 was in fact assassinated.
In 2019, 5 female journalists were killed (- 2).
By region, Asia represents the most affected region with 27 killed, immediately followed by Latin America with 26 killed, then Africa 10 killed, the Middle East 10, and Europe 2 (1 in Northern Ireland and 1 in Ukraine).
The numbers in Latin America are very worrying. It represents more than the third of the casualties. In the Middle East, the decrease is significant (- 14), also in Europe (- 5, with no journalist killed in Russia).
In a decade, from 2010 to 2019, 1174 media workers were killed, 117 per year, on average 2,25 per week.
The PEC strongly condemns all those heinous attacks and calls upon the authorities to bring all the perpetrators to justice. There must be no impunity.
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) celebrated 15 years in 2019. PEC figures are higher than those of other organizations because the PEC considers all media workers killed, whether it is work-related or not. In fact, it is difficult to prove that a crime is related or not to the work of the journalist without independent and full inquiries which are often lacking in conflict zones and in countries shaken by violence.
The PEC welcomes the adoption by the United Nations of several resolutions on the safety of journalists. It however believes that there is a need of international mechanisms of inquiry and prosecution to fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution, when the national mechanisms are insufficient.
Rapport annuel de la PEC: 75 journalistes tués en 2019, en baisse de 36%
Genève, 13 décembre 2019 (PEC) - Depuis le début de 2019, 75 journalistes ont été tués dans 26 pays, une baisse de 36% par rapport à l'année précédente, a affirmé vendredi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) dans son rapport annuel. C'est le chiffre le plus bas depuis 2006.
"Cette diminution est encourageante, mais beaucoup plus doit être fait. Si moins de travailleurs des médias ont été tués, beaucoup d'autres ont été blessés, détenus, menacés, attaqués, des bureaux de médias ont été détruits", a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.
"Les conflits au Moyen-orient ont baissé d'intensité, mais la vague de manifestations parfois violentes dans plusieurs pays autour du globe est une sérieuse source d'inquiétude pour la sécurité des journalistes", a-t-il ajouté.
Le Mexique avec 13 tués (- 5 comparé à l'année précédente) et l'Afghanistan avec 8 tués (- 9) restent les pays les plus dangereux pour les journalistes pour la troisième année consécutive. Le Pakistan a aussi enregistré 8 victimes (+ 3).
La Syrie vient ensuite au 4e rang avec 6 tués (- 5), devant le Honduras avec 5 tués. Le Honduras est le pays avec la plus forte hausse des victimes cette année (+ 5).
Les Philippines sont au 6e rang avec 4 tués (le même nombre qu'en 2018), puis viennent la Colombie avec 3 tués (- 1), l'Inde 3 (- 6), l'Irak 3 (+ 2) et la Somalie 3 tués aussi (-1 ). Au Brésil (- 2 ), en Haïti (+ 1), et en Indonésie (+ 1), 2 journalistes ont été tués dans chacun de ces pays.
Un travailleur des médias a été assassiné dans chacun de ces pays: Afrique du Sud, Bangladesh, Chili, Ghana, Irlande du Nord (GB), Kenya, Libye, Nigéria, République démocratique du Congo, Tchad, Ukraine et Yemen. Aux Maldives, la preuve a été apportée qu'un journaliste porté disparu depuis 2014 avait été assassiné.
En 2019, cinq journalistes femmes ont été tuées (- 2).
Par région, l'Asie est la zone la plus touchée avec 27 tués, juste devant l'Amérique latine avec 26 tués, puis l'Afrique 10 tués, le Moyen-orient 10 et l'Europe 2 (1 en Irlande du Nord et 1 en Ukraine).
Le nombre des victimes en Amérique latine est particulièrement préoccupant. Il représente plus du tiers du total. Au Moyen-orient, la baisse est importante (- 14), aussi en Europe (- 5, avec aucun journaliste tué en Russie).
Dans une décennie, de 2010 à 2019, 1174 travailleurs des médias ont été tués, soit 117 par année, en moyenne 2,25 par semaine.
La PEC condamne fermement ces attaques et demande aux autorités de traduire tous les responsables en justice. Il ne doit pas y avoir d'impunité.
La PEC a célébré cette année ses 15 ans d'existence. Les chiffres de la PEC sont plus élevés que ceux d'autres organisations parce qu'elle considère tous les travailleurs des médias tués, que leur mort soit liée ou non à leur activité professionnelle. Il est en effet difficile de prouver qu'un crime a lieu en raison ou non du travail d'un journaliste sans enquêtes indépendantes et complètes qui font souvent défaut dans les pays en conflit et secoués par des violences.
La PEC a salué l'adoption de plusieurs résolutions sur la sécurité des journalistes par l'ONU. Elle estime cependant qu'il faut des mécanismes internationaux d'enquête et de poursuites pour combler les lacunes en matière de prévention, de protection et de poursuites, lorsque les mécanismes nationaux sont insuffisants.
Informe anual de la PEC: 75 periodistas asesinados en 2019, en baja del 36%
Ginebra, 13 de diciembre de 2019 (PEC) - Desde principios de 2019, 75 periodistas han sido asesinados en 26 países, lo que representa una disminución del 36% en comparación con el año anterior, dijo el viernes la Campaña de Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) en su informe anual correspondiente a este año. Esta es la cifra más baja desde que esta ONG realiza sus conteos en el 2006.
"Esta disminución es alentadora, pero aún queda mucho por hacer, si menos trabajadores de los medios han sido asesinados, muchos más han sido heridos, detenidos, amenazados, atacados, las oficinas de los medios también han sido destruidas", dijo el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.
"Los conflictos en el Medio Oriente han disminuido en intensidad, pero la ola de protestas a veces violentas en varios países del mundo es una fuente seria de preocupación por la seguridad de los periodistas", agregó.
México con 13 muertos (-5 en comparación con el año anterior) y Afganistán con 8 muertos (-9) siguen siendo los países más peligrosos del mundo para los periodistas por tercer año consecutivo. Pakistán también registró 8 víctimas (+3).
Luego viene Siria, que ocupa el cuarto lugar con 6 muertos (- 5), frente a Honduras con 5 muertos. Honduras es el país con el mayor aumento de víctimas este año (+5).
Filipinas ocupa el sexto lugar con 4 muertos (el mismo número que en 2018), luego viene Colombia con 3 muertos (-1), India 3 (- 6), Irak 3 (+ 2) y en Somalia se asesinaron a 3 personas igualmente (-1). En Brasil (- 2), Haití (+ 1) e Indonesia (+ 1), 2 periodistas fueron asesinados en cada uno de estos países.
Un trabajador de los medios fue asesinado en cada uno de estos países: Bangladesh, Chile, Ghana, Irlanda del Norte (GB), Kenia, Libia, Nigeria, República Democrática del Congo, Chad, Ucrania, Sudáfrica y Yemen. En las islas Maldivas, se han presentado pruebas de que un periodista desaparecido desde 2014 habría sido asesinado.
En 2019, cinco mujeres periodistas fueron asesinadas (-2).
Por región, Asia es el área más afectada, con 27 muertos, seguida de América Latina con 26 muertos, África contabiliza 10 muertos, el Medio Oriente también 10 y Europa hay 2 casos (1 en Irlanda del Norte y 1 en Ucrania).
El número de víctimas en América Latina es particularmente preocupante. Representa más de un tercio del total. En Oriente Medio, la disminución es significativa (- 14), también en Europa (- 5, sin ningún periodista asesinado en Rusia).
En una década, de 2010 a 2019, 1174 trabajadores de los medios fueron asesinados, lo que representa 117 por año, con un promedio de 2.25 por semana.
La PEC condena enérgicamente estos ataques y pide a las autoridades que lleven a todos los responsables ante la justicia. No debe haber impunidad.
La PEC celebró este año sus 15 años de existencia. Sus cifras son más altas que las de otras organizaciones no gubernamentales porque considera a todos los trabajadores de los medios que han sido asesinados, independientemente de que sus muertes estén relacionadas o no con su actividad profesional. De hecho, es difícil demostrar que se produce un delito debido al trabajo de un periodista sin investigaciones independientes y completas que a menudo faltan en países en conflicto y sacudidos por la violencia.
La PEC acogió con beneplácito la adopción de varias resoluciones sobre la seguridad de los periodistas por parte de la ONU. Sin embargo, cree que hay todavía una necesidad de mecanismos internacionales de investigación y enjuiciamiento para llenar los vacíos en la prevención, protección y enjuiciamiento donde los mecanismos nacionales son débiles.
PEC relatório anual: 75 profissionais de mídia mortos em 2019, uma diminuição de 36 por cento
Genebra, 13 de Dezembro de 2019 (PEC) – Em seu relatório anual, a Press Emblem Capaign (PEC) anunciou que, desde o começo do ano, 75 jornalistas foram mortos em 26 países, um decréscimo de 36 por cento dos casos, comparado ao ano anterior. É o menor número desde 2006.
O Secretário-Geral da PEC notou que esse decréscimo é encorajador, mas há muito a ser feito. Menos trabalhadores de mídia foram mortos, mas muitos foram feridos, detidos, ameaçados, atacados e veículos de mídia foram destruídos.
"Conflitos no Oriente Médio diminuíram em intensidade, mas a onda de demonstrações por vezes violentas em diversos países mundo afora é uma séria fonte de preocupação quanto à segurança de jornalistas", adicionou.
México, com 13 fatalidades (5 a menos que no ano anterior), e Afeganistão (9 a menos), com 8 trabalhadores de mídia mortos, continuam sendo os países mais perigosos do mundo pelo terceiro ano consecutivo. O Paquistão também registrou 8 baixas neste ano (acréscimo de 3 mortes).
Depois desses países, o mais perigoso foi a Síria, com 6 mortos (decréscimo de 5), seguida de Honduras (5 mortos). Honduras foi o país com o maior acréscimo neste ano (5 a mais).
Filipinas ocupa o sexto lugar, com 4 jornalistas mortos (o mesmo que em 2018), seguida da Somália, com 3 baixas (1 a menos), Índia com 3 fatalidades (6 a menos), Colombia com 3 homicídios (decréscimo de 1 morte em relação a 2018) e Iraque (aumento de 1). Dois jornalistas foram mortos em cada um dos seguintes países: Brasil (redução de 2), Haiti (aumento de 1), Indonésia (aumento de 1).
Um professional de mídia perdeu a vida em cada um destes países: Bangladesh, Chade, Chile, República Democrática do Congo, Gana, Quênia, Líbia, Nigéria, Irlanda do Norte (GB), África do Sul, Ucrânia e Iêmen. Nas Maldivas, foi descoberto que um jornalista desaparecido desde 2014 foi, de fato, assassinado.
Em 2019, 5 jornalistas mulheres foram mortas (decréscimo de 2 vítimas em relação a 2018).
Por região, a Ásia é a mais afetada com 27 mortos, seguida de perto pela América Latina com 26 mortos, depois a África com 10 homicídios, Oriente Médio com 10 e por último a Europa, com 1 vítima fatal na Irlanda do Norte e 1 na Ucrânia.
Os números na América Latina são muito preocupantes. Representam mais de 1/3 das baixas. No Oriente Médio, a diminuição é significante (14 mortes a menos que em 2018), bem como na Europa (5 a menos, com nenhuma fatalidade na Rússia).
Na década, de 2010 até o presente, 1174 profissionais de mídia foram mortos; 117 por ano, uma média de 2,25 por semana.
A PEC condena veementemente todos esses ataques hediondos e conclama as autoridades à levarem todos os perpetradores à Justiça. Não deve haver qualquer impunidade.
A Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) celebrou 15 anos em 2019. A estatística da PEC apresenta números maiores que o de outras organizações porque considera todos os trabalhadores de mídia assassinados, no contexto da atividade profissional ou não. Com efeito, é difícil provar que um crime é relacionado ou não à atividade jornalística sem investigações minudentes e independentes, que muitas vezes não existem em zonas de conflito e em países desestabilizados pela violência.
A PEC aplaude a adoção pelas Nações Unidas de diversas resoluções sobre a segurança de jornalistas. No entanto, acredita que há necessidade de mecanismos internacionais de investigação e prossecução para preencher as lacunas quanto à prevenção, proteção e acompanhamento judicial, quando os mecanismos nacionais são insuficientes.
قرير حملة الشارة السنوي
75 صحفياً قُتِلوا في 2019 بانخفاض 36 بالمائة
جنيف في 13 ديسمبر (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية في تقريرها السنوي أن 75 صحفياً قد قُتِلوا في 26 دولة خلال العام الحالي بانخفاض يمثل 36 بالمائة بالمقارنة بالعام الماضي. ويعد هذا الرقم أقل رقم منذ 2006.
وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان بأن هذا الخفض مشجع لكن لابد من المزيد من الفعل، فبالفعل قُتِل عدد أقل من الصحفيين إلا أن عدداً أكبر من الصحفيين يتعرضون للإصابة والاعتقال والتهديد والهجوم كما تم تدمير مقرات إعلامية.
وأضاف ليمبان أن الصراعات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط قد خفت حدتها إلا أن أمواج المظاهرات التي تتحول إلى مظاهرات عنيفة في عدد من الدول حول العالم مسألة تدعو إلى القلق بشأن سلامة الصحفيين.
عانت المكسيك من مقتل 13 صحفيا بناقص 5 عن العام الماضي، وأفغانستان 8 بناقص 9 وكلاهما يمثلان أخطر دول في العمل الصحفي، وقُتِل 8 صحفيين في باكستان بزيادة 3 هذا العام.
ثم جاءت سوريا في المرتبة التالية بمقتل 6 صحفيين بناقص 5 عن السنة الماضية، ثم هندوراس 5 وهي شهدت أكبر زيادة هذا العام.
ثم جاءت الفلبين 4 صحفيين نفس رقم السنة الماضية، فالصومال 3 بناقص واحد عن السنة الماضية، والهند 3 بناقص 6 عن السنة الماضية، وكولومبيا 3 بناقص 1 عن السنة الماضية، والبرازيل ناقص 2، وهايتي زائد 1، وإندونيسيا زائد واحد، والعراق زائد 2 وقُتِل 2 من الصحفيين في كلٍ منهما.
وقُتِل صحفي واحد في بنجلاديش وتشاد وشيلي وجمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية وغانا وكينيا وليبيا ونيجيريا وإيرلندة الشمالية وجنوب إفريقيا وأوكرانيا واليمن. في المالديف أُعلن أن صحفياً قد اختفى منذ 2014، ويعتقد أنه اُغتيل.
في 2019 قُتِلت 5 صحفيات بناقص 2 عن السنة الماضية.
تتصدر آسيا مناطق العالم كأخطر مناظق العمل الصحفي، حيث قُتِل 27 صحفياً ثم أمريكا اللاتينية: 26 صحفياً، فإفريقيا 10 صحفيين، والشرق الأوسط 10 صحفيين، وأوروبا 2 أحدهما في أيرلندة الشمالية والآخر في أوكرانيا.
وتمثل الأرقام في أمريكا اللاتينية أرقاماً مثلثة للغاية، فهي تمثل ثلث الضحايا. في الشرق الأوسط الأعداد تقل بشكل ملحوظ بناقص 15 وأوروبا بناقص 5 ولم يُقتل صحفي في روسيا هذا العام.
من 2010 إلى 2019 قُتِل 1174 صحفياً بمعدل 117 سنوياً وبمتوسط 2,25 في الأسبوع.
إن حملة الشارة الدولية تدين من مقرها في جنيف هذه الهجمات المروِّعة، وتطالب السلطات بتقديم مرتكبيها إلى العدالة، يجب ألا يفلت أحد من العقاب.
تحتفل حملة الشارة بمرور 15 عاماً على إنشائها وتعد أرقام الحملة بالنسبة للضحايا من الصحفيين أعلى من المنظمات الأخرى، لأنها تعتبر من يُقتل من الصحفيين قتلى سواء كان القتل مرتبطاً بالعمل أم لا. فمن الصعب إثبات أن الجريمة متصلة بالعمل أم لا بدون تحقيق مستقل وكامل الذي يكون في العادة ناقصا في بؤر الصراع وفي الدول التي تعاني أحداث عنف.
إن حملة الشارة ترحب باعتماد الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة قرارات متعددة حول سلامة الصحفيين، ومنها القرار الأخير في 26 نوفمبر. إلا أنها تعتقد أن هناك حاجة إلى أجهزة دولية للتحقيق وتقديم الجناة إلى المحاكمة من أجل سد الفجوة في الحماية ومنع هذه الجرائم حين تكون الأجهزة الوطنية غير كافية.
من أجل المزيد حول الضحايا من الصحفيين تصفح:
06.12.2019. Journalists Speak Up for Julian Assange (en français ci-dessous)
Julian Assange, founder and publisher of WikiLeaks, is currently detained in Belmarsh high-security prison in the United Kingdom and faces extradition to the United States and criminal prosecution under the Espionage Act. He risks up to 175 years imprisonment for his part in making public the leak of US military documents from Afghanistan and Iraq, and a trove of US State Department cables. The ‘War Diaries’
provided evidence that the US Government misled the public about activities in Afghanistan and Iraq and committed war crimes. WikiLeaks partnered with a wide range of media organizations worldwide that republished the War Diaries and embassy cables.
The legal action underway against Mr Assange sets an extremely dangerous precedent for journalists, media organizations and the freedom of the press.
We, journalists and journalistic organizations around the globe, express our grave concern for Mr Assange's wellbeing, for his continued detention and for the draconian espionage charges. This case stands at the heart of the principle of free speech. If the US government can prosecute Mr Assange for publishing classified documents, it may clear the way for governments to prosecute journalists anywhere, an alarming precedent for freedom of the press worldwide. Also, the use of espionage charges against people publishing materials provided by whistleblowers is a first and should alarm every journalist and publisher.
In a democracy, journalists can reveal war crimes and cases of torture and abuse without having to go to jail. It is the very role of the press in a democracy. If governments can use espionage laws against journalists and publishers, they are deprived of their most important and traditional defense – of acting in the public interest – which does not apply under the Espionage Act.
Prior to being moved to Belmarsh prison, Mr Assange spent two years under house arrest and then seven years inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he had been granted political asylum. Throughout this time he was subjected to serious violations of his human rights, including having his legally privileged conversations spied on by organizations taking direct instruction from US agencies. Journalists visiting were
subjected to pervasive surveillance. He had restricted access to legal defense and medical care and was deprived of exposure to sunlight and exercise. In April 2019, the Moreno government allowed UK law enforcement officers to enter the Ecuador embassy and seize Mr Assange. Since then he has been held in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day and, according to visitors, is “heavily medicated”.
His physical and mental health have seriously deteriorated.
As early as 2015 the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) determined that Mr Assange was arbitrarily detained and deprived of his liberty, and called for him to be released and paid compensation. In May 2019, the WGAD reiterated its concerns and request for his personal liberty to be restored.
We hold the governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Ecuador and Sweden accountable for the human rights violations to which Mr Assange has been subjected.
Julian Assange has made an outstanding contribution to public interest journalism, transparency and government accountability around the world. He is being singled out and prosecuted for publishing information that should never have been withheld from the public. His work has been recognized by the Walkley Award for Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism in 2011, the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, the Index on Censorship prize, the Economist’s New Media Award, the Amnesty International New Media Award, the 2019 Gavin MacFadyen Award and many others. WikiLeaks has also been nominated for the UN Mandela Prize in 2015 and for the Nobel Peace Prize seven times (2010-2015, 2019).
Mr Assange's reporting of abuses and crimes is of historic importance, as have been the contributions by whistleblowers Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner, who are now in exile or incarcerated. They have all faced relentless smear campaigns waged by their opponents, campaigns that have often led to erroneous media reports and a lack of scrutiny and media coverage of their predicaments.
The systematic abuse of Mr Assange’s rights for the past nine years has been understood and protested by the Committee to Protect Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists and leading human rights organisations. But in public discussion there has been an insidious normalising of how he has been treated.
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer investigated the case and in June 2019 wrote: “it finally dawned on me that I had been blinded by propaganda, and that Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed. Once he had been
dehumanized through isolation, ridicule and shame, just like the witches we used to burn at the stake, it was easy to deprive him of his most fundamental rights without provoking public outrage worldwide. And thus, a legal precedent is being set, through the backdoor of our own complacency, which in the future can and will be applied just as well to disclosures by The Guardian, the New York Times and ABC News”.
“By displaying an attitude of complacency at best, and of complicity at worst, Sweden, Ecuador, UK and US governments have created an atmosphere of impunity encouraging Mr Assange’s uninhibited vilification and abuse. In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political
persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonize and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law.”
In November 2019, Melzer recommended that Mr Assange’s extradition to US be barred and that he be promptly released. “He continues to be detained under oppressive conditions of isolation and surveillance, not justified by his detention status (…) Mr Assange’s continued exposure to arbitrariness and abuse may soon end up costing his life”, said Melzer.
In 1898, French writer Émile Zola wrote the open letter J’accuse…! (I accuse) to warn about the wrongful sentencing to life in prison of a military officer named Alfred Dreyfus on espionage charges. Zola’s stance entered history books and still today stands for our duty to fight miscarriages of justice and to hold the powerful to account. This duty is as necessary as ever today, when Julian Assange is being victimized by governments and faces 17 charges1 under the US Espionage Act, legislation that also dates back over hundred years.
As journalists and journalists’ organizations that believe in human rights, freedom of information and of the public's right to know, we demand the immediate release of Julian Assange.
We urge our governments, all national and international agencies and fellow journalists to call for an end to the legal campaign being waged against him for the crime of revealing war crimes.
We urge our fellow journalists to inform the public accurately about this abuse of fundamental rights.
We urge all journalists to speak up in defense of Julian Assange at this critical time.
Dangerous times call for fearless journalism.
1 There is a further charge under different legislation, making a total of 18 charges.
Des journalistes prennent la défense de Julian Assange
Julian Assange, fondateur et éditeur de WikiLeaks, est actuellement détenu à la prison de haute sécurité de Belmarsh au Royaume-Uni et risque l’extradition vers les États-Unis ainsi que des poursuites pénales en vertu de la loi américaine sur l’espionnage (Espionage Act). Il encourt jusqu’à 175 ans d’emprisonnement pour avoir contribué à divulguer des documents militaires américains en provenance d’Afghanistan et d’Irak, ainsi qu’une quantité de correspondances du département d’État américain. Les War Diaries ont fourni la preuve que le gouvernement américain avait trompé l’opinion au sujet de ses activités en Afghanistan et en Irak et qu’il y avait commis des crimes de guerre. WikiLeaks s’est associé à un large éventail d’organisations médiatiques dans le monde entier qui ont republié les War Diaries et les courriers des ambassades.
L’action judiciaire en cours visant Julian Assange constitue un précédent extrêmement dangereux pour les journalistes, les médias et la liberté de la presse.
Nous, journalistes et organisations journalistiques du monde entier, exprimons notre profonde préoccupation pour la vie de Julian Assange à cause de sa détention prolongée et des draconiennes accusations d’espionnage dont il fait l’objet.
Le principe même de la liberté d’expression est au coeur de cette affaire. Si le gouvernement américain peut faire juger M. Assange pour avoir publié des documents confidentiels, il risque d’ouvrir la voie à des poursuites pénales contre des journalistes partout dans le monde et de créer un précédent alarmant pour la liberté de la presse dans le monde. Le recours à l’accusation d’espionnage contre des personnes qui publient des documents fournis par des lanceurs d’alerte constitue lui aussi une première qui devrait alarmer la communauté des journalistes et des éditeurs.
Dans une démocratie, les journalistes peuvent révéler des crimes de guerre et des cas de torture et d’abus sans être condamnés à la prison. Tel est le rôle même de la presse dans une démocratie. Si les gouvernements peuvent utiliser les lois sur l’espionnage contre les journalistes et les éditeurs, ceux-ci se trouvent privés de leur défense la plus importante et la plus traditionnelle – le fait d’agir dans l’intérêt public – qui n’entre pas dans la logique d’une loi telle que l’Espionage Act.
Avant d’être transféré à la prison de Belmarsh, M. Assange a passé deux ans en résidence surveillée, puis sept ans à l’ambassade d’Équateur à Londres, où il avait obtenu l’asile politique. Pendant tout ce temps, il a été victime de graves violations de ses droits humains, comprenant notamment l’écoute de ses conversations légalement confidentielles par des organisations recevant leurs instructions directement des agences américaines. Les journalistes qui lui rendaient visite ont fait l’objet d’une surveillance permanente. Il n’a eu qu’un accès limité à la défense juridique et aux soins médicaux et a été privé de lumière du jour et d’exercice. En avril 2019, le gouvernement Moreno a autorisé les forces de l’ordre britanniques à pénétrer dans l’ambassade d’Équateur et à appréhender M. Assange. Depuis lors, il est détenu à l’isolement jusqu’à 23 heures par jour et, selon ses visiteurs, il est «lourdement médicalisé». Sa santé physique et mentale s’est sérieusement détériorée.
Dès 2015, le Groupe de travail des Nations Unies sur la détention arbitraire (GTDA) a déterminé que M. Assange était arbitrairement détenu et privé de liberté, et a réclamé sa libération assortie du versement d’une indemnisation. En mai 2019, le Groupe de travail a réitéré l’expression de ses préoccupations et redemandé le rétablissement de sa liberté personnelle.
Nous tenons les gouvernements des États-Unis d’Amérique, du Royaume-Uni, de l’Équateur et de la Suède responsables des violations des droits humains dont M. Assange a été victime.
Julian Assange a apporté une contribution exceptionnelle au journalisme d’intérêt public, à la transparence et à l’établissement des responsabilités des gouvernements dans le monde entier. Il est persécuté pour avoir publié des informations qui n’auraient jamais dû être cachées au public. Son travail a été salué par le prix Walkley pour la contribution plus marquante au journalisme en 2011, le prix de journalisme Martha Gellhorn, le prix de l’Index de la censure, le Prix «nouveaux médias» de The Economist, le prix «nouveaux médias» d’Amnesty International New Media Award, le prix Gavin MacFadyen 2019 et bien d’autres distinctions. WikiLeaks a également été nominé pour le prix Mandela des Nations Unies en 2015 ainsi que, à sept reprises (2010–2015, 2019) pour le prix Nobel de la Paix.
Les révélations par Julian Assange des abus et des crimes de guerre au Moyen-Orient revêtent une importance historique, tout comme les contributions des lanceurs d’alerte Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning et Reality Winner, qui se trouvent désormais en exil ou incarcérés. Tous ont dû faire face à des campagnes de dénigrement implacables menées par leurs adversaires, des campagnes qui ont souvent donné lieu à une couverture média fallacieuse ainsi qu’à l’occultation médiatique de leur situation difficile. La violation systématique des droits de Julian Assange au cours des neuf dernières années a été reconnue et dénoncée par le Comité pour la protection des journalistes, la Fédération internationale des journalistes et les principales organisations pour la défense des droits humains. En revanche, dans le débat public, on a assisté à une insidieuse banalisation de la manière dont il est traité.
Le Rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies sur la torture Nils Melzer, ayant enquêté sur cette affaire, écrivait en juin 2019 : «J’ai finalement compris que j’avais été aveuglé par la propagande et qu’on avait systématiquement calomnié Assange afin de détourner l’attention du public des crimes qu’il avait révélés. Une fois déshumanisé par l’isolement, le dénigrement et la honte, exactement comme les sorcières que l’on brûlait sur le bûcher, il était aisé de le priver de ses droits fondamentaux sans soulever l’indignation du monde entier. C’est ainsi qu’un précédent juridique est en train de se créer, par l’arrière-boutique de notre propre complaisance, qui pourra et qui sera identiquement appliqué à l’avenir aux révélations du Guardian, du New York Times et d’ABC News».
«En affichant, au mieux, une attitude de complaisance, au pire de complicité, les gouvernements suédois, équatorien, britannique et américain ont créé un climat d’impunité qui favorise la persécution sans limites de M. Assange. En vingt ans de travail avec les victimes de guerre, de violence et de persécution politique, je n’ai jamais vu un groupe d’États démocratiques s’unir pour isoler, diaboliser et maltraiter délibérément un seul individu pendant si longtemps et avec si peu de respect pour la dignité humaine et l’État de droit.»
En novembre 2019, Nils Melzer a recommandé que l’extradition de M. Assange vers les États-Unis soit interdite et qu’il soit rapidement libéré. «Il continue d’être détenu dans des conditions oppressantes d’isolement et de surveillance, non justifiées par son statut de détenu (…) L’exposition continue de M. Assange à l’arbitraire et aux abus pourrait bientôt lui coûter la vie», a-t-il conclu.
En 1898, l’écrivain français Émile Zola écrivit sa lettre ouverte J’accuse…! pour dénoncer la condamnation à perpétuité, pour espionnage, de l’officier Alfred Dreyfus. La harangue de Zola est entrée dans les manuels d’histoire, elle nous rappelle aujourd’hui encore à notre devoir de lutter contre les erreurs judiciaires et de demander des comptes aux puissants. Ce devoir est aujourd’hui plus vital que jamais, alors que Julian Assange est persécuté par les gouvernements et qu’il fait face à 17 chefs d’accusation1 en vertu de l’US Espionage Act, une législation qui remonte elle aussi à plus de cent ans.
En tant que journalistes et organisations journalistiques qui croyons aux droits de l’homme, à la liberté d’information et au droit du public à l’information, nous demandons la libération immédiate de Julian Assange.
Nous exhortons nos gouvernements, toutes les agences nationales et internationales ainsi que nos confrères journalistes à exiger qu’il soit mis fin à la campagne judiciaire dont il fait l’objet pour avoir commis le crime de révéler l’existence de crimes de guerre.
Nous exhortons nos confrères journalistes à informer correctement le public de cette violation de droits fondamentaux.
Nous exhortons tous les journalistes à prendre la défense de Julian Assange en ce moment critique. Ces temps périlleux appellent un journalisme intrépide!
1 En vertu d’une autre législation, un autre chef d’accusation a été déposée, ce qui porte le nombre de chefs d’accusation à 18 au total.
26.11.2019. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a new resolution adopted by the General Assembly on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity and calls upon States to fully implement it.
(Arabic version below)
Geneva/New York, 26 Nov (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes a new resolution adopted last week by the third committee of the General Assembly on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity. The resolution adopted by consensus was sponsored by 106 States, a record number (see list of co-sponsors on the photo).
It is the 11th resolution on the safety of journalists adopted since 2006 by the United Nations (5 by the General Assembly, 4 by the Human Rights Council, 2 by the Security Council). It demonstrates an improved awareness of the specific riks faced by journalists and a continuous commitment of the international community to strenghten the protection of media workers around the world.
However more than 80 States have not sponsored the text, among them China, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, Venezuela.
The resolution adopted is not binding and it lacks international mechanisms to fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution in conflict zones and dangerous environments. Since january this year, more than 72 journalists have been killed, according to PEC figures. Even if this figure is decreasing, it's still too much.
The PEC calls upon all Member States to fully implement the new UN resolution.
Internal turmoils
It is worth noting that in times of internal turmoils in many countries the text "calls upon all States to pay attention to the safety of journalists covering events in which persons are exercising their rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, taking into account their specific role, exposure and vulnerability".
The PEC also welcomes the paragraph which "urges political leaders, public officials and/or authorities to refrain from denigrating, intimidating or threatening the media, including individual journalists and media workers, specifically women, which thereby undermines trust in the credibility of journalists as well as respect for the importance of independent journalism".
As the previous texts, the new resolution "condemns all attacks and violence against journalists and media workers, such as torture, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrest and arbitrary detention, expulsion, intimidation, threats and online and offline harassment, including through attacks on, or the forced closure of, their offices and media outlets, in both conflict and non-conflict situations".
The text "calls upon States to develop and implement effectively legal frameworks and measures for the protection of journalists and media workers and for combating impunity, taking into consideration the gender dimensions thereof, including, where appropriate, through the creation and strengthening of special investigative units or independent commissions, the appointment of a specialized prosecutor and the adoption of specific protocols and methods of investigation and prosecution".
It "urges the immediate and unconditional release of journalists and media workers who have been arbitrarily arrested, arbitrarily detained or taken hostage or who have become victims of enforced disappearances".
It also "urges Member States to do their utmost to prevent violence, threats and attacks targeting journalists and media workers, to ensure accountability through the conduct of impartial, speedy, thorough, independent and effective investigations into all alleged violence, threats and attacks against journalists and media workers, including sexual and gender-based violence against women journalists and media workers in armed conflict and non-conflict situations, falling within their jurisdiction, to bring perpetrators, including those who command, conspire to commit, aid and abet or cover up such crimes, to justice, and to ensure that victims and their families have access to appropriate remedies".
The PEC will closely monitor the implementation by Member States of the resolution adopted by the United Nations.
The Geneva-based NGO with UN Consultative status will publish its annual report in mid-December.
Read the full text of the resolution on our page DOCUMENTS
بيان صحفي
أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية ومقرها جنيف عن ترحيبها لاعتماد الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة قراراً حول سلامة الصحفيين وقضية الافلات من العقاب وتطالب الدول بتنفيذها بشكل كامل
جنيف في 26 نوفمبر – حملة الشارة – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية ومقرها جنيف عن عن ترحيبها لاعتماد الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة قراراً جديداً حول سلامة الصحفيين وقضية الافلات من العقاب وتطالب الدول بتنفيذها بشكل كامل وقد أقر القرار باجماع الأراء وتقدمت به 106 دولة وهو رقم قياسي غير مسبوق.
يعد القرار الجديد هو القرار رقم 11 يصدر عن الأمم المتحدة منذ 2006 فيما يتعلق بسلامة الصحفيين، ويظهر تحسن الادراك فيما يتعلق بالمخاطر المحددة التي تواجه الصحفيين والتزام من قبل المجتمع الدولي لتدعيم حماية العاملين في قطاع الاعلام في كل أنحاء العالم.
ورغم اعتماد القرار بعدد غير مسبوق من الدول إلا أن 80 دولة لم تتبناه منها الصين وإيران والعراق وروسيا وتركيا وفنزويلا.
والقرار ليس ملزماً ويفتقر إلى الأجهزة الدولية لسد الفجوات الخاصة بمنع وحماية وتقديم مرتكبي الجرائم للعدالة في مناطق النزاع والأماكن ذات المناخ الخطر. فمنذ بداية العام قتل 72 من الصحفيين وحتى لو أن الرقم ينقص إلا أنه مازال كبيراً، وتطالب حملة الشارة دول أعضاء الأمم المتحدة بتطبيق القرار الجديد كاملاً.
ويطالب القرار الجديد الدول على أن تبذل قصــــــــــــــارى جهدها لمنع أعمال العنف والترهيب والتهديد والاعتداء التي تســــــتهدف الصــــــحفين والعاملين في و سائل الإعلام.
وترحب حملة الشارة الدولية بما جاء في القرار بالادانة بشكل قاطع الاعتداءات المحددة على الصحفيات والعاملات في وسائل الإعلام وأن القرار يهيب بالدول بأن تتصدى لهذه المسائل في اطار تعزيز وحماية المرأة في اطار حقوق الانسان.
كما يؤكد القرار على حث الدول على الافراج الفوري وبلا شروط عن الصحفيين والاملين في وسائل الاعلام الذين اعتقلوا تعسفاً أو أحتجزوا
تحث على أن يفرج يفرج فوراً وبلا شروط عن الصحفيين والعاملن في وسائل الإعلام الذين أحتجزوا أو اعتقلوا تعسفا أو احتجزوا أو تعسفا أو أخذوا رهائن أو الذين أصبحوا ضحايا للاختفاء القسر.
ويهيب القرار بالدول -من بين أمور أخرى- أن تعم، في إطار القانون والممارسة العملية، على إيجاد وإدامة بيئة آمنة ومواتية للصحفين لكي يقوموا بعملهم با ستقلال ودون تدخل منها: وضـــــع التدابر التشـــــريعية؛ و دعم الجهاز القضـــــائي للنظر في إمكانية تنفيذ أنشــــــطة للتدريب وإذكاء الوعي ودعم التدريب والتوعية في أوســـــاط الأفراد المكلفين بإنفاذ القانون والأفراد العســــــكرين، وكذلك الصــــــحفين والمجتمع المدني، فيما يتعلق بالواجبات والالتزامات المنصــــــوص عليها في القانون الدولي لحقوق الإنســـــان والقانون الدولي الإنســـــاني.
وأكدت حملة الشارة الدولية أنها ستتابع عن كثب تطبيق القرار الجديد من قبل الدول أعضاء الأمم المتحدة.
وتعلن الحملة عن اصدار تقريرها السنوي في منتصف ديسمبر عن حالة الصحفيين في كل أنحاء العالم.
للرجوع إلى القرار بالكامل رجاء تصفح وثيقة الأمم المتحدة
وموقع حملة الشارة الدولية
05.11.2019. Interview by the Foundation ict4peace of the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen author of: “Guerre et Paix dans le Cyberespace – Les démocraties à l’épreuve de la révolution numérique” (Georg publisher, 282 pages, Geneva 2019).
ICT4Peace. Blaise Lempen, “War and Peace in Cyberspace” is your 14th political essay. Explain your approach to us.
Blaise Lempen: this book is the result of 40 years of reflection. My first book, published in 1980, is entitled “Information and Power”. It goes without saying that this problem has not ceased to evolve. In 1987, I defended my doctoral thesis “Computer Science and Democracy” on the protection of personal data in the public sector. You can see that the subject is not new! In 2003, at about the same time when ICT4Peace published “Information and Communication Technologies for Peace” , I published “Democracy without borders”, a book inspired by the mobilization of anti-globalization movements on the Internet and in 2014 “Democracy in the Digital Age”, inspired by the Facebook revolution in the Arab springs.
Q.: But then what has changed?
Blaise Lempen: the work had to be put back on the job following three recent phenomena: the lightning rise of social networks in barely a decade, the new capacities for hypersurveillance of artificial intelligence and the rise of China, which is now in competition with the United States for the leadership of the digital world.
Q.: You say that democracies are on the defensive. Why?
Blaise Lempen: Yes, and that’s very worrying, because for less than ten years authoritarian regimes around the world have regained control of the Internet and are using information technology to spy, monitor and recruit. I sound an alarm in the face of the emergence of a new form of totalitarianism, a soft or high-tech totalitarianism, which is a threat to peace and freedom. China, Russia, Iran, Turkey and many other countries in Asia and Africa are censoring the Internet and social networks to the detriment of privacy, freedom of expression and association. These countries use the arsenal of cyber warfare to influence public opinion, including in democracies. This digital counter-revolution aims to stifle the emancipatory power of social networks. Orwell’s prophecies have come true.
Q.: What about democracies?
Blaise Lempen: they are not unscathed, due to the growing capacity to accumulate and transmit information. Abuses and breaches of privacy have increased. Intelligence and police services are not covered by the guarantees established by data protection legislation, which in turn is overtaken by the processing power of artificial intelligence.
Q.: So what can be done to preserve digital peace?
Blaise Lempen: the road to negotiating an international treaty, a Digital Geneva Convention, seems blocked, because the views of China, Russia, the United States and Europe are incompatible. The UN has been discussing these issues for several years without reaching an agreement. The high-level panel chaired by Melinda Gates and Jack Ma at the initiative of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has just released a report on digital interdependence, but it has made only general recommendations. The UN Internet Governance Forum, which is meeting this month in Germany for its 14th edition, is a discussion forum, but has no decision-making power. The great digital powers want to keep their hands free. But Geneva has certainly a central role to play to gather all the stakeholders and prevent a digital war.
Q.: Can citizens mobilize?
Blaise Lempen: Yes, that is the appeal I am making and the objective of my book, an awareness of the threat that increasingly invasive technologies pose to our freedoms and world peace. We can react and we must react. The hope lies in the fact that we have never demonstrated in the streets so much, from Hong Kong to Paris (yellow vests), from Iraq to Chile, from Russia to Catalania. It is much easier to express yourself, to organize, to mobilize for a whole series of causes thanks to social networks. We must defend our freedoms, our democracies against both the abuses of multinational digital companies that concentrate data and wealth and those of authoritarian regimes that seek to suppress any critical opinion.
more info on ICT4Peace on: www.ict4peace.org
lire aussi (article paru dans le quotidien Le Temps, 11.11.2019: https://www.letemps.ch/opinions/preserver-paix-numerique
31.10.2019. International Day to Combat Impunity for crimes committed against journalists November 2 - Fewer journalists killed, but media workers targeted in demonstrations in several countries, and insufficient progress in the fight against impunity
(French, Spanish, Arabic after English)
Geneva 31 October (PEC) – On the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists November 2, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) notes the decrease in the number of journalists killed since the beginning of the year compared to 2018. So far 65 journalists have been killed compared to 108 in 2018, 82 in 2017 and 105 in 2016 for the same period of ten months.
PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen noted that the decrease is a source of satisfaction. The lower intensity of conflict in the Middle East, the involvement of NGOs and a better awareness of governments have certainly played a role in this decrease.
However dark spots remain as the kidnapping and killing of media personnel in Mexico which is the most dangerous country for media workers this year with 14 journalists killed so far. The PEC has strongly condemned the killing of two journalists by a Turkish air raid against a civilian convoy in Northern Syria on 13 October. It was a war crime.
Violent demonstrations
In addition journalists have suffered in several demonstrations that have taken place in many countries in recent months: Hong Kong, Russia, Kashmir, Sudan, Haiti, Venezuela, Ecuador, Chili, Lebanon, Iraq and Catalania. Dozens of media workers were targeted with bullets, beaten, detained, prevented from doing their job.
The PEC condemns the disproportionate use of force and stressed that media protection extends to peacetime coverage of violent demonstrations.
A few progress were registered this year to combat impunity, but they are insufficient. Most often, only the perpetrators are identified and punished, not those who give the order to kill. The investigation into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi a year ago has not allowed the chain of command to be traced, and doubts persist over the results of the public inquiry decided by the Maltese authorities two years after the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. On the positive side, charges, including the suspected mastermind, were laid on 20 October in the case of Jan Kuciak's assassination last year in Slovakia.
In Mexico impunity is almost total due to the corruption of local authorities. The same applies to Afghanistan where means are lacking to confront terrorist groups. Most of the crimes committed in Syria, Somalia and Iraq remain unpunished for the lack of independent justice.
Independent mechanisms
Therefore the creation of independent international enquiry mechanisms are indispensable to identify the perpetrators of those crimes and to bring them to justice.
Lempen noted that combatting impunity is at the core of human rights violations. National mechanisms are not sufficient, there is a need for international mechanisms to fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution.
The PEC supports the deliberations on an international convention for the protection of journalists which includes mechanisms in place for combatting in an effective manner impunity.
The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists marks the killing of two journalists of RFI in 2013 in Mali, Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon. The PEC based in Geneva is celebrating his 15th birthday this year.
Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes le 2 novembre
Moins de journalistes tués, mais des reporters visés lors de manifestations dans plusieurs pays, et des progrès insuffisants contre l'impunité
Genève 31 octobre 2019 (PEC) - A l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes le 2 novembre, la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) a constaté un recul du nombre de journalistes tués depuis le début de l'année par rapport aux années précédentes. Depuis le début de l'année, 65 journalistes ont été tués dans le monde, contre 108 l'an dernier, 82 en 2017, 105 en 2016 pour la même période de dix mois.
"Cette diminution importante est un motif de satisfaction. Des facteurs comme la baisse de l'intensité des conflits au Moyen-Orient, la mobilisation des ONG, une plus grande sensibilisation des gouvernements ont certainement joué un rôle", a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.
Des points sombres demeurent, comme le nombre élevé de travailleurs des médias tués au Mexique, pays jusqu'ici le plus dangereux cette année avec 14 tués. La PEC a fermement condamné la mort de deux journalistes tués par les forces aériennes turques dans un convoi de civils dans le nord de la Syrie le 13 octobre, un crime de guerre.
Manifestations violentes
En outre, lors de diverses manifestations dans plusieurs pays ces derniers mois, des dizaines de journalistes ont été molestés, blessés, détenus, empêchés de faire leur travail, comme à Hong Kong, en Russie, au Cachemire, au Soudan, en Haïti, au Venezuela, en Equateur, au Chili, au Liban, en Irak et en Catalogne.
La PEC condamne l'usage disproportionné de la force et souligne que la protection qui est due aux journalistes s'étend à la couverture en temps de paix de manifestations marquées par des violences.
Quelques progrès ont été enregistrés dans la lutte contre l'impunité, mais ils sont insuffisants. Le plus souvent, seuls les exécutants sont identifiés et punis, et non les commanditaires des assassinats. Ainsi, l'enquête sur le meurtre du journaliste saoudien Jamal Khashoggi il y a un an n'a pas permis de remonter la chaîne de commandement et des doutes persistent quant aux résultats de l'enquête publique décidée par les autorités de Malte deux ans après l'assassinat de Daphne Caruana Galizia. Elément positif, des inculpations, y compris celle du commanditaire, ont eu lieu le 20 octobre dans l'affaire de l'assassinat de Jan Kuciak l'an dernier en Slovaquie.
Au Mexique, l'impunité est quasi-totale, en raison de la corruption des autorités locales, de même qu'en Afghanistan, en l'absence de moyens à l'encontre des groupes terroristes. La plupart des crimes commis en Syrie, en Somalie et en Irak lors des conflits dans ces pays restent impunis, faute de justice indépendante.
Mécanismes indépendants
Des mécanismes internationaux indépendants d'investigation et de poursuites sont pour cette raison indispensables pour identifier les responsables de ces crimes et les traduire en justice.
"Le combat contre l'impunité est au coeur de la lutte contre les violations des droits humains. Des mécanismes nationaux ne sont pas suffisants. Il faut des mécanismes internationaux pour combler les lacunes en matière de prévention, de protection et de poursuites", a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.
La PEC soutient les discussions sur l'élaboration d'une Convention internationale pour la protection des journalistes afin de combattre de manière plus efficace l'impunité.
La Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes marque l'anniversaire du meurtre de deux journalistes de RFI, Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, tués en 2013 au Mali. La PEC basée à Genève célèbre son 15e anniversaire cette année.
Día internacional para poner fin a la impunidad por crímenes contra periodistas el 2 de noviembre Menos periodistas asesinados, pero reporteros atacados durante protestas en varios paises y progreso insuficiente contra la impunidad
Ginebra, 31 de octubre de 2019 (PEC) - Con motivo del Día Internacional para poner fin a la impunidad por los crímenes contra periodistas el 2 de noviembre, la Campaña Emblema de la prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha notado una disminución en el número de periodistas asesinados desde principios de este año en comparación con años anteriores. Después de diez meses transcurridos, 65 periodistas han sido asesinados en todo el mundo, en comparación con 108 del año pasado, 82 en el 2017, 105 en el 2016.
"Esta disminución significativa es una fuente de satisfacción, factores como la disminución de la intensidad del conflicto en el Medio Oriente, la movilización de las ONGs, una mayor conciencia de los gobiernos; ciertamente han jugado un papel", dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.
Quedan algunos puntos oscuros, como la gran cantidad de trabajadores de los medios asesinados en México, el país hasta ahora el más peligroso este año con 14 muertos. La PEC ha condenado enérgicamente la muerte de dos periodistas asesinados por la fuerza aérea turca en un convoy de civiles en el norte de Siria el 13 de octubre, al que considera "un crimen de guerra".
Manifestaciones violentas
Además, durante varias manifestaciones en varios países en los últimos meses, docenas de periodistas han sido molestados, heridos, detenidos, impedidos de hacer su trabajo, como en Hong Kong, Rusia, Cachemir, Sudán, Haití, Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile, Líbano, Irak y Cataluña.
La PEC condena el uso desproporcionado de la fuerza y subraya que la protección que se les debe dar a los periodistas debe extenderse a la cobertura en los tiempos de paz, pero con manifestaciones violentas.
Se han realizado progresos en la lucha contra la impunidad, pero son insuficientes. Muy a menudo, solo los perpetradores son identificados y castigados, no los patrocinadores del asesinato. Por ejemplo, la investigación sobre el asesinato del periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi, hace un año, no ha permitido rastrear la cadena de mando. Ademas, persisten dudas sobre los resultados de la investigación pública decidida por las autoridades maltesas dos años después del asesinato de Daphne Caruana Galizia. En el lado positivo, se presentaron cargos el 20 de octubre, en el caso del asesinato de Jan Kuciak, ocurrido el año pasado en Eslovaquia.
En México, la impunidad sigue siendo casi total, debido a la corrupción de las autoridades locales, así como en Afganistán, ante la ausencia de medios en contra de los grupos terroristas. La mayoría de los crímenes cometidos en Siria, Somalia e Irak durante los conflictos quedan impunes por la falta de justicia independiente.
Mecanismos independientes
Por lo tanto, los mecanismos internacionales independientes de investigación y enjuiciamiento son esenciales para identificar a los responsables de estos delitos y llevarlos ante la justicia.
"La lucha contra la impunidad está en el centro de la lucha contra las violaciones de los derechos humanos. Los mecanismos nacionales no son suficientes. Por eso, los mecanismos internacionales para la investigación y el enjuiciamiento son necesarios para llenar vacíos en prevención, protección y enjuiciamiento", dijo el Secretario General de la PEC.
La PEC apoya el desarrollo de una Convención internacional para la protección de los periodistas con mecanismos de implementación para combatir la impunidad de manera más efectiva. El Día Internacional para Terminar con la Impunidad por Crímenes contra Periodistas marca el aniversario de los asesinatos de dos periodistas de RFI, Ghislaine Dupont y Claude Verlon, quienes fueron asesinados en 2013 en Malí. La PEC con sede en Ginebra celebra su 15 aniversario este año.
حملة الشارة الدولية في اليوم العالمي لمكافحة الإفلات من العقاب
انخفاض عدد القتلى من الصحفيين لكن التقدم ليس كافيا
جنيف في 31 أكتوبر (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية ومقرها جنيف أن الاحتقال هذا العام باليوم العالمي لمكافحة الإفلات من العقاب - 2 نوفمبر - يشهد انخفاضاً في أعداد الصحفيين الذين قُتِلوا، ولكن ذلك ليس كافياً. فحتى تاريخه قُتِل 65 صحفياً بالمقارنة بـ 108 في 2018 و82 في 2017 و105 في 2016.
وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان أن انخفاض عدد القتلى من الصحفيين يرجع إلى خفض التوتر في منطقة الشرق الأوسط ومشاركة المنظمات غير الحكومية الحكومات في مكافحة الإفلات من العقاب.
إلا أن هناك تطورات سلبية مثل استمرار خطف وقتل الصحفيين في المكسيك التي تعد أخطر دولة للعمل الصحفي، حيث قُتِل 14 صحفياً.
وأدانت حملة الشارة مقتل صحفيين في غارة جوية تركية في شمال سوريا على قافلة مدنية في 13 أكتوبر، فيما اعتبرتها الحملة جريمة حرب.
وعانى الصحفيون في دول كثيرة: هونج كونج، روسيا، السودان، هايتي، فنزويلا، أكوادور، شيلي، لبنان وكاتالانيا.
وأضاف ليمبان أن حماية الصحفيين في دول تعيش في سلام، ولكن تتعرض للعنف يجب أن تكون واضحة ومرئية.
مشيراً إلى أن التحسن الذي طرأ هذا العام لمكافحة الإفلات من العقاب ليس كافياً، وأن العدالة بطيئة، وأن من يأمرون بهذه الجرائم لايُحاسبون، وضرب المثل بمقتل الصحفي السعودي جمال خاشقجي منذ عام، ومقتل الصحفية Daphne Caruana Galizia في مالطا منذ عامين ومقتل
Jan Kuciak في سلوفينيا منذ عام.
ففي المكسيك فإن الإفلات من العقاب كامل بسبب فساد السلطات المحلية، ونفس الظروف تنطبق على أفغانستان حيث يصعب مواجهة الجماعات الإرهابية. كما أن معظم الجرائم التي تُرتكب في العراق وسوريا تظل دون محاكمة بسبب عدم توفر القضاء المستقل.
لذلك فإن خلق جهاز دولي مستقل للتحقيق ضروري لتحديد هذه الجرائم وتقديم مرتكبيها للعدالة.
أكد ليمبان أن عدم مكافحة الإفلات من العقاب محور يتسبب في انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان، وأن الأجهزة الوطنية غير كافية وهناك حاجة إلى أجهزة تحقيق دولية لتقديم مرتكبي هذه الجرائم للعدالة.
إن حملة الشارة الدولية تؤيد العمل من أجل التوصل إلى معاهدة دولية لحماية الصحفيين تحتوي على بنود لمكافحة الإفلات من العقاب من أجل تقديم مرتكبي هذه الجرائم للمحاكمة.
يتصادف اليوم العالمي لمكافحة الإفلات من العقاب مع ذكرى مقتل الصحفيين Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon-RFI-
في مالي في 2013.
لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح:
17.09.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. 42nd session. Oral statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) item 4. The PEC worried by the restrictions imposed on the media under the lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir.
General Assembly
Human Rights Council 42nd session
Item 4 General Debate
Mr President,
Since the previous session of the Human Rights Council in June, the situation of freedom of the press has deteriorated in various contexts.
In particular the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is worried by the restrictions imposed on the media under the lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir. Communication in and out of the Indian region of Jammu and Kashmir has been blocked since August 4 following changes to the region’s autonomy in India’s Constitution. In the following days mobile, landlines and the internet were cut off in the region.
The PEC called on the Indian authorities to guarantee the media’s access to information and right to work and to prevent any further deterioration.
The PEC is also deeply concerned about the fate of journalists after renewed fightings in Yemen. The PEC condemns a series of attacks and calls on the warring parties to allow journalists to report freely and free all journalists detained.
The situation remains dramatic in Mexico with 4 more journalists killed in 2 months. Among the 56 journalists killed since January, according to PEC data base, 13 were killed in Mexico.
The PEC renews its call to the international community to establish an independent mechanism that can fight impunity when the national institutions are not efficient in order to fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution.
Thank you for your attention
Geneva, 17 September 2019
04.07.2019. PEC press release (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic). Worrying trend in Mexico and Afghanistan for media workers during first six months of 2019
Geneva, 4th of July (PEC) According to the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), 38 journalists were killed in 20 countries from January to the end of June 2019. During the same period in 2018 (January to June) 66 journalists were killed: the decrease is significant with 42% less casualties than the previous year.
This decrease is a positive development, however the trend remains very worrying in two countries. In Mexico, 9 journalists have been killed in six months and 6 in Afghanistan, more than one third of the total of fatalities. In Afghanistan terrorist groups and in Mexico criminal groups bear the main responsibility of the high price paid by media workers.
"The national mechanisms are clearly powerless to prevent those crimes and to ensure accountability, because local police and judicial institutions are insufficient or corrupt", said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.
"The international community must establish an independent mechanism that can fight impunity when the national institutions are not efficient nor sufficient in order to fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution", he added.
Pakistan follows Mexico and Afghanistan among the most dangerous countries so far this year, with 4 journalists killed. Then Brazil with 2 killed and Colombia with also 2 killed.
One journalist was killed in the following countries: Bangladesh, Chad, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Northern Ireland, Philippines, South Africa, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen.
Latin America the most affected
By region, Latin America represents the most affected continent with 15 killed (Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Haiti). There is an improvement in the Middle East due to the lower intensity of conflict in Syria and Iraq.
The PEC strongly condemns those attacks and calls upon the governments to bring the perpetrators to justice.
At the 41st session of the Human Rights Council, the PEC welcomed the conclusions of the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings Agnes Callamard (A/HRC/41/36) into the killing last October of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. She recommended to establish a Standing Instrument for the Criminal Investigation into Allegations of Targeted Killing, or other acts of violence against journalists and human rights defenders. This instrument could be part of an International Convention on the Protection of Journalists.
The PEC calls upon governments, associations and civil society to continue to engage on the issue of the safety of journalists in order to reduce at least by half the casualties among media workers around the world, a goal set last year.
Situation très préoccupante pour les travailleurs des médias au Mexique et en Afghanistan au cours des six premiers mois de 2019
Genève, 4 juillet (PEC) Selon la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC), 38 journalistes ont été tués dans 20 pays de janvier à la fin juin 2019. Au cours de la même période en 2018 (janvier à juin) 66 journalistes avaient été tués: le nombre de victimes a baissé de 42% d'une année sur l'autre, une baisse importante.
Cette diminution est un développement positif, cependant la tendance reste très préoccupante dans deux pays. Au Mexique, 9 journalistes ont été tués en six mois et 6 en Afghanistan, soit plus du tiers du total des victimes. En Afghanistan des groupes terroristes et au Mexique des bandes criminelles portent la principale responsabilité du prix élevé payé par les travailleurs des médias
"Les mécanismes nationaux sont clairement impuissants à prévenir ces crimes et à faire en sorte qu'ils soient poursuivis en justice, parce que les institutions locales de police et judiciaires sont soit insuffisantes soit corrompues", a affirmé le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.
"La communauté internationale doit créer un mécanisme indépendant afin de combattre l'impunité lorsque les mécanismes nationaux ne sont ni efficaces ni suffisants, afin de combler les lacunes en matière de prévention, de protection et de poursuites", a-t-il ajouté.
Le Pakistan vient après le Mexique et l'Afghanistan parmi les pays les plus dangereux avec 4 tués. Le Brésil suit avec 2 tués ainsi que la Colombie avec 2 tués également.
Un journaliste a été tué dans les pays suivants: Afrique du Sud, Bangladesh, Ghana, Haïti, Honduras, Inde, Irak, Irlande du Nord, Kenya, Libye, Philippines, Syrie, Tchad, Ukraine et Yémen.
L'Amérique latine en tête
Par région, l'Amérique latine est le continent le plus affecté par ces assassinats avec 15 tués (Mexique, Brésil, Colombie, Honduras, Haïti). Une amélioration est à noter au Moyen-Orient en raison de la baisse d'intensité des conflits en Syrie et en Irak.
La PEC condamne fermement ces attaques et demande aux gouvernements de traduire en justice leurs auteurs.
A la 41e session du Conseil des droits de l'homme, la PEC a salué les conclusions du rapport de la Rapporteuse spéciale sur les exécutions sommaires Agnès Callamard (A/HRC/41/36) sur le meurtre de Jamal Khashoggi au consulat d'Arabie saoudite à Istanbul. La Rapporteuse a recommandé de créer un instrument permanent pour les enquêtes criminelles sur les allégations d'assassinat ciblé ou d'autres actes de violence contre les journalistes et les défenseurs des droits humains. Cet instrument pourrait faire partie d'une Convention internationale sur la protection des journalistes.
La PEC demande aux gouvernements, aux associations et à la société civile de continuer de s'engager sur la question de la sécurité des journalistes afin de réduire d'au moins de moitié le nombre des victimes parmi les travailleurs des médias dans le monde, un objectif fixé l'an dernier.
Preocupante tendencia de asesinatos en México y en Afganistán para los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación durante los primeros seis meses de 2019.
Ginebra, 4 de julio (PEC).- Según la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés), 38 periodistas fueron asesinados en 20 países desde enero hasta finales de junio de 2019. Durante el mismo período de 2018 (enero a junio), 66 periodistas fueron asesinados: la disminución es significativa con un 42% menos de bajas que el año anterior.
Esta disminución es un avance positivo, sin embargo, la tendencia sigue siendo muy preocupante en dos países. En México, 9 periodistas fueron asesinados en seis meses y 6 en Afganistán, más de un tercio del total de víctimas mortales. En Afganistán, los grupos terroristas; y, en México, los grupos criminales, son los principales responsables del alto precio que pagan los trabajadores de los medios.
"Los mecanismos nacionales son claramente impotentes para prevenir esos delitos y garantizar la rendición de cuentas, porque la policía local y las instituciones judiciales son insuficientes o están corruptas", dijo el secretario general de PEC, Blaise Lempen, a este respecto.
"La comunidad internacional debe establecer un mecanismo independiente que pueda combatir la impunidad cuando las instituciones nacionales no son eficientes, ni suficientes, para llenar los vacíos en la prevención, protección y enjuiciamiento", agregó.
Pakistán sigue a ambos países, a México y a Afganistán, entre las naciones más peligrosas en lo que va del año, con 4 periodistas asesinados. Luego vienen Brasil y Colombia con 2 muertos cada uno.
Un periodista fue asesinado en los siguientes países: Bangladesh, Chad, Ghana, Haití, Honduras, India, Iraq, Kenya, Libia, Irlanda del Norte, Filipinas, Sudáfrica, Siria, Ucrania y Yemen.
América Latina la región más afectada
Por regiones, América Latina representa la región del mundo más afectada con 15 muertos (México, Brasil, Colombia, Honduras, Haití). Hay una mejora en el Medio Oriente debido, entre otras razones, a la menor intensidad del conflicto en Siria e Irak.
La PEC condena enérgicamente esos ataques y pide a los gobiernos que lleven a los responsables ante la justicia.
En la 41ª sesión del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, la PEC acogió con satisfacción las conclusiones del informe de la Relatora Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre Ejecuciones Extrajudiciales, Sumarias o Arbitrarias, Agnes Callamard, (A / HRC / 41/36), sobre el homicidio de Jamal Khashoggi en octubre del año pasado en el consulado de Arabia Saudita en Estambul. De la misma manera, recomendó establecer un Instrumento Permanente para la Investigación Criminal de las Denuncias de Asesinatos Dirigidos, u otros actos de violencia contra periodistas y defensores de los derechos humanos. Este instrumento podría formar parte de una Convención Internacional sobre Protección de los Periodistas.
El PEC hace un llamamiento a los gobiernos, las asociaciones y la sociedad civil para que continúen participando en el tema de la seguridad de los periodistas para reducir, al menos a la mitad, el número de las víctimas entre los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación de todo el mundo, una meta establecida el año pasado.
Tendência preocupante para profissionais de mídia no México e Afeganistão durante o primeiro semestre de 2019
Genebra, Julho 4 (PEC) De acordo com a entidade Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), 38 jornalistas foram mortos em 20 países, do início de Janeiro até o fim de Junho de 2019. Durante o mesmo período de 2018 (Janeiro a Junho), 66 jornalistas foram mortos: a taxa de diminuição é significante; são 42% homicídios a menos que no ano anterior.
Este decréscimo é um fator positivo; no entanto, a tendência continua muito preocupante em dois países. Foram 9 mortes no México e 6 no Afeganistão em 6 meses, mais de um terço do total de fatalidades. Grupos terroristas no Afeganistão e criminosos no México são apontados como principais responsáveis pelo alto preço pago por profissionais de mídia.
"Os mecanismos nacionais são claramente impotentes para prevenir tais crimes e garantir a ação responsável das autoridades, porque a polícia local e as instituições judiciárias são insuficientes ou corruptas", afirma o Secretário-Geral da PEC, Blaise Lempen.
E adiciona: "A comunidade internacional deve estabelecer um mecanismo independente para combater a impunidade quando as instituições domésticas não são eficientes ou suficientes para preencher as lacunas relativas à prevenção, proteção e persecução penal."
O Paquistão aparece logo após México e Afeganistão entre os países mais perigosos neste ano, com 4 jornalistas mortos. Brasil e Colômbia são os próximos, com duas mortes em cada.
Um jornalista foi morto nos seguintes países : Bangladesh, Chade, Gana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Iraque, Quênia, Líbia, Irlanda do Norte, Filipinas, África do Sul, Síria, Ucrânia e Iêmen.
América Latina é a mais afetada
Por região, a América Latina é a mais afetada, com 15 homicídios (México, Brasil, Colômbia, Honduras e Haiti). Há melhora no Oriente Médio devido à diminuição da tensão nos conflitos na Síria e no Iraque.
A PEC condena veementemente todos os ataques e conclama os governos a trazerem os perpetradores à justiça.
Na 41ª sessão do Conselho de Direitos Humanos, a PEC saudou as conclusões da Relatora Especial da ONU, Agnes Callamard, sobre execuções extrajudiciais, sumárias ou arbitrárias (A/HRC/41/36), quanto ao assassinato do Sr. Khashoggi no Consulado Saudita em Istambul, em Outubro passado. Ela recomendou a criação de um Instrumento Permanente para Investigações Criminais em Casos de Eliminação de Alvos, ou outras formas de violência contra jornalistas e defensores de direitos humanos. Este instrumento poderia integrar uma Convenção Internacional de Proteção a Jornalistas.
A PEC convoca governos, associações e a sociedade civil a continuarem engajados na luta pela segurança de jornalistas, visando reduzir, ao menos pela metade, os homicídios de profissionais de mídia ao redor do mundo, conforme objetivo estabelecido no ano passado.
Para a lista de fatalidades, favor consultar : www.pressemblem.ch
بيان صحفي
تقرير حملة الشارة الدولية في ستة أشهر
اتجاهات تدعو للقلق في المكسيك وأفغانستان من يناير إلى يونيو 2019
جنيف في يوليو – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية أنه طبقاً لأرقامها فإن 38 من الصحفيين قُتِلوا في عشرين دولة في الفترة من يناير إلى يونيو 2019. وبالمقارنة بنفس الفترة في العام الماضي، فقد انخفض عدد القتلى من الصحفيين هذا العام بنسبة 42 بالمائة بمقتل 66 من الصحفيين في العام الماضي.
وأضافت حملة الشارة في بيانها أنه تطور إيجابي إلا أن المؤشر يدعو للقلق الشديد في دولتين هما المكسيك حيث قُتِل 9 من الصحفيين وفي أفغانستان 6 من الصحفيين ويمثلون ثلث الضحايا في الأشهر الستة الأولى من العام الحالي. ويرجع مقتل الصحفيين في أفغانستان إلى أعمال إرهابية وفي المكسيك إلى جماعات إجرامية.
وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان بأنه من الواضح أن الأجهزة الوطنية عاجزة عن منع هذه الجرائم ضد الصحفيين وعاجزة أيضاً عن ضمان محاكمة مرتكبيها، كما أن أجهزة الشرطة غير كافية أو يكتنفها الفساد، مطالباً المجتمع الدولي بإقامة جهاز مستقل من أجل مكافحة الإفلات من العقاب حين تعجز المؤسسات الوطنية عن ممارسة دورها، حتى يتم سد الفجوة الخاصة بمنع هذه الجرائم وحماية الصحفيين وتقديم مرتكبي الجرائم للمحاكمة.
وتأتي بعد الدولتين المذكورتين باكستان حيث قُتِل 4 صحفيين، ثم البرازيل 2، وكولومبيا 2.
وقُتِل صحفي واحد في كلٍ من بنجلاديش وتشاد وغانا وهايتي وهندوراس والهند والعراق وكينيا وليبيا وأيرلندة الشمالية والفلبين وجنوب أفريقيا وسوريا وأوكرانيا واليمن.
وتدين حملة الشارة الدولية تلك الجرائم ضد الصحفيين وتطالب الحكومات بتقديم مرتكبيها إلى العدالة.
ورحّبت حملة الشارة الدولية في دورة مجلس حقوق الإنسان الـ 41 بتقرير المقررة الخاصة للقتل العشوائي وخارج القانون والمستمر أجنس كالامارد حول مقتل السيد خاشقجي في القنصلية السعودية في اسطنبول، وطالبت بإقامة جهاز دائم للنظر في الاتهامات الخاصة بعمليات القتل المستهدف أو أي عمليات عنف ضد الصحفيين وضد المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان.
وتطالب حملة الشارة الدولية الحكومات والنقابات والمجتمع المدني بالاستمرار في المشاركة في قضية حماية الصحفيين، حتى يمكننا خفض عدد الضحايا من الصحفيين إلى النصف في كل أنحاء العالم.
لمزيد من المعلومات تصفح:
03.07.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 41st session - item 4 General Debate - oral statement delivered by the PEC: The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) draws the attention of the Human Rights Council to two dramatic situations for media workers and freedom of the press: Afghanistan and Mexico. An independent mechanism must fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution
General Assembly
Human Rights Council 41st session
Item 4 General Debate
Mr President,
the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) would like to draw the attention of members of the Human Rights Council to two dramatic situations for media workers and freedom of the press in two countries: Mexico and Afghanistan.
Among the 38 journalists killed so far since January this year 9 were killed in Mexico and 6 in Afghanistan, more than one third of the total. These two countries were also the most dangerous for journalists last year, with 17 killed in each country.
These are targeted killings: in Mexico from criminal groups and in Afghanistan from terrorist groups in order to prevent any critical opinion and independent investigation by the media.
How to stop this endless tragedy? The national mechanisms are powerless to prevent those crimes and to ensure accountability, because local police and judicial institutions are insufficient or corrupt.
The international community must establish an independent mechanism that can fight impunity when the national institutions are not efficient in order to to fill the gaps in prevention, protection and prosecution.
The PEC requests again from Member States to consider an International Convention to enhance the protection of journalists and media workers.
Thank you for your attention
Geneva, 3rd of July 2019
01.07.2019. Human rights Council 41st session - Item 3 General Debate - oral statement delivered by the PEC: It is of utmost importance that crimes targeting journalists do not go unpunished and that all officials at all levels are identified and prosecuted
General Assembly
Human rights Council 41st session
Item 3 General Debate
Mr President,
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) would like to thank the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings Agnes Callamard for her report (A/HRC/41/36) into the killing last October of Mr Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
The PEC agrees with several recommendations of the report in particular urging the United Nations Secretary-General to initiate a follow-up criminal investigation into the killing of Mr Khashoggi. In order to address similar cases in the future the PEC fully supports the Special Rapporteur's recommendation to the Human Rights Council or the General Assembly to establish a Standing Instrument for the Criminal Investigation into Allegations of Targeted Killing, or other acts of violence against journalists and human rights defenders.
It is of utmost importance that crimes targeting journalists do not go unpunished and that all officials at all levels are identified and prosecuted. Only if impunity does not prevail will it be possible to prevent this type of crime that affects the right to information of every citizen all over the world.
The Khashoggi premeditated execution has attracted the attention of international opinion, but many other journalists' murders did not have the necessary judicial consequences.
In this respect it is essential that the sponsors of the equally premeditated assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017 face justice. Both cases of Saudi and Malta journalists are exemplary to ensure accountability for all the 117 journalists killed in 2018 and the 38 journalists murdered since the beginning of 2019.
Thank you for your attention.
Geneva, 1st of July 2019
18.06.2019. Interview exclusive pour la PEC avec l'auteur de: "Guerre et Paix dans le Cyberespace - les démocraties à l'épreuve de la révolution numérique" (Georg éditeur, 282 pages, juin 2019).
PEC: Blaise Lempen, "Guerre et Paix dans le Cyberespace" est votre 14e essai politique. Expliquez-nous votre démarche.
Blaise Lempen: ce livre est l'aboutissement d'une réflexion de 40 ans. Mon premier livre, publié en 1980, s'intitule "Information et Pouvoir". Il va de soi que cette problématique n'a pas cessé d'évoluer. En 1987, j'ai soutenu ma thèse de doctorat "Informatique et Démocratie" sur la protection des données personnelles dans le secteur public. Vous voyez que le sujet n'est pas nouveau ! En 2003, j'ai publié "La Démocratie sans frontières", un livre inspiré par la mobilisation des mouvements altermondialistes sur Internet et en 2014 "La Démocratie à l'ère numérique", inspiré lui par la révolution Facebook lors des printemps arabes.
PEC: Mais alors qu'est-ce qui a changé ?
Blaise Lempen: il fallait remettre l'ouvrage sur le métier à la suite de trois phénomènes récents: l'essor foudroyant des réseaux sociaux en à peine une décennie, les capacités nouvelles d'hypersurveillance de l'intelligence artificielle et la montée en puissance de la Chine qui dame le pion désormais aux Etats-Unis.
PEC: Vous dites que les démocraties sont sur la défensive. Pourquoi ?
Blaise Lempen:
Oui et c'est très inquiétant, parce que depuis moins de dix ans les régimes autoritaires sur la planète ont repris le contrôle d'Internet et utilisent les technologies de l'information pour espionner, surveiller, embrigader. Je lance un cri d'alarme face à l'émergence d'une nouvelle forme de totalitarisme, un totalitarisme soft ou high-tech, qui est une menace pour la paix et les libertés. La Chine, la Russie, l'Iran, la Turquie, bien d'autres Etats en Asie et en Afrique, censurent le Net et les réseaux sociaux au détriment de la sphère privée, des libertés d'expression et d'association. Ces pays utilisent l'arsenal de la cyberguerre pour influencer l'opinion, y compris dans les démocraties. Cette contre-révolution numérique veut étouffer la puissance émancipatrice des réseaux sociaux. Les prophéties d'Orwell sont devenues réalité.
PEC: et dans les démocraties ?
Blaise Lempen: elles ne sont pas indemnes, en raison des capacités croissantes d'accumulation et de transmission des informations. Les abus et atteintes à la vie privée se sont multipliés. Les services de renseignement et de police échappent aux garanties instaurées par les législations sur la protection des données, qui elles-mêmes sont dépassées par la puissance de traitement de l'intelligence artificielle.
PEC: alors que faire pour préserver la paix numérique ?
Blaise Lempen: la voie d'une négociation sur un traité international, une Convention de Genève du numérique, apparaît bouchée, car les conceptions de la Chine, de la Russie, des Etats-Unis, de l'Europe sont incompatibles. L'ONU discute de ces questions depuis plusieurs années sans parvenir à un accord. Le panel de haut niveau présidé par Melinda Gates et Jack Ma à l'initiative du secrétaire général de l'ONU Antonio Guterres vient de sortir un rapport sur l'interdépendance digitale, mais il n'a formulé que des recommandations générales. Les grandes puissances du numérique veulent se garder les mains libres.
PEC: les citoyens peuvent-ils se mobiliser ?
Blaise Lempen: oui, c'est l'appel que je lance et l'objectif de mon livre, une prise de conscience de la menace que font peser sur nos libertés et la paix mondiale des technologies de plus en plus invasives. On peut réagir et il faut réagir. L'espoir réside dans le fait que l'on n'est jamais autant descendu dans la rue, de Hong Kong à Paris (gilets jaunes). Il est beaucoup plus facile de s'exprimer, de s'organiser, de se mobiliser pour toute une série de causes grâce aux réseaux sociaux. Il faut défendre nos libertés, nos démocraties à la fois contre les abus des multinationales du numérique qui concentrent les données et la richesse et ceux de régimes autoritaires qui cherchent à supprimer toute opinion critique.
02.05.2019. World Press Freedom Day 2019 - Net decrease in the number of media victims (French, Spanish and Arabic after English)
Geneva, May 2 (PEC) – The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) noted with satisfaction a decrease in the number of journalists killed so far in the year compared with the same period last year.
On the occasion of Press Freedom Day the PEC noted close to a 56 percent decrease registering 20 victims in 12 countries from 1rst January to 30 April against 46 during the same period last year, using the same yardstick. It's the lowest figure since 2006.
PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen applauded this decrease and said it could be a reason to be hopeful if the decline continues this year. The lower intensity of conflict in Syria and Iraq contributed to this decrease. In addition the continuous engagement of governments, associations and civil society in favor of the issue of the safety of journalists has certainly produced positive effects. It is also true that other means are used to neutralize journalists.
Mexico and Afghanistan
The situation remains totally unacceptable in two countries: Mexico with 6 journalists killed and Afghanistan with 4 killed which adds up to half of the victims since the beginning of the year.
Stronger measures have to be taken in both countries to better protect media workers and to combat impunity.
One journalist was killed in the following countries: Ghana, Honduras, India, Iraq, Northern Ireland, Kenya, Libya, Pakistan, the Philippines and Yemen.
The PEC strongly condemns those killings and calls for a quick identification of the killers and bringing them to justice.
Journée de la liberté de la presse 2019 - Nette diminution du nombre de victimes parmi les journalistes
Genève, 2 mai 2019 (PEC) Le nombre de journalistes tués depuis janvier 2019 a fortement diminué par rapport à la même période de l'an dernier, a relevé jeudi avec satisfaction la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) à l'occasion de la Journée de la liberté de la presse le 3 mai.
La baisse atteint près de 56%, avec 20 victimes recensées dans 12 pays en quatre mois (du 1er janvier au 30 avril) contre 46 l'an dernier, selon les mêmes critères d'évaluation. C'est le chiffre le plus bas depuis 2006.
"Nous saluons cette forte diminution du nombre de victimes. Si elle se poursuit cette année, c'est une raison d'espérer", a affirmé le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen. La baisse d'intensité des conflits en Syrie et en Irak a contribué à cette diminution. La mobilisation continue des gouvernements, des associations et de la société civile sur la question de la sécurité des journalistes a certainement produit aussi des effets positifs. Il est aussi vrai que d'autres moyens sont utilisés pour neutraliser des journalistes.
Mexique et Afghanistan
La situation reste néanmoins totalement inacceptable dans deux pays qui concentrent la moitié des victimes depuis le début de l'année: le Mexique avec 6 journalistes tués en quatre mois et l'Afghanistan avec 4 tués. Des mesures plus fermes doivent être prises dans ces deux pays pour renforcer la protection des journalistes et lutter contre l'impunité.
Une victime a été recensée dans les pays suivants: Ghana, Honduras, Inde, Irak, Irlande du Nord, Kenya, Libye, Pakistan, Philippines, Yemen.
La PEC condamne énergiquement ces assassinats et demande que leurs responsables soient rapidement identifiés et jugés.
Día de la Libertad de Prensa 2019 - Fuerte disminución en el número de víctimas entre los periodistas.
Ginebra, 2 de mayo de 2019 (PEC).- El número de periodistas asesinados desde enero de 2019 ha disminuido considerablemente, en comparación con el mismo período del año pasado, dijo el jueves con satisfacción la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) con motivo del Día de la Libertad de Prensa el 3 de mayo.
El descenso alcanzó casi el 56%, con 20 víctimas registradas en doce países en cuatro meses (del 1 de enero al 30 de abril) contra 46 el año pasado, según los mismos criterios de evaluación. Es la cifra más baja desde 2006.
“Saludamos esta brusca caída en el número de víctimas. Si continúa este año, hay razones tener esperanza”, dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen. La disminución de la intensidad de los conflictos en Siria e Irak contribuyó a esta disminución. La continua movilización de los gobiernos, las asociaciones y de la sociedad civil sobre el tema de la seguridad de los periodistas ciertamente también ha producido efectos positivos. También es cierto que se utilizan otros métodos para neutralizar a los periodistas.
México y Afganistán
Sin embargo, la situación sigue siendo totalmente inaceptable en dos países que han concentrado la mitad de las víctimas desde el comienzo del año: México, con 6 periodistas muertos en cuatro meses; y Afganistán contabiliza 4 muertos.
Se deben tomar medidas más firmes en ambos países para fortalecer la protección de los periodistas y luchar contra la impunidad.
Una víctima ha sido reportada en Ghana, Honduras, India, Irak, Irlanda del Norte, Kenia, Libia, Filipinas, Pakistan, Yemen.
La PEC condena enérgicamente estos asesinatos y exige que sus responsables sean rápidamente identificados y juzgados.
اليوم العالمي للصحافة
انخفاض ملحوظ في عدد القتلي من الصحفيين
جنيف 2 مايو (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية من مقرها في جنيف أنها تشعر بالرضا بسبب انخفاض عدد القتلى من الصحفيين منذ بداية العام الحالى وحتى 30 أبريل بالمقارنة بنفس الفترة في العام الماضي، حيث قُتِل هذا العام حتى تاريخه 19 صحفيًا بالمقارنة بـ 46 في نفس الفترة من العام الماضى، أي انخفض العدد بنسبة 60 بالمائة.
ففي يوم الصحافة العالمي المواكب أمس 1 مايو حيا سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان هذا التطور، مشيرًا إلى إمكانية حدوثه بسبب انخفاض حدة القتال في سوريا والعراق بالإضافة إلى العمل الدوؤب والمستمر للدول والمجتمع المدني فيما يخص قضية أمن الصحفيين مما أتى بنتائج إيجابية.
إلا أن الأوضاع مازالت غير مقبولة منذ بداية العام حتى الآن في المكسيك، حيث قُتِل 6 صحفيين، وفي أفغانستان حيث قُتِل 4 صحفيين، وهو عدد يمثل أكثر من نصف القتلى من الصحفيين منذ بداية العام.
ومازالت حملة الشارة تطالب بإجراءات أكثر قوة في قضية الإفلات من العقاب.
ورصدت الحملة مقتل صحفي واحد في كلٍ من غانا وهندوراس والهند والعراق وإيرلندة الشمالية وكينيا وليبيا والفلبين واليمن.
وتدين الحملة مقتل الصحفيين مطالبة بالإاسراع بتحديد هوية القتلى وتقديمهم بشكل سريع للعدالة.
لمزيد من المعلومات عن الضحايا برجاء التكرم بتصفح موقع الحملة
13.03.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 40th session. PEC oral statement. Since the beginning of 2019, 13 more journalists were killed. The PEC urges the Members of the Human Rights Council to fight more firmly impunity and to bring the responsible of those crimes to justice.
General Assembly
Human Rights Council - 40th session
General Debate item 4
Mr President,
the Human Rights Council adopted by consensus at its last session the resolution A/HRC/39/L7 on the safety of journalists which condemns all attacks and violence against journalists, urges States to create in law and in practice a safe environment for journalists and to ensure accountability.
Regrettably, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) documented last year the killing of 117 journalists, an increase of 17 percent in media casualties compared to the previous year. In five countries journalists paid an unacceptable toll: Afghanistan with 17 killed, Mexico also with 17 killed, Syria with 11 killed, Yemen and India, with 8 journalists killed in each of those countries.
Since the beginning of 2019, 13 more journalists were killed, again with Mexico and Afghanistan as the most dangerous places with 3 killed in each country. The PEC is also very concerned by the murder of one journalist in Ghana, one in Libya, one in Yemen and one in the Philippines.
The PEC urges the Members of the Human Rights Council to fight more firmly impunity and to bring the responsible of those crimes to justice.
The PEC is also worried by the large number of arrests among journalists in the recent turmoil in Sudan, the repression of press freedom in Nicaragua and Venezuela, and the continuous judicial harassment of journalists in Turkey. We also condemn a major step backward for press freedom in Myanmar and demand the immediate release of Reuters journalists Kyaw Soe Oe and Wa Lone detained since december 2017 just for doing their job.
Thank you for your attention
Geneva 13 March 2019
08.03.2019. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 40th session. On the occasion of #WomensDay and the general debate on item 3 at the Human Rights Council, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) agrees with the Special Rapporteur Michel Forst that women journalists face high risks in a number of countries and calls upon Member States to better protect women defenders. Oral statement delivered by the PEC:
General Assembly
Human Rights Council 40th session
Item 3 General Debate
Mr President,
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the Report of the Special Rapporteur Michel Forst on the situation of human rights defenders A/HRC/40/60.
The PEC agrees with the Special Rapporteur that many women defenders often face additional and different risks that men and obstacles that are shaped by entrenched gender stereotypes.
As stated in the Report, in particular women journalists face high risks, often because, exposing issues and challenging those in power, they are highly visible. The PEC condemned in 2018 the murder of 7 women journalists. The previous year, in 2017 a record figure of 16 women journalists were killed.
The PEC regrets that more than 16 months after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta in October 2017, the Maltese authorities have not yet accepted a public inquiry. The PEC urges the Maltese authorities to find the masterminds of this heinous organized crime and to bring them to justice.
We are also very concerned that in the Philippines, award-winning journalist Maria Ressa, chief executive officer of the news website Rappler, has been indicted in what is considered political persecution in response to critical reporting on the Government.
In a number of countries like Afghanistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Mexico, Colombia, women journalists are at high risks. They face non-recognition, marginalization, systematic exclusion, public shaming, stigmatization, attacks on honor and reputation, threats and attacks in the private sphere, online harassment, denial of participation, censorship.
The PEC calls upon all Members of the Human Rights Council to implement the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur in order to better protect women defenders, especially women journalists.
Thank you for your attention
05.03.2019. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) strongly protests against the pressure exerted by the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the UN in Geneva.
(en français après l'anglais)
Geneva 5 March 2019 (PEC). The Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations Office at Geneva attempted to silence the work of civil society members and one NGO at the Human Rights Council. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) denounces it firmly. The Turkish Permanent Mission to the United Nations called on Monday the general secretaries of the Global Alliance FGM and the PEC, the two organizations sponsoring a vetted official side-event at the United Nations Office at Geneva on the theme: "Turkey: adverse effects on human rights while countering terrorism".
The Permanent Mission warned Mr Holger Postulart, Secretary General of the Global Alliance against FGM, a recognized NGO with ECOSOC consultative status to the United Nations, of the dangerousness of the Turkish panellists of the side-event taking place Tuesday, 5 March 2019, at the Palais des Nations, adding that the panellists would be accused of murder in Turkey and were wanted by the Turkish services. The panellists, Mr Levent Kenez and Mr Abdullah Bozkurt are in fact exiled opponents who fight for freedom, freedom of speech and justice in Turkey.
The PEC views this process as a pressure to intimidate and silence innocent victims of the Turkish regime. We asked in an official complaint that this pressure be brought to the notice of the President of the Human Rights Council and to the special attention of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The Permanent Mission of Turkey also took steps with the United Nations Director-General Michael Moeller to convince him to prevent the side-event from taking place. The Director-General and the Office of the High Commissioner immediately replied that there was nothing against the speakers justifying such an action against them, nor any other stakeholder.
The PEC strongly denounces the continued judicial harassment and diabolization of independent journalists fighting for the freedom of press in Turkey. As for now, more than 150 journalists have been prosecuted or jailed in the Republic of Turkey for trying to express their views.
La PEC proteste avec vigueur contre les pressions excercées par la Mission permanente de Turquie auprès de l'ONU à Genève
Genève, 5 mars 2019 (PEC). La Mission permanente de Turquie auprès de l'ONU à Genève a cherché à réduire au silence la société civile et une ONG lors des travaux du Conseil des droits de l'homme. La PEC le dénonce fermement. La Mission permanente de Turquie a téléphoné lundi aux secrétaires généraux des deux organisations la Global Alliance FGM et la PEC parrainant l'événement parallèle prévu le lendemain sur "les effets négatifs sur les droits de l'homme dans la lutte antiterroriste".
La Mission de Turquie a mis en garde M. Holger Postulart, secrétaire général de l'Alliance mondiale, une ONG avec statut consultatif à l'ONU, sur la dangerosité des panélistes turcs de la manifestation parallèle organisée le mardi 5 mars au Palais des Nations, en affirmant que les panélistes sont accusés de meurtre en Turquie et recherchés par les services turcs. M. Levent Kenez et M. Abdullah Bozkurt sont en fait des opposants exilés qui luttent pour la liberté, la liberté d'expression et la justice en Turquie.
La PEC considère ce procédé comme une pression pour intimider et réduire au silence des victimes innocentes du régime de ce pays. Nous avons donc demandé officiellement que ces pressions soient portées à la connaissance du Président du Conseil et de la Haut Commissaire.
La Mission de Turquie est également intervenue auprès du directeur général de l'ONU Michael Moeller pour empêcher la tenue de cet événement parallèle. Le Directeur général et le Haut Commissariat ont répondu immédiatement qu’ils n'ont rien trouvé à l'égard des panélistes turcs, ni les autres parties prenantes, justifiant une action à leur encontre.
La PEC dénonce avec vigueur le harcèlement judiciaire et la diabolisation qui se poursuivent à l'encontre des journalistes indépendants en Turquie au mépris de la liberté de la presse. Plus de 150 journalistes sont l'objet de poursuites ou emprisonnés pour avoir fait seulement leur travail en Turquie.
08.02.2019. Turkey/Saudi Arabia: UN expert delivers early findings in Khashoggi probe. “Evidence collected during my mission to Turkey shows prime facie case that Mr Khashoggi was the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing, planned and perpetrated by officials of the State of Saudi Arabia,” said in a statement Agnes Callamard, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the statement of the UN Special Rapporteur, urges all States to cooperate with the investigation and to send a clear message that arbitrary killings motivated to silence critical voices and impunity will not be tolerated.
Turkey: UN expert delivers early findings in Khashoggi probe (UN statement)
- Evidence points to prima facie case of brutal, premeditated killing
- Planned and perpetrated by officials from Saudi Arabia
- Expert denounces “immunity for impunity”
- Final report will be delivered to Human Rights Council in June
- An important role for the UN and the international community
GENEVA (7 February 2019) – The UN Special Rapporteur leading an independent human rights inquiry into the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi said his murder was the gravest violation of the most fundamental of all rights, the right to life.
“Evidence collected during my mission to Turkey shows prime facie case that Mr Khashoggi was the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing, planned and perpetrated by officials of the State of Saudi Arabia,” said Agnes Callamard, the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, at the end of a visit to Turkey.
“The murder of Jamal Khashoggi and the sheer brutality of it has brought irreversible tragedy to his loved ones. It is also raising a number of international implications which demand the urgent attention of the international community including the United Nations.”
The Special Rapporteur travelled to Ankara and Istanbul with Helena Kennedy, a Queen’s Counsel, Duarte Nuno Vieira, a forensics expert, and Paul Johnston, a homicide and major crimes investigator.
Investigations by the team are ongoing.
Callamard’s final report, to be presented to the Human Rights Council in June, will make a range of recommendations, including for the purpose of formal criminal accountability, and their bases in international law. “The human rights inquiry I have committed to undertake is a necessary step, among a number of others, towards crucial truth telling and formal accountability.”
She said under the international legal framework guiding her mission, the team was focused on those with the duty to investigate Khashoggi’s death, on those who have been involved in the investigation, and on their findings or assessments.
Callamard said Turkey’s efforts to apply prompt; effective and thorough; independent and impartial; and transparent investigations – in line with international law - had been seriously curtailed and undermined by Saudi Arabia. “Woefully inadequate time and access was granted to Turkish investigators to conduct a professional and effective crime-scene examination and search required by international standards for investigation,” she said.
Callamard said that the killing of Mr. Khashoggi violated both international law and core rules of international relations, including the requirements for lawful use of diplomatic missions. “Guarantees of immunity were never intended to facilitate the commission of a crime and exonerate its authors of their criminal responsibility or to conceal a violation of the right to life. The circumstances of the killing and the response by State representatives in its aftermath may be described as ‘immunity for impunity’,” she said.
The Special Rapporteur said her team had been given access to some crucial information about Mr. Khashoggi’s murder, including to parts of the chilling and gruesome audio material obtained and retained by the Turkish Intelligence agency. She said they were not able to undertake a deep technical examination of this material, and had not had the opportunity to independently authenticate the audio material.
Callamard said the team was unable to undertake other crucial inquiries, largely, but not only, due to time constraints. “For instance, we could not meet with the investigators that have been working on the case, such as the chief police investigator and relevant forensic and crime scene specialists,” she said, calling on the authorities to promptly fulfil their pledge to provide access to forensic, scientific and police reports.
The Special Rapporteur said the killing of Mr. Khashoggi was part of a well evidenced pattern of killings globally of journalists, other human rights defenders, activists and opponents of various regimes. “Fleeing abroad in search of safety has become less and less a reliable form of protection,” the Special Rapporteur said. “The international community must take a strong and collective stand against these practices,” she warned.
Callamard thanked the Government of Turkey for their support of the visit and called on relevant authorities’ to remain engaged and to continue to cooperate fully with the mission.
"I intend to continue to consider evidence in the weeks to come and would urge anyone who has knowledge or intelligence about what took place before and after Mr. Khashoggi’s murder to share it with us,” the Special Rapporteur said.
The team met the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Chief of Turkish Intelligence, the Chief Prosecutor of Istanbul and a number of other stakeholders, including from the civil society and the media community. The mission, from 28 January to 3 February, was the Special Rapporteur’s first official visit to the country.
06.02.2019. YEMEN. A Japanese journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka ordered to surrender passport in Tokyo on way to report on Yemen humanitarian crisis. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) does not agree with this measure. Keeping them out of war zones is not the best way to protect journalists who are essential witnesses of humanitarian crises
by Satoshi Sugiyama, staff writer, The Japan Times
On his way to board a flight to Doha at Haneda airport in Tokyo this past Saturday night, Kosuke Tsuneoka’s passage was abruptly halted.
What derailed his plan was something he has since said he had not expected at all: his home country.
The freelance journalist’s final destination was Yemen, a country experts have described as facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. At immigration control, an officer told Tsuneoka that his passport had been invalidated and that he was ordered by the government to relinquish it — in effect banning him from leaving the country.
When he refused to surrender his passport, the Foreign Ministry, which handles passport issuance, informed him that it may consider reporting him to the police, he said.
“I was shocked,” Tsuneoka said in an interview with The Japan Times on Tuesday.
The departure was his second attempt to enter Yemen for the reporting trip, during which he was set to cover relief efforts by aid groups and which he had been planning for three years. When he’d tried to travel on Jan. 14, he’d been denied entry at an airport in Oman and deported.
The Passport Act states that the Japanese government may order its citizens to surrender their passports if they seek to enter a country from which they are banned. Tsuneoka said the government ordered him to forgo his passport because of his entry denial in Oman, even though his route would have passed through a different country this time.
“I protested this action as illegal,” said Tsuneoka.
A Foreign Ministry official declined to comment on the incident.
Tsuneoka, who routinely covers the Middle East, has undergone a series of ordeals during his reporting. In 2010, he was kidnapped and held hostage by a militant group for five months. He was also detained by the Kurdish authorities in Iraq after being suspected of associating with the Islamic State in 2016.
“There is a possibility that he could be arrested if he does not return his passport,” said Makoto Matsumiya, an immigration attorney based in Kobe.
The incident highlights ongoing disagreements between reporters who seek to cover war zones and the government, which observers say wishes for all citizens to avoid travel that presents the risk of them being dragged into a potentially hostile situation — with serious implications for the government.
On its travel warning scale, the Foreign Ministry classifies Yemen at level four — the most hazardous rating — which indicates that all Japanese citizens are urged to evacuate immediately and “avoid all travel regardless of purposes.”
Foreign Minister Taro Kono indicated to reporters Tuesday evening that Tsuneoka could file a petition or a lawsuit if he is dissatisfied with the decision.
“I think he would take those measure if he deems it necessary,” Kono said, adding that he has “respect” for journalists reporting in dangerous areas.
Jumpei Yasuda, who was held as a hostage by militants in Syria for more than three years before being released last October, has faced a severe backlash from critics, who blame him for putting himself in danger.
The Passport Act also states that the government is authorized to confiscate a passport if deemed necessary to protect the holder’s life and property. The law stipulates that if someone fails to surrender a passport by a specified time, they may be sentenced to up to five years in prison, have to pay a maximum fine of ¥3 million or both.
In February 2015, the Foreign Ministry ordered a Japanese freelance photographer to surrender his passport after it concluded that the photographer was highly likely to be in danger during his planned trip to Syria.
The order came after the beheading of two Japanese citizens, including freelance journalist Kenji Goto, in Syria.
The photographer filed a lawsuit, claiming the restriction infringed his constitutional rights of freedom of travel and freedom of the press. The Supreme Court dismissed the case last March.
In that case, Matsumiya explained, the photographer surrendered his passport and received a new one with restrictions banning him from visiting certain countries.
A civil war in Yemen that broke out in 2015 has pushed the country into turmoil, to the extent that in November the United Nations reported 14 million people were at risk of “imminent” and extensive famine.
Tsuneoka said he felt compelled to go to Yemen because he was alarmed by how little attention it gets from Japanese media.
“Japan is an advanced country and a member of the (Group of Seven),” he said, but the media picks up next to no news on Syria or Yemen. “I feel strongly how important it is to report on these developments through my experience as a journalist,” he added.
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) fully agrees with Tsuneoka's statement and supports his will to cover the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, provided that he takes the necessary security measures.
03.01.2019. UPDATE - PEC annual report : 117 media workers killed in 2018 an increase of 18 percent (consult also our page Casualties)
Geneva 3 January 2019 (PEC) – In an update of its annual report, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced that since the beginning of 2018 117 journalists were killed in 31 countries, an increase of 18 percent in media casualties compared to the previous year.
Since the publication of its annual report on December 16, the PEC mourns the death of 4 more journalists, one in India, one in France, one in Colombia and one in Somalia.
In three countries this year journalists paid an unacceptable toll: Afghanistan with 17 killed, Mexico also with 17 killed and Syria with 11.
After these countries, the most dangerous were
India, with 9 journalists killed, and
Yemen with 8 journalists killed. Those 5 countries represent more than half of those killed (62).
In Afghanistan terrorist groups and in Mexico criminal groups bear the main responsibility of the high price paid by media workers. In Yemen and Syria, journalists were killed in fighting or targeted by armed groups while covering the ongoing conflicts.
Ranking six are the United States of America with 6 killed because the tragedy at Capital Gazette in June. Pakistan
follows with 5 killed.
Brazil, Colombia, the Philippines and Somalia, 4 journalists were killed in each country. Three journalists were killed in
Central African Republic
(3 Russian journalists),
in Ecuador, and in Russia.
Two journalists were killed in
Guatemala, two by Israel in Gaza. One media worker was killed in each of the following countries:
Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Nicaragua, Salvador, Saudi Arabia (in the consulate of Istanbul), Slovakia, and Ukraine.
Last year, the number of women journalists killed has risen sharply: from 5 in 2016 to 16 in 2017. This year, 7 female journalists were killed.
The most relevant decrease in media fatalities was in Iraq (9 journalists killed last year, only 1 this year). The biggest increase was in Afghanistan where the numbers have doubled (from 8 in 2017 to 17).
Two-thirds of the victims were killed in zones of conflict (including Mexico), one third in countries in peace.
By region, Asia represents the most affected region with 37 killed, followed by Latin America with 33 killed, the Middle East 24 killed, Africa 9 killed, Europe 8 and North America 6.
In a decade, from 2009 to 2018, 1225 journalists and media workers were killed, 122 per year, on average 2,34 per week. According to the PEC, 99 journalists were killed in 2017, 127 in 2016 (without the victims of two plane crashes), 135 in 2015, 138 in 2014, 129 in 2013, 141 in 2012,107 in 2011, 110 in 2010, 122 in 2009, 91 in 2008, 115 in 2007 and 96 in 2006.
PEC figures are higher than those of other organizations because the PEC considers all media workers killed, wether it is work-related or not. In fact, it is difficult to prove that a crime is related or not to the work of the journalist without independent and full enquiries.
17.12.2018. PEC annual report: 113 media workers killed in 2018 an increase of 14 percent
(French, Spanish and Arabic below) (more on our page Casualties)
Geneva December 17, 2018 (PEC) – In its annual report, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) announced that since the beginning of the year 113 journalists were killed in 30 countries, an increase of 14 percent in media casualties compared to the previous year.
In three countries this year journalists paid an unacceptable toll:
Afghanistan with 17 killed,
also with 17 killed and Syria with 11.
After these countries, the most dangerous were
Yemen and
India, with 8 journalists killed in each country. Those 5 countries represent more than half of those killed (61).
In Afghanistan terrorist groups and in Mexico criminal groups bear the main responsibility of the high price paid by media workers. In Yemen and Syria, journalists were killed in fighting or targeted by armed groups while covering the ongoing conflicts.
Ranking six are the United States of America with 6 killed because the tragedy at Capital Gazette in June.
Pakistan follows with 5 killed.
In Brazil and the Philippines, 4 journalists were killed in each country. In five countries, 3 journalists were killed:
Central African Republic (3 Russian journalists), Colombia, Ecuador, Russia and Somalia.
Two journalists were killed in
Guatemala, two by
Israel in Gaza. One media worker was killed in each of the following countries:
Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Germany, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Nicaragua, Salvador, Saudi Arabia (in the consulate of Istanbul), Slovakia, and Ukraine.
Last year, the number of women journalists killed has risen sharply: from 5 in 2016 to 16 in 2017. This year, 7 female journalists were killed.
The most relevant decrease in media fatalities was in Iraq (9 journalists killed last year, only 1 this year). The biggest increase was in Afghanistan where the numbers have doubled (from 8 in 2017 to 17).
Two-thirds of the victims were killed in zones of conflict (including Mexico), one third in countries in peace.
By region, Asia represents the most affected region with 36 killed, followed by Latin America with 32 killed, the Middle East
24 killed,
Africa 8 killed,
7 and North America
In a decade, from 2009 to 2018, 1221 journalists and media workers were killed, 122 per year, on average 2,34 per week. According to the PEC, 99 journalists were killed in 2017, 127 in 2016 (without the victims of two plane crashes), 135 in 2015, 138 in 2014, 129 in 2013, 141 in 2012,107 in 2011, 110 in 2010, 122 in 2009, 91 in 2008, 115 in 2007 and 96 in 2006.
During the last 5 years (2014 to 2018) the most dangerous countries were Syria (with 64 killed), Mexico (61), Afghanistan (48), Iraq (46), Pakistan (36), India (30), Yemen (29), the Philippines (24), Brazil (22) and Somalia (22).
Far from the goal
The PEC strongly condemns all those attacks and calls upon the authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice. There must be no impunity. The brutal murder in the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is unprecedented and all the light must be shed on the circumstances of this atrocious crime.
"The decrease in the number of victims in 2017, for the first time since 10 years less than 100, has brought hope. After a disastrous start to the year, the end of 2018 was calmer, but we are far from the goal. We need a reduction of at least half the number of journalists killed" said PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen in Geneva.
The PEC demands that international organizations such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe take up this goal of halving the number of journalists killed worldwide, less than 50 per year.
The PEC is pleased to see that the idea of an international convention strengthening the protection of journalists is gaining ground. Without reaching a new convention no legal check and balances will be in place, said PEC President Hedayat Abdel Nabi.
PEC figures are higher than those of other organizations because the PEC considers all media workers killed, whether it is work-related or not. In fact, it is difficult to prove that a crime is related or not to the work of the journalist without independent and full enquiries.
Rapport annuel de la PEC: 113 journalistes tués en 2018 en hausse de 14%
Genève, 17 décembre 2018 (PEC) - Depuis le début de 2018, 113 journalistes ont été tués dans 30 pays, une hausse de 14% par rapport à l'année précédente, a affirmé lundi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) dans son rapport annuel.
Dans trois pays cette année, les journalistes ont payé un prix inacceptable: en
avec 17 tués, au
avec 17 également et en
avec 11 tués.
Après ces pays, le
l'Inde, avec huit victimes dans chaque pays, ont été les plus dangereux. Ces cinq pays représentent plus de la moitié des victimes cette année (61).
En Afghanistan, des groupes terroristes et au Mexique des groupes criminels portent la responsabilité principale de ces attaques. Au Yemen et en Syrie, les journalistes ont été tués dans des combats ou visés par des groupes armés alors qu'ils couvraient le conflit.
Au 6e rang, se trouvent les États-Unis avec 6 tués en raison de la tragédie à la Capital Gazette en juin. Au
Pakistan, 5 journalistes ont été tués.
et les
suivent avec 4 tués dans chaque pays. Dans cinq pays, trois journalistes ont été tués:
la Colombie,
l’Équateur, la République centrafricaine, la Russie et la Somalie.
Deux journalistes ont été tués au
Guatemala, deux par
Israël à Gaza.
Un travailleur des médias a été tué dans chacun de ces pays: Allemagne, Arabie Saoudite (dans le consulat d'Istanbul), Bangladesh, Bulgarie, Éthiopie, Haïti, Indonésie, Irak, Liberia, Libye, Nicaragua, Salvador, Slovaquie et Ukraine.
L'an dernier, le nombre de journalistes femmes tuées avait augmenté fortement: de 5 en 2016 à 16 en 2017. En 2018, 7 journalistes femmes ont été tuées.
La baisse la plus forte du nombre de victimes a été observée en Irak (9 tués l'an dernier, 1 seul cette année). L'augmentation la plus forte a eu lieu en Afghanistan où le nombre de victimes a doublé (de 8 en 2017 à 17).
Les deux tiers des victimes sont mortes dans des zones de conflit (y compris le Mexique), un tiers dans des pays en paix.
Par région, l'Asie est la plus touchée avec 36 tués, devant
l'Amérique latine
(32 tués),
le Moyen-Orient (24),
(7) et l'Amérique du Nord
En dix ans, de 2009 à 2018, 1221 journalistes ont été tués, soit 122 par année, en moyenne 2,34 par semaine. Selon le décompte de la PEC, 99 journalistes ont été tués en 2017, 127 en 2016 (sans les victimes de deux catastrophes aériennes), 135 en 2015, 138 en 2014, 129 en 2013, 141 en 2012, 107 en 2011, 110 en 2010, 122 en 2009, 91 en 2008, 115 en 2007 et 96 en 2006.
Au cours des cinq dernières années (2014 à 2018), les pays les plus meurtriers ont été la Syrie (avec 64 tués), le Mexique (61), l'Afghanistan (48), l'Irak (46), le Pakistan (36), l'Inde (30), le Yémen (29), les Philippines (24), le Brésil (22) et la Somalie (22).
Loin du but
La PEC condamne avec vigueur ces crimes et exhorte les autorités à traduire en justice les responsables. Il ne doit pas y avoir d'impunité. L'assassinat brutal dans le consulat d'Arabie saoudite à Istanbul du journaliste saoudien Jamal Kashoggi est sans précédent et toute la lumière doit être faite sur les circonstances de ce crime atroce.
"La baisse du nombre de victimes en 2017, pour la première fois depuis dix ans au-dessous de 100, avait suscité un espoir. Après un début d'année catastrophique, la fin de 2018 a été plus calme, mais nous sommes loin du but. Nous devons viser une réduction d'au moins la moitié des journalistes tués", a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC à Genève.
La PEC demande que les organisations internationales comme l'UNESCO et le Conseil de l'Europe reprennent à leur compte cet objectif d'une réduction de moitié du nombre de journalistes tués dans le monde, soit moins de 50 par an.
La PEC est heureuse de constater que l'idée d'une convention internationale renforçant la protection des journalistes gagne du terrain. Sans nouvelle convention, aucun contrôle légal ne sera en place, a souligné la présidente de la PEC Hedayat Abdel Nabi.
Les chiffres de la PEC sont plus élevés que ceux d'autres organisations parce que la PEC prend en compte tous les travailleurs des médias tués, que leur mort soit liée ou non à leur activité professionnelle. Il est en effet difficile de prouver qu'un crime a lieu en raison ou non du travail d'un journaliste sans enquêtes indépendantes et complètes.
Informe anual de la PEC: 113 trabajadores de los medios fueron asesinados en 2018, un aumento del 14% con respecto al año anterior
Ginebra 17 de diciembre de 2018 (PEC): En su informe anual, la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció que desde el comienzo del año, 113 periodistas han sido asesinados en 30 países, lo que representa un aumento del 14% en las bajas en los medios de comunicación en comparación con el año de 2017.
En tres países, los periodistas pagaron un precio inaceptable:
con 17 muertos,
también con 17 muertos y
con 11.
Después de estos países, los más peligrosos fueron
y la
India, con 8 periodistas asesinados en cada país. Esos 5 países representan más de la mitad de los muertos (61).
En Afganistán, los grupos terroristas ; y, en México, los grupos criminales,
son los principales responsables del alto precio que pagan los trabajadores de los medios. En Yemen y Siria, los periodistas fueron asesinados en combates o fueron atacados por grupos armados mientras cubrían los conflictos en curso.
El sexto puesto se encuentran
los Estados Unidos de América con 6 muertos debido a la tragedia en Capital Gazette de junio pasado.
sigue con 5 muertos.
Filipinas, 4 periodistas fueron asesinados en cada país. En cinco países, 3 periodistas fueron asesinados:
República Centroafricana
(3 periodistas rusos),
Colombia, Ecuador, Rusia y Somalia.
Dos periodistas más fueron asesinados en
Guatemala, dos por
Israel en Gaza.
Un trabajador de los medios fue asesinado en cada uno de los siguientes países:
Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Etiopía, Alemania, Haití, Indonesia, Iraq, Liberia, Libia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Arabia Saudita (en el consulado de Estambul),
Eslovaquia y Ucrania.
El año pasado, el número de mujeres periodistas asesinadas aumentó considerablemente: de 5 en 2016 pasaron a 16 en el 2017. Este año, 7 periodistas fueron asesinadas.
La disminución más importante, en muertes, en los medios de comunicación fue en Irak (9 periodistas asesinados el año pasado contra solo 1 en este año). El mayor incremento se produjo en Afganistán, donde los números se han duplicado (de 8 en 2017 se pasó a 17).
Dos tercios de las víctimas murieron en zonas de conflicto (incluido México, país que no está en guerra) y un tercio en países que están en paz.
Por región, Asia representa la región más afectada con 36 muertos, seguida de
América Latina con 32 muertos,
Oriente Medio
24 muertos,
8 muertos,
7 y
América del Norte
En una década, de 2009 a 2018, 1221 periodistas y trabajadores de los medios han sido asesinados, 122 por año, en promedio ; 2,34 por semana. Según la PEC, 99 periodistas fueron asesinados en 2017, 127 en 2016 (sin contar con las víctimas de dos accidentes de avión), 135 en 2015, 138 en 2014, 129 en 2013, 141 en 2012,107 en 2011, 110 en 2010, 122 en 2009, 91 en 2008, 115 en 2007 y 96 en 2006.
Durante los últimos 5 años (2014 a 2018),
los países más peligrosos fueron Siria (con 64 muertos), México (61), Afganistán (48), Iraq (46), Pakistán (36), India (30), Yemen (29), Filipinas (24), Brasil (22) y Somalia (22).
Lejos de la meta
La PEC condena enérgicamente todos esos ataques y pide a las autoridades que lleven a los responsables ante la justicia. No debe haber impunidad. El brutal asesinato en el consulado de Arabia Saudita en Estambul del periodista saudita, Jamal Khashoggi, no tiene precedentes y toda la luz debe arrojarse sobre las circunstancias de este crimen atroz.
« La disminución en el número de víctimas en 2017, por primera vez desde hace 10 años arroja una cifra de menos de 100 muertes, ha traído esperanza. Después de un comienzo desastroso en el año, el final de 2018 fue más tranquilo, pero estamos lejos de la meta : necesitamos una reducción de al menos la mitad de la cantidad de periodistas asesinados », dijo el secretario general de la PEC, Blaise Lempen, en Ginebra.
El PEC exige que las organizaciones internacionales como la UNESCO y el Consejo de Europa asuman el objetivo de reducir a la mitad el número de periodistas asesinados en todo el mundo, menos de 50 por año.
La PEC se complace en ver que la idea de una Convención Internacional que fortalezca la protección de los periodistas esté ganando terreno. « Sin no se llega a una nueva convención, no habrá controles legales ni balances », dijo la presidenta de la PEC, Hedayat Abdel Nabi.
Las cifras de la PEC son más altas que las de otras organizaciones porque la PEC considera que todos los trabajadores de los medios de comunicación son como « asesinados », sea que estén relacionados con su trabajo o no. De hecho, es difícil probar que un crimen esté relacionado o no con el trabajo del periodista sin una investigación independiente y completa.
حملة الشارة الدولية – التقرير السنوي
مقتل 113 صحفيا وصحفية في 2018 بزيادة 14 بالمائة عن 2017
جنيف 17 ديسمبر (حملة الشارة) - أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية في تقريرها السنوي أن 113 صحفياً وصحفية قد قُتلوا في عام 2018 في 30 دولة بزيادة 14 بالمائة عن 2017.
ودفع الصحفيون ثمنا باهظاً في ثلاث دول بمقتل 17 في أفغانستان و17 في المكسيك و11 في سوريا.
وتجيء اليمن والهند بعد الدول الثلاث بمقتل 8 في كلٍ منها، وتكون الدول الخمس صاحبة النصيب الأكبر من حيث الضحايا من الصحفيين بمقتل أكثر من 50 بالمائة منهم في هذه الدول بحصيلة 61 قتيلاً.
في أفعانستان كانت الجماعات الإرهابية هي المسئولة عن مقتل الصحفيين، وفي المكسيك الجماعات الإجرامية وفي اليمن وسوريا جاء مقتل الصحفيين فيها نتيجة وجودهم في أماكن قتالية أو مستهدفين من قبل جماعات مسلحة وسط تغطية النزاع.
جاءت في المرتبة السادسة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بمقتل 6 صحفيين في مأساة صحيفة كابيتول جازيت في يونيو الماضى.
ثم جاءت البرازيل وباكستان والفلبين بعد ذلك بمقتل 4 صحفيين في كلٍ منها، وقُتل 3 صحفيين في كلٍ من جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى (3 صحفيين روس)، وكولومبيا، وإكوادور، وروسيا والصومال.
وقُتِل صحفيان في جواتيمالا و2 آخرين بواسطة إسرائيل في غزة. كما قُتل صحفي واحد في كلٍ من بنجلاديش وبلغاريا وإثيوبيا وألمانيا وهايتي وإندونسيسيا والعراق وليبريا وليبيا ونيكاراجوا والسلفادور والمملكة العربية السعودية: مقتل الراحل جمال خاششقى في القنصلية السعودية بإسطنبول، وسلوفاكيا وأوكرانيا.
بالمقارنة بالأعوام الماضية قُتل هذا العام 6 صحفيات وفي 2017 قُتلت 16 صحفية، وفي 2016 قُتلت 5 صحفيات.
وشهد العراق انخفاضا في عدد الصحفيين الذين قُتلوا هذا العام فقُتل صحفي واحد بالمقارنة بـ 9 صحفيين في 2017.
وشهدت أفغانستان أكبر زيادة من 8 في 2017 إلى 17 في 2018.
وقُتل ثلثا الصحفيين في مناطق النزاع بما في ذلك المكسيك، وثلث العدد في دول تنعم بالسلام.
شهدت قارة آسيا أكثر عدد من القتلى: 36، ثم أمريكا اللاتينية 32، ثم الشرق الأوسط 24، ثم أفريقيا 8، أوروبا 7 وأمريكا الشمالية 6.
وطبقاً لحملة الشارة الدولية فإن 99 صحفياً قد قُتلوا في 2017، و127 في 2016(دون عد ضحايا حادثي الطيران)، و135 في 2015، و138 في 2014، و129 في 2013، و141 في 2012، و110 في 2010، و122 في 2009، و91 في 2008، و115 في 2007، و96 في 2006.
في خلال عقد من الزمان من 2009 إلى 2018 وصل عدد القتلى من الصحفيين والعاملين في هذا المجال إلى 1221 بمعدل 122 سنويا وأكثر من 2.3 أسبوعياً.
وأعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية أنها تدين بشدة كل هذه الهجمات وتطالب السلطات بتقديم مرتكبيها إلى العدالة، فيجب ألا يكون هناك إفلات من العقاب. وقالت إن مقتل الصحفي السعودي جمال خاشقجي سابقة غير مسبوقة ولابد من فتح هذا الملف بشفافية كاملة حول هذه الجريمة الشنعاء.
وصرح سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان بأن انخفاض عدد الصحفيين القتلى في 2017 لأقل من 100 صحفي لأول مرة منذ عقد من الزمان قد منح الأمل. مضيفاُ بأنه بعد عام كارثي في بدايته فإن نهاية العام أقل عنفاً، لكننا مازلنا بعيدين عن الهدف. وقال ليمبان إننا في حاجة إلى خفض عدد القتلى من الصحفيين بنحو 50 بالمائة.
وتطالب حملة الشارة اليونسكو والمجلس الأوروبى باتخاذ هذا الهدف هدفاً لهما كما تشير إلى سعادتها في تدعيم قبول فكرة المعاهدة الدولية لحماية الصحفيين من قبل المنظمات الصحفية الدولية.
وصرحت رئيسة الحملة الدولية هدايت عبد النبي بأنه بدون التوصل إلى هذه المعاهدة فلن تكون هناك ضوابط قانونية لتطبيق هذا الخفض.
وأوضحت حملة الشارة أن أرقامها أعلى من منظمات أخرى لأنها تشمل كل الضحايا من الصحفيين المستهدف منهم وغيرهم لأنه من الصعب إثبات أن القتل مرتبط أو غير مرتبط بالعمل الصحفي.
برجاء تصفح موقع الشارة الدولية
03.11.2018. Journée mondiale contre l'impunité. La PEC et l'Organisation professionnelle des journalistes de Côte d'Ivoire joignent leurs forces
Comme chaque année, le 2 novembre, les journalistes ivoiriens ont célébré la journée internationale de la fin de l’impunité pour les crimes commis contre les journalistes. A cette occasion, l'Organisation des journalistes professionnels de Côte d'Ivoire a rejoint la Campagne de la PEC (photo Olivier Yro)
Notre pays, la Côte d’Ivoire, à l’instar des autres pays du monde, consacre la journée du 2 novembre à la fin de l’impunité pour les crimes commis contre les journalistes, pour leur permettre de jeter un regard rétrospectif sur l’exercice de notre métier, en rappelant ce qui est fait par les pouvoirs publics pour assurer son libre exercice, ou pour entraver celui-ci. Il s’agit également, au cours de cette journée, de chercher les voies et moyens pour une presse plus libre et plus protégée.
A travers Cette journée initiée par l’Unesco suite à l’assassinat de deux journalistes français, Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon à Kidal au Mali, la famille des média ivoiriens entend œuvrer activement à faire infléchir la courbe funeste des 800 journalistes assassinés dans la dernière décennie, avec 115 d’entre eux tués dans la seule année 2015 et 123 journalistes tués en 2012, nonobstant des cas d’agressions, de torture, de disparitions forcées, de détention arbitraires, d’intimidation ou de harcèlement. Ailleurs dans le monde, l’Ong Presse Emblème Campaign (PEC) annonce une hausse de 18% de crimes contre les journalistes. Quand RSF qui nous classe 82e, dénonce 62 journalistes tués dont le cas le plus récent est Jamal Khashogui.
En Côte d’Ivoire, selon nos statistiques nous notons dans la dernière décennie 4 journalistes tués dont Sylvain Gagnéteau et Désiré Oué et un disparu. Les journalistes ivoiriens se réjouissent avec leurs confrères dans le monde pour saluer l'adoption en septembre dernier par le Conseil des droits de l'homme de l'ONU d'une nouvelle résolution sur la sécurité des journalistes. Et cela en dépit du fait que cette résolution et les précédentes ne sont pas mises en œuvre par certains gouvernements au détriment de la liberté d'expression.
Les OPM sont entièrement favorable à l'élaboration d'une Convention internationale pour la protection des journalistes avec des mécanismes de mise en œuvre pour combattre de manière plus efficace l'impunité.
Aussi, sommes nous persuadés que la synergie de nos actions, à coups répétitifs, permettra d’interpeler le corpus de la Magistrature et des forces de l’ordre à plus d’égards pour cette frange vulnérable de notre société dont les cas malheureux d’enquêtes sur leurs assassinats, demeurent souvent sans issue et abandonnés.
Nous, journalistes ivoiriens encourageons les autorités ivoiriennes à s’inscrire dans la dynamique de cette convention internationale afin de garantir la sécurité de ceux veillent à la démocratie citoyenne.
Fait à Abidjan, le 2 novembre 2018
31.10.2018. International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November - PEC Condemns an Escalation in Killings of Journalists
French and Spanish after English
Geneva 31 October 2018 (PEC) - On the occasion of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists on 2 November, the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) condemns the escalation in criminal activity against journalists. The Geneva-based NGO demands independent and international investigations to identify the perpetrators of these crimes and prosecute them.
"The fight against impunity is at the core of the combat against violations of human rights. National mechanisms are not enough. International mechanisms of inquiry are needed", stressed PEC Secretary General Blaise Lempen.
The brutal elimination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul marks a very disturbing escalation in criminal activity targeting journalists around the world. The murder of the Bulgarian journalist Viktoria Marinova, even if not related to her work as a journalist, is also appalling.
PEC called for an international commission of inquiry to shed light on all aspects of Jamal Khashoggi's barbaric murder.
Too many crimes against journalists are not investigated and not prosecuted. One year after the assassination of the Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia on 16 October 2017, the sponsors of this murder are not yet known. The PEC with 24 other organisations asked for a public inquiry.
More than 100 journalists killed so far in 2018, an increase of 18%
Ten months into 2018, the number of journalists killed is already higher than last year, according to the PEC figures. Since January, 106 journalists and media workers were killed in 36 countries (compared to 99 for the whole year 2017), an increase of 18% compared to 2017. Afghanistan (17 killed), Mexico (15) and Yemen (8) witnessed the highest number of killings so far.
The PEC welcomed in September the adoption by the UN Human Rights Council of a new resolution on the safety of journalists. Regrettably, this resolution and the previous ones are not implemented by a number of governments, at the expense of freedom of expression.
The PEC is in favor of an international Convention for the protection of journalists with compliance mechanisms to fight more effectively against impunity. The PEC supports the new campaign launched by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) for a UN Convention to protect journalists.
The International Day to End Impunity marks the anniversary of the killings of two RFI Reporters, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, murdered in Mali in 2013.
Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes le 2 novembre - la PEC condamne l'escalade des meurtres de journalistes
Genève 31 octobre 2018 (PEC) - A l'occasion de la Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes le 2 novembre, la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) condamne l'escalade meurtrière visant des journalistes. L'ONG basée à Genève demande des enquêtes indépendantes et internationales pour identifier les responsables des ces crimes et les traduire en justice.
"Le combat contre l'impunité est au coeur de la lutte contre les violations des droits humains. Des mécanismes nationaux ne sont pas suffisants. Il faut des mécanismes internationaux d'enquête", a déclaré le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.
L'élimination brutale du journaliste saoudien Jamal Khashoggi à Istanbul marque une escalade très inquiétante dans l'activité criminelle visant des journalistes dans le monde. Le meurtre de la journaliste bulgare Viktoria Marinova, même s'il n'est pas lié à son travail, est aussi consternant.
La PEC a demandé la mise sur pied d'une commission d'enquête internationale pour faire toute la lumière sur le meurtre barbare de Jamal Khashoggi.
Trop de crimes visant des journalistes ne sont pas poursuivis et restent impunis. Un an après l'assassinat de la journaliste maltaise Daphne Caruana Galizia le 16 octobre 2017, les commanditaires de ce meurtre n'ont pas encore été identifiés. La PEC avec 24 autres organisations a demandé une enquête publique.
Plus de 100 journalistes tués jusqu'ici en 2018, en hausse de 18%
Après dix mois cette année, le nombre de journalistes tués est d'ores et déjà plus élevé que pour toute l'année dernière, selon le décompte de la PEC. Depuis janvier, 106 journalistes et travailleurs des médias ont été tués dans 36 pays (99 pour toute l'année 2017), en hausse de 18% par rapport à 2017. On dénombre le plus de victimes en Afghanistan (17 tués), au Mexique (15) et au Yémen (8).
La PEC a salué l'adoption en septembre par le Conseil des droits de l'homme de l'ONU d'une nouvelle résolution sur la sécurité des journalistes. Malheureusement, cette résolution et les précédentes ne sont pas mises en oeuvre par certains gouvernements au détriment de la liberté d'expression.
La PEC est en faveur de l'élaboration d'une Convention internationale pour la protection des journalistes avec des mécanismes de mise en oeuvre pour combattre de manière plus efficace l'impunité. La PEC soutient à cet égard la nouvelle Campagne lancée par la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) pour l'élaboration d'une telle Convention internationale.
La Journée internationale de la fin de l'impunité pour les crimes commis contre des journalistes marque l'anniversaire du meurtre de deux journalistes de RFI, Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, tués en 2013 au Mali.
Día Internacional para Acabar con la Impunidad por los Crímenes contra Periodistas el 2 de noviembre - PEC condena la escalada de asesinatos de periodistas
Ginebra, 31 de octubre de 2018 (PEC). - Con motivo del Día Internacional para Acabar con la Impunidad por Crímenes contra Periodistas, el 2 de noviembre, la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) condena la escalada de la actividad criminal contra los periodistas. La ONG, con sede en Ginebra, Suiza, exige investigaciones independientes e internacionales para identificar a los autores de estos crímenes y enjuiciarlos.
"La lucha contra la impunidad está en el centro de la lucha contra las violaciones de los derechos humanos. Los mecanismos nacionales no son suficientes. Se necesitan mecanismos internacionales de investigación", subrayó el Secretario General del PEC, Blaise Lempen.
La brutal eliminación del periodista saudí Jamal Khashoggi, el mes pasado en Estambul, marca una escalada muy preocupante en la actividad criminal contra los periodistas de todo el mundo. El asesinato de la periodista búlgara, Viktoria Marinova, aunque no esté relacionado con su trabajo como periodista, también es espantoso.
La PEC exige una comisión internacional de investigación para arrojar luz sobre todos los aspectos de la desaparición de Jamal Khashoggi.
Demasiados crímenes contra periodistas no son investigados, ni procesados. Un año después del asesinato de la periodista maltesa, Daphne Caruana Galizia, el 16 de octubre de 2017, los patrocinadores de este asesinato aún no se conocen. La PEC, junto con otras 24 organizaciones, han solicitado una investigación pública.
Más de 100 periodistas asesinados en 2018, un incremento del 18%
Después de 10 meses en 2018, el número de periodistas asesinados ya es mayor que el año pasado. Desde enero, 106 periodistas y trabajadores de los medios de comunicación han sido asesinados en 36 países (99 por todo el año de 2017), un incremento del 18% respecto al 2017. Afganistán (17 muertos), México (15) y Yemen (8) han sido testigos de las mayores muertes hasta la fecha.
La PEC acogió con satisfacción, en septiembre, la aprobación por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU de una nueva resolución sobre la seguridad de los periodistas. Lamentablemente, la resolución no es aplicada por varios gobiernos a expensas de la libertad de expresión.
La PEC apoya una Convención internacional para la protección de los periodistas con mecanismos de cumplimiento para luchar más eficazmente contra la impunidad. La PEC apoya también la nueva campaña lanzada por la Federacion International de Periodistas (FIP) para un Convenio Internacional dedicada a la protección de periodistas.
El Día Internacional para Eliminar la Impunidad marca el aniversario de los asesinatos de dos reporteros de RFI, Ghislaine Dupont y Claude Verlon, asesinados en Malí en el 2013.
08.10.2018. ONE YEAR AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF DAPHNE CARUANA GALIZIA IN MALTA. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) supported an appeal to establish a public inquiry launched by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom. Below is the letter sent to the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat and signed by 25 organizations
“Dear Prime Minister Joseph Muscat,
I write to you on behalf of the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and 22 organisations (listed below) representing thousands of journalists and human rights activists concerning Malta’s response to the assassination of journalist Ms Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Following her murder on 16 October 2017, the Maltese authorities initiated criminal proceedings against the men who allegedly detonated the bomb that killed Ms Caruana Galizia and a parallel magisterial inquiry into whether others should be charged with criminal offences for commissioning the alleged assassins. Both the criminal proceedings and magisterial inquiry focus solely on criminal culpability. Neither process is investigating the wider and even more serious question as to whether the Maltese state is responsible for the circumstances that led to Ms Caruana Galizia’s death.
Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights requires Malta – as a Member State of the Council of Europe – to comply with its protective obligation by examining (a) whether Malta knew, or ought to have known, of a real and immediate risk to Ms Caruana Galizia’s life; (b) the adequacy of any steps taken by Malta to guard against that risk; and (c) any steps that Malta needs to take to prevent future deaths of journalists and/or anti-corruption campaigners.
On 9 August 2018, a team of international lawyers from Doughty Street Chambers and Bhatt Murphy Solicitors in London issued a legal opinion finding that Malta has failed to institute any inquiry into whether the Maltese state bears any responsibility for the loss of Ms Caruana Galizia’s life. Following the legal opinion, the family has submitted the following request to your government:
To establish a public inquiry under the Inquiries Act that is completely independent of the Maltese police, Government and politicians, and that is conducted by a panel of respected international judges, retired judges and/or suitably qualified individuals with no political or government links.
We fully support the request and urge you to reconsider your position1 and to respond immediately and positively to the request of the family of Ms Caruana Galizia. Protecting the lives and voices of journalists in Malta and across Europe depends upon this public inquiry. There is nothing to fear from this inquiry but the truth.
Seeking justice for Ms Caruana Galizia and protection for those who continue her legacy remains our top priority.
We would appreciate your written response to our appeal.”
Flutura Kusari
Legal Advisor
The European Centre for
Press and Media Freedom
List of organisations
Access Info
Active Watch
aditus foundation
Article 21
Blueprint for Free Speech
Committee to Protect Journalists
European Federation of Journalists
Global Editors Network
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
IFEX (the global network of over 100 freedom of expression organizations)
Index on Censorship
Integra Foundation
International Press Institute
OBC Transeuropa/ Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale
Ossigeno per l'Informazione
PEN International
PEN America
Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM)
Press Emblem Campaign
Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
South East Europe Media Organisation
Transparency International
The Critical Institute
The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom
The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA)
1. Interview of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, BBC Radio, 22 September 2018, available here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/play/b0bkzk0d (minute 49)
27.09.2018. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the adoption by the Human Rights Council of a broader and stronger resolution on the safety of journalists
Geneva, 27 September 2018 (PEC) - The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the adoption today by the Human Rights Council of a new resolution on the safety of journalists. The resolution A/HRC/39/L7 adopted by consensus is broader and stronger than the previous ones.
"The adoption of the resolution is a new sign that global awareness is progressing at the international level in order to combat all attacks targeting journalists and media workers. We are pleased that the document urges States to increase and accelerate their efforts to create and maintain, in law and in practice, a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference", stressed the PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.
The resolution condemns all attacks and violence against journalists, urges States "to ensure accountability through the conduct of impartial, prompt, thorough, independent and effective investigations" and "to do their utmost to prevent violence, intimidation, threats and attacks against journalists and media workers".
New risks and smear campaigns
The document is more complete than the previous resolutions of the General Assembly (72/175 of 19 December 2017) and the Human Rights Council (33/2 of 29 September 2016). It condemns measures aiming to prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online and offline, "including measures to unlawfully or arbitrarily block or take down media websites", expresses concern about the spread of disinformation and propaganda, including in the Internet, and denounces "smear campaigns to discredit the work of journalists".
The text is "alarmed at instances in which political leaders, public officials and authorities denigrate, intimidate or threaten the media, which increases the risk of threats and violence against journalists". It rightly adds a new paragraph urging "political leaders, public officials and/or authorities to refrain from denigrating, intimidating or threatening the media, including individual journalists, and thereby undermining trust in the credibility of journalists as well as respect for the importance of independent journalism".
The paragraph urging States "to sign and ratify the international and regional human rights instruments relevant for the safety of journalists" is also new, as well as the paragraph calling for "integrating the safety of journalists and media freedom into national developments frameworks under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". New is also the paragraph calling upon States "to ensure that defamation and libel laws are not misused to illegitimately or arbitrarily censor journalists" and "when necessary to revise and repeal such laws".
The PEC appreciated the work done by the Human Rights Council on the safety of journalists since the first resolution adopted in September 2012. The Geneva-based NGO thanks in particular the main sponsors Austria, Brazil, France, Greece, Morocco, Qatar and Tunisia for their leading role in this matter. More than 80 States have co-sponsored the resolution.
However the PEC believes that there is a need to mobilize States to discuss a binding international convention on the protection of journalists. National mechanisms are not enough when circumstances do not permit a thorough inquiry and when the judiciary is not independent or does not have the resources.
The PEC also believes that journalists as witnesses in conflict areas are a particular group of civilians that requires special safety measures in the humanitarian law like medical staff.
No progress on the ground
The situation is not improving on the ground either because States are not implementing the resolutions they adopted for various reasons, or because old and new conflicts, terrorist acts, violations of humanitarian law, new threats online and smear campaigns increased the dangers faced by journalists. Since the beginning of this year until the 25 September, at least 95 journalists were killed, 23 more than last year for the same period, according to the PEC figures (consult our page Casualties).
The PEC urges States to translate words into action. In particular it calls on States to fight impunity more firmly.
It encourages media workers and journalists' associations to publicize the new resolution of the Human Rights Council and to use it in their dialogue with their government to ensure the implementation of all its paragraphs.
The resolution adopted is available on our page Documents, as well as previous ones.
***25.09.2018. UNITED NATIONS. MIX & MASH: PRESS FREEDOM & ACCESS TO INFORMATION An initiative of UN Geneva and the City of Geneva. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomed the participants to its stand and explained the goals of the association // MIX & MASH: LIBERTÉ DE LA PRESSE & ACCÈS À L'INFORMATION. Une initiative des Nations Unies à Genève et de la Ville de Genève. La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) a accueilli les participants à son stand et expliqué les buts de l'association
About a hundred people and eight NGOs took part in the evening organized by the UN to meet the people of Geneva. The Press Emblem Campaign was able to answer participants' questions and provide information on the risks faced by journalists, particularly in conflict zones. In the photo, PEC Representative to the UN Ricardo Espinosa and PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen meet with a United Nations information officer.
Environ une centaine de personnes et huit ONG ont pris part à la soirée organisée par l'ONU à la rencontre de la population genevoise. La Presse Emblème Campagne a pu répondre aux questions des participants et donner des informations sur les risques affrontés par les journalistes en particulier dans les zones de conflit. Sur la photo, Ricardo Espinosa, représentant de la PEC à l'ONU et Blaise Lempen, secrétaire général de l'ONU, s'entretiennent avec un responsable du service de l'information de l'ONU.
The Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Michael Moeller (left on the photo) welcomed the participants to the 10th edition of the Mix & Mash, on September 25 at the Brasserie des Halles de l'Ile, Geneva. This edition invited the public to discover the initiatives of the UN, international organizations and local associations in the field of access to information and freedom of the press. Stands were made available to associations, including the Press Emblem Campaign (on the right in the photo its Secreteary-General Blaise Lempen) so that they can communicate on their activities and commitments.
Le directeur général de l'ONU à Genève
Michael Moeller
(à gauche sur la photo) a accueilli les participants à la 10e édition du Mix & Mash, le 25 septembre à la Brasserie des Halles de l’île à Genève. Cette édition a permis au public de découvrir les initiatives de l’ONU, des organisations internationales et des associations genevoises dans le domaine de l’accès à l’information et de la liberté de la presse. Des stands ont été mis à disposition des associations, dont la Presse Emblème Campagne (à droite sur la photo, son secrétaire général Blaise Lempen), afin qu’elles puissent faire découvrir au public leurs activités.
18.09.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 39th session - Oral Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) on item 4: the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is worried by the deteriorating situation of the safety of journalists in some countries since the previous session of the Human Rights Council in June.
General Assembly
Human Rights Council - 39th session
Item 4 - General Debate
Mr President,
the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) is worried by the deteriorating situation of the safety of journalists in some countries since the previous session of the Human Rights Council in June.
The PEC condemns the unjust verdict and a major step backward for press freedom in
Myanmar, where Reuters journalists Kyaw Soe Oe and Wa Lone were sentenced to seven years in jail for reporting the truth on a massacre of ten Rohingyas by military. The PEC calls upon the UN Member States to obtain the quick release of the two journalists.
Afghanistan, more journalists were killed in bomb attacks by terrorist groups. The international community must give more attention to the increased insecurity in this country and improve the protection of journalists with the cooperation of the government.
Mexico, four more journalists were murdered while carrying their job during the past two months. The PEC calls upon the new president of Mexico to do his utmost to fight impunity in his country. The PEC is also concerned by the murder of another journalist in
The PEC condemns the murder of three
journalists in the
Central African Republic in an ambush by an armed group on 30 July. The PEC calls upon the Central African Republic authorities and the United Nations to carry out a thorough investigation to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice.
The PEC is following closely the situation in the Idlib province in
where civilians are in great danger by a new military offensive. The PEC calls on all belligerents to allow journalists on the ground to do their job safely.
Thank you for your attention
18 September 2018
14.09.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 39th session. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) on item 3. The PEC welcomes the new report of the United Nations High Commissionner for Human Rights on the Safety of Journalists (A/HRC/39/23).
General Assembly
Human Rights Council - 39th session
item 3 - General Debate
Mr President,
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the new report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Safety of Journalists (A/HRC/39/23).
We agree with the conclusions of the report that there have been notable achievements in addressing the issue of the safety of journalists at international, regional and national levels. However, the report adds that despite the attention given, "attacks on journalists are increasing, raising legitimate questions about the impact of these mechanisms at all levels".
At this session, a new draft resolution on the safety of journalists is prepared by Austria, Brazil, France, Greece, Morocco, Qatar and Tunisia. The PEC thanks those countries for their concern and their efforts to improve the situation.
Regrettably, the situation on the ground is deteriorating. The number of journalists killed is increasing this year with at least 91 journalists killed since January to September 15. Afghanistan, Mexico and Syria are the most dangerous countries. In Afghanistan, 15 journalists were killed in terrorist attacks, in Mexico 12 were targeted doing their job, and 9 in the war in Syria until now this year.
The PEC believes that the international community must adopt a more robust international instrument to deal effectively with this matter. National mechanisms are not enough when circumstances do not permit a thorough enquiry and when the judiciary is not independent.
The report of the High Commissioner has highlighted the need to constructively assess the impact of the UN Plan of Action and set out options for a stronger approach to go forward. The PEC urges Member States to cooperate fully with this recommendation.
Thank you for your attention
14 September 2018
The report of the High Commissioner is available here:
03.07.2018. PEC report. An increase of 32% in media casualties - Afghanistan, Mexico, Syria most dangerous countries for journalists in the first six months of 2018
(French, Spanish and Arabic versions after English)
Geneva, July 3 (PEC) – According to the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), 66 journalists were killed in 22 countries from January to the end of June 2018. During the same period in 2017 (January to June) 50 journalists were killed: the increase is significant, with 32% more casualties than the previous year.
Five countries represent more than half of the fatalities, Afghanistan, Mexico, Syria, the United States of America and Yemen. In Afghanistan terrorist groups and in Mexico criminal groups bear the main responsibility of the high price paid by media workers. In Yemen and Syria, journalists were killed in fighting while covering the ongoing conflict. In the United States of America, a climate of hatred against the media could have caused the deadly attack on a Maryland newspaper.
Most dangerous countries
Afghanistan from the outset of this year has been the most dangerous country with 11 journalists killed, then Mexico with 8 and Syria with 7 media workers killed. The United States of America follows with 6 killed, then Yemen 5 killed.
The PEC is also concerned by a worrying trend in India, with 4 journalists killed in six months, one in Kashmir.
Three journalists were killed in Brazil, three in Ecuador and three in the Philippines. Two journalists were killed in each of the following countries: Gaza (Israel), Guatemala, Pakistan.
One journalist was killed in the following countries: Bangladesh, Colombia, Haiti, Indonesia, Irak, Liberia, Nicaragua, Russia, Salvador, Slovakia.
The PEC strongly condemns those attacks and calls upon the governments to bring the perpetrators to justice.
"Progress are made to fight impunity in a few countries, like in Colombia. However, as it is in Malta the case after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia or in Mexico, authorities blocked enquiries instead of supporting them", said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen.
The PEC has urged the United Nations to do more to fight against impunity, and in so doing to create an international mechanism which would help judiciary authorities in countries facing conflicts or internal violence to bring perpetrators of crimes against media workers to justice.
Hausse de 32% des victimes - l'Afghanistan, le Mexique et la Syrie pays les plus dangereux pour les journalistes pendant le premier semestre 2018
Genève, 3 juillet 2018 (PEC) - Selon la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC), 66 journalistes ont été tués dans 22 pays, de janvier à la fin juin de cette année. Au cours de la même période de six mois, 50 journalistes avaient été tués en 2017: la hausse est sensible, de 32% d'une année sur l'autre.
Plus de la moitié des victimes ont été tuées dans cinq pays, l'Afghanistan, le Mexique, la Syrie, les Etats-Unis et le Yémen. En Afghanistan des groupes terroristes et au Mexique des réseaux criminels portent la principale responsabilité du prix élevé payé par les travailleurs des médias. Au Yémen et en Syrie, les journalistes ont été tués dans des combats en couvrant le conflit. Aux Etats-Unis, un climat de haine contre les médias pourrait avoir provoqué l'attaque meurtrière contre un journal du Maryland.
Pays les plus dangereux
L'Afghanistan est depuis le début de l'année le pays le plus dangereux pour l'exercice du métier de journaliste avec 11 tués devant le
Mexique, où 8 travailleurs des médias ont été assassinés, et la
Syrie, où 7 victimes au moins ont été recensées. Les
Etats-Unis suivent avec 6 victimes, devant le
avec 5 tués.
La PEC est préoccupée de la tendance à la hausse en
Inde, où quatre journalistes ont été tués depuis janvier, dont un au Cachemire. Trois journalistes ont péri au
Brésil, trois en
et trois aux
Deux journalistes ont été tués dans chacun de ces pays:
Gaza (Israël), Guatemala et Pakistan.
Enfin, on déplore une victime dans les pays suivants:
Bangladesh, Colombie, Haiti, Indonésie, Irak, Libéria, Nicaragua, Russie, Salvador, Slovaquie.
La PEC condamne fermement ces attaques et demande aux gouvernements de traduire leurs auteurs en justice.
"Des progrès ont été réalisés dans la lutte contre l'impunité dans quelques pays, comme en Colombie. Mais, comme c'est le cas à Malte après l'assassinat de Daphne Caruana Galizia ou au Mexique, des autorités bloquent les enquêtes au lieu de les soutenir", a affirmé le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen.
La PEC a appelé l'ONU à faire davantage pour lutter contre l'impunité et à créer un mécanisme international qui permettrait d'aider les autorités judiciaires dans les pays en conflit ou connaissant des violences internes à identifier et poursuivre les responsables de crimes contre les travailleurs des médias.
Aumento del 32% en las bajas - Afganistán, México y Siria, los paises más peligrosos para periodistas durante la primera mitad de 2018
Ginebra, 3 de julio de 2018 (PEC) – Según la Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés), 66 periodistas fueron asesinados en 22 países, de enero a finales de junio de este año. Durante ese mismo período de seis meses, en 2017, 50 periodistas fueron asesinados, es decir, que el aumento es significativo, ya que representa un incremento del 32% año tras año.
Más de la mitad de las víctimas murieron en cinco países, Afganistán, México, Siria, Estados Unidos y Yemen. En Afganistán, los grupos terroristas ; y las redes criminales en México, son los principales responsables del alto precio que pagan los trabajadores de los medios. En Yemen y en Siria, los periodistas han sido asesinados enmedio de los combates cuando se encuentran cubriendo el conflicto. En los Estados Unidos, un clima de odio contra los medios podría haber causado el ataque mortal contra un periódico de Maryland.
Los países más peligrosos
es, desde el comienzo del año, el país más peligroso para el ejercicio del periodismo con 11 muertos pour delante de
México, donde ocho trabajadores de los medios han sido asesinados ; viene enseguida
Siria, donde al menos 7 víctimas han sido identificadas.
Estados Unidos sigue con 6 víctimas, frente a
y sus 5 asesinatos.
La PEC está preocupado por la tendencia al alza en
India, donde cuatro periodistas han sido asesinados desde enero. Tres periodistas perecieron en
Brasil, tres en
y tres en
Dos periodistas fueron asesinados en cada uno de estos países:
Gaza (Israel), Guatemala y Pakistán.
Finalmente, hay una víctima en los siguientes países: Bangladesh, Colombia, Haití, Indonesia, Iraq, Liberia, Nicaragua, Rusia, El Salvador, Eslovaquia.
El PEC condena enérgicamente estos ataques y hace un llamamiento a los gobiernos para que lleven a sus autores ante la justicia.
"Se ha avanzado en la lucha contra la impunidad en algunos países, como Colombia. Pero, como es el caso en Malta tras el asesinato de Daphne Caruana Galizia o México, las autoridades bloquearon las investigaciones en lugar de apoyarlas ", dijo el Secretario General de la PEC, Blaise Lempen.
El PEC pidió a la ONU que intensifique la lucha contra la impunidad y para crear un mecanismo internacional con el fin de ayudar a las autoridades judiciales de los países en conflicto o que experimentan violencia doméstica para identificar y procesar a los responsables de los crímenes contra los trabajadores de los medios.
بيان حملة الشارة الدولية
32 بالمائة زيادة فى الضحايا من الصحفيين
أفغانستان والمكسيك وسوريا الأخطر فى الأشهر الستة الأخيرة
جنيف فى 3 يوليو (حملة الشارة الدولية) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية ومقرها جنيف عن أن الأشهر الستة الأخيرة من 2018 شهدت مقتل 66 صحفياً فى 22 دولة بالمقارنة بـ 50 صحفياً فى نفس الفترة من العام الماضى بزيادة 32 بالمائة عن 2017.
سقط على الأقل 50 بالمائة من الضحايا فى خمس دول هى أفغانستان والمكسيك وسوريا والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية واليمن. قُتِل الصحفيون فى أفغانستان من قبل جماعات إرهابية وفى المكسيك بسبب جماعات إجرامية، بينما قُتِل الصحفيون فى اليمن بسبب تغطية النزاع المسلح فى كلٍ من اليمن وسوريا. بينما وقع الهجوم على صحيفة فى ميريلاند فى نهاية يونيو ولم تُعرف أسبابه بعد حيث قُتِل 6 صحفيين.
أخطر الدول
ظلت أفغانستان هى الأخطر منذ بداية العام بمقتل 11 صحفياً، ثم المكسيك 8 وسوريا بمقتل 7، ثم الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بمقتل 6 صحفيين، ثم اليمن 5 صحفيين.
وتشعر حملة الشارة بالقلق من التطورات فى الهند بعد مقتل 4 صحفيين.
قُتِل 3 صحفيين فى كلٍ من البرازيل وإكوادور والفلبين، و2 فى كلٍ من غزة وجواتيمالا وباكستان، وواحد فى كلٍ من بنجلاديش وكولومبيا وهايتى وإندونيسيا والعراق وليبيريا ونيكاراجوا وروسيا والسلفادور وسلوفاكيا.
تدين حملة الشارة الدولية بقوة هذه الهجمات ضد الصحفيين وتطالب بتقديم مرتكبى هذه الأعمال للعدالة.
وصرح سكرتير عام حملة الشارة الدولية لحماية الصحفيين بليز ليمبان بأن التقدم قد تحقق فى بعض الدول لمكافحة الإفلات من العقاب مثلما حدث فى كولومبيا، إلا أن الوضع كما هو فى مالطة بعد مقتل
Daphne Caruana Galizia أو فى المكسيك، حيث أوقفت السلطات التحقيقات بدلاً من دعمها.
لقد طالبت حملة الشارة الدولية الأمم المتحدة بعمل المزيد من أجل مكافحة الإفلات من العقاب وأن تقوم فى هذا الإطار بإنشاء جهاز دولى يساعد السلطات القضائية فى الدول التى تواجه النزاعات المسلحة أو العنف الداخلى على تقديم مرتكبى هذه الجرائم ضد الصحفيين للعدالة.
لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقع الحملة:
27.06.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 38th session - Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC): The PEC alerts the Council on three particularly dramatic situations, the most serious for the safety of journalists: Afghanistan, Mexico and Yemen.
General Assembly
Human Rights Council – 38th Session
General Debate item 4
Mr. President,
Unfortunately, 2018 and up to date did not reflect the decrease of last year among the number of media victims. So far 57 journalists and media workers were killed since 1 January to 25 June in 22 countries against 50 during the same period last year.
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) would like to alert the Council on three particularly dramatic situations, in fact the most serious for the safety of journalists: Afghanistan, Mexico and Yemen.
11 journalists were killed in Afghanistan since the beginning of the year, targeted by terrorist and extremist groups, which makes it the most dangerous for the media this year. Threats against the Afghan media continue in a climate of insecurity which greatly reduces the freedom of expression in this country.
The situation in Mexico on the eve of the presidential elections is very worrying, 7 journalists were killed since January this year, victims of criminal groups. Last year Mexico filed a sad record of 14 journalists killed. Impunity is total there and a number of journalists have to leave or self-censor.
In Yemen, 5 journalists were killed since the beginning of the year. The ongoing war has led to many media victims in an atmosphere of almost universal indifference. The difficulty in reporting the conflict increases the problem of delivering humanitarian aid and multiplies human rights violations without identifying the perpetrators and bringing them to justice.
The Human Rights Council has adopted since 2012 three resolutions on the safety of journalists. The PEC urges the Council to do more to fight against impunity, and in so doing to create an international mechanism which would help judiciary authorities in countries facing conflicts or internal violence to bring perpetrators of crimes against media workers to justice.
Thank you for your attention
Geneva 27 June 2018
Assemblée générale
Conseil des droits de l'homme - 38e session
Débat général item 4
Monsieur le Président,
Malheureusement, 2018 n'a pas confirmé jusqu'ici la baisse constatée l'an dernier dans le nombre de victimes parmi les journalistes. En effet, 57 journalistes et travailleurs des médias au moins ont été tués du 1er janvier au 25 juin de cette année dans 22 pays, contre 50 pour la même période de l'an dernier.
La Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) veut alerter le Conseil des droits de l'homme sur trois situations particulièrement dramatiques, actuellement les plus graves pour la sécurité des journalistes: l'Afghanistan, le Mexique et le Yémen.
Onze journalistes ont été tués depuis janvier en Afghanistan, cibles de groupes terroristes et d'extrémistes, ce qui en fait le pays le plus dangereux pour les médias cette année. Les menaces contre les médias afghans se poursuivent dans un climat d'insécurité qui réduit fortement la liberté d'expression dans ce pays.
La situation au Mexique à la veille de l'élection présidentielle est très inquiétante: sept journalistes ont été tués depuis le début de l'année, victimes de groupes criminels. L'an dernier, le Mexique a déjà connu un triste record, avec 14 journalistes assassinés. L'impunité est quasi-totale dans ce pays et nombre de journalistes doivent le quitter ou s'autocensurer.
Au Yémen, cinq journalistes sont morts depuis janvier. La guerre continue de faire de nombreuses victimes dans une indifférence quasi-générale. La difficulté de rendre compte du conflit accroît les problèmes d'acheminement de l'aide humanitaire et multiplie les violations des droits humains sans que leurs auteurs soient identifiés et sanctionnés.
Le Conseil des droits de l'homme a adopté depuis 2012 trois résolutions sur la sécurité des journalistes. La PEC l'exhorte à faire davantage pour lutter contre l'impunité, et pour cela à créer un mécanisme international qui permettrait d'aider les autorités judiciaires dans les pays en conflit ou connaissant des violences internes à identifier et poursuivre les responsables de crimes contre les travailleurs des médias.
Merci pour votre attention
Genève, le 27 juin 2018
20.06.2018. 38th session of the Human Rights Council - Side-event on Freedom of the press in Turkey, Palais des Nations, Geneva
"It is far worse that you think", said Levent Kenez (right on the photo), former editor of the newspaper Meydan in Turkey, now in exile in Sweden, at the side-event organized at the UN building in Geneva on the occasion of the 38th session of the Human Rights Council. "We should do every effort not to forget the journalists in jail, name by name", he stressed. .
Remarks by PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen
I am here to express my outrage and the solidarity of the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC). The situation of the freedom of the press in Turkey is very worrying. We have rarely seen such harassment against outstanding journalists under political motives.
Turkey currently has the highest number of journalists in jail worldwide and numerous independent and critical media outlets have been shut down by the Turkish government. It is difficult to obtain reliable information but, according to the latest figures of the Stockholm Center for Freedom, 242 journalists were jailed, 182 arrested and 60 convicted and the number of media organizations seized and shut down by the government has reached 187. The press cards of 889 journalists were cancelled, the assets of 54 were seized and 142 journalists in exile are wanted.
There has also been pressure on foreign correspondents working in the field; restrictions on access to case files and a lack of transparency in proceedings. Journalists in jail have suffered long periods of detention without charges, isolation, physical and psychological torture, inadequate healthcare services, restrictions on visitors, overcrowded cells. Journalists living in exile are concerned with their safety.
Pratically all the journalists under arrest were charged with “membership in a terrorist organization,” or “spreading terrorist propaganda,”. These are completly false accusations. This practice of silencing journalists through the abuse of the criminal justice system and expanding the scope of the definition of terrorism are common among anti-democratic and authoritarian regimes.
The PEC is appalled by severe verdicts with long prison terms on political charges never proved during the investigations. These verdicts targeting veteran journalists are unacceptable.
We call upon all Members of the Human Rights Council to do their utmost to reverse a worrying trend targeting opposition journalists in Turkey. All journalists must be released.
The PEC reminds UN Member States that the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council have adopted by consensus resolutions on the safety of journalists in November 2017 and September 2016 which:
1 - Condemn all attacks and violence against media workers, such as torture, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrest and arbitrary detention, as well as intimidation, threats and harassment, including through attacks on, or the closure of, their offices and media outlets;
2 - Urge the immediate and unconditional release of media workers who have been arbitrarily arrested, arbitrarily detained or taken as hostage or who have become victims of enforced disappearances;
3 - Call upon States to create and maintain, in law and in practice, a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference
4 - Urge States to bring their laws, policies and practices fully into compliance with their obligations and commitments under international human rights law, and to review and where necessary amend them so that they do not limit the ability of journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference;
5 - Also calls upon States to ensure that measures to combat terrorism and preserve national security or public order are in compliance with their obligations under international law and do not arbitrarily or unduly hinder the work and safety of journalists, including through arbitrary arrest or detention, or the threat thereof.
Turkey has adopted those resolutions without reservation. The PEC urges Turkey authorities to respect their international obligations concerning the freedom of expression and the safety of journalists.
Thank you for your attention.
19.06.2018. 38th session of the Human Rights Council. Freedom of expression online: more needs to be done - PEC press release
Geneva, 19 June 2018 (PEC) The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) welcomes the publication of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the protection and promotion of the right to freedom of opinion and expression David Kaye A/HRC/38/35 and its annex A/HRC/38/35/add 1.
"For the first time we have a UN report that gives an overview of public and private regulation of user-generated online content. We strongly recommend that the report be thoroughly read", said PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen, on the occasion of the 38th session of the Human Rights Council.
Cyber warfare has begun. Technology evolves very quickly and gives more and more means to disseminate information and at the same time to control and censor the contents on social media.
The PEC is concerned by the use of social media to disseminate hate, violence, extremism and discrimination, like it was recently witnessed in Myanmar against the Rohingyas with dramatic human consequences. We have seen also the role played by the Internet in spreading terrorist propaganda, recruting new members and foreign fighters in the context of the Iraqi and Syrian conflicts.
Disinformation campaigns via websites and social media have also been employed to discredit or silence dissenting voices and to demonize opposition. Propaganda often targets activists and human rights defenders who risk their lives to document and report on human rights abuses on the ground, labeled as “fake news.”
The danger is real to remove content on the basis of non-transparent, unclear definitions, allegations, and to censor Internet for an ever-broadening range of speech-related offences.
The PEC is also concerned by the fact that excessive reliance on algorithms has unduly restricted depictions of violence in conflict zones, curtailing efforts to document evidence of war crimes, and in a non-legitimate manner targeting content provided by human rights defenders and journalists.
How to deal with this new secret war in cyberspace ? It's only the beginning. More needs to be done to protect freedom of expression online. The report of the Special Rapporteur has identified a range of steps.
The PEC agrees with recommendations of the Special Rapporteur, among them that States should only seek to restrict content pursuant to an order by an independent and impartial judicial authority, and in accordance with due process and standards of legality, necessity and legitimacy.
Companies should recognize that the authoritative global standard for ensuring freedom of expression on their platforms is human rights law, not the varying laws of States or their own private interests. More transparency requires greater engagement with relevant sectors of civil society and avoiding secretive arrangements with States on content standards and implementation, stressed the Special Rapporteur in his report.
04.06.2018. Journalists killed in the European Union: no to impunity - On October 16, 2017 the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered in Malta. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) has decided to honour her memory by giving its annual Award for the Protection of Journalists to members of her family. This crime must not remain unpunished.
Read the PEC Press release, speeches at the PEC Award ceremony on our special page PEC AWARD
02.05.2018. World Press Freedom Day 2018 - PEC: Media victims have dramatically increased
(French, Spanish and Arabic versions after English)
Geneva, 2 May 2018 (PEC) – The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) deplored the dramatic increase in Media victims as the world celebrates World Press Freedom Day tomorrow, Thursday 3 May 2018.
The Geneva based NGO strongly condemns the assassination of 44 journalists in 18 countries this year. During the same period last year from January 1 to 30 April 28 journalists were killed, according to the PEC records. The increase is of 57%.
The PEC is appalled by the death of 9 journalists in two explosions in the Afghan capital Kabul on 30 April. An attacker, disguised as a cameraman, detonated explosives at the site of the initial explosion, according to officials. The PEC strongly condemns this heinous terrorist attack targeting journalists among the crowd.
The most dangerous countries since the beginning of this year are
with 11 killed,
3, and two killed in each of the following countries : Brazil, Gaza (Israel), Guatemala and Pakistan. One journalist was killed in the following countries: Colombia, Haiti, Iraq, Liberia, Nicaragua, Russia, Salvador and Slovakia.
Following the assasination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in
and Jan Kuciak in
Slovakia, PEC Secretary-General Blaise Lempen calls upon States to take additional measures for protecting journalists by running independent investigations, coupled with follow ups to reach the perpetrators and to bring them to justice at all levels.
The PEC welcomes the publication on 10 April of the due process concerning the killing of American journalist Marie Colvin in Syria in February 2012 where it is clear that the forces of Syrian president Bachar al-Assad were responsible for her death and other killings of journalists in Syria, in order to eliminate disturbing witnesses.
The PEC continues to express its worries about the situation in
where arbitrary detention of journalists continue as well as unjust trials. The PEC is appalled by the judicial harassment with which veteran journalists, including the winner of the 2017 PEC Award Hasan Cemal, are being prosecuted and tried for having only done their job as journalists.
The PEC is also preoccupied with the high level of violence at the borders between Israel and Gaza, where two Palestinian journalists were killed by Israeli soldiers, several others wounded.
The PEC also denounces the decline of freedom of the press in
Burma, where two Reuters journalists lie behind bars since 12 December in connection with their coverage of the Rohingya tragedy.
PEC President Hedayat Abdel Nabi reminds the international community that a draft international convention has been presented by the PEC for the protection of journalists in dangerous missions, and that the largest media body: the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has supported this idea in its meeting in october 2017. The Kabul twin attack leaving 9 journalists dead, said Abdel Nabi calls for the urgency of the PEC appeal to start discussions on the draft convention.
The main event of World Press Freedom Day, jointly organized by UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Ghana, will take place in Accra, Ghana on 2 – 3 May. This year’s global theme is ‘Keeping Power in Check: Media, Justice and The Rule of Law’.
Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse 2018 - Le nombre des victimes parmi les journalistes en hausse dramatique
Genève, 2 mai 2018 (PEC) Le nombre de victimes parmi les journalistes a connu une augmentation dramatique depuis le début de l'année, a déploré mercredi la Presse Emblème Campagne (PEC) à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse jeudi 3 mai.
L'ONG basée à Genève condamne fermement l'assassinat de 44 journalistes dans 18 pays depuis le début de cette année. Comparativement, pendant la même période de l'an dernier (1er janvier au 30 avril), 28 victimes avaient été recensées par la PEC. L'augmentation est de 57%.
La PEC est consternée par la mort de neuf journalsites dans deux explosions dans la capitale afghane Kaboul le 30 avril. Un terroriste déguisé en cameraman s'est fait exploser sur le lieu de la première explosion, selon des sources officielles. La PEC condamne énergiquement cette attaque terroriste barbare visant des journalistes au milieu de la foule.
Les pays les plus dangereux depuis le début de l'année sont
avec 11 tués, devant le Mexique (quatre tués),
la Syrie (4 également),
(3 tués),
(3 tués) et le
(3 tués également). Suivent avec deux tués dans chaque pays
le Brésil, Gaza (Israel), le Guatemala et le Pakistan.
Une victime a été recensée dans les pays suivants:
Colombie, Haïti, Irak, Libéria, Nicaragua, Russie, Salvador et Slovaquie.
A la suite des assassinats de Daphne Caruana Galizia à
et de Jan Kuciak en
Slovaquie, le secrétaire général de la PEC Blaise Lempen appelle les Etats à prendre des mesures supplémentaires pour protéger les journalistes par des procédures d'enquête indépendantes et des mécanismes de suivi afin de poursuivre les commanditaires de ces actes et juger les responsables à tous les niveaux.
La PEC a salué la publication le 10 avril des actes du procès des auteurs de la journaliste américaine Marie Colvin tuée en Syrie en février 2012 selon lesquels les forces du président Bachar al-Assad sont clairement à l'origine de ce meurtre et d'autres meurtres de journalistes en
afin d'éliminer les témoins gênants.
La PEC réaffirme son inquiétude à propos de la situation en
Turquie, où les détentions arbitraires de journalistes et procès injustes continuent. La PEC est consternée par l'acharnement judiciaire avec lequel des journalistes vétérans y compris le lauréat du prix PEC 2017 Hasan Cemal sont poursuivis et jugés pour avoir seulement fait leur travail de journalistes.
La PEC se déclare aussi très préoccupée du niveau élevé de violence à la frontière entre
Israël et Gaza, où deux journalistes palestiniens ont été abattus par des soldats israéliens et plusieurs autres blessés.
Elle dénonce la dégradation de la liberté de la presse en
Birmanie, où deux journalistes de Reuters se trouvent derrière les barreaux depuis le 12 décembre en lien avec la tragédie des Rohingyas.
La présidente de la PEC Hedayat Abdel Nabi rappelle à la communauté internationale que la PEC a présenté un projet de convention internationale renforçant la protection des journalistes en mission dangereuse. La plus grande organisation de journalistes, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), a soutenu cette idée lors de la réunion de ses organes dirigeants en octobre 2017. La double attaque de Kaboul ayant causé la mort de neuf journalistes appelle d'urgence le début de discussions sur le projet de convention, a déclaré Hedayat Abdel Nabi.
La Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse est organisée cette année par l'UNESCO sur le thème “Médias, justice et état de droit: les contrepoids du pouvoir”. L'événement principal a lieu à Accra, au Ghana, les 2 et 3 mai.
Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2018 - PEC: las víctimas de los medios han aumentado drásticamente
Ginebra, 2 de mayo de 2018 (PEC). - La Campaña Emblema de Prensa (PEC, por sus siglas en inglés) deplora el dramático aumento de las víctimas de los medios mientras el mundo celebra el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa mañana, jueves 3 de mayo de 2018.
La ONG, con sede en Ginebra, condena enérgicamente el asesinato de 44 periodistas en 17 países este año. Durante el mismo período del año pasado, del 1 de enero al 30 de abril, 28 periodistas fueron asesinados, según los registros de la PEC. El aumento es del 57%.
La PEC está consternada por la muerte de 9 periodistas en dos explosiones en la capital afgana, Kabul, ocurrida el 30 de abril. Un atacante, disfrazado de camarógrafo, detonó explosivos en el lugar de la explosión inicial, según los informes oficiales. La PEC condena enérgicamente este atroz ataque terrorista contra periodistas que se encontraban en medio de la multitud.
Desde el comienzo de este año los países más peligrosos para los medios son
Afganistán, con 11 muertos,
(3) y dos muertos se contabilizan en cada uno de los siguientes países:
Brasil, Gaza (Israel), Guatemala y Paquistán.
Un periodista fue asesinado en los siguientes países:
Colombia, Haití, Iraq, Liberia, Nicaragua, Rusia, El Salvador y Eslovaquia.
Tras el asesinato de Daphné Caruana Galizia, en
Malta; y de Jan Kuciak, en
Eslovaquia, el Secretario General de PEC, Blaise Lempen, hizo un llamado a los Estados para que tomen medidas adicionales para proteger a los periodistas mediante investigaciones independientes, junto con seguimientos, hasta llegar a los autores y llevarlos ante la justicia en todos los niveles.
La PEC celebró la publicación, el pasado 10 de abril, del debido proceso relacionado con el asesinato de la periodista estadounidense, Marie Colvin, ocurrido en
en febrero de 2012, donde está claro que las fuerzas del presidente sirio, Bachar al-Assad, fueron responsables de su muerte, así como de otras muertes de periodistas en Siria mismo, para eliminar a testigos perturbadores.
La PEC sigue expresando su preocupación por la situación en
Turquía, donde continúa la detención arbitraria de periodistas y los juicios injustos. La PEC está consternada por el hostigamiento judicial con el que los periodistas veteranos, incluido el ganador del Premio PEC 2017, Hasan Cemal, están siendo enjuiciados y juzgados por haber hecho únicamente su trabajo como periodistas.
La PEC también está preocupada por el alto nivel de violencia en las fronteras entre
Israel y Gaza, donde dos periodistas palestinos fueron asesinados por soldados israelíes y varios otros resultaron heridos.
La PEC también denuncia el declive de la libertad de prensa en
Birmania, donde dos periodistas de Reuters permanecen tras las rejas desde el 12 de diciembre pasado en relación con su cobertura de la tragedia Rohingya.
La presidente de PEC, Hedayat Abdel Nabi, recuerda a la comunidad internacional que la PEC ha presentado un proyecto de convención internacional para la protección de periodistas en misiones peligrosas, y que el mayor organismo federador de medios: la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), apoyó esta idea en su reunión en octubre de 2017.
Con relación al ataque gemelo de Kabul, que dejó 9 periodistas muertos, Hedayat Abdel Nabi, recordó con urgencia el llamado de la PEC para iniciar discusiones sobre el borrador de la convención.
El evento principal del Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, organizado conjuntamente por la UNESCO y el Gobierno de la República de Ghana, tendrá lugar en Accra, Ghana, del 2 al 3 de mayo. El tema global de este año es « 'Mantener el poder bajo control: los medios, la justicia y el estado de derecho ».
اليوم العالمى لحرية الصحافة
حملة الشارة الدولية: عدد الضحايا من الصحفيين تزايد
جنيف فى 2 مايو 2018 (حملة الشارة) – أعلنت حملة الشارة الدولية ومقرها جنيف بمناسبة اليوم العالمى لحرية الصحافة الذى يواكب الخميس 3 مايو أنها تأسف لزيادة عدد الضحايا من الصحفيين.
وتدين حملة الشارة الدولية بقوة تفجيرى أفغانستان الذى راح ضحية لهما 9 صحفيين فى نهاية أبريل حيث قام شخص بتقمص شخصية مصور صحفى وفجر نفسه فى التفجير الأول، وهو أمر تدينه حملة الشارة وتصفه بالهجوم الارهابى الخسيس استهدف صحفيين بين جموع القتلى والمصابين.
وأدانت الحملة أيضا مقتل 44 صحفياً وصحفية على الأقل فى 18 دولة خلال العام الحالى.
خلال نفس الفترة فى العام الماضى من يناير إلى 30 أبريل قُتِل 28 صحفياً طبقاً للأرقام التى رصدتها الحملة. مما يعنى زيادة فى الصحايا بنحو 50 بالمائة.
وأخطر البلاد هذا العام منذ بدايته هى أفغانستان 10، المكسيك 4، سوريا 4، إكوادور 3، الهند 3، وقُتِل 2 فى كلٍ من البرازيل، وجواتيمالا، وباكستان، غزة، وواحد فى كلٍ كولومبيا والعراق وليبيريا ونيكاراجوا وهايتى وروسيا والسلفادور وسلوفاكيا.
وبهذه المناسبة وفى أعقاب مقتل
Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta and
Jan Kuciak in Slovakia,
طالب سكرتير عام الحملة بليز ليمبان الدول باتخاذ إجراءات إضافية من أجل حماية الصحفيين من خلال إجراء تحقيقات مستقلة مع متابعة لكل جانٍ وتقديمه للعدالة على كل مستوى.
ورحبت الحملة بنشر وثائق قضائية خاصة بمقتل مارى كولفن فى 10 أبريل التى قُتِلت فى بداية النزاع السورى المسلح فى مدينة حمص حيث إن الوثائق تشير إلى أن الحكومة السورية هى التى اغتالتها، وكذلك مقتل صحفيين آخرين بهدف إسكات أصوات الشهود.
ولقيت مارى كولفن حتفها فى فبراير 2012 بمدينة حمص، برفقة المصور الفرنسى، ريمى أوتشليك، عندما تعرضت البناية التى كانوا فيها إلى القصف.
وأعربت الحملة عن استمرار قلقها بشأن الموقف فى تركيا حيث استمرار عمليات الاعتقال العشوائى للصحفيين وكذلك المحاكمات غير العادلة. وتشعر الحملة بالفزع من جراء المضايقة القضائية ضد الصحفيين بمن فيهم الحاصل على جائزة الحملة فى 2017
Hasan Cemal،
حيث يواجهون المحاكمة لأنهم يقومون بعملهم كصحفيين.
وتستنكر الحملة تراجع حرية الصحافة فى بورما حيث تم اعتقال 2 من صحفيى رويترز منذ 12 ديسمبر الماضى بسبب تغطيتهما أحداث الروهينجا.
وتشعر بالقلق من تزايد العنف على الحدود بين غزة وإسرائيل حيث قُتِل 2 من الصحفيين الفلسطينيين بواسطة جنود إسرائيليين.
وصرحت هدايت عبد النبى، رئيسة الحملة، بأنها تذكِّر المجتمع الدولى بوجود مشروع معاهدة دولية من أجل حماية الصحفيين فى مناطق النزاع المسلح والمناطق الأكثر خطورة ودموية وقُدِّم من قبل الحملة وأن أكبر تجمع صحفى فى العالم - وهو اتحاد الصحفيين العالمى - قد أقر فى مؤتمره العام فى أكتوبر 2017 هذه الفكرة.
ومن المفيد، قالت عبد النبى، أن يوصى مؤتمر أكرا فى يومة الأخير غداً بالتوصية بالبدء فى مناقشة مشروع المعاهدة بسبب حادث كابول.
وتختتم اليونسكو مؤتمرها السنوى بمناسبة اليوم العالمى لحرية الصحافة فى أكرا – غانا غداً 3 مايو، حيث دارت المناقشات حول التفاعل بين وسائل الإعلام والسلطة القضائية وسيادة القانون.
لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء تصفح موقع الحملة:
20.03.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL 37th session - item 8. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC): The PEC is worried about the escalation of repression against press freedom in Turkey
General Assembly
Human Rights Council 37th session
Item 8 - General Debate: Follow-up and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
Mr President,
the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) would like to draw the attention of the Human Rights Council to the situation of press freedom in Turkey at the occasion of the debate on the follow-up of the Vienna Declaration.
The PEC welcomed the release of German Turkish journalist Denis Yücel after one year behind bars without charge on February 16. However on the same day a Turkish court condemned journalists Mehmet Altan, Ahmet Altan and Nazli Illicak to life imprisonment. The three journalists have always denied any implication in the 2016 coup attempt.
We are appalled by those severe verdicts which are an escalation in repression of press freedom in Turkey. On March 8, an Istanbul court sentenced 25 journalists to prison terms of up to seven and a half years on the same political charges never proven during the investigation.
Around 160 media outlets have been closed since July 2016 and more than 120 journalists are still behind bars in Turkey, the worst situation in the world.
We call upon all Members of the Human Rights Council to do their utmost to reverse this worrying trend for press freedom and the Vienna Declaration. Neither the difficult situation in the Kurdish part of Turkey or the ongoing conflict in Syria are a justification for these trials targeting opposition journalists and silencing all voices of dissent.
Thank you for your attention
20 March 2018
14.03.2018. Human Rights Council - 37th session - Item 4 General Debate. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC): The perpetrators and those who ordered the murders of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Jan Kuciak must be brought to justice without delay.
General Assembly
Human Rights Council - 37th session
Item 4 General Debate
Mr President,
to begin with there is good news: last year for the first time since 2008 the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) registered less than 100 fatalities among media workers worldwide. In 2017 99 journalists were killed in 28 countries, a reduction of 22 percent in media casualties compared to 2016.
It is a good sign that all the measures taken by the international community be it resolutions of UN Member States, the UNESCO plan of action, the work of the NGOs, measures undertaken at the national level for combatting impunity, started to bear fruit.
However, the toll is still too high. The PEC deeply regrets that since the beginning of this year 14 journalists have already paid the highest price for doing their job, particularly in Mexico, Syria, Yemen, Brazil, Guatemala and Slovakia.
The PEC strongly condemns the murder of the young reporter Jan Kuciak in Slovakia on February 25. After the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta on October 16, it is the second murder of an investigative journalist in the European Union (EU) in less than 5 months.
Jan Kuciak was working on a story revealing the influence of the Italian mafia in Slovakia and its alleged ties to people close to the Prime Minister, Robert Fico.
In the Slovak capital Bratislava, among the 20.000 protesters at his funeral, some carried photographs of Mr Kuciak and his girl friend Ms Kusnirova, along with a banner reading: “An attack on journalists is an attack on all of us.”
This very worrying trend in the EU cannot be tolerated. The perpetrators and those who ordered the murders of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Jan Kuciak must be brought to justice without delay.
Thank you Mr President
14 March 2018
12.03.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 37th session. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) - Interactive Dialogue item 4 on Myanmar. The PEC calls for the immediate release of two Reuters journalists detained since 90 days
General Assembly
Human Rights Council - 37th session
Item 4 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar
Mr President,
the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) thanks the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar for her report and wants to express its dismay about recent measures concerning the erosion of the press freedom in Myanmar.
Two Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, were arrested on December 12 in Yangon after being invited to meet police officials over dinner. Three months later they are still behind bars.
Both reporters were dedicated to the truth. On February 8, Reuters publishes the investigation that the reporters had been working on. It describes how security forces and local Rakhine Buddhists were involved in the killing of 10 Rohingya Muslim men buried in a mass grave in Rakhine state.
The two Reuters journalists have only done their job. Their detention brought back memories of repressive military rule. These detentions are another way for the government to censor information about the humanitarian catastrophe taking place in Rakhine State.
The PEC considered that the presence of journalists in conflict zones is very important to witness violations from all parties.
The United Nations have adopted in recent years 8 resolutions on the safety of journalists. Journalists must be able to do their job without fear, intimidation and prosecution. Myanmar must stop blocking news coverage of the Rohingya tragedy in Rakhine state.
The two Reuters journalists must be immediately released.
Thank you Mr President
12 March 2018
09.03.2018. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - 37th session. Statement delivered by the Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) - General Debate item 3 - The PEC very concerned by the dramatic increase in attacks by terrorist groups targeting media installations and media workers in Afghanistan.
General Assembly
Human Rights Council 37th session
Item 3 – General Debate
Mr President,
The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) thanks the Special Rapporteur for his report on the human rights challenge of states of emergency in the context of countering terrorism A/HRC/37/52.
The PEC wants to draw the attention of the Special Rapporteur to the dramatic increase in attacks by terrorist groups targeting media installations and media workers in Afghanistan.
An unprecedented increase in threats and violence against journalists has created serious concern about the survival of freedoms of expression and that of the media, a major threat to the country’s overall progress.
Last year, Afghanistan was the most dangerous country for journalists around the world after Mexico and Iraq, with nine journalists killed. Attacks against radio and television stations continued in January of 2018.
Those killed have either been directly targeted by terrorist groups or lost their lives as a result of terrorist attacks. The continuation of violence by terrorist groups, especially the Taliban and the so-called Islamic State is a serious cause of concern regarding self-censorship and free content production by media. For example there has been a notable decrease in the number of female journalists working in media organizations because of increasing insecurity.
Although the government of Afghanistan has taken a number of measures for the safety of journalists, these measures have not produced the desired outcomes because of their weak implementation.
The PEC asks the Special Rapporteur what are the possible ways to protect media workers from terrorists attacks without harming the freedom of the press.
Thank you for your attention.
05.01.2018. UPDATE PEC ANNUAL REPORT. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) regrets the death of two more journalists at the end of 2017, one in Afghanistan, one in Syria since the publication of its annual report on 18 December. The final number for 2017 is 99 journalists killed in 28 countries, still a significant decrease of 22% compared to 2016. The most dangerous countries in 2017 were Mexico (14 killed), Iraq (9), Afghanistan (9), then India (7), Pakistan (7) and Syria (7) (for more see our page CASUALTIES)